First off, none of the current Tiger bugs are deal-breakers. If you plan on buying Tiger, you might as well take advantage of spotlight and a system performance boost now rather than later. For the wary, Macworld posted an indepth
article on the various (well, three) choices to back up existing data and install Tiger.
I've been hands on with Tiger for a week now. Here's what I've learned...
(1) Shortcut to open widget menu in dashboard: Cmd + =
(2) Can't say for certain if this is new to Tiger, but I noticed the "gather windows" button in the display preferences; pressing the button tiles all open windows to the main screen. I assume its Apple's effort to alleviate dual monitor aggrivations when iBook/PB users disconnect from an external monitor only to find out a window is off screen, impossible to retrieve unless connected back to an external monitor. Dubiously, the button only appears when the external monitor is connected. If you have forgotten to drag your open windows to the laptop screen, you've also likely forgotten to press the "gather windows" button. The button should be available all of the time so you're just a click away from accessing otherwise unreachable windows.
(3) Unless you really dug into Keychain preferences in prior versions of OS X, you're probably unfamiliar with password assistant. It's now located in sys prefs > accounts > password tab > change password > key icon. Arguably, it's just as buried, but you're more likely to stumble across it here. Password assistant suggests a list of passwords after you tell it what type of password you require (e.g. memorable, letters & numbers, random, etc.) and length (i.e. numbers of characters). Its quality meter graphically indicates how "crackable" the generated or user-entered password is. If nothing else, it'll keep you entertained for the next 3.7 minutes.
(4) Quicktime 7, I love you despite your less than sensational performance on my G4 Powerbook. I know I'm not suppose to, but how can I resist downloading and attempting to view 720p & 1080p movie trailers!
Here's how to detach widgets from the Dashboard. Too bad the widgets float on top of all other windows.
Speaking of widgets, here are the mandatory third-party ones to acquire immediately:
Yahoo! Local Traffic
Hula Girl...though hula girl is the least entertaining of the grass-skirt-undulating characters you have to choose from.