I actually haven't played an open world game in a long time now that I think about it. Does Nier count? (It doesn't). Oh wait there was RDR2 but I stopped playing that for some reason so let's just ignore that one.
Anyway this was fucking great tbh and I think it goes without saying that this is open world gameplay done right and without the sacrifice of story telling to boot. There's some vintage Bioware story set up here once you strip away everything except instead of recruiting friends you're um freeing them and letting their souls rest. Honestly, it's just a structure that's perfectly suited for games. But everything that's been layered on top is what really sells it. From the sheer size of the map to the intricate level designs of the smaller areas, what I really appreciated is how different the landscape could look depending on where you where. Often, I'd thought I discovered a new place only to realize I was only 50m off the mark and looking at different angle which only furthered my need to continue exploring ever nook and cranny of each dungeon, ravine, mountain or village. On the way to Zora's Domain, I felt like I had explored half the length of map only to realized I was still only relegated to one little area.
As you've probably guessed by now, I have by no means 100% completed the game and tbh I don't really care to. I could sink another 200 hours just exploring and discovering shrines or little fucking Korok's lying in random places. Or you know, just randomly stumbling upon a Lynel. So for that reason, I think BotW doesn't necessarily try to overwhelm you as far as completionism goes; it's more like they've fully captilized on the playground they've built and told me "Hey, go have fun". And it's not like there's much there in lieu of repetitiveness either, unless that is, you count finding a Water Buffalo or Mountain Goat atop a mountain it has no business being on.
But on that note, perhaps the lack of enemy variety does let down the game's humongous scale. Not counting reskins you could probably count all of them one hand, give or take a few fingers. That said, they do kind of fluff it by giving them the ability to use different types of weapons so it's not that much of chore provided you're not out constantly punishing Bokoblins so it's only a shame in comparison. The boss fights on the other hand are fucking G-R-8. Shield surfing on a SEAL that can SWIM in SAND? RIDING an anthropomorphic dolphin/lizard/whatever the fuck they are then SWIMING UP A WATERFALL? GLIDING THROUGH THE AIR DOING SOME LEGOLAS SHIT? Hold up let me get my reaction face.
The puzzles were fucking fun too. It wasn't like Braid where I was like "welp, maybe I should I wait a couple of hours and see if I stop being retarded". It was more like Portal where it's both engaging and rewarding and that does extend out to the Shrine puzzles too btw. Speaking of puzzles, the Korok seed puzzles are pretty cute. Can't count the amount of times I giggled after accidentally dropping a rock on their heads after discovering them. Like my coffee, they're short, sweet and to the point. That's actually not how I have my coffee jsyk.
Oh btw, freeing each of the Champions made me tear up something chronic. Doesn't help that I'm in the midst of the onset of a flu atm either. Mipha's story especially killed the man. Goddamn, I wanna play it again just for her, I hope that doesn't make me a furry.
OH YEAH how were you suppose to beat Ganon when he goes all glowy and shiny? After I realised my attacks weren't affecting him I literally just ran around for 15 or so mins waiting for Daruk's protection to refresh so I could reflect his laser beam back at him. It worked and I didn't die so shrug. If there was an easier way I did not find it.
Think I covered most the shit I wanted to say so I'll just skip to some negatories.
Pointless Addendums
>75 korok seeds
>"wow, I must be almost half way to finding them all"
>"There are a total of 900 Korok Seeds in Breath of the Wild"
>get all 12 of Zelda's memories
>"wow, did it without google"
>"we heard you like pictures so now you have to take a picture of a picture to find yo picture"
Final Addendum
Anyway this was fucking great tbh and I think it goes without saying that this is open world gameplay done right and without the sacrifice of story telling to boot. There's some vintage Bioware story set up here once you strip away everything except instead of recruiting friends you're um freeing them and letting their souls rest. Honestly, it's just a structure that's perfectly suited for games. But everything that's been layered on top is what really sells it. From the sheer size of the map to the intricate level designs of the smaller areas, what I really appreciated is how different the landscape could look depending on where you where. Often, I'd thought I discovered a new place only to realize I was only 50m off the mark and looking at different angle which only furthered my need to continue exploring ever nook and cranny of each dungeon, ravine, mountain or village. On the way to Zora's Domain, I felt like I had explored half the length of map only to realized I was still only relegated to one little area.
As you've probably guessed by now, I have by no means 100% completed the game and tbh I don't really care to. I could sink another 200 hours just exploring and discovering shrines or little fucking Korok's lying in random places. Or you know, just randomly stumbling upon a Lynel. So for that reason, I think BotW doesn't necessarily try to overwhelm you as far as completionism goes; it's more like they've fully captilized on the playground they've built and told me "Hey, go have fun". And it's not like there's much there in lieu of repetitiveness either, unless that is, you count finding a Water Buffalo or Mountain Goat atop a mountain it has no business being on.
But on that note, perhaps the lack of enemy variety does let down the game's humongous scale. Not counting reskins you could probably count all of them one hand, give or take a few fingers. That said, they do kind of fluff it by giving them the ability to use different types of weapons so it's not that much of chore provided you're not out constantly punishing Bokoblins so it's only a shame in comparison. The boss fights on the other hand are fucking G-R-8. Shield surfing on a SEAL that can SWIM in SAND? RIDING an anthropomorphic dolphin/lizard/whatever the fuck they are then SWIMING UP A WATERFALL? GLIDING THROUGH THE AIR DOING SOME LEGOLAS SHIT? Hold up let me get my reaction face.

The puzzles were fucking fun too. It wasn't like Braid where I was like "welp, maybe I should I wait a couple of hours and see if I stop being retarded". It was more like Portal where it's both engaging and rewarding and that does extend out to the Shrine puzzles too btw. Speaking of puzzles, the Korok seed puzzles are pretty cute. Can't count the amount of times I giggled after accidentally dropping a rock on their heads after discovering them. Like my coffee, they're short, sweet and to the point. That's actually not how I have my coffee jsyk.
Oh btw, freeing each of the Champions made me tear up something chronic. Doesn't help that I'm in the midst of the onset of a flu atm either. Mipha's story especially killed the man. Goddamn, I wanna play it again just for her, I hope that doesn't make me a furry.
OH YEAH how were you suppose to beat Ganon when he goes all glowy and shiny? After I realised my attacks weren't affecting him I literally just ran around for 15 or so mins waiting for Daruk's protection to refresh so I could reflect his laser beam back at him. It worked and I didn't die so shrug. If there was an easier way I did not find it.
Think I covered most the shit I wanted to say so I'll just skip to some negatories.
- Outdated lock on. Think I mentioned this in another thread, The lock-on is actually pretty frustrating if the game pushes you with too many enemies or they're too fast. It felt a lot like Ocarina of Time. I wouldn't know if the in between Zelda games are same because I haven't played them
. Oh yeah, if you have the misfortune of playing in a tight area the camera seems to suffer from Souls Syndrome.
- Horse riding sucks and also outdated. I actually never noticed this because I never ride a horse. I literally climb, glide or surf everywhere. Then I decided to get a shiny black co- horse, realized how horribly it controlled even with max bond, then promptly got abandoned in front of a Guardian Stalker and died. It sucks. It's a good thing there are shrines basically everywhere so you can just teleport then glide to where ever you want. Thankfully horse riding skill wasn't really a necessity in the last fight.
- More harder enemies? Did mention this above somewhat. I mean, I pointedly avoided trash mobs when exploring but the big and scary's needed to be more varied I think. There's just the Lynel, Cyclops and Geodude. Oh there's the fish thing in Gerudo which was really cool. Maybe I'm forgetting some.
Pointless Addendums
>75 korok seeds
>"wow, I must be almost half way to finding them all"
>"There are a total of 900 Korok Seeds in Breath of the Wild"

>get all 12 of Zelda's memories
>"wow, did it without google"
>"we heard you like pictures so now you have to take a picture of a picture to find yo picture"
Final Addendum

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