?1 is awesome. Loved how it felt like KOTOR in space.
?1 is awesome. Loved how it felt like KOTOR in space.
I wish I could scrub my memory of these games and play them fresh again.
But then you'd have to relive the ending of ME3. That is something I would never wish upon anyone.
But then you'd have to relive the ending of ME3. That is something I would never wish upon anyone.
Haha. I remember exactly how pissed I was. Only game in the series I didn't immediately start a new game of after finishing.
I gotta say I don't understand the hate "Renegade" Shepard gets, he's never truly evil. In fact, when I play ME I'm usually split pretty evenly between Renegade and Paragon. Renegade Shepard is just more mission oriented and is all about getting the job done no matter what, whereas Paragon Shepard is more about making deals.
Oh and OP, prepare to play the best game in the series. ME2 is the pinnacle of ME.
That's what the intention is. ME2 Shepard is more like a vicious rogue cannon who I would have to kind of question following if I was Jacob or Kaidan, but otherwise does alright. And in ME3 she/he varies between a flagrant asshole and an actual monster andit doesn't even benefit you in the end, Paragon Shepard gets the best outcomes.
I dunno in ME3, (MASS EFFECT 3 SPOILERS)Paragon and Renegade Shepard get the same ending outcomes so it made no difference. I liked the fact that in ME3 certain "optimal" outcomes could only be achieved through Renegade actions. For instance, the "optimal" outcome for fighting the Reapers in the Tuchanka arc is to get the Salarians and Krogan on fighting together. To do so you have to have killed Wrex on Virmire, destroyed Maelon's cure, and sabotaged the Genophage cure. By doing this Wreav ends up controlling the Krogan and is subsequently too dumb to figure out your treachery, and by destroying Maelon's cure Mordin has to start from scratch which kills Bakara, you can then convince Mordin not to sacrifice himself to make the cure right since he can see that Wreav is a destructive dude who has no checks. Thus, you get both the Krogans and the Salarians on your side with no immediate negative repercussions.
Was a disappointment then and has aged terribly on top. Witcher 1 was released the same year and blew it out of the water. Too bad nobody cared in 2007.
How do you even make that comparison? They have vastly different structures, to the point The Witcher is practically an adventure game. And the Witcher's combat has certainly not aged gracefully either. I'll take Mass Effect's clunky, unbalanced combat over that rhythm crap.
OP - Overlord, Shadow Broker, Arrival is plot relevent but not as good as those two.
Also, ME1 spoilers only:You don't HAVE to make Saren kill himself, so don't think "they don't let me fight him" - you just had enough persuasion to ignore the first fight. It's entirely possible to fight him twice
P.S. Whatever happened to that autograph guy? I refused to sign and now 30 hours later, I feel a bit dickish about it.
Was sort of expecting (hoping) that decision would come back to haunt me, haha. Perhaps in part 2 or 3...?
The chat with Vigil felt like a bit of an info dump.
It was a cool twist about the Citadel and the Keepers, but it could have been subtly hinted at throughout.
Not really.You can cure the genophage to gain Krogan support, and the Salarians will later give you their support if you save their councilor. So you can have Wrex alive, Mordin alive, Eve alive (depending on a choice in ME2), support of both Krogan and Salarians. The complicated Renegade option MIGHT give more resources, I'm not sure. But Wrex is dead and the Krogan are screwed as well as saddled with an incompetent leader, so that's a pretty shitty outcome roleplaying-wise.
About that "Info Dump"
Vigil is part 2 of the big twist of the games, that sovereign and the reapers are sapient genocidal starships. Also the foreshadowing in this game is extremely heavy. These games are meant to be replayed but its not needed to take everything in. Almost everywhere you go, hints and clues are dropped both through the environments, the enemies and the conversations with people. Mass Effect rewards first time players immensely who explore the world. The lore is some of the best in modern sci fi. Appreciate Vigil while you can, the later games never quite reach that level of sci fi RPG bliss again
Thanks for your recommendations, everyone.
By the sound of it Overlord and Shadow Broker are included in the PS3 version, which is nice.
I don't see them on the PSN store. Only Arrival. I'll get that later if I feel the need for more story I suppose.
Is there no definite point in the game at which I need to have bought it? (Will it be obvious without spoilers?)
And yeah, I figured I didn't have toI was shocked at the Renegade outcome in a good waymake Saren kill himself.![]()
Thanks for your recommendations, everyone.
By the sound of it Overlord and Shadow Broker are included in the PS3 version, which is nice.
I don't see them on the PSN store. Only Arrival. I'll get that later if I feel the need for more story I suppose.
Is there no definite point in the game at which I need to have bought it? (Will it be obvious without spoilers?)
And yeah, I figured I didn't have toI was shocked at the Renegade outcome in a good waymake Saren kill himself.![]()
If you are a jerk to him I think you will find him in ME2.
If you sing the autograph and do NOTHING ELSE you will hear some idiot died trying to be a hero on the lifts news.
So...bein a Jerk to him actually saves his life![]()
But it was. Remeber the Salarian that asks you to scan every Keeper of the citadel? If you complete that quest you would get a hint about it. For god's sake you even get hints about the reapers if you read some of the planets story.
Even some things that you are told during ME3 are hinted in some ME1 planets.
About that "Info Dump"
Vigil is part 2 of the big twist of the games, that sovereign and the reapers are sapient genocidal starships. Also the foreshadowing in this game is extremely heavy. These games are meant to be replayed but its not needed to take everything in. Almost everywhere you go, hints and clues are dropped both through the environments, the enemies and the conversations with people. Mass Effect rewards first time players immensely who explore the world. The lore is some of the best in modern sci fi. Appreciate Vigil while you can, the later games never quite reach that level of sci fi RPG bliss again
Truth. I'm actually amazed when I go back and play ME1 how much is foreshadowed in the game, nothing about the twist "comes out of nowhere" it's all heavily implied. Hell, just think to your conversation with the Rachni Queen early on. She states that the Rachni didn't want to fight the original Rachni Wars but were corrupted somehow, that their songs were changed"
"No. We... I do not know what happened in the war. We only heard discordance. Songs the color of oily shadows."
This obviously foreshadows the Reapers and the effects of Indoctrination.
Arrival is best played after you beat the main story of ME2. That is if you wish to purchase it and not simply watch it. Arrival isn't a great DLC because it focuses almost exclusively on shooting and there is basically zero choice, everything always plays out the same since it's setting up the plot of ME3. Thus, it plays like a linear shooter with cutscenes as opposed to an RPG.
What the poster above me said, Arrival is the first thing that soured me on ME as a series. It's relevant to the intro to 3, and it should be the last thing you do in 2, but you obviously don't NEED to play it since 3 still makes sense without it. Without any spoilers, it's more that 3 starts out in a very jarring and 'wait what?' kind of way if you don't play Arrival. Downside is Arrival isn't very fun, Shadow Broker, Overlord, and Kasumi are all actually FUN dlc (heck, overlord isn't relevant to anything at all yet its' still one of the best DLCs I've ever played).
If you are a jerk to him I think you will find him in ME2.
If you sing the autograph and do NOTHING ELSE you will hear some idiot died trying to be a hero on the lifts news.
So...bein a Jerk to him actually saves his life![]()
All this ME1 talk lately reminds me that I really should play it again and get those missing achievements for beating a majority of the game with each crew member, I did start a renegade run on xbox one but the emulation currently has a ton of frame drops so i'm waiting it out to hopefully improve.
I just want a ME Trilogy Remaster on either my Xbox One or PS4.
I picked up the collection yesterday.
Why did I never play these before? been wanting to since around the time 2 came out.
Funny thing is Black Ops 3 is what pushed me to finally get it, BO3 was so disappointing I had a craving for a badass custom character and scifi setting(SW hype played into that as well).
1 feels like a combination of KOTOR, Halo and good bits of Destiny sprinkled in.
Making me dislike Destiny more than I already did thanks to showing me a new potential for it.
Just picked up Liara and am loving it so far, haven't felt this immersed in a long time.