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The amount of quality put into the detail, and length aside someone deserves a raise for this campaign and I’ll add on below.
The direction for MW2’s campaign is clear, stop the evil terrorist who wants to launch a nuke and I think that’s great but there are hidden elements that make this campaign great.
Early on the game feels like 2019’s Modern Warfare, it’s basically the same experience.

There’s a chance you might recognize “Captain Price” he’s an interesting soldier.

The stealth missions are awesome I couldn’t believe the hitman touch.

The sniper missions make you happy, how do you improve on them if you’re infinity ward? More enemies. I appreciate MW2’s “Recon by fire” and think it will be looked back upon with grace like “All Ghillied Up” from 2007’s COD4.
The menus for the “COD HQ” needs a rebrand honestly, loading up a single game use to be common now activison bundled every cod from the last 10 years into one hub it’s weird.

The multiplayer is about doing just enough to pass the test, being a necessary component of Call of Duty for years it kinda feels like MW2’s multiplayer was left off the hook, and uninspired. Nothing is shook up, we're talking about leveling up weapons, ranks, getting attachments, completing challenges (get 10 headshots) and playing on map designs that has you locking up flanks, storming alleyways or camping in a room that matters.
Call of Duty MW2 comes with 16 maps at launch, maps like Breenbergh Hotel (reminiscent of the three-lane competitive maps of Call of Duty), Mercado Las Almas, Strike (one of the best maps from Call of Duty 4), and Taraq (designed for classic 6 v 6, cqc but also other playstyles like sniper, or finding hiding spots)

Overall it was an honor to play MW2, you can also do things like warzone, raids etc. and there’s a significant amount of difficulty, going off to other countries, running through Mexican cities and for the price I paid which was zero due to it being a Christmas present I beat the campaign and moved on. What did GAF think of Modern Warfare 2?