You're telling me people at Amazon cant come up with their own original space sci fi show? Ugh go fuck yourself
I do know that theses shows generally are being pitched from within the owners of the IP right? Like EA would find a studio, they would be open to it being a show, then they shop around to see who can win the bid to get streaming rights to the show...
As in The Last Of Us was almost going to be at Netflix.....then HBO got the contract, Sony then had Horizon done at Netflix and God Of War done at Amazon.
AMAZON IS NOT just saying "ok, lets make a Mass Effect Show"
That is not what is happening 99% unlikely, its them being approached, as I'm sure this studio and EA reached out to Netflix, Amazon, HBO, Apple etc
God of War, Mass Effect, Persona, Fallout, Yakuza.............How many video games does Amazon plan to adapt? I
? smh
So...lets get this clear, that is not up to Amazon, Sony wants to make God Of War the show, they have a studio, they are look for a deal with a streaming company, they all bid, Amazon won the contract instead of Netflix........
I don't think some of you get what might be going on regarding a lot of this....
AMAZON is not just saying "we want to make God Of War"
Sony is saying ,we have a studio, we want a show, who wants the marketing and streaming rights etc
Fallout was almost going to be on HBO, but Amazon got the bid
This has nothing to do with what Amazon wishes to adapt, this has to do with SEGA, Sony, EA etc. They own the IP, they are the ones with the studios behind those shows, they are the ones selecting where the show is streamed