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LttP: Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra (Spoilers)

Untagged spoilers in this thread. A quick thought before I get into spoiler territory though for those who haven't played that want my thoughts of the game/series.

Xenosaga 3, truly is an amazing linguist a fantastic game and is worth suffering through the first two games for. And who knows, you might enjoy Xenosaga 1 more than I did! You probably will hate Ep.2 though.



It took me a while, but after finishing Xenosaga Ep. 1 and 2, I finally got around to finishing episode 3.

After being disappointed in many aspects of Episodes 1 and 2, I went into 3 with the lowest of expectations. I've seen people talk it up as being one of the greatest RPGs of all time, but I wasn't convinced at all that something coming from the same series could be that great.

How completely wrong I was.

Honestly, I can't even begin to sing the praises of this game. They took every single thing that was wrong with Episode 1 and 2 and just completely fixed it in the most mind blowing transition between two games I've ever seen. It even beats the transition from DMC2 to DMC3.

The first major problem they completely addressed was the horrid battle system in Ep.2 and the tedious battle system of Ep.1, while still keeping the interesting ideas each one presented. They sped up the animations so that battles went by much faster, while keeping the break system, but balancing it so that it wasn't essential to winning every fight like it was in Ep. 2. Magic was finally useful and they cleaned up the overly complicated menu of 1, but adding more depth to it with the Equipment/E.S and Skill Links. Something that was missing in Ep.2 which was a little too simple.

Also, bringing back the shops. I can't believe I should even have to say this, but thank god for that lol. And you also have enough money to finally upgrade every thing which is great too.

The E.S battles are also incredible. Giving the battles dynamic camera angles to help make the fights look much more amazing from a visual standpoint helps to also increase the tension you would see in an actual mecha fights similar to the kind you'd see in a lot of anime. It was a minor touch, but one that helped made this one of, if not, the best Mecha RPG you'll ever see (though we'll have to wait for Xenoblade Chronicles X to see how long that stands). The micromanaging of the E.S's was also very fun, opting to go for either one or two handed weapons and the advantages/disadvantages of each one in battles.

And the last aspect I'll talk about for gameplay is the boss battles which are incredible. Ignoring the score by Yuki Kajura for now, the bosses in scope, design, and intelligence are fantastic, though I was disappointed by the final boss, who was annoying in its design to abuse the break/crystal mechanic. The rest of the game however, had incredible boss fights that really added tension to the story. Some were really emotionally charged and some felt like you had very little chance, but you still wanted to give it your all and win the fight.

The first time you met/fought against T-elos, you felt like you had very little chance, but god damn you wanted to win that fight!

And to add to the boss fights, the music. My goodness, this music is sooooooooooooooooo good. The number of songs, the high quality, the vocals, the instruments. God damn its all just so incredible. I can go on for weeks about how good this soundtrack is, but just listen to some of my favorite ones for yourself and you can see.

Forgotten Sanctuary

The Battle of Your Soul

Promised Pain

The Harsh Truth

Testament (my personal favorite)


Maybe Tomorrow (Ending Medley)

Abel's Ark (That blatant Xenogears reference)

*Unreleased* Battle Against Yuriev

Fatal Fight

Hepatica (KOS-MOS)

Forgotten Sanctuary

And I can go on forever. The sheer number of boss themes rivals Paper Mario games in general and just the whole score is fantastic. Its arguably the greatest soundtrack ever in a game and its a shame the whole OST never got an official release because I would pay a significant amount of money for it. Yuki Kajura needs to compose more game music. And good on Takahashi for the sound directing because he used Kajura's songs in some fantastic places.

And last, but certainly not least. The characters and the story.

Its a great cast of characters with my personal favorite being Jin and Kos Mos (which made that ending hurt in the heart so much more). Though, I liked all the characters in general, especially Albedo and that fucked up scene he had with MOMO in Episode 1 which was pretty damn awesome. I'm not a big fan of Shion, though for about 98% of the series she was written to be very unlikable so its understandable why I'm not a fan.

Also, the english voices are great. Wendee Lee did a great job on VO directing, taking mostly unknowns (though you still have your Crispins and your Lowenthals) and making them really fit their roles.

The sheer ambition of the plot itself is insane. This is probably the most in depth universe in a game to the point where without the database and the guides written outside of the game itself, it'd be impossible to decipher what everything is. Its probably one of the most interesting database's to actually read just to learn about every thing in that world. The plot goes to some insane places in Episode 3 after being kind of slow in a lot of points earlier in the series (mostly 1). When the story gets going though, it really gets insane. Its something I still haven't fully comprehended myself, but I plan on reading the perfect guide and possibly replaying Xenogears just to understand more of it.

That ending though, what a perfect way to end such an ambitious series. I didn't think they could do it, but it worked out really well. Its a shame we'll never get to see the full scope of Takahashi's ambitious story in game form, but I'm happy with how it ended.

The last thing I really want to talk about though is what makes this game so much better than the other Xenosaga games, and even most RPGs in general. And that's the pacing. The pacing in this game is fantastic in almost every way. The game still has plenty of plot and cutscenes, but just when things start to feel like its getting really slow, BOOM boss fight! The pacing of the dungeons is much better too, even with Abel's Ark's very very long dungeon (though I loved it just as a gigantic Xenogears reference). Battles don't last long, dungeons don't last long, and cutscenes don't go on for too long. It knows how to balance all three of these things and keep the player intrigued from the first minute, right to the very end. Something most RPG's, even today, can't figure out (here's looking at you Persona 4). Xenosaga 3, truly is an amazing linguist a fantastic game and is worth suffering through the first two games for, even with its meh final boss. And who knows, you might enjoy Xenosaga 1 more than I did! You probably will hate Ep.2 though. Even if Albedo is the bestest best.

So TL;DR for the people who didn't want to read, here's some numbers.

Xenosaga Episode 1 - 3/5 (changed to a 3 after doing some more research. Even as flawed as it is, its pretty decent for an introduction into the lore/characters which was its biggest job)
Xenosaga Episode 2 - 2/5
Xenosaga Episode 3 - 5/5



Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I enjoyed episode 1 just fine and I'd have probably enjoyed 2 if the battles werent so tedious and they hadnt used some terrible character designs.
I enjoyed episode 1 just fine and I'd have probably enjoyed 2 if the battles werent so tedious and they hadnt used some terrible character designs.

Episode 1 was kinda slow. Dungeons went on for far too long with very little music. Character designs were also very odd. Episode 2 I actually enjoyed more honestly. If it wasn't for the horrid/tedious battle system, I would have really liked the game since the entire Jr./Albedo arc is very interesting.


Agree 100%. Xenogears is my favorite game of all time and Xenosaga 3 is so fucking good that I put it up there pretty damned close to it. It sucks having to suffer through episode 2 (though I hated it a lot less than most people - the voice work and pacing were the worst part, but I LOVED the Jr/Albedo story arc and I thought the combat was alright), but god it's so worth it.

The story, characters, music, voice work, battle system, fucking everything, so good. And god the ES designs are just fantastic. I love the Wetall optional boss so much too.

Edit: Fuck, now I really want a Xenosaga Collection HD remake with 2 re-voiced, some pacing tweaks, all of them using 3's models and gameplay systems.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Episode 1 was kinda slow. Dungeons went on for far too long with very little music. Character designs were also very odd. Episode 2 I actually enjoyed more honestly. If it wasn't for the horrid/tedious battle system since the entire Jr./Albedo arc is very interesting.

Jr/Albedo is much better than the Gnosis/Jesus/Shion storyline thats for sure.
Jr/Albedo is much better than the Gnosis/Jesus/Shion storyline thats for sure.

I totally agree, though I still loved the Shion storyline and the grand scope and religious tones of it.

Agree 100%. Xenogears is my favorite game of all time and Xenosaga 3 is so fucking good that I put it up there pretty damned close to it. It sucks having to suffer through episode 2 (though I hated it a lot less than most people), but god it's so worth it.

The story, characters, music, voice work, battle system, fucking everything, so good. And god the ES designs are just fantastic. I love the Wetall optional boss so much too.

Planning on going back and doing that in the near future. I need more of this game/lore in me. Its fucking fantastic, there's no other way to describe it


Xenosaga is a really frustrating series for me. I played the first when it came out, and ended up skipping the second because I was really busy when it was released and all signs pointed to it being awful. When the third came along and was getting good buzz I tried to start it up but felt totally lost, because memories of the first were so far gone by that point.

They definitely need some kind of remaster/definitive edition to come along.
One of the greatest games of all time... And in the top 5 of the best jrpg games ever made, and my 2nd favorite game after FFVII.

It was a masterpiece and perfect in every possible way.
One of the greatest games of all time... And in the top 5 of the best jrpg games ever made, and my 2nd favorite game after FFVII.

It was a masterpiece and perfect in every possible way.

Agreed. I really enjoyed Xenoblade, but I hope X takes a more ambitious turn with its plot similar to Xenosaga Episode 3, now that its an established series.

Xenosaga is a really frustrating series for me. I played the first when it came out, and ended up skipping the second because I was really busy when it was released and all signs pointed to it being awful. When the third came along and was getting good buzz I tried to start it up but felt totally lost, because memories of the first were so far gone by that point.

They definitely need some kind of remaster/definitive edition to come along.

A remaster/DE would be cool. But a PS2 classic on the PSN store seems much more realistic. Also, a full movie of Xenosaga 2 does exist. As does 1. I'd recommend buying at least 1 and playing it, but I can totally understand not doing that considering the price these games, especially 3, is going for.


Best RPG on PS2. And not just for the story, but for the fantastic gameplay. Dungeon design, battle system, menus and the various sub-systems are excellent.

So tragically underplayed.
Best RPG on PS2. And not just for the story, but for the fantastic gameplay. Dungeon design, battle system, menus and the various sub-systems are excellent.

So tragically underplayed.

Also, you were totally right about that post about Godsibb in my X1 and 2 Lttp thread. That song is soooooooo good lol.


Definetly one og the greatest RPGs ever made.
Amazing Battle System
Incredible OST
Fantastic Story/Characters
It was the perfect way to send off the trilogy.


Neo Member
Despite being a massive Xenogears fan, I had passed on Saga originally due to the mixed reception. It wasn't until I heard rumblings years later that it was secretly pretty amazing despite all the flaws, so I decided to give it a chance. I'm so very glad I did, EP3 makes the journey entirely worth it.

I hope the talk of potential remastered versions turns out true, there's a ton of tiny, little-effort changes they could make to fix many problems of EP1 and 2 (asking them to retrofit those games with EP3's models might be asking a bit much, but one can dream). Even better if they could involve the original team, thanks to Namco's relationship with Nintendo nowadays.


They should release a remastered edition where all the gameplay changes and designs of Xenosaga 3 are constant throughout the other two games. God this series would have been perfect if the *everything* from Xenosaga 3 was implemented into the first two.


The Xenosaga series is one of those things were I don't know if I missed out on something special by not getting around to it.


Awesome game and a great end to series, despite being cut short. They really nailed everything perfectly with this entry after the disappointing second game.
The first time you met/fought against T-elos, you felt like you had very little chance, but god damn you wanted to win that fight!
Agreed, a shame she ends up being such a pushover in the final fight.


My one complaint about Episode 3 is that, towards the end of the game, it felt like there were too many dungeons and not enough downtime. It's been a while, but I remember wanting to hang out at the Kukai Foundation or something, but you could only go back to the Elsa before having to go to the next major dungeon.

Like yeah, it makes sense being the endgame of the series, but I would've liked a little more relaxed Xenosaga weirdness beyond Erde Kaiser.


Awesome series I really enjoyed those 3 games. I kinda wish they'd make a compilation with the 3 game on current gen or portable (would prefer current gen).

Too bad we did not get the whole 6 games that was supposed to make this series.
The Xenosaga series is one of those things were I don't know if I missed out on something special by not getting around to it.

Its an experience more than anything. Its an overall flawed, but ambitious event with a grand finale. I think its worth it, but only if you have patience, time and money.

Awesome game and a great end to series, despite being cut short. They really nailed everything perfectly with this entry after the disappointing second game.

Agreed, a shame she ends up being such a pushover in the final fight.

It kind of made sense though. Since Kos Mos woke to her inner conciousness and just beasted on T-elos in the cutscene after. I wished the fight was tougher, but if the music didn't make it obvious enough, it felt more like a scripted battle you were supposed to win. As opposed to the first one which was "oh we're probably fucked"

My one complaint about Episode 3 is that, towards the end of the game, it felt like there were too many dungeons and not enough downtime. It's been a while, but I remember wanting to hang out at the Kukai Foundation or something, but you could only go back to the Elsa before having to go to the next major dungeon.

Like yeah, it makes sense being the endgame of the series, but I would've liked a little more relaxed Xenosaga weirdness beyond Erde Kaiser.

Considering the development where they had to cram so much content towards the end of the game. I mean, just look at how many of the villains you off in the last dungeon. Its great ending dungeon just for the shit the development of this game had to go through.


I love seeing Xenosaga topics on GAF. Sometimes I think I'm the only huge Xenosaga fan in the world.

I agree with everything you said. The game is just so damn good. It can stand as a top 5 PS2 RPG next to Final Fantasy X, XII and Persona 3 & 4.

The ES fights are just so crazy. That last one with Margulis is just bonkers. I recently played the Uncensored version with English voices and it made the game so much better.

That ending always brings me to tears.
Dimensional shift

Sad we wont be seeing a new Xenosaga game though. Would have loved to go to New Jerusalem.
Xenosaga 3 is definitely a masterpiece. It was amazing in all aspects of the game, from story to gameplay to music. It's quite shocking how much better the game is compared to the previous 2 entries.

The music really deserves all the praise it can get. Best video game OST ever composed. Yuki Kajiura really needs to get back to composing for games.


Xenosaga 3 is definitely a masterpiece. It was amazing in all aspects of the game, from story to gameplay to music. It's quite shocking how much better the game is compared to the previous 2 entries.

The music really deserves all the praise it can get. Best video game OST ever composed. Yuki Kajiura really needs to get back to composing for games.

I didnt even get into the music.


Nuff said!!! Seriously. Nothing else to say.


Episode III is pretty good, but Episode I is still my favorite game in the series. I wish Takahashi could have kept the director's role and that he and Soraya Saga could have stayed the writers for the series. As far as I'm concerned, Episodes II and III are basically official fanfiction.
Xenosaga 3 is definitely a masterpiece. It was amazing in all aspects of the game, from story to gameplay to music. It's quite shocking how much better the game is compared to the previous 2 entries.

The music really deserves all the praise it can get. Best video game OST ever composed. Yuki Kajiura really needs to get back to composing for games.

Agreed. No offense to Mitsuda, but anyone that thinks 1 has a better soundtrack than 3 is insane. Even if Albedo's theme from 1 is one of my favorite villain themes ever.

I didnt even get into the music.


Nuff said!!! Seriously. Nothing else to say.

I just wanted to put the whole soundtrack on my OP, but I tried my best to keep it to a small amount. That whole soundtrack is just too perfect.


Totally agree about the fantastic pacing although I think a big part of that is because they compressed the storyline of 4 games into one. Absolutely fantastic game and really disappointing more people never got a chance to play it because of the requirements of playing the first mediocre and second terrible games.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Totally agree about the fantastic pacing although I think a big part of that is because they compressed the storyline of 4 games into one. Absolutely fantastic game and really disappointing more people never got a chance to play it because of the requirements of playing the first mediocre and second terrible games.

I'm pretty sure the second half of the story was mostly just forgotten.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
One of the very, very few games that managed to evoke me literally crying buckets out of my ears. I was bawling. Many games managed to make me sad, but Xenosaga III? I bawled.

Allen x Shion is probably my most favorite pairing of all time.
My only problem with Xenosaga 3 was that it was too easy. (edit: I think the skill point from importing save is only for Xenosaga 2, since I double checked) So before I was fighting the super bosses and at endgame I had blood dancer. Blood Dancer Kos-Mos pretty much stomps everything in the game. Right behind her is Momo, who hilariously enough is one of the best Breakers in the game because she can proc double fish blows (she basically does Makoto from 3rd Strikes CHESTOOO!), though someone like Ziggy can be more reliable choking out fools (on humans at least). But even then the game wasn't too hard even if I wanted to play normal.

I really liked fighting Weltall though. You pretty much needed stuff to prevent getting counterattacked from the guy, iirc it was worthless to try to melee him unless you had the stuff that prevented you from being countered because he does a crap load of damage. It was also sort of annoying if you into the fight blind, you didn't know about his changing elemental attributes and that he can heal himself based on your anima bars, but overall a fun fight.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
One of the very, very few games that managed to evoke me literally crying buckets out of my ears. I was bawling. Many games managed to make me sad, but Xenosaga III? I bawled.

Allen x Shion is probably my most favorite pairing of all time.

Really? A terrible abusive relationship is your favorite pairing?


Only game of which I own the soundtrack (it really is fantastic), but gameplay-wise I still prefer I. It's pretty much a perfect strategic turn based RPG system where III was more (very well done) standard RPG fare.

Edit: My favourite song.
I only played the first Xenosaga, it was one of the most unplayable rpgs I've ever seen. I bought it day one, but I couldn't get more than a few hours into the game. The pointless battle system where you only did 2 points of damage every other turn, then had to sit through a long animation with the same voice samples over and over and over again drove me insane. I know Xenogears had it too, and I hated it then as well, but I was more willing to put up with it in the 32-bit era. And I wasn't feeling the character design at all. By the time saga hit, I just couldn't do it. I never touched the series again.

How friendly is the third game if you just jump in there?
It's crazy how much better episode III is than the other two games in the series. In pretty much every way.

I don't like episode 1 and 2 much at all, yet III is one of my favorite JRPGs. The battle system, the music, the look of the game, the plot actually going somewhere...all so much better.
Xenosaga III is easily one of my favorite games of all-time. I love the trilogy as a whole (yes even the second one) though.

Music-wise, Promised Pain is my favorite track across all three OSTs. Yuki Kajiura is just too good.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Episode III is my favorite JRPG of all time. It's pretty much a perfect game.

Man what an emotional ride it was.

How friendly is the third game if you just jump in there?

You'll probably be utterly lost. It's still a good game though.
Episode 3 just nails it... Episode 1 was kinda flat and i tried to force myself but i gave up on the final dongeon/place and watched the end on youtube.
Episode 2 was much better, much better story but a big chunk of the core system( exploration, battle ) were deeply flawed i LOVED the story and i rejoiced on some of the design changes (momo in particular ) . Episode 2 do have some pretty intense boss battles that did raise my interest despite the bullshit instant deaths.

BUt episode 3 , that one i've played it entirely... no bullshit. The first 6 chapter of this game.. i had no idea what to expect on the next corner.. it was just a series of reveals and greatness. Time flew especially since the battle system was fun to play.
The problem is that Xenosaga 3 can only be enjoyed trully if you have experience with the first 2 , none of the reveals will have impact otherwise. And that what make it so hard to recommand.

As much as EP 1 & Ep 2 are fla&wed , as much as EP3 is a freaking masterpiece.


As a massive fan of the series from the start, this thread needs more attention. XS3 is tied with 1 for me, but both are amazing games in their own right. it's amazing how much the team was able to wrap up with XS3, though you can kind of sense the rushjob with the plot near the end when they start throwing bosses at you just to wrap things up.

It bothers me that they never got into Nephilim and the Shion turning into a gnosis subplot, but I'm more than happy with what we got in XS3.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Really? A terrible abusive relationship is your favorite pairing?

I don't view it as abusive.

I just typically find the "love you no matter what" trope to be endearing. It's just immensely satisfying for me to see Allen finally stood up and defend Shion from that selfish bastard Kevin, and winning her heart in the process. .
Episode 3 just nails it... Episode 1 was kinda flat and i tried to force myself but i gave up on the final dongeon/place and watched the end on youtube.
Episode 2 was much better, much better story but a big chunk of the core system( exploration, battle ) were deeply flawed i LOVED the story and i rejoiced on some of the design changes (momo in particular ) . Episode 2 do have some pretty intense boss battles that did raise my interest despite the bullshit instant deaths.

BUt episode 3 , that one i've played it entirely... no bullshit. The first 6 chapter of this game.. i had no idea what to expect on the next corner.. it was just a series of reveals and greatness. Time flew especially since the battle system was fun to play.
The problem is that Xenosaga 3 can only be enjoyed trully if you have experience with the first 2 , none of the reveals will have impact otherwise. And that what make it so hard to recommand.

As much as EP 1 & Ep 2 are fla&wed , as much as EP3 is a freaking masterpiece.

Exactly how I felt about the series in general. Super flawed, but god damn what a way to finish it off. 1 was mediocre and just a slog to go through, while 2 really pushed the envelop, but failed extremely hard on its gameplay, even with the interesting ideas they had for it.

As a massive fan of the series from the start, this thread needs more attention. XS3 is tied with 1 for me, but both are amazing games in their own right. it's amazing how much the team was able to wrap up with XS3, though you can kind of sense the rushjob with the plot near the end when they start throwing bosses at you just to wrap things up.

It bothers me that they never got into Nephilim and the Shion turning into a gnosis subplot, but I'm more than happy with what we got in XS3.

Well thank you, I put a lot of thought into it to show how much I really came around on the series after being turned off by 1 and 2. It really is fantastic.

I really have to go back and play this game. I liked the first 2 well enough

If you liked the first two, you'll adore 3.


Not enough Shion hate in this thread

Really like the games overall though, even ep2.

Hell, I think I'm gonna start a new playthrough tonight!


My favorite JRPG series of all time. I would love a remaster so bad.

The censorship in the game is crazy though... the MOMO "rape" from EP1, which was handled ok though... but removing blood from very key scenes from EP3 left them simply akward (at least one of them).

OP, i am curious if you were aware of these. Later from my work pc i may hunt these down on youtube unless someone else wants to do the honors. They did a lot to hold that Teen rating.


Here are the edited scenes that I was talking about (nothing NSFW, just some blood in the ones from the last game).

Xenosaga 1 (Side-by-Side, SPOILER):


Xenosaga 3 (collection of all edited scenes, MAJOR SPOILERS):


I would love a HD remaster with these scenes (at least from part 3) restored to original versions.

Edit: Thanks to this thread, I really REALLY want to replay part III... but I started a playthrough to show my GF last year, and would like to resume from where I am in part 1 first. Because I also really really want to replay part 2. I'm probably one of the only people on the planet who may enjoy part II the most of the trilogy. (At least the combat and short length.)

Edit 2: Holy shit, just started listening to the OST from the links above during work... oh my these are GODLY! I forgot how fantastic the OST was in the 3rd game. I love it in the entire franchise really, but hearing these so crisp and clear is magical.
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