DarienA said:
And how are they any different than the regular Star Wars bitch and moaners? You f*ckers will never see eye to eye, which means will continue to see threads like this time and time again.....just great.
Oh, I'm not bitching and moaning. I merely pointed out that spinning lightsabers look silly. And if you no doubt read through the thread, you find out it's pretty much unanimous that it does indeed look silly. People with friggin' Star Wars avatars said that. Let's not compare what I've said here to say, what I did with The Matrix. I very much like Star Wars. The prequels, not so much.
The Raimi zealot VS The Star Wars geeks
All I'll say is that the last two films Sam Raimi have done have beat out Star Wars in the box office (but I'm sure some Star Wars geek will point out Bulgarian box office reciepts, so I'm going to say
domestic box office) and were pretty huge critical hits as well.
But if they were critical duds, I'd still like Spider-Man and I wouldn't
seriously make up excuses and apologies for Raimi's failure. Fuck, I like a lot of junk. I paid money to see Chronicles of Riddick and liked it, which most people hated it, but you didn't see me going around trying to make excuses and/or apologies for shoddy filmmaking. Nope!
borghe said:
I love it how anyone that likes the prequels is an apologist. Nevermind that I actually enjoyed them in the theater.
Then you won't like how I disagree with you. DarienA for example, is one of those guys who is pretty much not an apologist, but he can get defensive from time-to-time. I really don't pay attention to you enough to know if that's your calling or not.
But I am an apologist because someone on this board says the movies suck and no one in the world could honestly like them so instead we are holding onto some part of our childhood and refuse to let go.
No, you're an apologist if someone says, "Spinning lightsabers are lame!" and you give some extravagant reason, excuse or whatnot to prove otherwise. Plenty of Star Wars fans in this thread concede that is a pretty lame looking sequence, but probably still like Star Wars. It is not impossible to address the mistakes or shortcomings of a film you like and STILL LIKE IT.
Apologists suck. Star Wars doesn't even have the worst of 'em, either.
I didn't see the spot on 60 Minutes (DOH!), but in just the talk of erasing real actors and replacing with digital actors... hey... we are already suspending our disbelief. if it makes the scene or story flow better to do so, then do it. does it look perfect now? maybe not, but who cares.. it is more about the story being told than "how it looks."
I don't care about the digital actors. I thought the lightsaber sequence was incredibly lame, which does matter how it looks since the intensity of the fight is supposed to be the climax of the whole fucking prequel trilogy.
EDIT: Sorry for the typos, guys. Just got up not too long ago.