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LttP: Xenosaga Ep1 and Ep2 (spoilers for both episodes)

LttP for first two games only because I haven't played the third one yet.

Got around to finally getting and playing these games after hearing about how "great" this trilogy is compared to something like Xenogears and Xenoblade (which both I find amazing for different reasons). Got to say, after beating one and making it about 3/4 of the way through ep 2 before running into a boss (Margulis) I just cannot beat at my level since I skipped a bunch of enemy fights. And looking back, these games are really awful, especially in the context of their own "series".

Guess I should get this out of the way first. I do think that Episode 2 is better than 1 when it comes to everything outside of combat. Story actually feels like it has some kind of direction and the characters finally start to develop and become more interesting outside of Albedo (who's still the only interesting character though). In 1, everything just felt so nothing. It clearly felt like the introduction game to set up the characters and the universe, which is fine, but there are clearly better ways to do it than having it being bogged down by a 40 hour, very slow JRPG with a pretty awful battle system in comparison to Xenogears. Honestly, the complaints about the first game can just pile up. The music outside of cutscenes is basically nothing aside from the battle theme, the voice acting, the terrible main character, etc.

For two, like I mentioned before, I like how the story and character development took a step forward with Jr and Albedo's relationship (though again characters like Shion are still just as nothing as ever and feel meaningless). However, this battle system is just complete garbage. Its like Final Fantasy 13 (which I enjoyed by the way) with its "break" mechanic to inflict greater damage on enemies, except done so sloppily in comparison. Everything about this battle system is just a mess since even enemies don't follow the same damn rules with their constant boosting on the same turn, killing characters at full health before I even have a chance to do anything. And add to that the fact that enemies have 1000's of HP, yet attacks will only do barely over 100 damage unless you max stock with all characters and unleash a combo, which can take a very long time depending on turn order. And also add to that absolutely no shops so you can't even buy any revives or potions or anything. So if a character dies from some bs in battle, its basically over and there's no way to prepare for it.

One compliment however is that I like how they streamlined its menus in comparison to the huge mess that Xenosaga 1's menu system was. I also like the mech design and how they thought that mech battles should be kept separate from the on foot battles. Almost like a certain game that did this before except way better (though admitedly, Xenosaga 2 has some sick mech designs).

Ultimately though, its step forward in story and characters just completely pales in comparison to anything Xenogears and Xenoblade have done this far in their stories. Of course Xenosaga never even touches Gears and definitely never will from what I've seen so far. And say what you want about Xenoblade's simplistic story, but having strong pacing and likable characters that actually show some kind of growth on a consistent level trumps whatever Xenosaga tries to do.

So, what is it this series? What drives people mad for an HD trilogy? Is it just one of those things I'm not getting and it actually is that great? Or am I right and that these games are just pieces of shit, especially compared to Gears and Blade and shouldn't even carry the name "Xeno" in its title?

Or is it just because I haven't played 3 yet and I'll be eating my words when I eventually get to 3? After all, I have heard from friends that Xenosaga 3 is very story/character driven and have each genuinely have said that its better than Xenogears.

Btw, I also have no plans to finish 2. I'm not grinding anything for this game because I'd rather snap my ps2 into pieces before I grind in a terrible game where each battle can take 20 minutes.

And no, I'm also not watching a movie for 2 that has all the cutscenes. Don't make the pacing of the cutscenes/gameplay already any worse than it is. I couldn't stomach something like that.


XS3 is my favorite PS2 RPG. Godly music from Kajiura, better battle system, better Story, art and graphics. A shame that many people lost interest in the series after Ep.2.

1 was ok, 2 was ... boring. Man I hated the battle system.
XS3 is my favorite PS2 RPG. Godly music from Kajiura, better battle system, better Story, art and graphics. A shame that many people lost interest in the series after Ep.2.

1 was ok, 2 was ... boring. Man I hated the battle system.

I hate the battle system, mostly because it actually had the potential to be something good. If there were just a few major tweaks to it, like balencing damage with enemy health so that attacks can be effective without breaking, enemies would follow the same rules of boosting, and that boosting could still be used even if your turn was on the order list in the bar on the bottom right, it would have gone a long way to making it a way better battle system than one's which was just a copy paste of Xenogears except mediocre garbage in comparison.


Xenosaga Ep1 has a special place in my heart. Mostly because of the nostalgia factor.

I must've been around 13 when I first played it and it introduced me into my first fucked up game. The scene where the gnosis comes into the ship and nearly kills someone is forever in my head and let's not forget that battle theme. The most overused battle theme of all time goes to this game. Boss themes? What's that? I have nightmares of the battle theme to this day.

Xenosaga Ep2 can shove it, Ep3 is better.


If you're actively skipping battles you could well find some way to screw yourself over in xenosaga 3 (or any RPG ever), but yes it is far better than 2 and 2 is universally considered the worst in the series


Ep 3 is better than the other 2 combined on all fronts. The game structure and pacing in the first two is fucked. Pacing is perhaps not too great in ep 3 either tbh, but it has much better gameplay and story going for it at least. Worth playing for the soundtrack alone imo.

Also, don't skip battles, it'll only make the game harder later.


Got around to finally getting and playing these games after hearing about how "great" this trilogy is compared to something like Xenogears and Xenoblade (which both I find amazing for different reasons). Got to say, after beating one and making it about 3/4 of the way through ep 2 before running into a boss (Margulis) I just cannot beat at my level since I skipped a bunch of enemy fights. And looking back, these games are really awful, especially in the context of their own "series".

Guess I should get this out of the way first. I do think that Episode 2 is better than 1 when it comes to everything outside of combat. .


If you're not liking it overall then XS3 may not to change your mind. It's definitely the best game in the trilogy in presentation, art, music, and combat. The story focuses sharply on Shion though, which you may not like. The pay off of the finale comes in the form of answers. The truth behind the Miltian Conflict, U-TIC's purpose, KOSMOS' existence, the answer to what the Gnosis are and the inner workings of the universe itself, as well as a bit of fanservice for Xenogears fans.

Plenty to blow you away if you're invested in the plot and characters, and the reveals are as grandiose their other titles.


Reading your posts, would you guys recommend

  • play Xenosaga 3, then 1 and 2 if I really enjoyed it to get the full picture
  • or endure Xenosaga 1 and 2 to get a much better Xenosaga 3 experience?
I have a huge (J)RPG backlog, so I kind of need to prioritize. I would like to just play 3 first to be familiar with the trilogy and come back to the others eventually (/never?).
X2 was a complete disaster, X1 and X3 are amazing. I wish I would have done what I was told to do, which was to play X1, YouTube X2, and play X3.
Take it easy and finish Ep2.... because Ep3 is a freaking masterpiece.

it's extremely rare to find anything with this kind of Music \ Characters \ Story and boss fights like Ep3.

If you skip Ep2 then a lot of Ep3 will be ruined for you because the trilogy is highly connected.

Finish Ep2.. then prepare yourself for an experience like no other, you will be blown away with Ep3, remember my words clearly when you jump into it after finishing Ep2... it will be all so worth it.
I would like to just play 3 first to be familiar with the trilogy and come back to the others eventually (/never?).

It would be HUGE mistake... you will destroy the trilogy for yourself and get MASSIVE spoilers.

It's like Watching the final episode of a TV show or Anime.. or read the final pages of a big book, don't you ever think of doing this because you will kill the experience and then regret it a lot.
Reading your posts, would you guys recommend

  • play Xenosaga 3, then 1 and 2 if I really enjoyed it to get the full picture
  • or endure Xenosaga 1 and 2 to get a much better Xenosaga 3 experience?
I have a huge (J)RPG backlog, so I kind of need to prioritize. I would like to just play 3 first to be familiar with the trilogy and come back to the others eventually (/never?).

It's a bit of a conundrum. For the OP it's a no brainer since he's already gotten past the hard part. Ep. 1 & 2 are in the can jump on episode 3 right now.

Ep. 3 is legit good, but for you I can't justify the time commitment of 1 & 2 just to play 3. That's for masterpiece tier games but Xenogears, XS3 is not. I'd say just play ep. 3 and make use of the in-game database. You are going to confused for a while though. It's pretty dense.
Reading your posts, would you guys recommend

  • play Xenosaga 3, then 1 and 2 if I really enjoyed it to get the full picture
  • or endure Xenosaga 1 and 2 to get a much better Xenosaga 3 experience?
I have a huge (J)RPG backlog, so I kind of need to prioritize. I would like to just play 3 first to be familiar with the trilogy and come back to the others eventually (/never?).

I wouldn't recommend just jumping into X3. There is just way to much stuff happening. X1 is a good game, and while X2 is not the best, it's not terrible either.


Reading your posts, would you guys recommend

  • play Xenosaga 3, then 1 and 2 if I really enjoyed it to get the full picture
  • or endure Xenosaga 1 and 2 to get a much better Xenosaga 3 experience?
I have a huge (J)RPG backlog, so I kind of need to prioritize. I would like to just play 3 first to be familiar with the trilogy and come back to the others eventually (/never?).

Xenosaga I is a really good game. Some people will diss it, but it still holds a special place in my heart. XSII is the problem child. If you can endure watching videos, I would recommend watching the cutscenes of that game on Youtube. Xenosaga III really relies on your knowledge of the first two titles.


Ultimately though, its step forward in story and characters just completely pales in comparison to anything Xenogears and Xenoblade have done this far in their stories. Of course Xenosaga never even touches Gears and definitely never will from what I've seen so far. And say what you want about Xenoblade's simplistic story, but having strong pacing and likable characters that actually show some kind of growth on a consistent level trumps whatever Xenosaga tries to do.

So, what is it this series? What drives people mad for an HD trilogy? Is it just one of those things I'm not getting and it actually is that great? Or am I right and that these games are just pieces of shit, especially compared to Gears and Blade and shouldn't even carry the name "Xeno" in its title?

I dont mean to sound condescending (has any sentence starting off like that ever ended well? ;) ) but to be honest I do think its one of those things you're just not getting. There's a depth of symbolism and meaning in Xenosaga thats really top notch, and significantly superior to Xenosaga (and because the second half was such a mess arguably Xenogears). The only caveat is that you have to be familiar with the stuff its referencing to really get the most out of it, the allusions and allegories to medieval alchemical theories, the magnum opus and the philosophers stone. The references, both subtle and explicit to gnostic cosmology and eschatology, postmodern theories, the hyper-real, video-game references, the game is jam packed with meaning. There's a lot more going on in the game than may be apparent. You have to dig a bit for it, or at least be familiar with the material its drawing on. And I suppose even if you are familiar with its reference material, you have to enjoy it as well.

Beyond that I also enjoyed the combat system and characters significantly more than you evidently did

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
Episode 3 fixes basically all your complaints.

- it has a really fast moving story. (In fact they originally wanted to do 6 episodes so they crammed a TON into ep. 3)

- it has actual orchestral music, not just the synth pop of ep 2 or the ambient sounds of 1

- the battle system is greatly improved. None of those fucking 5-minute random encounters from 2

Episode 2 was really short. If you made it this far, you might as well play episode 3 and experience the best the series has to offer.
All I can really remember of XS2 is that I spent an hour fighting a cathedral or something. I died and then never played it a gain.

XS3 was pretty great though.
There's a difference between grinding and playing through an RPG. Skipping encounters on your way to a location isn't skipping grinding, it's skipping your chance to level up normally.

Stop skipping battles. Your only making the experience worse for yourself. I don't think I grinded at all in ep2 so just play normally. It's a pretty short game in comparison to the others ..maybe 20 hours (if I recall correctly)
Xenosaga Episode I is average to fairly good at best and sets up an intriguing premise, Episode II is one of the most underwhelming/disappointing sequels I've ever played with maybe the worst battle system ever (though it does have a kickass final battle/ending)... and Episode III is one of the best JRPGs I've ever played on any console and probably in my top three PS2 JRPGs of all time, right alongside Final Fantasy X and Shadow Hearts: Covenant.

I really can't stress just how amazing a ride Episode III is and how surprisingly well it wraps up the main story and each character's overall arc... three episodes earlier than planned, to boot. As much of a grind as the first and especially second game often ended up being, I'd play through them both again in a second for another chance to go into Episode III fresh. It's just that good.

I would give almost anything for a Xenosaga Episode IV someday, but I know it'll never happen.


Love the Xenosaga trilogy.

Episode I was mindblowingly good. I was hooked instantly.

Episode II was the black sheep of the series, unfortunately. Very long loading times during battles and a fugly art style. I loved the focus on the URTV stories, though.

Episode III is nothing short of a masterpiece. One of the best JRPG's ever created.


Reading your posts, would you guys recommend

  • play Xenosaga 3, then 1 and 2 if I really enjoyed it to get the full picture
  • or endure Xenosaga 1 and 2 to get a much better Xenosaga 3 experience?
I have a huge (J)RPG backlog, so I kind of need to prioritize. I would like to just play 3 first to be familiar with the trilogy and come back to the others eventually (/never?).

Either play them all or don't play the series at all.


You're playing really good games OP. X3 is a treat!

I really hope #OperationKOSMOS had some legs so we could get an HD version on PS4 and/or Vita so we could replay them on current hardware with trophies.. That would be awesome..


Junior Member
Xenosaga 3 is a massive improvement over 1 and 2. It's like it wasn't even developed by the same team.

If you read the Perfect Guide after playing the series, you'll find out how deep the story is.
yeah I also did not like 2 at all, didnt finish

almost didnt get 3 but glad I did since I thought it was amazing, one of the best games ever made IMO


Xenosaga Episode I is average to fairly good at best and sets up an intriguing premise, Episode II is one of the most underwhelming/disappointing sequels I've ever played with maybe the worst battle system ever (though it does have a kickass final battle/ending)... and Episode III is one of the best JRPGs I've ever played on any console and probably in my top three PS2 JRPGs of all time, right alongside Final Fantasy X and Shadow Hearts: Covenant.

I really can't stress just how amazing a ride Episode III is and how surprisingly well it wraps up the main story and each character's overall arc... three episodes earlier than planned, to boot. As much of a grind as the first and especially second game often ended up being, I'd play through them both again in a second for another chance to go into Episode III fresh. It's just that good.

I would give almost anything for a Xenosaga Episode IV someday, but I know it'll never happen.

I'm not sure why people think that Ep III crammed everything that was going to be in the remaining episodes into that game. Ep. III just finished Shion's story. Anything after that was going to focus on an entire new cast with only KOSMOS and chaos as returning characters.

shark sandwich

tenuously links anime, pedophile and incels
I'm not sure why people think that Ep III crammed everything that was going to be in the remaining episodes into that game. Ep. III just finished Shion's story. Anything after that was going to focus on an entire new cast with only KOSMOS and chaos as returning characters.

Maybe because it
pretty much wraps up each character's subplot in the last hour or two, where you practically go on a killing spree finishing off all these antagonists who have hounded you since the beginning.
. Come on man it's pretty obvious they had a ton of loose threads to tie up and they struggled to get it all done in one game.


Maybe because it
pretty much wraps up each character's subplot in the last hour or two, where you practically go on a killing spree finishing off all these antagonists who have hounded you since the beginning.
. Come on man it's pretty obvious they had a ton of loose threads to tie up and they struggled to get it all done in one game.

I'm at work so I can't search for it, but I'm pretty sure that if you look up old articles on Xenosaga it's mentioned that Shion's story was originally only supposed to span 2 games, but was spread to three because of how long her story ended up being. Shion's story arc was never intended to last 6 episodes.


Ep1 was the only one that felt like a fully fledged game. Ep2 felt like it had 1/5th the content and depth.


Ep. III feels crammed (BOSS LINE FORMS HERE) because of Monolith poor planning/the series clusterfuck of development (Ep. II was originally part of I, think about it...), not because they inserted material from all the episodes left.

Ep. 1-2 on DS is probably more "true" to Takahashi true vision of the series, especially ep. II.


Xenogears beats out the xenosaga series by far. But xenosaga 1 was really fun. 2 not so much. 3 returned to form but was cut short so they tried to cram as much content to finish the story into 3 as they could. Once again Takahashi's work is cut short. So glad xenoblsde did well I just wish more NA gamers played it.
To answer people's questions. It's not like I was skipping battles the entire game. The dungeon before this I was fighting till I only had 30 minutes to escape the damn place and would have easily died if i had fought more than like 2 battles. I did all the mech fights on old miltia, but by the time I got inside the core of old militia (forgot the name of it) enemies had like 4000 HP, we're coming in 3s and 4s and my characters were doing maybe over 100 damage on normal attacks.

Battles took 20-30 minutes each with constantly healing to replenish HP and max stocking with everyone, just to be able to kill maybe one enemy in a combo. I can't fucking do that with every enemy in the rest of this dungeon. It would've taken several hours to get through this area and the less time I would have had to spend the better.

But apparently you can't brute force your way through this game either. Fuck.

I also apologize if I sound like a douche in the OP. I really have heard from people that it is as good as gears is, so to see...this.....was just a shock to the system of how these two games just didn't hold a candle to any part of gears. Even it's disc 2 which I thought was still fine.

Ep1 was the only one that felt like a fully fledged game. Ep2 felt like it had 1/5th the content and depth.

I agree with this. It set up everything and didn't feel like it really needed a sequel the way Ep.2 is feeling like. Its also only half the length, even shorter, than Ep.1.

That being said, I wouldn't call it a good fully fledged game in the slightest.

I was one of the ones that dropped off at X2. From what I hear of X3, it's worth playing. Maybe one day I'll get to it.

Its very easy to drop off after the mess that X2 is. I could easily put this down and never look back and I'd never regret it. That's why I decided to spend the money on X3 beforehand so I'd actually have some motivation to finish the damn games.


Ep. II battle system plain sucks. Ep. I is not bad, but suffers from being too slow.

Ep. III is the complete opposite, battles are fast-paced and the dungeon design is excellent. They reward you for playing well and killing enemies fast. It's certainly a more "generic" system, but the execution is excellent.

Boss fights are also beautiful (Each boss gets its own theme composed by Kajiura) and E.S. battles have the right amount of everything.

Overall I'd argue ep. III had the best Xeno-gameplay, excellent battles, excellent dungeon design with puzzles, good sub-systems and menus.
Ep. II battle system plain sucks. Ep. I is not bad, but suffers from being too slow.

Ep. III is the complete opposite, battles are fast-paced and the dungeon design is excellent. They reward you for playing well and killing enemies fast. It's certainly a more "generic" system, but the execution is excellent.

Boss fights are also beautiful (Each boss gets its own theme composed by Kajiura) and E.S. battles have the right amount of everything.

Overall I'd argue ep. III had the best Xeno-gameplay, excellent battles, excellent dungeon design with puzzles, good sub-systems and menus.

Just booted up 3 and read the synopsis for Ep.2 so I'm all good to go. Glad I didn't really miss out on anything major from what I read of it.

As for 3, presentation already looks better and the music sounds great. Everything is voiced even outside of cutscenes and the character designs are much improved from 1 and 2.

Each boss having their own theme is crazy though, considering even Albedo didn't have his own boss theme and he's been the main villain for the first two games (fuck that patriarch or pope or whatever, he was just the filler villain so Albedo wouldn't steal the show 24/7 with his badassness).


Just booted up 3 and read the synopsis for Ep.2 so I'm all good to go. Glad I didn't really miss out on anything major from what I read of it.

As for 3, presentation already looks better and the music sounds great. Everything is voiced even outside of cutscenes and the character designs are much improved from 1 and 2.

Each boss having their own theme is crazy though, considering even Albedo didn't have his own boss theme and he's been the main villain for the first two games (fuck that patriarch or pope or whatever, he was just the filler villain so Albedo wouldn't steal the show 24/7 with his badassness).

Prepare yourself for the eargasm that is "Godsibb". :3


I really hope the xenosaga hd remakes happen...and not to get off topic but damn shadow hearts covenant is so good...
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