Completely disagree with the graphics thing, I think the most interesting looking games are the ones with the unique art styles. Realistic styles tend to be more dull looking for me.
Gameplay wise, BotW is just fun to play which is a lot more than I can say for HZD and Witcher 3. Controls feel more fluid, and I can climb any surface or paraglide off anything. Witcher 3 and HZD feel much more sluggish/stiff, and the world is less interactive.
Ironically I was much more immersed in BotW than more “realistic” games.
BOTW art style is beautiful but compared to the other two (and AC Origins/Odyssey), it's just not as immersive to me because I see it as a cartoon - meaning fake. As opposed to the realistic art style which is obviously real and will get more realistic as technology gets better. To each their own though. I simply will always choose realistic over any other art style.
For me, BOTW was more of a bore. Literally, the last two hours or so before I quit, I was just wandering around because I simply wasn't into it. Tried to stay with it but im not the type to force or power my way through any game if im not enjoying it. TW3 is somewhat clunky at times but BOTW's controller configuration is beyond horrible. Three button combination just to do a dodge move? Like really? The odd jump button which was X if I remember correctly. Really wish Nintendo would get up to date with their controller configurations and button layouts because they're simply old, outdated and obsolete.
As for Horizon, it's by far the most smooth, fluid and responsive game that I have played this generation. Controller configuration is perfect and everything that you want to do, your character does precisely. In BOTW, not so much if at all.
As for the climbing, it's meh to me because Link is so damn slow and yeah, I know you can upgrade that and whatnot but it's so damn fake and unrealistic. Link needs climbing equipment to go faster but yet, he can "free climb" at will on almost anything and only falls off when it rains? Like really? Come on. I'll take the climbing in Horizon over BOTW simply because it's faster and I can get to where I want to get too in less time. With AC Origins/Odyssey, the free climbing is even better because it's BOTW but on a far grander scale because you can climb quickly as opposed to climbing at a snail's pace.
Will disagree with the "less interactive" opinion simply because Zelda only comes across that way because there's no waypoints, icons everywhere, etc. but add them and it's exactly the same shit. For TW3 and Horizon though, if you turn off the HUD and all the icons on the world map, it not only becomes more interactive due to there not being anything on screen or the world map whatsoever but it also, in turns makes the game world way more immersive than it originally is and completely crushes BOTW because it takes what BOTW setup was and goes the extra mile by allowing the player to turn off everything.
Gamers can love BOTW but it's funny because I always think to myself, if you subtract the Zelda name, the Nintendo logo and change the primary character's names but keep literally everything the same and call it Oceanhorn 3D or some shit like that, would it really be praised for what it is/does despite it literally being exactly the same game but without the entire 30 year history behind it? My guess is probably not. It's simply the Nintendo/Zelda name and nostalgia that gives the game and franchise the reputation that it has because when you look at it objectively, from visuals to gameplay to audio to story and characters, etc., so many other games simply do what BOTW does but far better in my opinion.
Realism is not only overrated but an entirely subjective bar of measure and small component regarding atmosophere. There's plenty there in BotW to appreciate from the vibrant wildlife, landscape and desolate ruins to each village and race that has their own unique personality. Then there's the role that the weather, environment and day/night cycle plays to give it more life or how the music shifts depending on what you're doing.
As far as gameplay concerned, it's a Nintendo game so I wasn't expecting much and I came from Sekiro so my barometer was out of wack. Biggest complaint is lock on and horse riding. How they fuck up what the series innovated is known for is a mystery to me.
Also fuck "muh immersion". That's the same line of thinking that got us unskippable walking scenes. I also don't know why you're so obsessed with Link getting a VA, it's absolutely not a necessity just because other games have had success with them and now for some reason people can't fathom voiceless protagonists. I'd comment on the voice work done by the Champions and Zelda but I played it in Japanese so it was 10/10.
Oh yeah, it's not an RPG as much as it is a hack and slash.
The visuals and art style in BOTW is one of the few positives I actually had with the game but would I take it over realistic visuals? Hell no. Simply because it's fake. Also, both the last two AC games have way more vibrant wildlife, landscapes and desolate ruins in addition to massive cities and so much more that BOTW can't even match let alone surpass.
Personally, I like getting immersed in games. BOTW simply didn't do that for me. I can guarantee that im definitely not obsessed with Link getting a voice actor as I don't really care since I will never see the franchise as on par or equal to all the other third person action/adventure/RPG's that I have played (and will play) but in order to tell a better story and have better interaction with NPC's and main characters (like Zelda), you need a voice actor because there's literally no interaction between you and the rest of the characters which kills any chance of having a decent story. The only franchise I have seen pull this off is the Metro franchise and after three games, if 4A Games develops a 4th game in the series, the voice actor that plays Arytom and tals in between missions needs to talk for the entire game. No voice acting for top tier games simply pulls me out of the world and makes me less interested in the story and premise unless everything else around is top tier.
Also, it's 2019, six months away from 2020. Silent protagonists fucking suck period because your character doesn't communicate with all the other characters and thus, there's no interaction whatsoever which leads to, how the hell can I believe that my character is the savior or whatever the case may be but yet, can't speak a single word? Just hell no. Stories will always be better with full voice acting. Can't tell a compelling, interesting, exciting story if the main character (which is you, the player) doesn't say a word.
20 years ago. No problem with silent protagonists but now, nope. Shit needs to evolve and get better. Instead of being stuck in the past.
Zelda is an action adventure game with a lot of RPG elements which basically makes it a soft core RPG. It will be even more of an RPG when the sequel gets released. There's simply way too many gameplay and system elements that prevent it from not being called an RPG.
Well if you want hyper realistic graphics with cinematic story telling then Zelda series are not for you.
No argument here.