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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


Futureman said:
Anyone load up Flash 10.2? Does it stop the fans on your computer from going into overdrive after 10seconds of YouTube viewing?
Ehhh... you mean on a laptop? I've never heard my fans going on my iMacs ever. Except for the G5 if I go to the back of it, that thing runs HOT.


hirokazu said:
Ehhh... you mean on a laptop? I've never heard my fans going on my iMacs ever. Except for the G5 if I go to the back of it, that thing runs HOT.

Yea he probably has a macbook. Fans get loud as shit and the bottom could fry an egg.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Which program on mac is best suited for viewing .pdf files and has an auto-scroll function? I can't find it in Preview.


not characteristic of ants at all
Does anyone know of any good tutorials for Grapher?

I'm trying to graph parametric curves (in 2D) and a line in 3D but have been unable to figure it out.

They have a preset thing for parametric equations that looks like


and i tried a lot of combinations but nothing is working.


Proudly debt free. If you need a couple bucks, just ask.
The "Set as Desktop Picture" option disappeared in my right click menu. Anyone know where it went?


Confirmed Asshole
First you define an index, for instance t.

Then, you define a parametric curve over said index.

An example:

Edit: Consider reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parametric_equation as well.
Here's a question!

So I got a Mac that has bootcamp installed on it. The OS X side I use for design, Win 7, gaming. I have a nvidia 285 in it, and I feel it's getting a bit long in the tooth. Can I install a PC video card into the second slot on the Mac to use for gaming?

Or, as an alternative, has a better video card than the 285 been released for the Mac?

Or, as a second alternative, should I buy a dedicated gaming rig? I really don't want to do this, as I think my Mac will last a few years and it's an 8 core with 16 gigs of ram.

Oh, and I'm a bit of a Mac noob when it comes to hardware :)


Kimosabae said:
Hi. I have a model 2008 13" Macbook and want to hook my laptop to my HDTV. Will any old VGA cable do, or is there some Apple proprietary cable that I'm forced to buy?


Actually, if someone could give a good HDMI option that'd be even better.

Is it a mini DVI or a mini DisplayPort Search for whichever you have. I have both. They cost $10 each without HDMI cable. They also have ones with the HDMI cable built-in.


Have any of you had trouble since updating to 10.6.6?

My girlfriends white macbook (Sept 2010) kept kernel panicing and the apple store couldnt fix it so they gave us a new one.

We had it for a week. I updated it to 10.6.6 yesterday, and today it kernel paniced..

Also, how would I go about unupdating it back to 10.6.4?


asdad123 said:
Have any of you had trouble since updating to 10.6.6?

My girlfriends white macbook (Sept 2010) kept kernel panicing and the apple store couldnt fix it so they gave us a new one.

We had it for a week. I updated it to 10.6.6 yesterday, and today it kernel paniced..

Nope. I've had a bit of trouble with Safari hanging and crashing the past few weeks, but recently installed Flash 10.2, so hopefully that fixes it.

I just bought one of the earlier 2.66 Quad Core Mac Pros off eBay and received it today. Upon booting it up however I realized there is no Bluetooth module or airport card included. I also notice that even though the listing says 4GB RAM, mine only has 2. I should have confirmed that it had airport and Bluetooth but I honestly thought they fell into the category of "default unless otherwise stated". Is it fair grounds to return the mac over this? Let's not forget I got short changed in RAM, too.



starchild excalibur said:

I just bought one of the earlier 2.66 Quad Core Mac Pros off eBay and received it today. Upon booting it up however I realized there is no Bluetooth module or airport card included. I also notice that even though the listing says 4GB RAM, mine only has 2. I should have confirmed that it had airport and Bluetooth but I honestly thought they fell into the category of "default unless otherwise stated". Is it fair grounds to return the mac over this? Let's not forget I got short changed in RAM, too.

The airport/Bluetooth was you're mistake, but you are most definately entitled to a return since the listing was wrong.

The listing said 4, you got 2gb. If you don't want it, contact the seller and get your money back.


My new Mac mini just arrived today, but I haven't turned it on yet because I wanted to install the new RAM first. But I can't get the bottom off. It's too tight. Is it supposed to open easily? If it makes any difference, it was left in the car for a few hours and is cold. So the metal might have shrunk a little. I am trying to get it to room temperature. Hopefully that will help.


Please Gaf, i need your help! I recently deleted the windows partition of my macbook, and now i want to install windows 7, but it keeps telling me i cant, and i need to backup and some shit. I lost my mac instal discs so i cant do a full restore, and everytime i try and do a disc repair, it gives me an error, please help.
ReconYoda said:
Please Gaf, i need your help! I recently deleted the windows partition of my macbook, and now i want to install windows 7, but it keeps telling me i cant, and i need to backup and some shit. I lost my mac instal discs so i cant do a full restore, and everytime i try and do a disc repair, it gives me an error, please help.
without install discs, it's going to be tough sledding.

Maybe try running the Maintenence scrips in Onyx?


also, if you backup to an external USB HDD using Carbon Copy Cloner, you can boot from the USB drive, format the HDD inside your computer, then copy the CCC image back to the internal HDD.

I have no idea whether that will fix your problem...but you would be able to format the drive for sure.

asdad123 said:
The airport/Bluetooth was you're mistake, but you are most definately entitled to a return since the listing was wrong.

The listing said 4, you got 2gb. If you don't want it, contact the seller and get your money back.

Also, I hope you didn't pay a ton of money for that Mac Pro. I just installed OSX on my i7 Dell XPS and it runs perfectly. Flawlessly. I think I paid $600 for this desktop when I got it...and it keeps on giving.


Sounds like it wants to repair permissions and the drive before it partitions it. I had that happen too. You need either A) an install disc for your current OS (Hopefully it's Snow Leopard?) or B) a clone or other drive to boot from with the OS on it. Since I have three clones of my data, I am able to boot from any of them to repair permissions on the boot drive without needing my OS install disc.

If you can't find your install disc, Snow Leopard is cheaper than dirt. Cheaper than bricks. Cheaper than the 25th Anniversary Back to the Future Special Edition Blu-Ray.


Jasoco said:
Sounds like it wants to repair permissions and the drive before it partitions it. I had that happen too. You need either A) an install disc for your current OS (Hopefully it's Snow Leopard?) or B) a clone or other drive to boot from with the OS on it. Since I have three clones of my data, I am able to boot from any of them to repair permissions on the boot drive without needing my OS install disc.

If you can't find your install disc, Snow Leopard is cheaper than dirt. Cheaper than bricks. Cheaper than the 25th Anniversary Back to the Future Special Edition Blu-Ray.

The thing is, i have the install disc for a macbook, but it wont let me use it on this macbook(its from my moms 2010 white macbook, i have a 2009 aluminum unibody macbook)


Yeah, the install disc for each Mac is attached to that model. Even if they upgrade the model, it still needs to be the same model revision.

It doesn't let you at least get to the part where a menubar appears? You might need to just buy a $30 copy of Snow Leopard. The Disk Utility is finicky with HD's if you try to partition and one slight thing is wrong. But it requires booting from something else in order to fix it.

Do you have a backup of you files? I don't mean Time Machine. I mean a clone made with either Carbon Copy Cloner or SuperDuper! or something. If so, you can boot from that. If not, get one and boot from it! (Seriously, an exact clone of your data or two is the best thing you can have in times of HD crashes. And HD's are cheap as beer now.)

Edit: Also, now that I have my mini set up as a backup server as well as media center, I have set my mini's iTunes library to point to my clone of my music from my MacBook and have set up DropBox to SYNCHRONIZE my iTunes Library files between machines! (By placing my Library files in my DropBox then creating Symbolic Links to them in the iTunes folder in the Music folder. iTunes treats the SymLinks like the real things on both computers.) So my playcounts and new music stays up to date at all times. So I can now play my music on my new mini connected to my TV and have it keep the library in sync with my laptop. Sooo awesome.

The only problem is it seems that the iTunes window size is also kept in the Library file for some stupid reason (Instead of the .plist in Preferences.) so since my TV is narrower than my MacBook, it causes size changes. Nothing too bad though.


Jasoco said:
My new Mac mini just arrived today, but I haven't turned it on yet because I wanted to install the new RAM first. But I can't get the bottom off. It's too tight. Is it supposed to open easily? If it makes any difference, it was left in the car for a few hours and is cold. So the metal might have shrunk a little. I am trying to get it to room temperature. Hopefully that will help.
I thought you were waiting for a mac mini update. Now I'm not sure if I should keep waiting too. I've already sold my laptop and I'm using a jailbroken iPhone+AppleTV2 as my home 'computer' until I can replace it :/


Has anyone who's used an Apple Cinema Display with a PC run into an issue that they stopped getting sound? It was working great until I had to do a restart for a Windows update and now I'm not able to get sound from my headphones or the display itself but the computer thinks its working, just no sound is coming out.


Charred Greyface said:
I thought you were waiting for a mac mini update. Now I'm not sure if I should keep waiting too. I've already sold my laptop and I'm using a jailbroken iPhone+AppleTV2 as my home 'computer' until I can replace it :/
I was, but unlike your avatar, I got tired of looking at my non-existent watch and tapping my foot for something that may or may not come soon especially since it's a model whose update schedule is much longer than most. And I'm all the better for it. I even installed my old 4GB RAM from my MacBook Pro.

Now if only my TV didn't look so crappy when stretching a 720 pixel high computer screen to 768 pixels high. If only I could figure out a better way to output the exact resolution of the TV, but this will do until I buy a new TV.

When I go out to do TV shopping next time I will make sure to look for one that allows HDMI input to output the exact resolution of the screen instead of something smaller stretched up. The interesting part is my 720p TV accepts 1080i and just shrinks it down. I tried it with the mini and sure enough, it gives me 1080 pixels worth of lines but compressed into 768 pixels. Hopefully my next TV will actually be 1080 and 60". Or at least 50".

I'm also looking for a good 3TB external HD to replace the 2 and 1TB drives I have now. I have two 2TB and two 1TB drives that I keep as two sets of 3TB backed up to each other. But that means I have 4 external HD's plugged in at once. I'd much rather get it down to two HD's, so I'm looking into the best USB2 or FireWire 800 based 3TB drive for a reasonable price. Hell, if I knew what interface these Western Digital Elements drives used inside, I'd just buy an internal drive and put it in the cases. I love the cases for my WDE drives. They're small and quiet and stack nicely. Much smaller than the MyBook's I have.


Mecha_Infantry said:
My cat found this out:

hold fn + SHIT & use your volume buttons and something cool will happen!

Jasco, check your sharpness/overscan options

I would never hold my cat's shit, near my laptop.


Mecha_Infantry said:
My cat found this out:

hold fn + SHIT & use your volume buttons and something cool will happen!

Jasco, check your sharpness/overscan options

hold down shift during any OS animation (dashboard, dock "suck in", whatever) and it will happen in slow mo.


Speaking of Flash, I'm pretty sureChrome, Apple, Hulu and Adobe are in cahoots with each other...

I just opened Hulu Desktop for the first time on my mini and I am greeted with a broken image link. So I click it, and it opens Chrome to Adobe's Flash page where it says "Chrome keeps Flash up to date at all times! So there's no need to install it!"

Fuck you there isn't a need you idiots! Not only Chrome needs Flash you know! They don't even have a fucking workaround link to download it anyway! Since this mini is new, it means it doesn't come with Flash. So you have to download it yourself. Okay, but then again if you use Chrome, your Flash is included, but it isn't installed in the OS, just in the browser. So if I want to download it, I have to use another browser to download it.

This is ridiculous. All four companies are guilty of stupidity. Apple the least though. Hulu for not having an installer for Flash included in the DMG. Adobe for assuming Chrome is the only Flash using application on your system. And Chrome for including the plug-in in the first place and causing this whole messy chain reaction.

You'd think Adobe'd be all "Flash is used for more than just Chrome! So download it and install it anyway! I have to launch Safari in order to install Flash for a fucking application to watch TV shows.


Chrome, stop including Flash.
Apple, stop not including Flash.
Adobe, stop disallowing Chrome users to install Flash.
Hulu, stop using Flash.

This just turned into a Flash rant. That was not my intention. I thought Hulu Desktop used Silverlight anyway? Oh, wait. That was Netflix.
Jasoco said:
Speaking of Flash, I'm pretty sureChrome, Apple, Hulu and Adobe are in cahoots with each other...

I just opened Hulu Desktop for the first time on my mini and I am greeted with a broken image link. So I click it, and it opens Chrome to Adobe's Flash page where it says "Chrome keeps Flash up to date at all times! So there's no need to install it!"

Fuck you there isn't a need you idiots! Not only Chrome needs Flash you know! They don't even have a fucking workaround link to download it anyway! Since this mini is new, it means it doesn't come with Flash. So you have to download it yourself. Okay, but then again if you use Chrome, your Flash is included, but it isn't installed in the OS, just in the browser. So if I want to download it, I have to use another browser to download it.

This is ridiculous. All four companies are guilty of stupidity. Apple the least though. Hulu for not having an installer for Flash included in the DMG. Adobe for assuming Chrome is the only Flash using application on your system. And Chrome for including the plug-in in the first place and causing this whole messy chain reaction.

You'd think Adobe'd be all "Flash is used for more than just Chrome! So download it and install it anyway! I have to launch Safari in order to install Flash for a fucking application to watch TV shows.


Chrome, stop including Flash.
Apple, stop not including Flash.
Adobe, stop disallowing Chrome users to install Flash.
Hulu, stop using Flash.

This just turned into a Flash rant. That was not my intention. I thought Hulu Desktop used Silverlight anyway? Oh, wait. That was Netflix.

... You seem to have the absolute weirdest problems.


Jasoco said:
I'm also looking for a good 3TB external HD to replace the 2 and 1TB drives I have now. I have two 2TB and two 1TB drives that I keep as two sets of 3TB backed up to each other. But that means I have 4 external HD's plugged in at once. I'd much rather get it down to two HD's, so I'm looking into the best USB2 or FireWire 800 based 3TB drive for a reasonable price. Hell, if I knew what interface these Western Digital Elements drives used inside, I'd just buy an internal drive and put it in the cases. I love the cases for my WDE drives. They're small and quiet and stack nicely. Much smaller than the MyBook's I have.

I got one of these recently, it's not 3TB, it's 2, but it has FW800, FW400, USB 2 (cables included for each) and a cool e-ink screen that shows you how much space you have left on the drive, as well as other stuff:



ok so i've been having a problem with my mac recently.

Note that I am using Mac OS X Snow Leopard.

Occasionally my mac will slow down and then all of a sudden it starts glitching out.

It will open new tabs or go to a previous page in one of my other tabs on Safari and it will click on random links and stuff.

Or if i'm on facebook chat it will take what I said in a chat and type it out again really fast sometimes on a different user.

What's the deal here?


Burger said:
I got one of these recently, it's not 3TB, it's 2, but it has FW800, FW400, USB 2 (cables included for each) and a cool e-ink screen that shows you how much space you have left on the drive, as well as other stuff:

I need 3TB. Nothing less. I already have two 2TB drives and two 1TB drives I need to replace with two 3TB drives.

Also, doesn't WD put unremovable firmware and software on their new MyBook's? I don't want any proprietary firmware shit, but all the reviews of WD's newest MyBook's on NewEgg say they put firmware on them. I just want a HD. A HD with 3TB of space. Nothing more, nothing less and nothing unneeded. It's a HD. It should remain a HD.

I like that it has a display though and that it's FireWire. I assume eventually it would get a 3TB version. I actually would much rather have a 3TB Essentials drive. They're the nicest ones I've seen from anyone that's not LaCie. (Whom I also stay away from because I've had 5 of them die over a course of 2-3 years.) I don't need a screen on it. I plan on putting the drives in a box in an entertainment center. Not on a desk. Plus I can read the free space on my desktop.

But I'm willing to wait a while for them to start coming out more. As my current drives all still work... knock on wood.


Ok can someone help me out with my recently purchased Macbook Pro 13"

Recently in about the last week or so I am constantly being disconnected every 20 minutes or so from my wireless router.

I will not be connected to the internet and what I have to do is click on the top of my screen where it shows all the available networks and then I have to select my network again. However I do not have to retype my password.

Is there something wrong with my Mac or is it something wrong with one of the settings for my network.

Does anyone have any solutions for this?? Thanks in advance.


Ugh, my iTunes syncing experiment involving DropBox didn't work as well as I was hoping. It was supposed to sync my library files from my MacBook Pro to my mini while referencing the clone of my music connected to the mini, but something else is missing as it broke links to a whole bunch of files requiring me to now manually fix them again. I wonder if it's because the library's location is different on the MacBook than it is on the mini. Maybe if I also create a clone of my music on the mini's HD in the same location as it is on the MacBook....

Unfortunately CCC doesn't allow you to clone TO the boot drive. Even if it's not even important system files. So I have to figure out alternate means to clone my backed up Music folder to my mini's Music folder.

Of course the only reason I'm doing this is so I can play my goddamned music on my Mac mini while still preserving fucking playcounts! Because Home Sharing does not increment playcounts. Fucking hell, Apple! I'd buy AirFoil if I could have it display a Now Playing overlay on the mini's screen while music is playing.

Why must this be so fucking hard to figure out?
Another question, fellas:

Recently bought a Mac Pro and am having a new hard drive delivered in the next couple of days (the current one is the stock 250). The only OS install disc I have is Snow Leopard, which I'm currently running.

What's the best way to go about replacing (not just adding to) my 250GB with the terabyte I'm getting in? Would it be 1) Install new HD 2) Reformat it 3) Install Snow Leopard onto it? 4) Remove old HD?

Would I have to set it to be Mac OS Extended in order to install it?
starchild excalibur said:
Another question, fellas:

Recently bought a Mac Pro and am having a new hard drive delivered in the next couple of days (the current one is the stock 250). The only OS install disc I have is Snow Leopard, which I'm currently running.

What's the best way to go about replacing (not just adding to) my 250GB with the terabyte I'm getting in? Would it be 1) Install new HD 2) Reformat it 3) Install Snow Leopard onto it? 4) Remove old HD?

Would I have to set it to be Mac OS Extended in order to install it?
are you against just making an image of your current install and just transferring the files over?

if not, I'd recommend (1) backing up to an external HDD using CarbonCopyCloner. Then (2) remove old HDD and install new HDD. (3) keep the external HDD with the backup connected to the computer and boot up while holding the COMMAND button. (4) Select to boot from the external HDD. You should find yourself on your desktop as if nothing had changed. (5) open Disk Utility and format/partition the new HDD to your preferences. (6) fire up CarbonCopyCloner again and copy your backup from the external to the HDD. (7) reboot and disconnect the external. The computer will boot from the internal HDD.

and will again be your desktop as always, but with much more space.

Dreams-Visions said:
are you against just making an image of your current install and just transferring the files over?

if not, I'd recommend (1) backing up to an external HDD using CarbonCopyCloner. Then (2) remove old HDD and install new HDD. (3) keep the external HDD with the backup connected to the computer and boot up while holding the COMMAND button. (4) Select to boot from the external HDD. You should find yourself on your desktop as if nothing had changed. (5) open Disk Utility and format/partition the new HDD to your preferences. (6) fire up CarbonCopyCloner again and copy your backup from the external to the HDD. (7) reboot and disconnect the external. The computer will boot from the internal HDD.

and will again be your desktop as always, but with much more space.


Thanks! That's a lot simpler than I expected it to be.

The only thing I'm worried about is space on my External (I think it's about 120GB). Would I be able to just select what I want copied over (OS and necessary resource files, documents, etc)?
starchild excalibur said:
Thanks! That's a lot simpler than I expected it to be.
it's alarmingly simple, to be honest.

all you need is that free application and any external USB HDD you may have lying around that you can temporally use.


Dreams-Visions said:
it's alarmingly simple, to be honest.

all you need is that free application and any external USB HDD you may have lying around that you can temporally use.
I tell you what, having THREE separate exact clones of my data that I can boot from if I have to and not lose a single file is the best feeling ever. It's that sense of security that makes me happy I am a Mac user.
EDIT: Nevermind. Can someone just tell me what sort of RAM I need to upgrade my 2 year old MBP to 4 gigs? I already have 2, so can I buy another stick or does it have to be all on one?


Jimmy Stav said:
EDIT: Nevermind. Can someone just tell me what sort of RAM I need to upgrade my 2 year old MBP to 4 gigs? I already have 2, so can I buy another stick or does it have to be all on one?

My two year old macbook unibody only has two slots for ram, so if your is like mine, then you need to buy 2x2GB sticks of ram. They are very cheap on amazon if you interested, ranging from $40-70 for 4gb of ram.
ReconYoda said:
My two year old macbook unibody only has two slots for ram, so if your is like mine, then you need to buy 2x2GB sticks of ram. They are very cheap on amazon if you interested, ranging from $40-70 for 4gb of ram.

Crucial.com. Best place for mac ram. Just select your model and year. Its super simple and cheap


I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to sell my MBP and just go back to Windows.

Every single time I try to burn a damn DVD it errors out. No matter if I use the internal drive or an external USB drive, it fails to burn 99% of the time. No matter what brand of discs I use, I end up with more coasters then a successful burn. No matter what program I use (Toast, NTI, Disc Utility), it fails.

Its starting to get to the point where its pissing me the fuck off to the point I'm just about ready to wash my hands of the damn computer.

I've taken it to an Apple store and they were going to charge me $300 to replace the DVD drive since the computer is out of warranty. Screw that, especially since it wouldn't fix the actual problem since it happens with USB drives as well.


Bah. There's a corrupt file in my iPod Photo Cache folder in one of the cache files. It's an I/O error, so I can't even delete the folder. I can move it anywhere I want except to the Trash. I think it's a remnant of my broken SSD that I sent in to be replaced.

Probably needs to be reformatted. Bah. I hate having to restore 100GB of files. Good thing I have another identical laptop drive with an exact clone on it as well. Guess I can just swap them. I wish my SSD would come back though.

Thing is Disk Utility doesn't report any errors when I scan the drive.

I just hope I never have a corrupt Minecraft file.
HenryGale said:
Crucial.com. Best place for mac ram. Just select your model and year. Its super simple and cheap

Thank you. Can someone help me find this stick on Amazon? I'd rather buy it through them, as I have Prime.


I tried cutting and pasting the specs but I couldn't find an exact copy.

And this one too (for my netbook) if anyone is feeling generous:

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