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Lumines: Electronic Symphony |OT| Shake Ya Body


works for Gamestop (lol)
A couple gripes:

- What is up with the songs ending as early as they do? The transitions between them are abrupt, and I feel like they progress alongside your current percentage clear, which, if true, is a terrible decision.

- The Voyage playlist is awesome, but it would have been nice to have some of the traditional Lumines-sounding tracks (like the unlockable Q-created skins, for instance) to help spread things out, since every track feels so tightly produced. The original Lumines is still the best balance between "event" tracks (Shinin, Shake Ya Body, etc) and its less saturated soundscapes (Working in the Hole, Big El Paso, etc). A little negative space would do the playlist some good.

- As a super fan of Lumines (not a trophy whore), no platinum trophy is lame. Apparently a different trophy list exists, we just didn't get it, for whatever reason. Heres hoping it gets patched in one day.

Otherwise I'm extremely impressed with the game. Loving several of the tracks in particular, like Windowlicker, Pacific 707, and Apollo Throwdown, which all look great, and are greatly complemented by the "Lumines" treatment. I'm hoping we either get some song packs as DLC (more licensed tracks? yes please!) or, even better, the game does well enough to warrant an Electronic Symphony 2.

There's a different trophy list? What is it....how


Neo Member
529k on a Voyage run. Looking at the collection it seems I have only 1 more song to unlock, I was so close! The great thing is when I first started I could barely make 50k. 9 hours in and I'm getting a lot better.

The biggest thing for me (skill wise) was the L-Block trick.
I think the shuffle block offsets how much easier the block that links like-colored blocks has made the game. I preferred it the other way where you had to make a block with it before it would link. I do love how balanced the game is now, though. I just need/want more skins. I'm used to having 90-100.

me too, though i actually think the new way makes it harder because it's more difficult to make huge chains now (sometimes you can't avoid setting the link off). i don't really find the game more balanced, i just think it's less predictable.

though, i'm sure when i first started playing the original i had less idea what was going on. maybe i'll get used to the changes in time, i just like the purity of design in the original.


This game ate most of my Vita battery last night. I lasted nearly 2 hours in my first go at Voyage mode before exhaustion creeped in and my concentration went to shit. I went from a mostly empty board to game over in like 2 minutes.

Friends list high score isn't working for me. It says downloading data on the main menu, but doesn't actually finish it, and if I go to manually pull up the leaderboards, the whole game crashes. :(

Oh, and Good Girl is the standout skin. Holy fucking shit.
Played this for a couple hours straight, in Voyage mode. Was awesome fun, wasn't paying attention to the skin I made it to, but like 5 seconds into one the entire game crashed. :( I couldn't remember the exact message, but it was like "Critical Error XG-211 blah blah" and it restarted the entire game. Lost my high score, didn't get any levels, etc. Anyone else run into this problem or know what could've possibly caused it?
You guys make me feel terrible at this game. I got a little over 300,000 last night on my second game and it took me right at an hour. What's the key to getting such high scores in the same amount of time? Just clearing more blocks faster?
You guys make me feel terrible at this game. I got a little over 300,000 last night on my second game and it took me right at an hour. What's the key to getting such high scores in the same amount of time? Just clearing more blocks faster?

I'm in your boat. I barely pick up this game because it takes me a long time to get a high score.


You guys make me feel terrible at this game. I got a little over 300,000 last night on my second game and it took me right at an hour. What's the key to getting such high scores in the same amount of time? Just clearing more blocks faster?

If you can keep very few blocks on the screen, you can keep getting Single Colour and All Clear bonuses over and over and over.
i don't like the shuffle block or rear touchpad rubbing one bit, and i prefer the original 2D graphics, but this is still really great. the most consistent and well-thought out soundtrack of the series, which goes a long way.

I agree with you on the shuffle block. I think it's terrible personally. I would like to turn it off. I'm not sure if it's considered a "good" block or a "bad" block, but either way I don't like it.

And I had no idea there was touchpad rubbing.....what does it do?
I'm in your boat. I barely pick up this game because it takes me a long time to get a high score.
At least I'm not alone. :)

If you can keep very few blocks on the screen, you can keep getting Single Colour and All Clear bonuses over and over and over.
Oh, okay. I haven't been playing well enough to get either of those even remotely consistently so I guess I just need to keep practicing. I played the first Lumines a decent amount back in the day but it's been awhile (plus I wasn't that great to begin with).

High score woes aside I am completely loving this game. It's incredible how addictive it is and how much it controls your attention.
At least I'm not alone. :)

There needs to be either;

a) a mode inbetween the full Voyage mode and the 5/10 minutes max on the block clearing. Something where you can select/customize the time and still use leaderboards

b) you need to be able to save mid-round. I'm honestly baffled why this doesn't exist.

I know when I pick up Lumines it's 45 minutes at least for Voyage. I wish I could save the game and move onto another game after about 20 minutes or so (or whenever I feel like putitng it down). I think it's kind of a glaring omission.
Lots of catchy songs in this one. I caught my wife singing, "Fellas, I'm fucking fellas..." this morning. I told her I think it's, "Feathers, I'm plucking feathers...", but I prefer her version.

Are you guys that are having a problem with how long it takes to play not taking advantage of Edit mode? That's my favorite mode in all Lumines games. I play the main mode to unlock everything, and then I just build a bunch of lists based on the mood I'm in. Some lists with all slow moving tracks, some with all fast etc. Those are great for some 5-10 minute sessions.


I wish that the rear touch had different choices for the sound it makes. Also, if you suck like I do, you really need those avatar bonuses, so you're kind of ruining the music by continuously tapping the rear touch pad.
I wish that the rear touch had different choices for the sound it makes. Also, if you suck like I do, you really need those avatar bonuses, so you're kind of ruining the music by continuously tapping the rear touch pad.

For a game that makes every sound meaningful, it's hard to believe they went with that awful sound for touching the backscreen. Why not come up with a unique sound per skin like they do with the drop/move sounds?


Hail to the KING baby
Man I never even bother with the backscreen touching. I use my avatar abilities when they come up but that's it. I think avatar abilities are cool but I wouldn't mind if they did away with the touch part altogether.

A few other points on recent posts:
-I like the shuffle block a lot actually b/c Lumines is pretty straightforward as is and it throws a monkey wrench into the mix. It's definitely generally a negative block any time outside of late game when your board is just a mess anyway and you can luck into a few more sweeps of the timeline. That said it's not unfair by any stretch -- if you don't like it, then account for that and leave disconnected space on the edge of the board where you can drop it so it doesn't mess up your main tableau. New players may feel differently but I like it. Then again I've never been really one to go for all-clears too much I mostly focus on chains and big sweeps.

-In terms of a mode that doesn't take that long, they built it and it's actually quite cool if that's what you're looking for -- Master Mode. I just love the main mode so much though and I have no problem with setting the game aside and picking it up later mid-Voyage. If only Vita was even more awesome and saved suspend states even when you started a new game. :p

Epic Drop

Finally got to play this game for the first time last night. I haven't played a Lumines game since the first one on the PSP, and I haven't played that game in years and years. It took me a little bit to get back in the "groove," but I got a 500k+ score on my first Voyage, so I think I'll be able to get back to as good as I was (which isn't very good compared to a lot of you :p) on the PSP version.

At first I hated the idea of tapping the rear screen. However, I started doing the tapping when I had a block floating but didn't want to drop it yet due to the position of the wiper, and now I really like it. It sort of gives you something to do during the 2-3 seconds when you want to delay a drop, and I enjoy the powerups. They definitely should have had it make a different sound for each skin, but honestly I am enjoying the concept.

The game is a masterpiece in terms of the visuals and sounds. I'm sure you all know what I mean when I say that the "Lumines Trance" is really something that I find to be unrivaled by any game besides WipEout.

PSN ID: EpicDrop

I can't be the only one who thought this game was called LOO-mines, and not Loo-min-ess, right? I had no idea until I turned this game on and the lady voice said the name of the game...
this game is so fucking good

i've never been so engrossed in a game before, even the original lumines - but this manages to put me in a trance every time I play it. the music being just stellar probably aids that.

PSN is dudemangdoo if you want to shoot an invite.
Is it 1.01? I saw kassatsu mention a patch last night and he said it was 1.01, but I downloaded that on Wednesday night.

Yeah, it's 1.01. Maybe I just missed the icon appearing notifying me up the update for the past day.

The powerup I choose when I play is the block that links like-colored blocks together, so I thought I'd be smart and not activate it until the damned shuffle block was next in line to play, but dammit the game won't exchange it, and instead I lost my powerup. Boooo.


Really wish the psn prices were lower for digital distribution. Amazon has Lumines for $35 now but I really wanted to get this digitally. I'd rather own most games digitally but the price points just can't compete with online and retail. It's totally backwards.


erotic butter maelstrom
Really wish the psn prices were lower for digital distribution. Amazon has Lumines for $35 now but I really wanted to get this digitally. I'd rather own most games digitally but the price points just can't compete with online and retail. It's totally backwards.

I agree with your point, but isn't the digital version $36 after the 10% discount? It would be more or less the same price, especially if you have to pay shipping for the cart version.


I agree with your point, but isn't the digital version $36 after the 10% discount? It would be more or less the same price, especially if you have to pay shipping for the cart version.

Yeah I just was thinking that psn prices should always be lower than other retailers as incentive for customers to buy from psn directly. I have a $20 credit on Amazon and wanted to buy a PSN card on there but they no longer sell them.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I suck, but damn is this game amazing as hell.
Love the game, but I miss the different difficulties...despite the fact that not much changes between difficulties. I just like having different default track lists.


God darnit, I need more people who play Lumines on my friends list other than Astro.

I'm like 500K points away from him >.>

BTW, that "In My Arms" song is really catchy...
God darnit, I need more people who play Lumines on my friends list other than Astro.

I'm like 500K points away from him >.>

BTW, that "In My Arms" song is really catchy...

My personal favorite of the licensed tracks is 4am, but I love love love the "extra" tracks from Q?. I think they're from the same guy that put out the Holiday Skin Pack on PSN and XBLA. Those were some of my favorite skins in any Lumines title, and these 10 new ones are just as diverse and good.


works for Gamestop (lol)

What's your score?


It's weird, the leaderboards go like 1.9 mil, 2.0 mil, 2.4 mil then to the 3 millions. Such a large gap...

I've only played it twice so I know I can do way better


Hail to the KING baby
Yeah I've yet to hit six figs. :-(

don't pay attention to the top of the leaderboards. mr. hexic will come in and get 100m and everyone else will be irrelevant from that perspective. just focus on the people on your own leaderboards :D


I got to like 80,000 and was stressed/struggling.

No idea how people get in the millions, but I am a Lumines noob and find it pretty difficult to keep the screen fairly empty. I'm always 60%+ full.

It's weird, the leaderboards go like 1.9 mil, 2.0 mil, 2.4 mil then to the 3 millions. Such a large gap...

I've only played it twice so I know I can do way better

Holy... Time to dedicate this weekend to at least getting 7 digits

I always do good, then get to the final 2 skins. I scrape by the first one (the one with the purple/white circles) then the second one (red/white blocks), and the blocks don't even stop at the top of the screen :|


don't pay attention to the top of the leaderboards. mr. hexic will come in and get 100m and everyone else will be irrelevant from that perspective. just focus on the people on your own leaderboards :D

I added a bunch of Gaffers, so I'm getting smoked there too. But thanks for the encouragement. First time playing a Lumines game, but I feel like this is the version they envisioned since the original concept. Love that my car has aux in, sounds great in the ride for lunch breaks. :)

Epic Drop

Holy... Time to dedicate this weekend to at least getting 7 digits

I always do good, then get to the final 2 skins. I scrape by the first one (the one with the purple/white circles) then the second one (red/white blocks), and the blocks don't even stop at the top of the screen :|

Me too! The red/white block skin where the blocks don't even pause at the top of the screen has killed me every time I get to it. I feel like if I could just get past it once, it'd be smooth sailing again (until I hit that skin again of course!)


I didn't bother to check. My first game at 1.5 mil was about 90 minutes

In comparison to the first Lumines, my fastest time I think for 999,999 was 1:45-ish

Do you actually play in one sitting? My muscles always start to hurt (probably poor position).
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