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Luthor has been cast for Supergirl S2

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Lena Luthor AKA Lex's sister to be precise. Katie McGrath(Jurassic World's Zara, Merlin's Morgana) will play the role.
Beautiful, powerful, and enigmatic, Lena arrives in National City on the heels of brother Lex’s incarceration hoping for a fresh start. Lena has taken over as CEO of her family’s billion-dollar-tech company, Luthor Corp, which has been tarnished by Lex’s evil infamy. Her goal? To re-brand the empire as a force for good. Lena wants to be seen as her own person, separate from her brother. Kara is drawn into Lena’s sphere and must determine if she is friend or foe.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I knew what this was in reference to and yet my brain still thought "The fuck is Idris Elba doing on The CW?"
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