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LTTP Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild; Breath of the Boredom


The nicest person on this forum
See, this is why videogame hype can be obnoxious. Nothing replicates the wonder of being six, except maybe a brain injury.
If your hype based on other people hyping. Most of the games I’m usually hype based on gameplay footage I myself see, it doesn’t matter if other people are hype for it or not.
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Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
If your hype based on other people hyping. Most of the games I’m usually hype based on gameplay footage I myself, it doesn’t matter are hype for it or not.

As it should be. :messenger_relieved:

I already have experience in the hobby, so it is not so easy that i believe in what reviews say it, in fact it is very ridiculous to have hype by other people (ignorants by the way). I prefer for myself play the game that someone gives me a opinion, and less believe them in people who have no idea what they talk ...like Ignorant youtubers and video game analysts.


Neo Member
As a fan of the Legend of Zelda series, I am in love with that game. I have over 500 hours and there are so many things to do. The more you play, the much more fun and exciting it gets. You'll see.


The nicest person on this forum
As it should be. :messenger_relieved:

I already have experience in the hobby, so it is not so easy that i believe in what reviews say it, in fact it is very ridiculous to have hype by other people (ignorants by the way). I prefer for myself play the game that someone gives me a opinion, and less believe them in people who have no idea what they talk ...like Ignorant youtubers and video game analysts.
It's not about if the reviewer are wrong or not, it's about reading/watching the actual review instead of just looking at the score. Maybe the they things they like about the game you personally wouldn't like or the issues they have might not that much issue for you. Score alone wont tell you much about the game itself.


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
It's not about if the reviewer are wrong or not, it's about reading/watching the actual review instead of just looking at the score. Maybe the they things they like about the game you personally wouldn't like or the issues they have might not that much issue for you. Score alone wont tell you much about the game itself.

Exactly... its like Nier game... many sites give them 6 or 7... i dont listen and i buy it for myself and what a amazing game... since then i never trust in any review or score.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
hey guys

i just started this after getting a switch through work. started with zelda as ive always been a fan of said series.

but bloody hell is this boring.

does it get better as you go on or??
I do not think it gets better, on the contrary it gets worse. The game gets progressively easier and the tutorial section actually shows off all the systematic strengths the game has already. The mechanical beasts and the paths to them are an additional highlight still, but they pale in comparison to classic Zelda dungeons. So overall, I would say, if you do not enjoy the game the first ten hours, skip the other 90.


I'm sorry you didn't enjoy but the game is subtle in it's design which I feel is lost on some gamers.

I'm fairly sure people who say it's "empty" just want a game with a million icons splashed across the screen telling you what's there and lack the ability to explore on their own. If you do then maybe Red Red redemption or any Ubisoft game might be right up your street.

I also feel that people saying there's nothing to do etc don't like games without handholding or being told where you go. BOTW is refreshing to me because it really doesn't tell you much, you gotta explore by yourself and find places on your own.

I also feel like the complaint about dungeons is a bit overblown. Yes I think it would have helped a lot to have different themes for certain dungeons instead of the same blue shrines but this is a small issue to me.

Yes, there are legitimate complaints it be made about the game, the weapon durability is too harsh being a major one for me.

Another shit complaints I hear often is the lack of music. It's atmospheric and subtle and design to make you feel alone and lost. All your friends are dead and basically you're in post apocolypse Hyrule more or less. I mean there's barely any music in Dark Souls and nobody complains about that.

It's 10/10 for me because it truly does open world gameplay correctly. It really does give you the option of letting you go where you want to go and do things in the order without much stopping you. This is where the story problem complaint comes in.

I feel like you have 2 choices with these games. Have a story focused game like the Witcher 3 which is open world to a point but the main story will follow a certain direction with side quests or have complete freedom like Breath of the Wild. I picked these 2 games because both are open world and both do their style at the top of their game.
'The game is not for me that must mean the game is bad / borring / bland. Hurrr hurrr hurrr'

Same could be applied on every game ever.


Put some hours into this and like several other Zelda games I’ve tried, there was just nothing about them that made me want to finish it. For whatever reason, nothing about that franchise clicks with me.


The weapon breaking mechanic was just not fun. I get what they were trying to do but I don't think it added any enjoyment.
I'm not a huge fan of weapon durability (or fragility, rather) mechanics, but I suppose with the other survival (lite) mechanics in the game it makes sense.

But not when taken to such extremes as with BOTW. When a teenage boy losing his virginity lasts longer than your sword something is really broken.
that's sorta how opinions work

That's true but people should state their oppinions as such, not as facts set in stone.

'The game bores me' = oppinion
'The game is boring, does it ever get better' = stating a fact.

Btw. outside of main quest I also found the game boring, and as a Zelda it's one of my least favourite. I only find DS games as a lesser ones, 7/10 iterations.
Nintendo explicitly wanted to give the players freedom like the first title in the series, but here's the problem; in the first title you cannot access certain parts of the map, either by lack of knowledge, or lack of attained items. Certain parts in short, were closed off to the player. What was closed off was either radically new/different (a dungeon with new enemy types for example, or the cemetery)... So, I don't think they captured the essence of the first game at all; it just isn't that good. You have more freedom and ways of solving things in your chosen order in the very beginning of the first game, than this one also.

What bothered me too, was the "infinite bombs" and lack of item types that made previous titles so much fun to play. In that sense, once you attained the three types of runes, you're basically done collecting "progression items".

With that came the lack of real, genuine dungeons and their dungeon masters. Yes, the puzzle solving in itself was great, but the lack of visual variety and overall variety of the shrines didn't make up for it. Also; there waaaaaay too many of them. And don't get me started on the "Divine Beasts". What a joke.

And, as with many other Nintendo titles, the locking of items behind the amiibo happy meal toys wasn't at all appreciated. Wanting to play using the classic tunic? Impossible without one of them. They have been doing this nonsense since the e-Reader days by the way, in case people forgot.

I forgot to mention one thing I really liked, and that was the return of certain enemy types, like the Lynel. And some of the designs in the game are among my favorites.
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Speaking of hype, my hype was built entirely on that epic e3 trailer. The game not only exceeded the expectations founded on that trailer, but surpassed them. In short for hype to be real, it has to be grounded in reality. That was the reality of the hype behind BOTW, that trailer.

Being hyped because others are hyped is not true hype at all.


This is an aimless game. There isn't anything of particular interest that drives you, and there isn't anything meaningful to find. I already went into a lot of detail on why the game did not appeal to me at all (in another thread).

The main problem of BotW is that everything is pointless (= no reward) and nothing is particularly fun to do, so why would I even bother doing these things ? Problem is that when I remove all the stuff that is not fun/interesting, the only thing that remains is Ganon's Castle...

They probably saw how much the stuff was pointless because of how you are more or less forced into doing those tiny shrines in order to raise your HP. And the artificial difficulty curve that comes with the game. You can do the 4 "dungeons" (more like giant puzzles) in whatever order because there did not even bother trying to be smart by having the difficulty adapt in those. Thus they don't have any meaningful enemy in them, except for the copy pasted boss you get for each "dungeon".

Why would I fight with a group of mobs ? I will use weapons to gain weapons = useless.
Why would I complete this shrine ? I will use weapons to get weapons, and maybe a material that I don't need anyway to complete the game. If I already have HP = useless.
Why would I do fetch-quests ? They are boring in other games, they are just as much in Zelda ) = useless.

Where is the sense of achievement after completing the dungeon by beating a difficult, unique boss ? After getting a new item that opens up new exploration possibilities ? None of this exists in BotW, and these are the core elements that define a Zelda game. And BotW should have added this one right there :
Where is the sense of achievement after discovering the hidden dungeon inside the woods ? BotW does not even introduce this. There are a few instances of stuff hidden, but what is the reward ? A fucking shrine.

BotW is a sandbox where you are given everything at the beginning of the game and will never gain anything else during the entire playthrough. You are simply given a vast world to explore aimlessly. And this is not for me.
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hey guys
i just started this after getting a switch through work. started with zelda as ive always been a fan of said series.
but bloody hell is this boring.
does it get better as you go on or??

I'm more of the opinion that Breath of the Wild is what the individual player makes of it.

For example, there is no real need in the game to go around the enemy outposts to beat up the Bokoblins etc. You can choose to do it but the game isn't going to make you do it.

Most folks will do a decent amount of shrines, beat the divine beasts, get the master sword etc but, again, the game isn't really pushing you to do that stuff.

It's weird to say you are a fan of the series then since the series has always had an element of "take it or leave it" with so many things in game. Tons of stuff you could collect, but only if you wanted to. A lot of enemies you don't really even need to engage with if you don't want to.

So much of BotW is basically just an opportunity to play with the game. At least a lot of my hours playing the game were spent just goofing off with things that are not relevant for progressing the story (unless we want to get into how "story" can be defined in various ways in the specific context of a game). I don't think there is ever an actual need to beat one of those Lynel dudes but I must have fought them 100s of times now just for the fun of it.

Your posts comes across more like "the game isn't telling me what to do so I am bored". That's fine but then it's clearly not going to get any better for you since the whole philosophy here was "here is a sandbox, do whatever you want". Outside of the first 4 shrines and getting out of the starting area.

Personally I can say I got the game at launch and I had a few days of play under my belt before I had even left the plateau area. Now I am coming up on 300 hours of play so I wouldn't say I agree that the game is boring. It's pretty much whatever you make of it.

It might actually be the case that you simply lack imagination, OP.


Why would I fight with a group of mobs ? I will use weapons to gain weapons = useless.
Why would I complete this shrine ? I will use weapons to get weapons, and maybe a material that I don't need anyway to complete the game. If I already have HP = useless.
Why would I do fetch-quests ? They are boring in other games, they are just as much in Zelda ) = useless.

Why would I fight with a group of mobs ? It's fun.
Why would I complete this shrine ? It's fun.
Why would I do fetch-quests ? It's fun.

Now you may say "it's not fun for me" but the underlying principle of the game (and why I think they wen't back to the original Zelda game for inspiration) is that this is a thing you are supposed to enjoy playing with.

Maybe that sense of fun is something that modern games seem to have lost?

Every game these days seems to come burdened with a heated political debate and a bunch of YouTubers waiting in the wings to do a 50 minute deconstruction.

Like you more or less say "why isn't this game giving me a sense of achievement".
I guess a good question there is why should a game give you a sense of achievement?

If the core philosophy of the game is "exploration" then unfortunately the point is to explore and find things in the world.

When I try to think of games that do give some kind of sense of achievement and/or satisfaction then I am looking at From Software mostly.

Many modern games maybe do feel kind of pointless and/or aimless in the way that you have described.
What does anyone really get from dropping 50 odd hours into the newest FarCry or Assassin's Creed?
Should we expect anything other than entertainment?

The crazy "hype" surrounding releases probably doesn't help as you get players expecting that the next game they play is going to blow the hinges off reality and change their life forever.

I mean, sure, if you remove all the stuff that makes the game fun for you then what's left won't be much fun.
That's personal preference though.

Not sure how developers can work with that since it's not going to be possible to put together a game that will simply be fun for every single person.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
hey guys

i just started this after getting a switch through work. started with zelda as ive always been a fan of said series.

but bloody hell is this boring.

does it get better as you go on or??

It does. I was close to taking it back to the shop. Then I had a gut feeling to try a few more hours. I found Naked Island (where you are stripped of your gear to complete a challenge) and the game finally clicked for me and I was in for 100+ hours of pure glorious joy.


hey guys

i just started this after getting a switch through work. started with zelda as ive always been a fan of said series.

but bloody hell is this boring.

does it get better as you go on or??

Does not get better.
No real dungeons, or memorable boss fights, or cool weapons to unlock, or amazing music or anything that makes Zelda what it has been for 3 decades.

Biggest disappointment from Nintendo in their history.


It plays like a tourist in hyrule gone wrong. Explore and discover things here and there. It's somewhat a ''make your own fun'' kind of game. It's satisfactory to be had but definitely something missing.
a bit off topic but would you ppl buy a switch just to play botw, mario+rabbids kingdom, super mario odyssey and maybe astral chain on a 4k TV without any interest in using the handheld mode or whatever is called? I have no reason to play multiplatforms on it because PC and my PS4 are the main platforms. So straight to the point just for those games would you buy a switch?
a bit off topic but would you ppl buy a switch just to play botw, mario+rabbids kingdom, super mario odyssey and maybe astral chain on a 4k TV without any interest in using the handheld mode or whatever is called? I have no reason to play multiplatforms on it because PC and my PS4 are the main platforms. So straight to the point just for those games would you buy a switch?
I did for Zelda and Mario Odyssey and I regretted it. Sold it.


What does anyone really get from dropping 50 odd hours into the newest FarCry or Assassin's Creed?
I have no clue, these games bore me to death just as much as BotW.

Maybe that sense of fun is something that modern games seem to have lost?
Absolutely not. There are many games that are great fun and I play a lot of them, and From Software are certainly not the only ones creating such games.

I guess a good question there is why should a game give you a sense of achievement?
Because this is directly related to the fun/enjoyment I get from the game, as far as I am concerned. If a game is not stimulating for its gameplay or for its story, then I just can't be interested in it. Something like Nier Automata is the exact opposite, with fun gameplay (although not the best either) and a great story (even though the game has many fetch-quests). But overall, it is a much more interesting and enjoyable game to me.

It is perfectly fine for sandbox games to exist and for people to enjoy them, I simply wanted to share that if you are the same profile of player as me, BotW is not for you.
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It didn’t get better for me, OP, but your experience may vary. It wound up feeling like a directionless Skyrim clone where the journey is supposed to far outweigh the destination... and those games are not for me. I prefer more focused experiences that keep me invested.

Extremely brittle weapons and annoying climbing meters also help to snuff out any further interest in this game for me after the first couple of hours.

One person’s treasure is another person’s trash.

Amen. Ditto to everything said here. Got out of the first area, and it never got any better. I keep telling myself I’ll get back to it one day to finish it but there’s just so much more stuff I’d rather play.


One of my biggest issues with Breath of the Wild is how the game was so clearly designed around the Wii U game pad (brilliantly too), but all of functionality was ripped out so the Switch version wasn't inferior.

In BoTW, you are constantly pausing the game to get to a menu to eat food to heal, swap tools, etc. It killed the flow for me. Its obvious that all was meant to be done on Link's virtual Wii U gamepad, the Shiekah Slate, but Nintendo removed that from even the Wii U version.
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a bit off topic but would you ppl buy a switch just to play botw, mario+rabbids kingdom, super mario odyssey and maybe astral chain on a 4k TV without any interest in using the handheld mode or whatever is called? I have no reason to play multiplatforms on it because PC and my PS4 are the main platforms. So straight to the point just for those games would you buy a switch?

Sure. I would say I bought it primarily for portable gaming but the Nintendo exclusives would be a close 2nd.

When the Switch was launched I already owned a Wii U and PS4 so in some ways it was an upgrade on the Wii U.

I would tend to recommend that people invest in the platform that has they games they actually want to play. :)


If your hype based on other people hyping. Most of the games I’m usually hype based on gameplay footage I myself see, it doesn’t matter if other people are hype for it or not.

That's the way it goes now though.

E3 is kind of embarrassing in so many ways as everyone is trying to outdo each other over how excited they are.
Then trying to outdo each other over how disappointed they are.

I suppose "hype" is actually a social thing though so maybe that's the way it has to go.
Can't imagine too many people are just sitting at home lonely and getting hyped.

Regardless of the levels of hype, I think you can see a GOTY contender game coming from miles away.
God of War, Horizon, Breath of the Wild, RDR2 orwhatever. I think the quality of those becomes clear very early on and is demonstrated through critic and user reviews, sales and awards down the line.

Outside of that there are going to be the odd games that appeal to your specific tastes that you will decide to buy just because "that looks like something I would enjoy".

That's why I never really get the hyperbolic "most disappointing game ever" kind of comments that you see.
Your hype really has to completely blind to not figure out early on in the marketing if a game is going to meet your expectations or not.

Fallout 76 and Anthem, for me, were nothing to get hyped over because I don't like that kind of game.
Sekiro, on the other hand, was a game from a studio who's work I enjoy but it was also obvious that this would depart somewhat from their previous works. So it's easy to look forward to what they've come up with but also not expect the game to change my existence forever.
Dead Cells was easy to get hyped for, I like that kind of game, I saw gameplay footage that made me think "yup I am going to really like that game".

In the end, I think it's a bit weird to be approaching a game with "now let's see if it lives up to the hype" because you find yourself taken out of the experience as you try to second guess whether or not you are having the right reaction.
I did for Zelda and Mario Odyssey and I regretted it. Sold it.

Why exactly? Underwhelming experiences/not your thing or was there an issue with the console itself? I know the output of switch isnt great but I'm curious how it looks on a 4k TV or if its even viable for such a TV or is the console just made for portable use.


Why exactly? Underwhelming experiences/not your thing or was there an issue with the console itself? I know the output of switch isnt great but I'm curious how it looks on a 4k TV or if its even viable for such a TV or is the console just made for portable use.
Nintendo (and several other Japanese companies) seem to be allergic to any form of AA. Whether due to artistic choice or just out of necessity given the Switch hardware, I cannot say. But the end result means the image looks quite rough when blown up to 4K (by the TV), especially if the original image is not 1080p (and many Switch games are not, even docked).

If that bothers you is really a matter of preference. But don't expect to be blown away by the graphics on a 4K TV. Personally, playing something like MK8 with friends I really don't care that much; OTOH some games can look quite distracting on a large TV.
Why exactly? Underwhelming experiences/not your thing or was there an issue with the console itself? I know the output of switch isnt great but I'm curious how it looks on a 4k TV or if its even viable for such a TV or is the console just made for portable use.
Outside of the obvious big titles, there weren't any games that interested me, and I didn't see anything to get excited about coming in future. I bought it for home use so the portability wasn't of any benefit to me, either. I have a 4K TV and it looked fine.
nowhat nowhat The Bloody-Nine The Bloody-Nine alright thanks for the answers seems like I need to think a bit more on my decision. Its a shame it has so few major exclusives else I might've taken a bite but as it is and with the upcoming consoles I have a feeling they might develop a better console for TV's.


a bit off topic but would you ppl buy a switch just to play botw, mario+rabbids kingdom, super mario odyssey and maybe astral chain on a 4k TV without any interest in using the handheld mode or whatever is called? I have no reason to play multiplatforms on it because PC and my PS4 are the main platforms. So straight to the point just for those games would you buy a switch?
The platforms are really good only for certain genres, like RPGs (turn based, some action and other unique ones) or indies, only that I can confidently say the platform 's good. Everything else, it depends.


... OK? Not every game has to be for everyone. It has to have something about it people like though, since it's probably one of the highest rated games ever.
This was one of the better pieces criticizing the game I think: Breaking down why Breath of the Wild is highly overrated

Even the biggest Breath of the Wild defenders can't tell me with a straight face that a bunch of Korok seeds are what makes the world so "full of content" and exciting. They're boring, repetitive, and most stop collecting them after like 30-50. So what is it that fills all that open space? A few non-progressive mini-games to win 100 rupees? Korok seeds? Oh, shrines. Of course 120 identical shrines.
20 shrines are combat trials which is the clearest sign of laziness in the game. All of them are identical, single mini-Guardians.
Speaking of Hinoxes and Stone Taluses, during my first encounter I was delighted to have a random mini-boss-like fight out in the open, thinking it was the only one. Then I quickly realized they're copy and pasted all over the map.
There isn't even much enemy variety in the game. [...] Breath of the Wild wants you to grind and do repetitive shit all day. Fighting the same things over and over in a massive world isn't fun, it really isn't.
Even the stables and fauna are copy-pasted all over. The only area-specific vegetation in the entire game are those baobab trees in the south.
The game is all about running around aimlessly with nothing unique to discover, no area-specific secret bosses, and overall very little progression. The only secrets or things to discover are shrines or Koroks, leaving the world with a profound lack of mystery.
So much mindless walking, fetch questing, grinding, and traversing barren mountains to reach a literal maze that could be designed by a six-year-old.
Like license-free stock music, the game is functional but doesn't have a beating heart behind it. Manufactured almost robotically with an understanding of structure, but no delivery or soul.
[...] we need to collectively calm down with all the medals and awards we give this game. It did not innovate or do anything new. It used concepts from other games and no it did not reinvent or improve them just because it's Zelda.


This was one of the better pieces criticizing the game I think: Breaking down why Breath of the Wild is highly overrated
I will want to counter that some.

- You farm Hinoxes,and Taluses for its loot. Hinoxes for easy high grade weapons etc, Talueses for minerals. You learn to fast kill them. It's why they have tons, some with different loots, bookmarks them for favorites then come back after blood moon.
- 20 Guardian shrines ranging from Minor to Major test of strength from 140+ shrines (including DLC). Major test can wreck you early on. Everything else is different, well except for the theme. Also you farm those Guardians.
- You fight enemies for loot, and for the loot to become better. The more you fight, the more you will see high grade loot. Avoiding fights is a no no. At the end you even farm Lynels.
- Stables are checkpoints with horses. You get recipes, the picture memory guy, cooking pot, and most importantly, quests.
- Fauna graphics are copy pasted, but the terrains are user curated to entice you in every way. More interesting than fancy graphics imo.
- If you are already bored with running, "aimlessly", just go with bare minimum and defeat Ganon. It will be fun.
- THERE ARE TONS OF QUESTS YOU HAVE TO BE PATIENT TO TRACE ON. This is not mindless korok seeds adventure.
- Use horses mostly only on tracks for new territories, they auto gallops tracks, that's how it's done. Then you discover stables, then you trace the towers if you haven't done, then explore. Using horses should be a faster approach.
- "Designed by six year old". That's a clear lazy insult. So much for better criticism,
- Musics are ambiance music, which really works actually. You don't have to hear them like some people did after hearing certain open world musics over and over, at the end they just hate it. It's just a different approach. Also, all great Zelda songs variations only comes when you're riding.
- "Not innovating" lol. Its terrain focused adventure are already dope enough for innovation. People should at least acknowledge that. "It used concepts from other games and no it did not reinvent or improve them just because it's Zelda ".

I'm confident, dude had already ingrained the overrated narrative in mind. He got shallow observations and not even touching the strong points, you got to grab both for constructive criticism.
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- You farm Hinoxes,and Taluses for its loot. Hinoxes for easy high grade weapons etc, Talueses for minerals. You learn to fast kill them. It's why they have tons, some with different loots, bookmarks them for favorites then come back after blood moon.

But isn't that repetitive from the outset, farming loot?

- 20 Guardian shrines ranging from Minor to Major test of strength from 140+ shrines (including DLC). Major test can wreck you early on. Everything else is different, well except for the theme. Also you farm those Guardians.

That's right, which implies you need to have enough hearts and better equipment, which in turn implies more repetitive grinding outside of those shrines.

- You fight enemies for loot, and for the loot to become better. The more you fight, the more you will see high grade loot. Avoiding fights is a no no. At the end you even farm Lynels.

That's right. But in other words; busywork for the sake of more busywork. There is absolutely no feeling of reward, even when you're about to attain the best possible equipment, or the last heart pieces I think.

- Fauna graphics are copy pasted, but the terrains are user curated to entice you in every way. More interesting than fancy graphics imo.

As I said before; I do like the game's style. But the repetitive visuals and assets severely hampered my positive experience of the game.

- THERE ARE TONS OF QUESTS YOU HAVE TO BE PATIENT TO TRACE ON. This is not mindless korok seeds adventure.

Sorry, but I disagree. Can't recall any quest that made me jump for joy completing it.

- Musics are ambiance music, which really works actually. You don't have hear them like some people did after hearing certain open world musics over and over, at the end they just hate it. It's just a different approach. Also, all great Zelda songs variations only comes when you're riding.

I like ambiance, and I'm not even asking for "bombastic music" or something like that, it is just totally uninteresting and uninspired music I found in the game. And while there are moments of change, it left me very underwhelmed overall.
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