Nah, nothing wrong with BTT. It's amazing what can be done with it. I personally don't like too many customisation options, as it it overwhelms me and I get all obsessive.
That's why I appreciate Apple's approach generally - just give a few important options.
Granted, that actually doesn't work out either sometimes, as we get some important options missing, but they generally find their way there.
I feel that part of my continuing success of relatively few issues with MAc OS X is that I tend not to use third party solutions for stuff, especially ones that sit in between the actual system and myself as the user. Apps are fine, but extensions, add-ons, kexts etc, I tend to find an 'in-built' solution, or adapt to what is in the system.
You may call me just naive, but part of what I enjoy about the Apple Mac environment is simply "not dealing with crap", so I find it works better for me to adapt. That's not to say I never use third party solutions, but it seems much more smooth sailing when I stay inside the box, if you know what I mean.