Speaking of Flash, I'm pretty sureChrome, Apple, Hulu and Adobe are in cahoots with each other...
I just opened Hulu Desktop for the first time on my mini and I am greeted with a broken image link. So I click it, and it opens Chrome to Adobe's Flash page where it says "Chrome keeps Flash up to date at all times! So there's no need to install it!"
Fuck you there isn't a need you idiots! Not only Chrome needs Flash you know! They don't even have a fucking workaround link to download it anyway! Since this mini is new, it means it doesn't come with Flash. So you have to download it yourself. Okay, but then again if you use Chrome, your Flash is included, but it isn't installed in the OS, just in the browser. So if I want to download it, I have to use another browser to download it.
This is ridiculous. All four companies are guilty of stupidity. Apple the least though. Hulu for not having an installer for Flash included in the DMG. Adobe for assuming Chrome is the only Flash using application on your system. And Chrome for including the plug-in in the first place and causing this whole messy chain reaction.
You'd think Adobe'd be all "Flash is used for more than just Chrome! So download it and install it anyway! I have to launch Safari in order to install Flash for a fucking application to watch TV shows.
Chrome, stop including Flash.
Apple, stop not including Flash.
Adobe, stop disallowing Chrome users to install Flash.
Hulu, stop using Flash.
This just turned into a Flash rant. That was not my intention. I thought Hulu Desktop used Silverlight anyway? Oh, wait. That was Netflix.