LTTP: Star Wars Jedi Survivor (PS5)


It's more like Sekiro/Souls with a big fat heap of Metroid. The climbing stuff is Uncharted-esque, but apart from that it doesn't have much in common.
In which case, looks like I was on the right track in not purchasing it..maybe I'll find more enjoyment from Force Unleashed 1 and 2 (even though 2 is a short game..)

The Skull

Playing through it on the PC now that it's on game pass but might get it on PS5. Still one of the worst PC ports I've ever played. Enjoyed the actual game so far.


Gold Member
It's more like Sekiro/Souls with a big fat heap of Metroid. The climbing stuff is Uncharted-esque, but apart from that it doesn't have much in common.

The climbing and platforming is way better than Uncharted though.
While it's not super complex, it does at least have some skill based design to it, you actually have to time things right and combine different moves to progress (specially once you get the dash). A few of the sequences later into the game actually reminded me of the platforming in the Ps2 era Prince of Persia games, something I've really been missing in big AAA games.

The climbing in Uncharted is always so boring because it almost feels like it's running on autopilot.


Gold Member
Amazing game, I'm enjoying it a lot, for me this is what a western game should be, not a slow ass walky talky with third person shooting because "hey westerns love shooting, who cares about swords and weeb shits like that?"... I wish there were more games like this one from the west.

My only issues so far are only two sable stances and that some enemies are just too cheap, like the power android in the desert that spams too many attacks, too many unblockable, super armor, etc... Just bs enemy design... just fought the big machine in the desert and it was amazing. It seems like it follows Nintendo a lot in its design (metroid being the obvious one).

My feelings are very similar. I really enjoyed it overall, but there are some really frustrating elements and design decisions.

  • Very well done story. High production value, very cinematic, great characters, and some really impactful moments.
  • Traversal, exploration, and metroidvania elements are all really fun. I love acquiring new tools and abilities and being able to get to new areas.
  • I think the customization is fantastic. I hated the stupid poncho in the first game and removed it as soon as I could, but there weren't really any other good base outfit options. I'm shocked at the amount of personalization options we get here: hair, beard, jacket, shirt, pants - all separate, no presets! Love it. And the lightsaber customization, good Lord. SO many options for each little segment, dozens of different materials you can intermingle as you desire, even control the polish and aging... it's overwhelming.
  • For the most part, the graphics and visual design are very impressive and very Star Wars.
  • Sadly, I think that just like the first game, the combat fluctuates between "meh" and "bad".
    • First off, I will always maintain that the "soulslike" style is just bad. It feels bad, it looks bad... it's not fun. There are so many examples of better melee combat in other games: God of War, Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Batman Arkham... anything else is better. I feel like the entire concept is antithetical to the idea of playing as a Jedi - it's just not the right style of combat for a Star Wars Jedi game.
    • Maybe the above wouldn't be as bad if it was tuned to the nines, but it just feels unpolished. The attack patterns, timings, animations, AOE, hitboxes - none of it feels quite right. I feel like I'm constantly getting stunlocked, enemy attacks/projectiles hit sooner than they should, etc.
    • My biggest gripe: why can't I switch between all stances at any time? This was such a stupid idea. It's super cool having so many different stances and styles of lightsaber play, but surprise! You can only pick two because of arbitrary reasons! God, man, just let me have some fun. Put them all in a wheel and let me pick what I want.
  • All of the other "soulslike" design elements - meditation spots, limited fast travel, etc - are all just as annoying and out of place. Especially since you can't save anywhere, so you're gonna have to waste time traversing all the way back to a save spot if you wanna close the game.
  • The image quality and performance on PS5 is pretty poor. This makes a pretty interesting comparison to Fallen Order on PS5: Survivor obviously has better overall graphics, but the image quality and performance in FO are pristine, and I have to say I'd pick the latter over the former as it makes a bigger difference in the overall enjoyability of the experience. Better graphics aren't worth it if the image quality is so poor, with so much breakup, ghosting, and shimmering.
This. 100%.


I'm really alarmed by the amount of people who now claim combat is excellent because it has shitty mechanics that made it hard so it equals 'soulslike'.

Stunlocks are bullshit. Cals movement is poor to terrible. Tracking attacks are lame in 2024, the constant overlapping unblockables. I don't think there was really any point to any of the ability unlocks. Maybe 3 were really effective?

There's an excellent game in there. Production values, art, story, design but the combat is poorly tuned. The developers are leaning towards a Dark Souls game with a Star Wars skin.
A matter of tastes, and I'll admit sometimes the combat feels unpolished (well, some enemies would be more appropriate), but the combat is pretty addictive to me and I LOVE the soulslike elements, it's like a good way of adopting popular mechanics without it feeling like a bad copycat... But it's a matter of tastes, I get some just don't like souls games and hate their formula being adopted.

How can you say it doesn’t have much in common with uncharted?

Epic set piece moments. Climbing and swinging. Some puzzles. Cinematic story telling.

It absolutely follows the uncharted formula…
By that criteria, even Zelda since N64 followed Uncharted lol.


The climbing and platforming is way better than Uncharted though.

Yeah that's basically what I was getting at- it borrows from Metroid and its ilk far more than it does Uncharted. It has the big flashy cinematic stuff, but the genre's ability/traversal synergy is smartly baked into that and requires a bit more awareness and dexterity as opposed to ND's game.


I'm 25 hours into this now. The game is fantastic. I'm glad it was next gen only because you can really see the improvements.


I have played this a bit. Mechanics are good in theoretical level but for instance parrying doesn't feel particularly good or precise


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I have played this a bit. Mechanics are good in theoretical level but for instance parrying doesn't feel particularly good or precise
??? You smoke crack?

Go to settings and change game difficulty if you need a larger parry window.

This is either some kind of input lag on your end or some shit. I played on hard mode with a tight parry window and it is super responsive and tight. The game always rewarded my timing correctly.


Almost got the platinum, typically the only trophy I don’t have is the one that’s missable so have to play a bit on NG+ to hopefully unlock it

loved the game despite of performance and glitches . Playing on ps5


Almost got the platinum, typically the only trophy I don’t have is the one that’s missable so have to play a bit on NG+ to hopefully unlock it

loved the game despite of performance and glitches . Playing on ps5
I made sure I Googled any missable trophies before. Fuck bode the little rat.


I'd give the game an 8.5/10. It was a 9,5 until the ending. Jedi fallen order beat it there.
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