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LTTP: Edge Magazine - My eyes have been opened


Barkley's Justice said:
this is the only magazine i subscribe to.

it's the only one i even read regularly. everything else is grade school level crap compared to it. Compare Edge's Killzone 2 preview to EGMs. It's a joke how much better the former is.
AstroLad said:
One thing that gets overlooked is the absolute top quality of the paper and the presentation. Unmatched.

That's for sure. I love EDGE's paper quality...I wish EGM would upgrade in that department.


AstroLad said:
One thing that gets overlooked is the absolute top quality of the paper and the presentation. Unmatched.
this wowed me when I picked up Edge for the first time at the Borders that opened up near me.

And on top of that, it was the one with the MGS4 preview/feature/thing


One thing I never understood with Edge (unless it has changed since I last read it) is why they never sign their reviews with the name of the reviewers. What do they hope to achieve by not doing that? And how do these reviews even come together in that case? Do they sit around in meetings to discuss the ins and outs of the game, then make unanimous decisions about their opinions of it? It just seems so impersonal, like they want me to believe it really is the magazine reviewing the games.


Kiriku said:
One thing I never understood with Edge (unless it has changed since I last read it) is why they never sign their reviews with the name of the reviewers. What do they hope to achieve by not doing that? And how do these reviews even come together in that case? Do they sit around in meetings to discuss the ins and outs of the game, then make unanimous decisions about their opinions of it? It just seems so impersonal, like they want me to believe it really is the magazine reviewing the games.

That's the point of not having bylines -- you present the magazine as a sort of editorial monolith. There's good reasoning really, if you really are doing significant editing to the pieces then the review isn't just the work of one person -- it's no longer one person's opinion, but one person's opinion filtered through editors.

I still prefer bylines because I like to know who I'm reading.

jax (old)

never had a problem with the scoring. who cares who reviewed it - their score imo is highly reflective of the quality of the actual product - with the occassional and rare misfires. The magazine itself if reviewed by me =


the mad world issue and the multipage article on the platinum games people = nothing short of CLASS + the development in singapore article shows the extent of coverage. From UK to US to Japan to Asia.

Make that A+ then. LOVE EDGE.

one thing I HATE: they lost biffo and gained Ngai? Not sure if I like that.
Flynn said:
That's the point of not having bylines -- you present the magazine as a sort of editorial monolith. There's good reasoning really, if you really are doing significant editing to the pieces then the review isn't just the work of one person -- it's no longer one person's opinion, but one person's opinion filtered through editors.

Yes, well said. It's also something of a journalistic tradition in the UK. The Economist has the same thing and they explain it as:

The Economist said:
Why is it anonymous? Many hands write The Economist, but it speaks with a collective voice. Leaders are discussed, often disputed, each week in meetings that are open to all members of the editorial staff. Journalists often co-operate on articles. And some articles are heavily edited. The main reason for anonymity, however, is a belief that what is written is more important than who writes it. As Geoffrey Crowther, editor from 1938 to 1956, put it, anonymity keeps the editor "not the master but the servant of something far greater than himself. You can call that ancestor-worship if you wish, but it gives to the paper an astonishing momentum of thought and principle.


EDGE is the best mag on the market right now. Reminds me a little of Next Generation. Since Next Generation went under, there isn't a US mag worth paying for.

You can also find it at Barnes & Noble too.


Steiner_Zi said:

Oh. I didn't realize how I said that.

I look at things like the Official Nintendo Magazine and their "exclusives" and I realize that the rest of the world already has that information. Couple that with the fact that games usually take forever to come out there and you start to wonder if the gaming news press in Europe has to keep pace with how the games come out.
mj1108 said:
EDGE is the best mag on the market right now. Reminds me a little of Next Generation. Since Next Generation went under, there isn't a US mag worth paying for.

You can also find it at Barnes & Noble too.

I think Next Generation was basically just Edge, but edited for a US audience, so the similarities were more than surface.

EDIT: I was right, according to Wikipedia anyway. "It [Next Gen] was affiliated to and shared editorial with the UK's Edge magazine."


Neo Member
There are two UK mags I splurge on -- EDGE and The Economist. They're not cheap but I easily get my money's worth reading every issue (nearly) front to back.

The reviews are the least interesting content in EDGE. They do excellent in-depth features, roundtables, interviews and trend stories that always surprise you. Their monthly feature well is NOT something you typically come across in the litany of online gaming web sites. Their previews actually are opinionated and worth reading, not PR puff pieces that cast a blind eye to anything bad in a game prior to release.

My favorite part of the mag is where they tear apart how a game in history was made. It shows you a side of development you typically never hear about. Fascinating stuff. And the game epilogues are fantastic .. they did one on Morrowind in my first subscribed issue.

The internet is great for headlines and forum trolls. Magazines are good for sinking your teeth into something on the couch or in bed. I'm just afraid we have an entire generation of people who are accustomed to getting information for free, so the entire idea of paying for a magazine or buying a subscription or appreciating actual journalism doesn't translate.


BrokenSymmetry said:
Yes, well said. It's also something of a journalistic tradition in the UK. The Economist has the same thing and they explain it as:

That's a great principle when you spell it out that way. I'm too in love with my own ideas to work like that exclusively.

EDIT: And yeah, The Economist is tits. It, like Reason, is a magazine that I don't always agree with, but their position is so transparent that I enjoy reading and weighing what they have to say.


Edge is still the best gaming mag, but their standards have dropped recently. They are far less coherent or consistent in how they rip into games, and have started to fall for the hype for a number of big games in the last 18-24 months. They're only human after all, but the mag is not what it used to be say, 5 years ago.
Aegus said:
It hasn't been the same since RedEye stopped doing his column.

wasn't redeye a general alias for anyone that wanted to write anonymously?

losing mr biffo too a few issues back was a big blow. i usually read his column first thing, after reading the editor's introduction (and of course the monthly rotating quote hidden in the legal copy on page 3 or 4).

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Ive been meaning to get on the subscription train for Edge. At work we already get most game mags, but Edge is something Id like to read at home, plus yeah the graphic design quality in the mag is AWESOME


Barkley's Justice said:
wasn't redeye a general alias for anyone that wanted to write anonymously?

losing mr biffo too a few issues back was a big blow. i usually read his column first thing, after reading the editor's introduction (and of course the monthly rotating quote hidden in the legal copy on page 3 or 4).

Nah it turned out to be just one person (one of the writers) whose name I have forgotten.
Barkley's Justice said:
losing mr biffo too a few issues back was a big blow. i usually read his column first thing, after reading the editor's introduction (and of course the monthly rotating quote hidden in the legal copy on page 3 or 4).

Same here. The two current columnists (N'Gai and Randy Smith) both have a pretty clinical look on games (from the business and design side, respectively), and with Biffo they lost a more passionate gaming voice.


Funny thing, OP - I just bought my first copy of EDGE from Border's a couple days ago, as well - the same July issue with MadWorld.

Yes, the coverage was old, but the perspectives, intelligence and quality of writing were all refreshing. Not to mention the design. I really love this mag, and will be subscribing.

Love how heavy it is, physically and in terms of content. Actually feels like I'm getting a real physical product than just some flimsy pages bound together full of old news and mostly half-baked opinions.


nib95 said:
Edge is a relitively shite mag full of pretentious reviews from elitist reviewers imo. They are quite possibly the most inconsistent mag at reviewing out there as well.

They do have great art/design and decent layout though.
I like Edge a lot, but it's not just the reviews that are pretentious; the language is absurdly baroque throughout the entire magazine.


Barkley's Justice said:
losing mr biffo too a few issues back was a big blow. i usually read his column first thing, after reading the editor's introduction (and of course the monthly rotating quote hidden in the legal copy on page 3 or 4).

this is one of the first things I search for :lol
edit: completely unnecessary.

Well this part isn't:

And the 'weird' sensation you get when you see Tim Rogers in print is called a gag reflex.


it's now 3/4 years I buy EDGE monthly, i just can't help it XD obviously, as each and everyone of us, it's no use for "the news", internet does a much much better job, but I love to read EDGE interview, "making of" and wait to see if the next "time extend" will make me go buy a retro i did not know it even existed.

Last issue (191) it's a good one.....but too bad we lost Biffo 2/3 months ago ._.


I like Edge, it's a good mag with a few amazing articles, which includes Time Extend. Don't buy it every month (rather expensive, € 11,95 for a copy) but when I read it, I read everything in the mag. I do miss Mr. Biffo, I liked his columns :(

And I like GamesTM as well. They have a Dutch edition now and it's pretty good.


Aegus said:
Nah it turned out to be just one person (one of the writers) whose name I have forgotten.

The main Red Eye was Ste Curran, who went on to be the Creative Director at Zoe Mode and also runs the excellent, excellent One Life Left podcast.

But there were other Red Eyes apparently.
I love how they don't dumb down their articles for the mass morans out there. They write directly to the hardcore and I appreciate that. Thank you EDGE!
*hugs his Edge collection*
It is a great magazine, and it's really good value.
The features are the best part, they do some really interesting/different content that some of the other magazines can't cover.
As said, the magazine quality is great too, especially when compared side by side with some of the others.


AKS said:
I despise EDGE's fickle reviews (Gunstar Heroes is a 6/10? That's all I need to know about their reviewing system...), but the rest of the content is usually good.

If you get the Edge "Top 100 most important reviews" edition they actually admitted to being too harsh in the original Gunstar Heroes review. They admit that score was too low.



I mourn giving away issues #1 to #11 to a mate :(

he had a full collection and was missing #1 to 11, I had 1 - 20something so I said feck it.

best game magazine out there, honest reviews (even if sometimes its hard to agree!), original content and values all good games regardless of era/platform. and its feels great in your hands! (yes, its almost THAT good!).

I love you EDGE,


jax (old)


because of the quality of the editorials, EDGE is also highly re-readable. I've gone over my back issues a couple of times and even when I'm re-reading, they're really enjoyable. I love the one with Space Channel5 time extend! They recgonised the "nicheness" of the title and gave it print column.


btw I find gamestm to be sort of shitty.


I used to buy the Economist's print edition religiously, but all their content is online now. So I read that instead (I do click on their adverts so I'm not totally freeloading) as for EDGE I find their style too pretenious and grating to read


i'm not a collector at all i sell 95% of the games i buy but i've kept my edge's there like a gaming encyclopedia for me, got every single issue 1-191, been buying it for 15 years now that makes me feel old :(
Sadist said:
I like Edge, it's a good mag with a few amazing articles, which includes Time Extend. Don't buy it every month (rather expensive, € 11,95 for a copy) but when I read it, I read everything in the mag. I do miss Mr. Biffo, I liked his columns :(
I live in Greece and it costs 7.50€.


Sadist said:
I like Edge, it's a good mag with a few amazing articles, which includes Time Extend. Don't buy it every month (rather expensive, € 11,95 for a copy) but when I read it, I read everything in the mag. I do miss Mr. Biffo, I liked his columns :(

And I like GamesTM as well. They have a Dutch edition now and it's pretty good.

you think its worth having a subscription to?
tell me more
Edge is a shadow of its former self, It used to be clear that it was written by people with a passion for the subject rather than the current group of upstart journo's who see it as a progressive stepping stone.

Quality independant VG journalism died a LONG time ago.


mj1108 said:
EDGE is the best mag on the market right now. Reminds me a little of Next Generation. Since Next Generation went under, there isn't a US mag worth paying for.

You can also find it at Barnes & Noble too.

I loved reading Next Generation and I haven't subscribed to any gaming mag since. I will have to pick up a copy of EDGE next time I am at Borders/Barnes & Noble. Gaming reviews don't interest me because, when it comes to games, I don't care about anyone else's opinion but my own. However, the extra content about the industry is what I really enjoy reading about.

jax (old)

LOL @ the latest issue of edge on the DC MMORPG title for PS3 (?). There's a write up on Newcastle based game developers - AND one of the developer houses got a 4 score for their game reviewed in that issue. OUCH. :lol


kafka rock opera said:
Holy shit you can get these at borders? I will be checking next time I'm at one. Want to see what all the fuss is about.

EDGE is at most bookstores around where I live....
Edge went to shit when RedEye left. That said however, they are still the best mag around. It is probably the closest thing the industry has to a trade mag (Develop and MCV don't count as they are sales filled drivel that is usually six months behind the internet in market understanding and news)


Scary Euro Man
It's a shame you didn't pick it up a while ago, before EDGE vanished up its own arse.

It's a while since I've bothered to pick up any gaming magazines, but last time I did, GamesTM was the better of the two not-shit ones.


The way I see it, Edge give minimal value to the actual score. That's why it's written as a small number at the end of the article and not some huge ass font with the whole pro-s, con-s, etc which all reviewers usually have.

They want you to read the article and understand their opinion of it not just flip through the magazine and look at the numbers at the end of each review.

And regardless of what the score is, most of the time they do point out the good and bad of each game in an accurate fashion.

Also presentation/embossed covers are awesome.
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