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LTTP: Edge Magazine - My eyes have been opened


I've been reading video game magazines for most of my life now, and still continue to even though the internet is a far faster and wide-reaching source of information. I have a difficult time reading most of the major American mags because they feel like PR, save for EGM, which rarely goes that route. My gripe with EGM (to which I have a subscription) lately, however, has been the fact that the content is starting to dwindle in quanity, and the quality is becoming a little too simplistic.

I was at the local Borders the other day and I saw EDGE sitting there, with Madworld on the cover, whispering my name. I was always curious about the mag, especially with the way everyone raves about it, but the slightly higher price tag put me off. It's sad what a couple of bucks can do. Honestly, I was also worried the news would be behind the times because it's European. I finally said 'screw it' and decided to buy it and give it a shot.

I have been sutably impressed so far. The articles are far more indepth and carry a broader spectrum of issues than any of the American mags, and the reviewers aren't afraid to actually rip into a game. The MGS4 review was a particular delight to read. It's one of the most honest reviews I've ever read in print form.

There are a few American mags I won't be able to read any longer without rolling my eyes. I was able to stomach it before because I didn't know I had an alternative, but I won't be supporting glorified PR in the future. I know "gaming journalism" is something of a joke in the world of GAF, and journalism for that matter as well, but it doesn't have to be something to laugh at. If more publications were honest and direct about what's going on in the industry, there could be some credibility to the field.

I will be subscribing to the magazine if it's possible in the States, but if for some reason there isn't a way to do that, I'll be buying it off the rack montly. I'd actually like to thank the GAF'rs who rave about the magazine. You guys were right on this account, as many were right on God Hand as well.


Now try GamesTM, your eyes might open even wider.

Next to Edge its the only other gaming mag worth reading, plus it has more content then Edge.


Hail to the KING baby
One thing that gets overlooked is the absolute top quality of the paper and the presentation. Unmatched.
they seem to make their reputation as just ripping apart games, judging by their review scores, and seem too cynical for my tastes.


Yeah, Astrolad makes a great point. The actual build of the magazine is incredible. It's not cheap paper, it's high gloss with a hard binding, similar to a graphic novel. It's incredibly classy.


Unconfirmed Member
kafka rock opera said:
Holy shit you can get these at borders? I will be checking next time I'm at one. Want to see what all the fuss is about.
I used to grab copies at Barnes and Noble before I got a subscription.


I despise EDGE's fickle reviews (Gunstar Heroes is a 6/10? That's all I need to know about their reviewing system...), but the rest of the content is usually good.


AstroLad said:
One thing that gets overlooked is the absolute top quality of the paper and the presentation. Unmatched.
Absolutely. I'm a bit of a packaging snob with games, and that carries over into an appreciate of good paper stock and ink quality. And the art direction and layout of Edge in general is great. Easily the best print gaming mag.

I subscribed via the online link above about nine months ago. Loved every issue so far.


GAF's Bob Woodward
MikeE21286 said:
they seem to make their reputation as just ripping apart games, judging by their review scores, and seem too cynical for my tastes.

That's just as you see it filtered through the message boards.

I've been reading edge for..10 years now o_0...and I've long since stopped picking it up for reviews, but rather the quality features and larger (sometimes world first) previews. They do really great features, and their treatment of news is such that it's still worth reading - often, though they're weeks behind the internet, their articles contain nuggets not to be found elsewhere.


Hail to the KING baby
gofreak said:
That's just as you see it filtered through the message boards.

I've been reading edge for..10 years now o_0...and I've long since stopped picking it up for reviews, but rather the quality features and larger (sometimes world first) previews. They do really great features, and their treatment of news is such that it's still worth reading - often, though they're weeks behind the internet, their articles contain nuggets not to be found elsewhere.

Yep, if you actually read their reviews they explain their reasoning very well. I totally disagreed with the score assigned to the Witcher review, but the points made perfect sense, I just happened to have different priorities. Also true that the reviews are easily the least worthwhile content in the magazine (they could do away with them and I'd hardly notice). What is memorable is stuff like the five-page retrospective on Segagaga in this month's issue.
Gunstar Heroes was 190 issues ago... let it go.

And rather than judging them on scores posted on gaf, you could read some of the actual content at next-gen. You might still not like it, but at least it'd be a vaguely informed opinion.


gofreak said:
That's just as you see it filtered through the message boards.

I've been reading edge for..10 years now o_0...and I've long since stopped picking it up for reviews, but rather the quality features and larger (sometimes world first) previews. They do really great features, and their treatment of news is such that it's still worth reading - often, though they're weeks behind the internet, their articles contain nuggets not to be found elsewhere.

That's definitely the best way to approach EDGE. It's only a matter of time before they dismiss or trash a game you love for the most minor or superficial reason and really piss you off if you focus on the reviews. The rest of the magazine tends to be quite good.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
I love those "Making of.."-articles. Overall, the articles are great in that magazine. I like the way they score game too -- they're actually using most of the 1-10-score.


ElAlcesDiablo said:
Gunstar Heroes was 190 issues ago... let it go.

And rather than judging them on scores posted on gaf, you could read some of the actual content at next-gen. You might still not like it, but at least it'd be a vaguely informed opinion.

There have been many since then. That was just an example of one of the first ones to really irritate me. Little has changed in this regard since then.

And WTF are you talking about lecturing me about reading the content??? What do you think I meant by fickle and superficial? How do you think I went about forming that opinion in the first place?!? Please...
A gaming mag that is worth it is the visuals it offers. It has to be like an artbook to make it feel like it is worth collecting.

But seriously, what's up with all this magazine talk anyways?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Besides the covers they don't really do anything that any other magazine doesn't do.

They have their favorite games, and they have games they don't like. They aren't too afraid to back up what they say though, which is also refreshing.

Worth buying for their covers, worth reading since you already bought it. :lol


Hail to the KING baby
Developer in Training said:
But seriously, what's up with all this magazine talk anyways?

Likely due to the fact that Americans have so few worthwhile magazines to read anymore, so more interested in talking about print.


I got an Edge subscription about a year ago. It's a great read.

I'm a little concerned though. I'm pretty sure I only paid for a year (13 issues, apparently), yet I just got my 14th issue a week ago. They havn't sent a 'resubscribe' form, either. I don't want my subscription to run out.


Not Wario
How quickly do the issues arrive in America? I'd like to subscribe, but I don't really want to get each issue a month or two late, especially if I'm paying those prices.


AstroLad said:
Likely due to the fact that Americans have so few worthwhile magazines to read anymore, so more interested in talking about print.

The only one that isn't totally insipid is EGM, and it's on its way down the tubes as well. The fact that we don't have any sort of legitimate representation with American magazines is disheartening, and that's why we're jumping on the Edge bandwagon.
AKS said:
There have been many since then. That was just an example of one of the first ones to really irritate me. Little has changed in this regard since then.

And WTF are you talking about lecturing me about reading the content??? What do you think I meant by fickle and superficial? How do you think I went about forming that opinion in the first place?!? Please...

The second paragraph wasn't directed at you. Shoulda used quotes, was being a bit lazy.
Anyway, if you don't like their reviews that's fine. Bringing up Gunstar Heroes just sounded a bit petty.


Hail to the KING baby
traveler said:
How quickly do the issues arrive in America? I'd like to subscribe, but I don't really want to get each issue a month or two late, especially if I'm paying those prices.

Week or two at most after the gaf post.


Edge's reviews certainly aren't perfect by any stretch of the imagination. (For example, ZoE2 - 4/10. And then Mario Sunshine - 9/10.) But the overall quality of the writing and many of the really good articles make it well worth reading each month. No other magazine can compare to it, especially GamesTM.


AKS said:
I despise EDGE's fickle reviews (Gunstar Heroes is a 6/10? That's all I need to know about their reviewing system...), but the rest of the content is usually good.
That was like 15 years ago, and I'm pretty sure they wrote something about it deserving better in some retro review issue.


Did EGM ever really live down that 7/10 they gave Advance Wars? Sometimes a great game doesn't get the respect it deserves right away -- it happens. The thing with reviews is it's ONE perspective. That's why there are multiple sources to judge from, even if some seem to be bought out.


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
It's the only videogame magazine that I pay for a subscription to. It's the only one I would.
Edge magazine for the vast majority of review scores match my opinion about games almost perfectly. There are only a couple of exceptions where I didn't agree with them (Halo3) but that is the exception and not the norm.

To bad more American magazines don't follow Edge. All we get in the states is PR driven drivel aimed at kids for the most part.


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
OnPoint said:
Did EGM ever really live down that 7/10 they gave Advance Wars? Sometimes a great game doesn't get the respect it deserves right away -- it happens. The thing with reviews is it's ONE perspective. That's why there are multiple sources to judge from, even if some seem to be bought out.
That stuff pales in comparison the garbage they've spewed in cover features. The magazine probably should've been shut down after their Enter the Matrix feature a few years ago.
AstroLad said:
Likely due to the fact that Americans have so few worthwhile magazines to read anymore, so more interested in talking about print.
Doesn't really explain the strange outbreak of magazine topics.

I think the last three of these magazine topics were sprouted within 2 days. They're usually not even talked about this often.


Hail to the KING baby
Developer in Training said:
Doesn't really explain the strange outbreak of magazine topics.

Actually it does. With CGW dying and EGM dropping down to pamphlet size in the relatively recent past, it's natural that people have started to gravitate to and appreciate other magazines, and are then interested in discussing their experiences.

Or viral marketing.


I've checked the bookcase now and I've been a fan of the magazine for 9 years (wow, time flies). I love this magazine mostly for the articles, the "time extend"s, the "making of"s. It's expensive but always money well spent.


ElAlcesDiablo said:
The second paragraph wasn't directed at you. Shoulda used quotes, was being a bit lazy.
Anyway, if you don't like their reviews that's fine. Bringing up Gunstar Heroes just sounded a bit petty.

OK, fair enough. Gunstar Heroes is one of my all time favorites, and I felt like the last thing the often overlooked geniuses at Treasure needed was a magazine trashing one of their finest games, so this really stood out to me in particular. I'm too sensitive about Treasure for my own good, I suppose.

In general, I think they are far too forgiving of Halo's flaws and far too critical of a number of others.


MikeE21286 said:
they seem to make their reputation as just ripping apart games, judging by their review scores, and seem too cynical for my tastes.

I just wish they bi-lined their reviews.
Kosma said:
Now try GamesTM, your eyes might open even wider.

Next to Edge its the only other gaming mag worth reading, plus it has more content then Edge.

Agreed. It's weird reading Tim Rogers in print, though.
A shame i cant pay in dollars for a subscription being from Europe. It would be 47 euros, against 84 euros i pay now since i have to pay in pounds. :/

The Hermit

kaleii said:
While you're at it, check out Edge's Time Extend for Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. It's probably one of the best gaming articles I've ever read.


I remember reading that a couple of days after having finished Sand of Time and still under the effect of amazingness of game, expecially the ending.
I was like :O when I firt died and the Prince said: "No that´s not how it went... can I try again?" ... it was really like the Prince was telling the story all along.

Too bad Ubisoft sunk the franchise into emo shit...


Games TM is tabloid compared to Edge (although it is still decent). Edge is a far and away the best gaming magazine available. The diversity and quality of articles is unmatched. Their reviews read beautifully and people often forget that they need to read them as well as just observing their score.
Yeah, magazines are the only area of gaming I can think off in which Europeans have better than anywhere else (well magazines printed in english anyways).The only decent US mag I can think of is Game Informer (which I actually find ok), the rest are pretty much all absolute crap.The best are probably Edge (although I disagree with them alot, in particular when it comes to the Phoenix Wright/Apollo Justice scores) and Games TM, although we have a very wide range of other decent/great magazines as well, for instance theres seems to be a surprising number of decent 360 only magazines (the best of which is actually called 360), the majority of which are pretty damn good.


Edge is a relitively shite mag full of pretentious reviews from elitist reviewers imo. They are quite possibly the most inconsistent mag at reviewing out there as well.

They do have great art/design and decent layout though.
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