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LTTP: Blue Stinger

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
My search has lead me to believe that NeoGAF has never had a topic on Blue Stinger since its clearing, which is a shame.

In my continued quest to play every horror game ever, I have just finished Blue Stinger. This game may be best known as one of the Dreamcast launch titles, or as that really weird quirky game made by the same people who went on to make the much more recognized cult title, Illbleed.

Merry Christmas~


Blue Stinger is about some guy named Elliot who rescues people, but may be in need of rescue when he and a friend, who are visiting the creatively named Dinosaur Island for vacation, are at the scene when a sudden a meteorite hits the ocean near the island, and a strange, inescapable dome is formed around the island. And lord and behold strange dinosaur-like aliens begin to pop up on Dinosaur Island, who woulda thunk? Before he knows it, he meets a fisherman named Doggs, some computer-nerd sniper chick named Janine, and a strange blue fairy who they call Nephilim. This all happens on Christmas Eve and into Christmas, and the game won't let you forget that if the billboards have anything to say about that.

Blue Stinger and Illbleed have a level of shoddy quirkiness about them that is truly unlike any other game out there. This is almost certainly due to the director of both titles, Shinya Nishigaki, who unfortunately passed away a few years after the release of Illbleed at the age of 42. One has to ponder what sort of games he'd have cooked up if not for his passing. In an interview conducted one month before his death, he commented that his single biggest source of inspiration for games were movies. His dad worked for a movie studio, so he got to see all the free movies he wanted to while growing up, and saw a variety of films, including American and European films regularly. “Movies have big budgets, like Titanic, for example. The big video game companies can throw lots of money at the programming aspect and try to make impressive graphics and special effects. My imagination is like a big-budget movie,” he said, in explaining on how his vision for games worked for a small studio, and also commented in a similar position of a fan who was making a fan-made sequel for Illbleed at the time, “I like this energy, so it’s ok with me. If I had to choose money or energy, I would choose energy. If one person likes Illbleed, then to me, it’s a success.”

I think all of this is very apparent in this game. This comes off as a passion project, and a very quirky one at that. However, it also is extremely shoddy, and the fact it was a low-budget and in many ways amateur effort definitely show as well. But then, credit must be given that I didn't actually find myself bored playing Blue Stinger personally. The game keeps throwing so many odd things at you, hamminess through the roof that is rather enjoyable, and actually changes up the gameplay between main locations to keep things fresh and interesting enough. Actually to my surprise, the pacing of the game isn't that bad, the developers seemed to have caught on to a lot of pacing flaws of games even today, and actually do things like lessening the combat later into the game to avoid players becoming fatigued, or introducing weird new things into each area to keep it interesting, such as a changing level, or climbing walls, or a sudden bath scene.

I'm still asking myself though if I thought the game was good or not. Which I honestly can't say right now. It also didn't strike me as being as 'good' of what I've played of Illbleed, but also being quirky in its own right.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, the game is flawed, and its not a masterpiece or something that should be experienced in my opinion like Illbleed is, but if the weird side of games or the hammy and the quirky appeal to you, or the oddities in the horror genre, this game is probably worth your time.

A note that the English version features a free-roaming camera, while the Japanese version features fixed camera angles, for whatever reason. Just to mention for those who might want to experience it.


I think with a game like Blue Stinger, its more worth talking about what stood out about the game. Firstly, the boss battles. They aren't cream-of-the-crop in gaming or something, but I had fun with most of them, and most were pretty fun ideas. Things like a giant insect wearing a giant truck on its back, or a giant slime monster, or a giant dinosaur-like thing. A lot of giant things, actually. Though probably the most notable is the final boss, which felt like a legitimate
Kaiju (as in, a strange giant monster that felt like it wouldn't be out of place in a Godzella movie).

Or the soundtrack, which is strangely cinematic and it sounds like they got an actual orchestra to play some of the music in the game. Seriously, how the hell did they afford an orchestra!? But really, most of the soundtrack is good, though a few of the songs become quite repetitive.

Dogs, one of the main characters and one of the two you can play as, is an enjoyable asshole pirate(?) who definitely stands-up in the game.

Or how can one forget the stage in the game when Elliot is
slowly transforming onto a monster and you gain scorpion tail-things on your back and the ability to climb pipes
, or the mentioned random bath scene that happens out of the blue between Elliot and Dogs.

Or how hilarious its opening is.

Or how over-dramatic cliche, but not badly done, its ending is.

The heart is definitely felt in the game, and its not a bad game, shoddy though. But definitely along with Illbleed something that is unlike anything else in the industry right now. A sort of low-budget, arguably bad game that revels in the fact, and in the end is actually quite a bit of fun because of it. Almost the exact opposite to AAA development and everything it stands for, but interesting in its own way.
Oh man, Blue Stinger. I remember the first time I saw screenshots of this for Dreamcast. I was so hyped. Once it finally came out, though, I think I turned it off after 30 min or so and never looked back. I was very disappointed with how cheap the game felt.


Oh god
This game did not age at all.

But I fucking love it. It was my "first" RE as a child I think.
I then acquired Resident Evil Code Veronica during the Dreamcast cycle.

Such happy days. Loved the game. I remember failing to save the worker in the lift because I didn't know I was supposed to go up the shaft and open the door for him

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Oh man, Blue Stinger. I remember the first time I saw screenshots of this for Dreamcast. I was so hyped. Once it finally came out, though, I think I turned it off after 30 min or so and never looked back. I was very disappointed with how cheap the game felt.

I am convinced they budgeted some things over refining some gameplay elements. The music and cinematics seem strangely high-quality to the rest of the game, but then voice actors are laughably bad (should mention that their the same VAs as Illbleed in a lot of places), there's a lot of clipping, the camera in the game is terrible. But then I also can see they did put effort into the gameplay, which also becomes apparent more later in.

I forgot to mention this but I think the game might have changed a lot in development. I notice the beginning of the game feels very different from the beginning of the game, and some gameplay elements, such as rescuing survivors or letting them die, disappear after the first fourth of the game. It feels like they changed some things in development, but instead of change the earlier made stuff, they just left it in.


Ugh what a terrible game, probably the worst game I ever bought and it was at retail too. I picked it up over Sonic Adventure.
My favorite part was the freak physique when the hero turns into half monster. Other favorite part was when him and Dogs took a bath together "rub a dub dub two men in a tub"


erotic butter maelstrom
Nice thread. I really would like to purchase a Dreamcast just to play (or replay) all of the weird and campy games in it's library, like Blue Stinger, Seventh Cross, Carrier, Dynamite Cop, Zombie Revenge etc. It definitely was one of the quirkiest, most unique console libraries ever. They just don't make 'em like that anymore outside of a few exceptions like Deadly Premonition.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
hahahah! the intro

Jim start up the engine!

... Where to?

A lot of the dialogue is pretty laughable in the game. And some of the lines feel so out of place or weirdly taken care of. Two moments that stook out to me.

(guy talking about how they better hurry up and get out, they can get a key in a wine rack)
(sudden awkward 10-second pause of nothing)
"Well, good luck."

I also don't remember the exact dialogue, but there's a part when they enter the power plant when Dogs seems so surprised the powerplant is turned on and asks what is happening,, then Elliot says, "I dunno", but then Dogs suddenly seems to know exactly what is going on out of nowhere and tells Elliot exactly what to do, specifically to head upstairs to the third floor so they can get to the generator to cool it down, even though less than two seconds ago he was acting totally confused to the whole scenario.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Ugh what a terrible game, probably the worst game I ever bought and it was at retail too. I picked it up over Sonic Adventure.
My favorite part was the freak physique when the hero turns into half monster. Other favorite part was when him and Dogs took a bath together "rub a dub dub two men in a tub"

Oh dear. I do find it amusing how both had many of the same voice actors, I should mention, it took me a while to play that Elliot and Dogs were voiced by Ryan Drummond and Deem Bristow.

This I find amusing as part of me feels it is a bad game that's so-bad-its-good, but then I also feel part of me appreciates it quirkiness and evident passion project-ness, that I actually do enjoy some parts of it non-ironically, but then some parts of it are really shoddy.

Nice thread. I really would like to purchase a Dreamcast just to play (or replay) all of the weird and campy games in it's library, like Blue Stinger, Seventh Cross, Carrier, Dynamite Cop, Zombie Revenge etc. It definitely was one of the quirkiest, most unique console libraries ever. They just don't make 'em like that anymore outside of a few exceptions like Deadly Premonition.

Yup, the amount of quirky and unique titles Dreamcast had in its short time alive is both impressive, and saf that it died so young. To imagine what other titles may have bee born if the Dreamcast had been alive for a few more years.
Interesting how Nishigaki and Naito both spearheaded Climax's post-Landstalker development in different ways. I haven't played this yet, but it appears to be part of a holy horror trilogy unique to the Dreamcast. This wacky thing, fuckin' Illbleed, and the Eno-tastic D2 each go way beyond the norms to fluster players with crazy ideas.


Even though I never played Blue Stinger, I remember first seeing it in the official Dreamcast magazine and drooling over the graphics


Man there's so many quirky horror games on Dreamcast.
I really need to get around to playing them. Its a sad thing we don't see that sort of thing often anymore. Hell that's probably one of the reasons Deadly Premonition is so loved. It's basically one of those games when you look at it.


I really loved this game, say what you want about it,a game where you get fighting moves to punch monsters by buying t-shirts is awesome

I remember getting a light saber and going to town beating coins out of monsters

The fact that it all takes place at christmas with decorations and music playing in some areas was pretty special too


Bought this at launch for DC expecting RE level experience. Played for an hour, put back in box, regretted purchase.


Nice thread. I really would like to purchase a Dreamcast just to play (or replay) all of the weird and campy games in it's library, like Blue Stinger, Seventh Cross, Carrier, Dynamite Cop, Zombie Revenge etc. It definitely was one of the quirkiest, most unique console libraries ever. They just don't make 'em like that anymore outside of a few exceptions like Deadly Premonition.

Seventh Cross is fantastic.


I remember that game was a reason why I was excited for a DC back then.

The guy walks and then pops a bazooka and blow a monster up! WOAH!

I rented the game and was disappointed.
Then I bought it for cheap at a later time and spent more efforts on it and it was a really good (flawed) game.

I remember when Elliot and the other guy are in a bath together. The other guy said something about Elliot being well equipped or something that made me laugh then. ;)


Remember seeing the screenshots and getting hyped. Then the reviews rolled in, and that was it. Never bothered to try it.


This is one of the games I picked up on launch day. I remember really enjoying it, in spite of the negative reviews it had been getting at the time.


I loved Blue Stinger. I got it at launch and got sick shortly thereafter. I laid in bed for most of a week playing that game. I enjoyed raiding vending machines while Christmas music played in the background. Good times.



Blue Stinger and Frame Gride were my go to games on the DC for such a long time since I didn't have money for other games.

Oh the memories...

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I find it interesting how half seem to remember it badly, and half seem to remember it in a good way. I guess it makes sense though, due to how the game is. Though I also think maybe a few more might of enjoyed it past the beginning area, which is notably different in my opinion from the rest of the game. My take is that I started enjoying the game a lot more once you reach the market area, and it got better from there, with only a few steps back. That said I wouldn't say it because a good game, but I did think it became 'good' game, by which I mean its enjoyable (at least to me) despite the fact I can say it wasn't really a good game for normal good reasons.
Great B-game. A couple friends and I all wrapped it more than a few times and managed to unlock most, if not all, of the secret stuff. The game's been a running joke between us for years.

"It's Hassy time!"

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Great B-game. A couple friends and I all wrapped it more than a few times and managed to unlock most, if not all, of the secret stuff. The game's been a running joke between us for years.

"It's Hassy time!"

Definitely one of the truest B-games I've played in a while.

Shinya Nishigaki R.I.P.

Illbleed is another quirky Nishigaki game.

Illbleed I need to beat all the way, but from what I play I feel it may be a better game, both in quality and weirdness, than Blue Stinger, but this was really enjoyable too.

I actually am very sad he died though. Outside of normal reasons, also as I would of loved for more games like this to have been made.


I saw Gameinformer's super replay of this and this is a hilarious game. I would buy the shit out of an hd version on psn or pc.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I saw Gameinformer's super replay of this and this is a hilarious game. I would buy the shit out of an hd version on psn or pc.

There was actually an updated version of this game and Illbleed being developed for Xbox that were to included fixes, better graphics, and one new stage in both, but it unfortunately never happened after the death of the director and the studio closing down.


I was a good portion of the way through this game before deleting my save to play Shenmue again. It's definitely a good B game for the DC. Fun cheese.


Just a little a background information on Blue Stinger:

  • The camera angles for the version outside of Japan were changed at the insistence of Activision, the publisher of the game outside Japan. Nishigaki wasn't happy about it, but changed it to please Activision. In the Japanese version of Blue Stinger, the camera doesn't follow around Elliot close-up, instead the Japanese angle is more wide-angle, giving the player a better look at the well designed background surroundings and incoming enemies. Blame the camera angles if you don't like the way the game looks.

  • Sega asked Nishigaki for a sequel to Blue Stinger since it sold well, (500,000 copies) but he declined and decided he wanted to move on to design a new game which would turn into Illbleed. Illbleed has countless camera angles that the player can choose from.

  • There is an image song for Blue Stinger called "Sting Me", complete with Hassy costumes on the two singers:


The music video can be seen here:



Anyone remember headhunter? Another game that looked great in screenshots but really didn't live up to the hype for me.
I don't think it got a sequel.

So what the fuck did I play on my Japanese PS2? Shit, my memory sucks and it was a very very long time ago. Did he get ported to PS2? Maybe it was on DC. Ah.. maybe I had the Japanese version then bought the PAL version on Dreamcast. Hmm I remember owning two Blue Stingers, probably that :)


After my Dreamcast disc drive died, I get very sad every memory I have when reading this kind of thread. :(

It's very unpleasing a lot when you somehow lose your fav console. That, and when my artic GBA fell on the street being run over by a bus, are the saddest for sure!


I like this game. It was notorious for not working at all, I had 2 faulty copies.

But it was okay, really guilty pleasure stuff.

This + D2 + Zombie Revenge was my guilty trinity.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Man, freaking Blue Stinger. I always wanted it for my Dreamcast but I never actually got it. I think twice I tried to pick it up and it was actually sold out, it must have sold pretty decent being a launch game and all. Part of me would still like to play through it. I wonder what it goes for used nowadays? I'm gonna look over lunch and see how much it is on Amazon....

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Man, freaking Blue Stinger. I always wanted it for my Dreamcast but I never actually got it. I think twice I tried to pick it up and it was actually sold out, it must have sold pretty decent being a launch game and all. Part of me would still like to play through it. I wonder what it goes for used nowadays? I'm gonna look over lunch and see how much it is on Amazon....

Not very expensive at all, partially as it sold pretty well so not incredibly rare. Can get a used copy for about $8-14, and a new copy for about $37-60.
Blue Stinger with the VGA Box is up there with the most significant leaps in console graphics. The Japanese original is the only way to play it as they ruined the localization by removing the cinematic Resident Evil style camera angles for a standard crappy behind the back view.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Not very expensive at all, partially as it sold pretty well so not incredibly rare. Can get a used copy for about $8-14, and a new copy for about $37-60.

Well that ain't bad at all. I may just have to get myself a used copy.

Blue Stinger with the VGA Box is up there with the most significant leaps in console graphics. The Japanese original is the only way to play it as they ruined the localization by removing the cinematic Resident Evil style camera angles for a standard crappy behind the back view.

I never did get a VGA box for my DC but I do have my broadband adapter (PSO made me buy it), and lately I've been ripping my DC games to the PC and playing them with Null-DC. I wonder if Blue Stinger works in Null-DC so I can enable VGA mode? If not then the good old S-video will have to suffice.

I really should just bite the bullet and get a VGA box finally...
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