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LTTP: Heavenly Sword via PS Premium


So I always wanted to play this especially early PS3 gen as there wasn't a huge amount of AAA games and this was a showcase exclusive. I probably got addicted to COD4 or something so forgot about it.

But I've recently been going back either just playing or platinuming PS3 games such as killzone 2, world at War, ratchet and clank all 4 one etc. I noticed this on the PS Premium PS3 section and I thought why not.

Graphics 8/10
Gameplay 8/10
Music 9/10
Dialogue 1/10

Overall I'd give it a solid 7/10. It's a short action packed game that looks good and plays like God of War with a Japanese theme instead of Greek. It had some cool six axis motion controls which worked well even though I was streaming.

I noticed in the credits Andy Serksis aka Gollum had a big role in it's development. Well that explained one thing, why one of the bosses was like a cross between The Fear from MGS3 and Gollum.

The cutscenes had some of the most cringe worthy dialogue I've ever seen. The main boss flirting with some titty chick as his far Quasimodo son mutters "Daddy" getting all horny. That's just a small snippet but the entire enemy cast is just a cringe fest train wreck. At times it was hilarious but others pure cringe.

If they perfected that disaster it would probably be an 8 or 9/10. Good fun game and I'd like to know if anyone here played it on ps3 or more recently.

Next to play via premium will be Star wars the force unleashed 1&2.
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Glad to see this. I can't speak to the quality of streaming when PS Now existed but I haven't had a single issue with streaming PS3 games on the revamped cloud system. Yea the resolution is locked to 720p for PS3 but I haven't encountered any noticeable lag.

Nice thread OP, Heavenly Sword is another game I never got to but plan on streaming at some point.

Your next PS+ classics title should be Alone in the Dark: Inferno 🙌
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It’s been a long time, but I remember thinking the cut scenes were one of the best parts. Maybe I’m mixing up this game with enslaved. The cut scenes seemed like they were at a level the gaming industry wasn’t used to. (Andy Serkis involvement.)

Too bad It didn't sell enough for a sequel.
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God tier game for it's time, one of my goats.

Should have been a franchise and would welcome a full remake along with Vanquish and a few other gems.
I heard so much about the game back in the day, but never tried it until it arrived on Premium. Tried it and got to the awful aiming mini game, then deleted it. Yuck.
Played it when it originally released, havent touched it in years, but it did leave an impression on me. I thought it was good. Years later after I played Heavenly Sword, I always got it confused with Bayonetta, but I played that when it originally released too.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
A lot of good taste permeating in this thread.

I have you all on my good taste list.
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Man, I feel the exact opposite. I could not play it for long, the forced sixaxis controls for shooting arrows were utterly dreadful, worse than Lair.

Enslaved, even DmC are far better than this.
I was so hyped for this game and I was only able to get my PS3 in 2011. When I finally got to play Heavenly Sword, I was so disappointed. The combat was pretty average, nothing amazing. It is nowhere close to God of War level in combat design, the boss encounters were also tedious. Frame rate drops and six axis sections were abominable. I still have it but haven't come around to finish it even with its short length campaign. There's just far too many polished and smoother games out there to sink my time in to.
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I loved Heavenly Sword, I thought it was a perfect game for the PS3. Everyone complained about how short it was at the time, but I found it a compelling title from beginning to end and worth every penny. Trophies would've made it even better.

At the time, the poor performance was a staple of games, so I didn't mind it too much. Returning to it now, however, is rough.

Surprised you didn't enjoy the weird characters OP, I thought that their willingness to go completely weird with the characters was the best part of the entire game.


Glad to see this. I can't speak to the quality of streaming when PS Now existed but I haven't had a single issue with streaming PS3 games on the revamped cloud system. Yea the resolution is locked to 720p for PS3 but I haven't encountered any noticeable lag.

Nice thread OP, Heavenly Sword is another game I never got to but plan on streaming at some point.

Your next PS+ classics title should be Alone in the Dark: Inferno 🙌

I still have PS premium for a few months but also have a PS3 still, what % would you say the streaming experience is compared to native PS3 where 100% would mean it is indistinguishable? (really cannot be arsed to emulate).
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Good to hear someone else has played this gem. I remember when it came out. PS was being abused online. Sony as a company was doing horrible because of the recession.

They really wasn't anything to play on PS3 and this was supposed to be a big one. I absolutely loved the gameplay, graphics, and the QTE during every fight.

I might have to check it out again soon.
I still have PS premium for a few months but also have a PS3 still, what % would you say the streaming experience is compared to native PS3 where 100% would mean it is indistinguishable? (really cannot be arsed to emulate).
I never had any lag issues but visuals, probably 80%, maybe 75%.

So much that it inspired me to buy physical copies of 3 games I had previously sold; AITD: Inferno, Lords of Shadow, and WHITE KNIGHT CHRONICLES II 🙌 :goog_eek:. Wanted to experience them in all their glory.

I still think PS3 streaming is totally acceptable at this point but definitely not as good as off an actual PS3.


It’s been a long time, but I remember thinking the cut scenes were one of the best parts. Maybe I’m mixing up this game with enslaved. The cut scenes seemed like they were at a level the gaming industry wasn’t used to. (Andy Serkis involvement.)

Too bad It didn't sell enough for a sequel.
The cutscenes were insane quality for the time I just meant the enemy dialogue in the cutscenes was so cringe.
RPCS3 fixes the abysmal frame-rate and resolution :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:
Pirate scum.
I loved Heavenly Sword, I thought it was a perfect game for the PS3. Everyone complained about how short it was at the time, but I found it a compelling title from beginning to end and worth every penny. Trophies would've made it even better.

At the time, the poor performance was a staple of games, so I didn't mind it too much. Returning to it now, however, is rough.

Surprised you didn't enjoy the weird characters OP, I thought that their willingness to go completely weird with the characters was the best part of the entire game.
I really liked Nariko. Top class character. The enemy bosses were cool but some of their dialogue was top tier cringe. Maybe it caught me off guard.
I still have PS premium for a few months but also have a PS3 still, what % would you say the streaming experience is compared to native PS3 where 100% would mean it is indistinguishable? (really cannot be arsed to emulate).
90% but I have a Very good wired connection and probably not too far from their servers.
Next to play via premium will be Star wars the force unleashed 1&2.
I hope you like these. FU1 was one of the best early games of that generation and FU2, while not as good as the original, had it's moments. Sad that we won't ever see that series continue. Those games need to be remastered.


I recently watched the movie lol. I loved heavenly sword back at release but when I tried it on psnow it wasn't great.


I recently watched the movie lol. I loved heavenly sword back at release but when I tried it on psnow it wasn't great.


This game makes me feel so nostalgic for that era. I remember seeing it in PS3 launch promos along and playing the demo where you start off running on a rope to a battle. Game was cool too, just a bit short.


enjoyed it, but was performing bad from what i remember, like most ps3 era non sony games.

that generation was probably worst in that regard, devs targeting ambitious graphics, not giving a fuck about performance.
making most games impossible to go back to


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
Much better with RPCS3, it improved the game a lot for me. Taking it from a 5/10 cheapo launch title to a solid 7/10 forgotten gem.


The Enslaved thread appearing is pure coincidence. I happened to start up Heavenly Sword yesterday eve and beat it this morning.

I must say, PS Plus streaming is pretty fucking good. The game feels exactly like it does on PS3. Which means ofcourse a rather low framerate and jank, but not different to the real thing though I haven't played that in ages. I struggled a bit with QTE, but perhaps I also did in 2007. Many games of that era were strict with it.

When it launched I liked it, I thought it was a graphical tour de force for PS3. The game has little replay value, and you'll beat it in 6 or so hours. Back then Sony and PS3 were in a bad place, and I felt games were judged a bit too harsh as a result. The console overpromised and underdelivered, the price was high. So the games got the flak. HS is not a 9/10 game or anything, but still a fun romp. Not as bad as some made it out to be. Actually, between all open world bloat this story driven action game you can beat over a weekend feels rather good.

The graphics actually hold up. I think its a good looking game. The character models and facial expressions are impressive for an early PS3 game. The game is rather serious, but then the dialogue, esp. from Andy Serkis, is quite absurd. Its mostly the bad guys being completely insane. The combat isn't bad. 3 stances, a ton of combos, cool air combos, and decent finish moves. In some parts the scale feels huge with 100's of enemies on screen. Ofcourse the PS3 can't cope, so expect a lot of scenes with the framerate going to the 20's. But I can imagine this game would feel and look good when emulated. I think its NT's best game.


The Enslaved thread appearing is pure coincidence. I happened to start up Heavenly Sword yesterday eve and beat it this morning.

I must say, PS Plus streaming is pretty fucking good. The game feels exactly like it does on PS3. Which means ofcourse a rather low framerate and jank, but not different to the real thing though I haven't played that in ages. I struggled a bit with QTE, but perhaps I also did in 2007. Many games of that era were strict with it.

When it launched I liked it, I thought it was a graphical tour de force for PS3. The game has little replay value, and you'll beat it in 6 or so hours. Back then Sony and PS3 were in a bad place, and I felt games were judged a bit too harsh as a result. The console overpromised and underdelivered, the price was high. So the games got the flak. HS is not a 9/10 game or anything, but still a fun romp. Not as bad as some made it out to be. Actually, between all open world bloat this story driven action game you can beat over a weekend feels rather good.

The graphics actually hold up. I think its a good looking game. The character models and facial expressions are impressive for an early PS3 game. The game is rather serious, but then the dialogue, esp. from Andy Serkis, is quite absurd. Its mostly the bad guys being completely insane. The combat isn't bad. 3 stances, a ton of combos, cool air combos, and decent finish moves. In some parts the scale feels huge with 100's of enemies on screen. Ofcourse the PS3 can't cope, so expect a lot of scenes with the framerate going to the 20's. But I can imagine this game would feel and look good when emulated. I think its NT's best game.
Yes, Heavenly Sword is easily NT's best game.

Game was awesome, personal top 5 PS3 games.


I want to play this in 4k/60. I hope that if Sony is cooking up a Ps3 emulator, this is one of the first games for it.
Exactly. I tried out premium again, which I do once a year, to see if the streaming has improved but it has not. I get a really good stream on GeForce Now and Xcloud, but PS Plus runs at a really low resolution and the frame rate is all over the place. I would play this one again as I remember liking it when I first bought my PS3.
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