Potato Chip PRO
Yeah, who ever skips on this deal can smack themselves silly! Amazing game.
Probably, 360 disc seek time is not great. IIRC I just installed the whole thing for less insufferable load times.I think it even worse on 360 without the hard drive ?
Remember when Squaresoft said there were no towns in FFXIII because they were too hard to do in HD? Lost Odyssey predated it by two years with some incredible HD towns.The true Final Fantasy 13
The true Final Fantasy 13
Funny thing is blue dragon is better.
I like FFXIII but it represents Square at their laziest imo. The game took forever to develop and they still couldn't do towns and exploration while everyone else making RPGs at the time managed it just fine. Whenever I think of how the game's development went down I picture Toriyama endlessly taking his legendary cigarette breaks.HD towns, backtrack, everything is in here that Square couldn't pull off with their millions. This game is much better than that trash.
It’s still worth full price IMOI downloaded it back when they were giving it away for free on XBL, its in my list of games to play at some point. Heard from many that it is an underappreciated classic.
I always get lost odyssey and last remnant confused with each other.
I'm yet to play that one.Last Remnant is brilliant as well. Its unique and I see it as a SaGa game, but one I could actually beat lol. Its also kind of reminiscent of FFXII. Last Remnant has complete towns and areas you will never see if you don't unlock the quest attached to it. The combat is great, at least in the remaster with turbo mode. On 360 like LO it was very rough but the remaster was worth it imo.