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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs

Why the fuck aren't iPod-to-Mac transfers streamlined in some way? I have to download (and pay for, if I was so inclined) software to pull that shit off? I lost everything off my Pod last night. Good times.


Jimmy Stav said:
Thanks again. So what you're saying that as long as I know the ram type, it'll work? It almost looks like (to my eyes) this ram would also work in my Macbook Pro?

yes pretty much. just compare numbers like the PC8500 or DDR31066. There are cases where older ram works in newer ram slots, but if you do that its best to research and see if others have done that.

However no, the second ram is not the right ram for your MBP. Your MBP uses DDR2 ram, while that is the newer DDR3 ram.

Why the fuck aren't iPod-to-Mac transfers streamlined in some way? I have to download (and pay for, if I was so inclined) software to pull that shit off? I lost everything off my Pod last night. Good times.

Pretty much everyones biggest complaint. It really does suck. Though if you lost the music on your iPod...how would it help to be able to transfer music to mac?


So, what's the credibility of this story?


I am inclined to think it's fake. Or a scare tactic. Mainly because Googling for Steve Jobs turns up only stories of meeting Obama and receiving treatment. Nothing about dying. Also, the comments on that page quickly degrade into religious talk. Not only that, but it was posted 10 hours ago and the internet isn't buzzing about it. But a friend posted it on FaceBook.
Jasoco said:
So, what's the credibility of this story?


I am inclined to think it's fake. Or a scare tactic. Mainly because Googling for Steve Jobs turns up only stories of meeting Obama and receiving treatment. Nothing about dying. Also, the comments on that page quickly degrade into religious talk. Not only that, but it was posted 10 hours ago and the internet isn't buzzing about it. But a friend posted it on FaceBook.

That source is bullshit... If you google anything close to that title you see the first 6 pages are just bullshit websites. They have this though which explains the story.



Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
That source is bullshit... If you google anything close to that title you see the first 6 pages are just bullshit websites. They have this though which explains the story.

I figured as much. But I will admit, I did have a scare for a second when I first saw the link. But if the internet isn't buzzing about it, in this day and age, it isn't true.
Jasoco said:
I figured as much. But I will admit, I did have a scare for a second when I first saw the link. But if the internet isn't buzzing about it, in this day and age, it isn't true.

Like I said, google that headline and tell if there is a reputable site in the first 3 pages let alone six besides the one I posted explaining it. Just a bullshit headline commenting on how skinny he's gotten.


Jasoco said:
So, what's the credibility of this story?


I am inclined to think it's fake. Or a scare tactic. Mainly because Googling for Steve Jobs turns up only stories of meeting Obama and receiving treatment. Nothing about dying. Also, the comments on that page quickly degrade into religious talk. Not only that, but it was posted 10 hours ago and the internet isn't buzzing about it. But a friend posted it on FaceBook.

Media report? I've never read so much speculation and conjecture in a news article about Apple, and that's saying something.


"Judging from the photos, he is close to terminal. I would say he has six weeks," the Daily Mail quoted critical care physician Dr Samuel Jacobson as saying.

LOL what the hell?
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he's in really bad shape. You can only buy so much time with that type of cancer. Money can't make you immortal.


Can somebody help me with a really bloody infuriating problem I'm having?

Where I come from words are spelt in British English, for example: Colour, Aluminium, Aeroplane etc. Also, I prefer to use use -ise to end words instead of -ize, for example: Organise, Realise etc.

As you can tell from this wee screenshot:


OS X Thinks I'm spelling all my words wrong. In 'Language & Text' in System Preferences I have British English at the top. In Dictionary.app preferences I have British Pronunciation selected, and in Safari I have:


Which makes zero sense.

Can anyone help me teach my computer that I'm not American?


Burger said:
Can somebody help me with a really bloody infuriating problem I'm having?

Where I come from words are spelt in British English, for example: Colour, Aluminium, Aeroplane etc. Also, I prefer to use use -ise to end words instead of -ize, for example: Organise, Realise etc.

As you can tell from this wee screenshot:


OS X Thinks I'm spelling all my words wrong. In 'Language & Text' in System Preferences I have British English at the top. In Dictionary.app preferences I have British Pronunciation selected, and in Safari I have:


Which makes zero sense.

Can anyone help me teach my computer that I'm not American?[/QUOTE]

OK, well I have Canadian english spelling and it works the way you would expect. Just checked my spelling dictionary in Safari and it underlines color but not colour.

If switching to a cdn dictionary doesn't work, you still have the ability to add the words you want to the dictionary. do that once and they shouldn't underline again


LCfiner said:
OK, well I have Canadian english spelling and it works the way you would expect. Just checked my spelling dictionary in Safari and it underlines color but not colour.

If switching to a cdn dictionary doesn't work, you still have the ability to add the words you want to the dictionary. do that once and they shouldn't underline again

1st Paragraph) That's weird.

2nd Paragraph) Fuck that! This shit is supposed to be simple, and there certainly shouldn't be 3 obscure settings for what is essentially the same thing.

I'll do more googling.


Burger said:
1st Paragraph) That's weird.

2nd Paragraph) Fuck that! This shit is supposed to be simple, and there certainly shouldn't be 3 obscure settings for what is essentially the same thing.

I'll do more googling.

for point 2, it's not 3 separate settings, it's clicking on the learn button on the screenshot you posted.

it should not be necessary, no, but if the system dictionary choice is busted, then you help it along, as it were.

another option: use Chrome and switch its internal dictionary to british english.


LCfiner said:
for point 2, it's not 3 separate settings, it's clicking on the learn button on the screenshot you posted.

it should not be necessary, no, but if the system dictionary choice is busted, then you help it along, as it were.

another option: use Chrome and switch its internal dictionary to british english.

Figured it out. en_AU, en_CA and en_GB resources were missing from the applespell.service. Pretty weird and obscure problem, but solved thanks to the Apple forums. Pretty annoying bug, they should sort that out.

apple discussions said:
I had this problem on a new iMac (bought in UK), it just refused to understand British English, despite the language and text settings being correct. I used the OpenOffice OED workround as suggested here. But I have since narrowed down the problem, thanks to my old iMac - both were running 10.6.4 - the old one understood color as misspelt the new one didn't.

I compared the contents of the applespell.service (in Macintosh HD/system/library/services) - right click and show package contents then navigate to Contents/Resources/ and guess what the folders for en_AU.lproj, en_CA.lproj and en_GB.lproj were all missing! It would seem that the non-US English variants are stored in these folders, without them you just get US regardless.

So I copied the old full version to my new iMac (made a copy of the original service first just in case, and a backup), after a bit of fighting with the UI to convince it that I really did both want and have permission to replace the file, I rebooted and voila... British English spellings again without the OED workround.

At least so far it's worked for me... it looks like some Apple update (or the original new installation) had a version of the spell service without the extra resources....


LCfiner said:
All three were missing? conspiracy! :)

Yeah it's pretty weird. It's been doing my head in for ages, and I'd tried (lackadaisically) to fix it and failed. I reached breaking point today though.


I'm trying to look at my own settings for language and I don't even have a "British English" option on my Language & Text settings, although everything seems ok when it comes to the spell check.

realize realise

Hmmm. Just realised my setting is "Automatic by Language", and it seems to recognise both spellings.
Question about bootcamp. If you install Windows 7 will PC games run fine on the mac or will they run slower/more buggy than they would on a PC? Also how would not having a second mouse button work for those PC games?


Anticitizen One said:
Question about bootcamp. If you install Windows 7 will PC games run fine on the mac or will they run slower/more buggy than they would on a PC? Also how would not having a second mouse button work for those PC games?
'A Mac' and 'a PC' is pretty ambiguous. It's like me asking what games would run like on my PC without giving you any more information.

Not sure what you mean regarding the mouse button. Who uses single button mice?
Anticitizen One said:
Question about bootcamp. If you install Windows 7 will PC games run fine on the mac or will they run slower/more buggy than they would on a PC? Also how would not having a second mouse button work for those PC games?

How many threads/posts have you made about gaming on a mac? I honestly can't take these posts seriously.

Edit: Fine, I'll bite one last time. What do you mean by slower than a PC? Slower than a PC with the exact same hardware? No, it's still the same exact hardware booting into windows, what could be different? Second mouse button I'm assuming right click? It depends on you. If the game uses it (pretty much every game does) you can remap, it depends if you think that is comfortable.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
How many threads/posts have you made about gaming on a mac? I honestly can't take these posts seriously.

Edit: Fine, I'll bite one last time. What do you mean by slower than a PC? Slower than a PC with the exact same hardware? No, it's still the same exact hardware booting into windows, what could be different? Second mouse button I'm assuming right click? It depends on you. If the game uses it (pretty much every game does) you can remap, it depends if you think that is comfortable.

yes my question was about the exact same hardware and thank you for answering.

Also, I haven't brought up this topic in months. Jesus Christ I dont have a right to be curious? I'm still debating if I should go mac or pc and when im about to spend 2k on a new PC I want to have all my questions answered before I take the plunge.


Anticitizen One said:
yes my question was about the exact same hardware and thank you for answering.

Also, I haven't brought up this topic in months. Jesus Christ I dont have a right to be curious? I'm still debating if I should go mac or pc and when im about to spend 2k on a new PC I want to have all my questions answered before I take the plunge.

It will run the exact same as another PC with those specs. Bootcamp is Windows. It's not a virtual drive or anything. No second button? Are you going to play with the trackpad? Get a mouse if you are going to play games. However, you can still do 2 finger tap for right click, or clicking the bottom right corner.
Anticitizen One said:
yes my question was about the exact same hardware and thank you for answering.

Also, I haven't brought up this topic in months. Jesus Christ I dont have a right to be curious? I'm still debating if I should go mac or pc and when im about to spend 2k on a new PC I want to have all my questions answered before I take the plunge.

You've been "debating" for over a year with two or three times saying you bought a mac. The whole thing has kind of been a joke for a while now.
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:
You've been "debating" for over a year with two or three times saying you bought a mac. The whole thing has kind of been a joke for a while now.

You haven't been paying attention. My mom bought an mbp and I toyed around with that for awhile and yes I have been debating for over a year.


I have a problem, Apple-GAF, and it's finally becoming too much of a nuisance. I do apologize in advance for the lengthy question, though.

I know issues with flash and Snow Leopard are pretty common, but it feels like it keeps getting worse in my case. My Macbook Pro is just fine but my newer iMac -- with data backed up onto it from my much older G5 -- has a horrible time with anything flash related. Most youtube videos with ads, the ad box becomes a indistinguishable blob and if I try to x it out I can't actually interact with the window properly and it just makes the ad pop up. I have to wait for the ad to go away by itself. Also on youtube, the time and quality options will just sometimes disappear from the bottom of the player.

The Giantbomb video player has its own set of problems if I leave it open for too long.

And then the other night the unlock page for BTTF2 looked like this: https://img.skitch.com/20110217-fuyufju4b28tt4fd6njp4s2319.jpg

I'm kind of assuming it might be the same issue -- and that their launcher probably uses flash -- since that indistinct blobby look is what happens with the ads on youtube.

Anyway, I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling flash many times, and it's made no difference. My suspicion is that there must be some related files for flash on my computer that are corrupted. I assume if I trash them and then reinstall, that would do it? But I have no idea where to begin looking for them.

Any experience with this or thoughts? I'm not even sure if this is a question for Apple or for Adobe.


Mac Rumors cites "reliable" information that the MacBook Pro refresh will be launched next Thursday. Fucking finally, been holding out for so long!


Anticitizen One said:
yes my question was about the exact same hardware and thank you for answering.

Also, I haven't brought up this topic in months. Jesus Christ I dont have a right to be curious? I'm still debating if I should go mac or pc and when im about to spend 2k on a new PC I want to have all my questions answered before I take the plunge.
2k? Buy a 1k gaming desktop beast and a 1k 13" MacBook Pro.


Is there a way to reformat those MBA USB restore drives? I know Apple claims it's impossible but... I could put that usb drive to use.

Chris R

Totally hope the new MBP Refresh rumors are true. Just did my taxes and want to buy a 15" or 17" MBP with part of my return.
Bought a 27" iMac a few weeks ago for iPhone/iPad development. I've been a Wintel user my whole life, but I'm enjoying the OSX experience so far. I think I'll slap Windows 7 on this thing and dual-boot for gaming.
Lol what now.
Turn my iMac on and my wireless network dies.
Reset router, HTC Desire wireless works, iPad wireless works, iPhone 3GS works, Wii works, laptop works, e.t.c e.t.c e.t.c. Then turn Mac back on, network goes down, everything loses wireless EXCEPT for the iPhone which carries on as if nothing can effect it.......?

Crazy Shit man


DefectiveReject said:
Lol what now.
Turn my iMac on and my wireless network dies.
Reset router, HTC Desire wireless works, iPad wireless works, iPhone 3GS works, Wii works, laptop works, e.t.c e.t.c e.t.c. Then turn Mac back on, network goes down, everything loses wireless EXCEPT for the iPhone which carries on as if nothing can effect it.......?

Crazy Shit man
Hey! My MacBook Pro Airport stopped working the other day when I woke it from sleep. I rebooted, still nothing. I put it back into sleep and opened it, the airport worked for like 3mins then it died, I leave to curse for a bit. I come back and its working flawlessly, closed and opened the lid a few times, has been working ever since.


so I just got my OCZ Vertex 2 a week back and I'm loving the results. Booting is quick and opening my apps. I put this on my 2009 unibody Macbook Pro 17" 2.93 C2D w/ 8gb of ram.

Anyone have any good links or tips to optimize the drive? thanks


Best Buy adding new Apple laptop SKUs to its systems, foreshadows MacBook Pro refresh
Engadget said:

Best Buy's laptop discovery tool is doing a slightly overzealous job this morning by listing a set of "new SKU" laptops from Apple Computer before said company has had a chance to announce them. This seems to corroborate recent rumors of a MacBook Pro refresh coming next week, as do the $1,199, $1,499, $1,799, and $2,199 price points, all of which are presently occupied by current-gen 13- and 15-inch MBP variants. There is an additional $2,499 sticker for a laptop identified only as "New SKU I," which presumably points to an upgrade to Apple's 17-incher. Regrettably, there's nothing more than the pricing for us to go on, but feel free to fill your time until Best Buy populates its listings with speculation about the hot new processing, storage, and interconnect options Apple might have in store for us.
Same price points... I don't see that jiving with the rumors of SSDs, Sandy Bridge, Light Peak and NFC
I made that one up


Valkyr Junkie said:
New article from MacRumors today says Light Peak is coming soon. Hopefully Thursday soon.
The consumer end

PCPro said:
Of more direct interest, though, was the practical side of things. After the rather overwhelming tour of the labs, I was finally allowed to play with Light Peak myself – probably, in fact, on the very same laptop that Barry had already seen in Brussels. As he noted at the time, prototype Light Peak hardware runs over a hybrid USB 3 connector, with an optical interface embedded alongside the electrical one:


Mr Paniccia stated several times that this hasn’t been confirmed as the final connector for Light Peak; but it’s clearly an ingenious marriage, combining the new technology with legacy USB compatibility, plus an electrical connection that can be used for power (which, of course, can’t be carried over a pure optical link). I would guess Intel is being cautious not because it reckons it can do better, but simply because it hasn’t yet secured approval from the USB standards body for this rather radical upgrade to the standard connectors.

I'm starting to believe.
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