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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


soooo, i had my heart set on buying a new mbp this summer. i've (for the first time ever) gotten a decent job and can afford it. i use my current (early 2008) mbp to produce and perform music. it does the job but i really wish it ran faster. the v key was also ripped off by my bitch cat which is extremely annoying when you make electronic music. it involves a lot of copy/paste. it felt like a good time to upgrade.

however, i obviously bought this mbp 6 months before the big shell redesign. i just read a rumour from earlier this month that the next mbp update is actually supposed to be a redesign rather than an update. is there a lot of different sources confirming this? i suppose i should wait then if the mbp i have right now is still usable.


btkadams said:
soooo, i had my heart set on buying a new mbp this summer. i've (for the first time ever) gotten a decent job and can afford it. i use my current (early 2008) mbp to produce and perform music. it does the job but i really wish it ran faster. the v key was also ripped off by my bitch cat which is extremely annoying when you make electronic music. it involves a lot of copy/paste. it felt like a good time to upgrade.

however, i obviously bought this mbp 6 months before the big shell redesign. i just read a rumour from earlier this month that the next mbp update is actually supposed to be a redesign rather than an update. is there a lot of different sources confirming this? i suppose i should wait then if the mbp i have right now is still usable.
I haven't heard about an actual redesign. I think the current look is the best yet as is the technology behind its casing. If anything maybe some slight cosmetic changes.

Remember the last update to the MBP was in February. And before that it was last April. So it may be at most 5 months from now before the next update.

Those keys on the old keyboards are easy to rip off. The ones on the new style chicklet keyboards are impossible. I can't even get one off myself when I want to. Your cat will have a heck of a time getting it off. Sorry it had to be the V key. I use Paste all the time too.

The current MBP's are great. I have a 2010 with a C2D. The new ones are so much better. I'm waiting for the new Airs though to move to the newer processors. But the Pros may not be updated for at least 3-5 months. So it's going to be a painful wait. I know because I did the same "Come on! Come on! I need to upgrade now so release them already!" last year while waiting for the new C2D models because my white MacBook was actually and literally falling apart.


Jasoco said:
I haven't heard about an actual redesign. I think the current look is the best yet as is the technology behind its casing. If anything maybe some slight cosmetic changes.

Remember the last update to the MBP was in February. And before that it was last April. So it may be at most 5 months from now before the next update.

Those keys on the old keyboards are easy to rip off. The ones on the new style chicklet keyboards are impossible. I can't even get one off myself when I want to. Your cat will have a heck of a time getting it off. Sorry it had to be the V key. I use Paste all the time too.

The current MBP's are great. I have a 2010 with a C2D. The new ones are so much better. I'm waiting for the new Airs though to move to the newer processors. But the Pros may not be updated for at least 3-5 months. So it's going to be a painful wait. I know because I did the same "Come on! Come on! I need to upgrade now so release them already!" last year while waiting for the new C2D models because my white MacBook was actually and literally falling apart.
yeah i think i can handle a 5 month wait to be honest. the key has been gone for like a year now haha. i plan on buying an iphone 5 in the fall so that will probably satisfy my apple fix for a little while.

oh, and i also agree that the current mbp design is fantastic. i don't see how they could improve but apple always seems to find a way imo.

the only thing that will be extremely annoying is if the next update is also incremental haha. i just figure i might as well wait and buy right at a refresh if i can. obviously i'd have to replace my computer if it broke but as long as it hangs on and does what i need it to do, then i will tyr and be patient.

also, the vita might actually be coming to NA in the fall so that's yet another new tech device ill be able to rub my naked body upon in wait for a new mbp refresh.


Quick question about Lion, even though nobody probably knows for sure. What happens if I buy it, and then I get a new computer later on? Is it somehow tied to your Apple ID? I will sell my current computer that would have Lion on it, and I assume the buyer would reformat and put on his own Apple ID. Can he reinstall Lion with my download and use his own ID?


Ashhong said:
Quick question about Lion, even though nobody probably knows for sure. What happens if I buy it, and then I get a new computer later on? Is it somehow tied to your Apple ID? I will sell my current computer that would have Lion on it, and I assume the buyer would reformat and put on his own Apple ID. Can he reinstall Lion with my download and use his own ID?

Actually, Apple was really explicit about this at WWDC. it's directly tied to your Apple ID and can be used on all your personal computers in the future.


LCfiner said:
Actually, Apple was really explicit about this at WWDC. it's directly tied to your Apple ID and can be used on all your personal computers in the future.

I'm curious if this means that you can buy a new computer with Lion on it and then essentially have a copy of Lion to then spread to all of your computers.


guest1321 said:
I'm curious if this means that you can buy a new computer with Lion on it and then essentially have a copy of Lion to then spread to all of your computers.
I doubt it. You wouldn't have any way to download it from the store, and Apple would have no reason to give it to you because you'd get Lion restore discs with the computer.
HenryGale said:
Tell me more?

I just got the new iMac with the 2GB Radeon 6970. I should be able to run games pretty well right now. Awesome to hear it's only going to be better!
Dude. You can already run the game at max settings. GTFO of here. But right now, Mac OS X only supports OpenGL 2.1 fully, and through past Snow Leopard software updates, parts of 3.0-3.2. Essentially, 3.2 in Lion will allow developers to do things graphically much more efficiently, leading to a sizable gain in performance if applications are updated to support it. Which I assume Valve games will, as they have been a major proponent of better OpenGL support.


NekoFever said:
I doubt it. You wouldn't have any way to download it from the store, and Apple would have no reason to give it to you because you'd get Lion restore discs with the computer.

Do we know for sure they are giving out restore discs with new computers? From my understanding everything will be a small partitioned part of the hard drive.

Assuming you don't get the restore discs, what do you do when you get a new hard drive? or when the one you have dies? I get the feeling that if this is the case they will assign your Apple ID that you sign in with a copy of Lion.


LCfiner said:
Actually, Apple was really explicit about this at WWDC. it's directly tied to your Apple ID and can be used on all your personal computers in the future.

So what happens if I sell the computer? What if they want to change Apple IDs on the user account? I'm more worried about the person I sell it to than my own future computer because I will be selling to a friend.
Hey, whilst browsing through the library folder I noticed lots of straggling folders for many outdated or uninstalled applications (Application Support, Cache and Preference folders amongst others) and as these are unneeded I want to remove them.
But... there are a lot of them!
Is there a programme out there that will get rid of all these files left over after uninstalls?
Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:
Hey, whilst browsing through the library folder I noticed lots of straggling folders for many outdated or uninstalled applications (Application Support, Cache and Preference folders amongst others) and as these are unneeded I want to remove them.
But... there are a lot of them!
Is there a programme out there that will get rid of all these files left over after uninstalls?
TrashMe & AppCleaner will do that for you. There's also AppZapper which is a paid app. :)

Edit: Actually you probably wanna try CleanMyMac for old leftover files. I'll see if there's an equivalent free application.
Wow that was fast!
Many thanks for the recommendations.
Have been playing around with them, the uninstallers were just what I was after and would've been mega useful in the past, as they (well, TrashMe was the one I kept) will be in the future.

CleanMyMac does exactly what I want, but I'm hesitant in paying for something I'm only ever likely to use once. Hmmm. If there is a free one you would've really made my day :D


Ashhong said:
So what happens if I sell the computer? What if they want to change Apple IDs on the user account? I'm more worried about the person I sell it to than my own future computer because I will be selling to a friend.

When you sell the computer, reformat/restore it to Snow Leopard. Let your friend set up his own account with iTunes/Apple and spend the $30 to get Lion. If you sell it to him with Lion, and he restores it (to Snow leopard), he will have to purchase it anyway to get Lion back on. Or you would have to give him access to your iTunes/Apple account (shouldn't do this) to re-download.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Jo Shishido's Cheeks said:
Wow that was fast!
Many thanks for the recommendations.
Have been playing around with them, the uninstallers were just what I was after and would've been mega useful in the past, as they (well, TrashMe was the one I kept) will be in the future.

CleanMyMac does exactly what I want, but I'm hesitant in paying for something I'm only ever likely to use once. Hmmm. If there is a free one you would've really made my day :D
Onyx - it's an all-purpose clean up tool. You will need a separate application uninstaller if you're OCD about unused folders/files in your preferences and app support directories.



I use Hazel for detecting when I throw away apps and optionally removing settings files and other stuff belonging to it. It's just a bonus feature for the amazing app that is Hazel.

I use Hazel for keeping my computer all automated. I have it set to move files I download to the desktop into my Downloads folder after a day, and from there it gets sorted into its own folders depending on the type.

I have ones for deleting older Chrome History index files after about 4 months.

I have ones for automatically moving .torrent files to my DropBox where on my other computer Transmission will pick them up and add them automatically.

I even have ones for maintaining my pr0n.

Plus it deletes trashed files that are older than an hour for me.
I made myself the owner (permissions-wise) of my Macintosh HD, thinking it'd let me recreate the icon for it on my desktop. Now kextd keeps giving me errors in Console saying "Can't create kext cache under / - owner not root" and then rescanning all my kexts, which is annoying, because some of them are broken. I tried removing the permissions I had granted myself the same way I had granted them in the first place (through "get info" in the Finder), but it wouldn't let me do that. Any idea how I would fix this? I'm assuming there's some Terminal command, but I'm not sure what it is. I already tried repairing permissions in OnyX, btw...


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
Jasoco said:
I use Hazel for detecting when I throw away apps and optionally removing settings files and other stuff belonging to it. It's just a bonus feature for the amazing app that is Hazel.

I use Hazel for keeping my computer all automated. I have it set to move files I download to the desktop into my Downloads folder after a day, and from there it gets sorted into its own folders depending on the type.

I have ones for deleting older Chrome History index files after about 4 months.

I have ones for automatically moving .torrent files to my DropBox where on my other computer Transmission will pick them up and add them automatically.

I even have ones for maintaining my pr0n.

Plus it deletes trashed files that are older than an hour for me.

You should totally write Hazel, Automator and CCC guides.

Just sayin'.


cooljeanius said:
I made myself the owner (permissions-wise) of my Macintosh HD, thinking it'd let me recreate the icon for it on my desktop. Now kextd keeps giving me errors in Console saying "Can't create kext cache under / - owner not root" and then rescanning all my kexts, which is annoying, because some of them are broken. I tried removing the permissions I had granted myself the same way I had granted them in the first place (through "get info" in the Finder), but it wouldn't let me do that. Any idea how I would fix this? I'm assuming there's some Terminal command, but I'm not sure what it is. I already tried repairing permissions in OnyX, btw...
For future reference. Putting the HD icons on the desktop is in Finder > Preferences.

Other than repairing permissions (Which can also be done in Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility.app) you might be safe reinstalling over the old install. (Don't reformat unless you have a backup clone. Actually, if you do have a backup clone, it would be good because then you could reinstall and migrate your stuff back over to the new install from the clone drive.)


Jasoco said:
Xmarks for Chrome and Xmarks for Safari. Just make sure to turn off Bookmarks in the Sync settings for Chrome and use Xmarks for all bookmarks syncing. (If you use Chrome on more than one computer and already use sync.) Otherwise just Xmarks.
Works perfectly, thanks! :)
cooljeanius said:
Any idea how I would fix this? I'm assuming there's some Terminal command, but I'm not sure what it is. I already tried repairing permissions in OnyX, btw...

Boot off install media and repair the permissions from the included Disk Utilities (it's in one of the menus, don't actually re-install the OS until all else fails).


I am going to upgrade the HDD on my 2010 MBP to an SSD to go along with Lion.

Any recommendations on a good SSD from GAF? I would ideally like to get one that is about 160 gigs.
Jasoco said:
For future reference. Putting the HD icons on the desktop is in Finder > Preferences.

Other than repairing permissions (Which can also be done in Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility.app) you might be safe reinstalling over the old install. (Don't reformat unless you have a backup clone. Actually, if you do have a backup clone, it would be good because then you could reinstall and migrate your stuff back over to the new install from the clone drive.)
Oh, wow, I think that was how I removed the icon in the first place, I just forgot that's where I had done it. I feel stupid now. Anyway, now I'm running Disk Utility, but the output is looking an awful lot like the exact same output from OnyX...


cooljeanius said:
Oh, wow, I think that was how I removed the icon in the first place, I just forgot that's where I had done it. I feel stupid now. Anyway, now I'm running Disk Utility, but the output is looking an awful lot like the exact same output from OnyX...
You might need to reinstall the OS. You don't need to backup if you're using Snow Leopard and its replace feature. But to be safe and avoid potential problems, grab an external HD and clone your data. Then install fresh and migrate back over.


Jasoco said:
You might need to reinstall the OS. You don't need to backup if you're using Snow Leopard and its replace feature. But to be safe and avoid potential problems, grab an external HD and clone your data. Then install fresh and migrate back over.
You can safely just stick in the DVD disc and click install mac OS X, right? That shouldn't touch user data. Then of course you have to update to recent.


If it's Snow Leopard it's completely safe. It should let you install right over the old one and it'll only replace the System and main Library and existing Apple apps. User stuff should be untouched, but as I said, be aware of problems. You should always* have a backup. Or at least a temporary HD to clone your stuff to.


An alternative you could try if you have enough space on your HD is to partition it into two parts and clone the stuff to the second partition. Then do the install on the first one, make sure everything's in place, then delete the second partition... IF you have a way to access the HD. Your system is bootable, right?


is there any way to stream audio from a computer to a remote location? Want to listen to internet radio in the kitchen - was using an ipod touch 1st gen with a dock, but its a bit flaky. Was thinking I could stream from the laptop to an airport express, and connect that to the dock, but it seems that only works from within itunes?

What about airplay and stuff like that, is that airport express compatible or will it only play from one ios device to another ios device? If so, seems odd that Macs aren't included in the system
mrklaw said:
is there any way to stream audio from a computer to a remote location? Want to listen to internet radio in the kitchen - was using an ipod touch 1st gen with a dock, but its a bit flaky. Was thinking I could stream from the laptop to an airport express, and connect that to the dock, but it seems that only works from within itunes?

What about airplay and stuff like that, is that airport express compatible or will it only play from one ios device to another ios device? If so, seems odd that Macs aren't included in the system


mrklaw said:
is there any way to stream audio from a computer to a remote location? Want to listen to internet radio in the kitchen - was using an ipod touch 1st gen with a dock, but its a bit flaky. Was thinking I could stream from the laptop to an airport express, and connect that to the dock, but it seems that only works from within itunes?

What about airplay and stuff like that, is that airport express compatible or will it only play from one ios device to another ios device? If so, seems odd that Macs aren't included in the system
AirPlay will work. I do it all the time with my iPad. You need to be running the latest OS, 4.3.3 or something. Go to iPod app on your iPod touch, and turn home sharing on, and add your iTunes account.

Then the iPod should be able to link to your computer and stream any media in iTunes.

Edit: oh wait, iPod first gen? Not sure you can with such an old device (!), at least via AirPlay. Maybe try some third party stuff.

Jasoco: cool, thanks. Yeah, I just wanted to make sure the installer and making a relatively clean install was safe. It messed up my x11 somewhat, but I just reinstalled Xcode to fix that.


I decided to revisit my idea I had a few months ago where I would cut down on the cache files being created on my SSD and I think I found a new solution.

Basically I set up a RAM Disk and redirect certain cache folders from my ~/Library/Cache/ folder to equivalent folders on the RAM Disk. Mainly cache folders from my Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers, especially Chrome which can get pretty big if left to go for a few days. (When I deleted it tonight, it was at 500MB.)

First I create a RAM Disk and create the folders for the Cache I need:
diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "RamDisk" `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://2000000`
mkdir /Volumes/RamDisk/Google
mkdir /Volumes/RamDisk/Firefox
mkdir /Volumes/RamDisk/com.apple.iTunes
mkdir /Volumes/RamDisk/com.apple.mail
mkdir /Volumes/RamDisk/com.apple.iCal
mkdir /Volumes/RamDisk/com.apple.Safari
I placed the above code in an Automator application under a "Run Shell Script" module and threw it in my User Startup Items list, but you can place it in an actual Shell script or an AppleScript if you want. I did it my way for simplicity's sake. I chose 2000000 for the size which makes it 1GB. You can use 1000000 if you want 512MB or whatever you want. It doesn't seem to actually use the RAM until the files are created so you don't have to worry. You could probably get away with 256MB if you wanted to if you happen to have limited RAM.

One folder you cannot create is Finder, and any cache folders for apps that may run before the script has a chance to run itself. So just stick to browsers and apps with a front end GUI that are launched by the user and not ones that are set to open at login.

Next I have to create the Symbolic Links in the Cache folder in place of the original folders using this format in the Terminal:
ln -s /Volumes/ramdisk/CACHE_FOLDER_NAME /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Caches
Where CACHE_FOLDER_NAME is Google, Firefox, com.apple.Safari or whatever the folder name you are replacing is.

As a safety precaution I lock the symlinks in the Finder to prevent them being accidentally deleted, because if they do get deleted, the caches will be reverted to forming on the SSD instead, which is what we're trying to avoid.

The only problem I'm having is hiding the RAM Disk volume on the desktop. It doesn't seem to work if I name it with a period, and using SetFile (A Developer Tool) on it doesn't seem to work either. So I'll live with it until I figure it out.

Why do this? Because it saves on SSD file writes and being an SSD, cache files are not needed. Cache is created to save time creating files on the HDD, but since the speed of a SSD is so much higher, cache makes no speed difference at all. So it's no slower to load from the cache as it is to create the files from scratch.

What's a RAM Disk? A RAM Disk is a disk that is created in RAM. You can save and load files from it, and it's very fast. An added bonus is that it gets destroyed at shut down and does not get written to the disk so you're saving on disk writes and reads.


Is it safe? As far as I know. I'm still doing tests, but it seems to be working great so far. Should save me a buttload of file writes and a half a gig or so of used space on my SSD.

To revert to the old ways, simply delete the SymLinks from the Cache folder and the script that creates the RAM Disk.

Also, this is for SSD's only. If you try this on a HDD boot drive, you will end up slowing your browser down instead.

Personally, I think Apple should make it so when the OS is running off SSD, it will not create cache. Or, will write that cache to a temporary RAM partition by default because there's no reason to create this stuff when running on a SSD.


Confirmed Asshole
I like the general idea. One thing that comes to mind is that your cache is effectively then limited more than it might usually be, but it shouldn't be an issue. However, for applications that do a lot more caching (like a video editing software might, for example), it would probably be more advisable to actually plug in a non-SSD external and cache to that. Because as you said, the very important part you're addressing is that one needs to keep the writes low on an SSD. It's not always necessary to cache to RAM instead of SSD though, to moving-parts HDD instead of SSD is good enough if huge chunks are relatively long-living. And less SSD writes is more important than slow caching for a lot of cache-oriented applications.

One should note that this method of caching obviously drops the cache upon shutdown. Not everybody wants that. Edit: Oh, you addressed that.
Anyway, it's not hard to keep that cache if you need to.


Jasoco said:
I decided to revisit my idea I had a few months ago where I would cut down on the cache files being created on my SSD and I think I found a new solution.

Basically I set up a RAM Disk and redirect certain cache folders from my ~/Library/Cache/ folder to equivalent folders on the RAM Disk. Mainly cache folders from my Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers, especially Chrome which can get pretty big if left to go for a few days. (When I deleted it tonight, it was at 500MB.)

First I create a RAM Disk and create the folders for the Cache I need:
diskutil erasevolume HFS+ "RamDisk" `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://2000000`
mkdir /Volumes/RamDisk/Google
mkdir /Volumes/RamDisk/Firefox
mkdir /Volumes/RamDisk/com.apple.iTunes
mkdir /Volumes/RamDisk/com.apple.mail
mkdir /Volumes/RamDisk/com.apple.iCal
mkdir /Volumes/RamDisk/com.apple.Safari
I placed the above code in an Automator application under a "Run Shell Script" module and threw it in my User Startup Items list, but you can place it in an actual Shell script or an AppleScript if you want. I did it my way for simplicity's sake. I chose 2000000 for the size which makes it 1GB. You can use 1000000 if you want 512MB or whatever you want. It doesn't seem to actually use the RAM until the files are created so you don't have to worry. You could probably get away with 256MB if you wanted to if you happen to have limited RAM.

One folder you cannot create is Finder, and any cache folders for apps that may run before the script has a chance to run itself. So just stick to browsers and apps with a front end GUI that are launched by the user and not ones that are set to open at login.

Next I have to create the Symbolic Links in the Cache folder in place of the original folders using this format in the Terminal:
ln -s /Volumes/ramdisk/CACHE_FOLDER_NAME /Users/YOUR_USERNAME/Library/Caches
Where CACHE_FOLDER_NAME is Google, Firefox, com.apple.Safari or whatever the folder name you are replacing is.

As a safety precaution I lock the symlinks in the Finder to prevent them being accidentally deleted, because if they do get deleted, the caches will be reverted to forming on the SSD instead, which is what we're trying to avoid.

The only problem I'm having is hiding the RAM Disk volume on the desktop. It doesn't seem to work if I name it with a period, and using SetFile (A Developer Tool) on it doesn't seem to work either. So I'll live with it until I figure it out.

Why do this? Because it saves on SSD file writes and being an SSD, cache files are not needed. Cache is created to save time creating files on the HDD, but since the speed of a SSD is so much higher, cache makes no speed difference at all. So it's no slower to load from the cache as it is to create the files from scratch.

What's a RAM Disk? A RAM Disk is a disk that is created in RAM. You can save and load files from it, and it's very fast. An added bonus is that it gets destroyed at shut down and does not get written to the disk so you're saving on disk writes and reads.


Is it safe? As far as I know. I'm still doing tests, but it seems to be working great so far. Should save me a buttload of file writes and a half a gig or so of used space on my SSD.

To revert to the old ways, simply delete the SymLinks from the Cache folder and the script that creates the RAM Disk.

Also, this is for SSD's only. If you try this on a HDD boot drive, you will end up slowing your browser down instead.

Personally, I think Apple should make it so when the OS is running off SSD, it will not create cache. Or, will write that cache to a temporary RAM partition by default because there's no reason to create this stuff when running on a SSD.

Nice idea, but unfortunately, OS X is UNIX, which means that the OS sees ram and swap as interchangeable. It's very likely that there will still be disk writes. You need to disable swap, but only do so if you have a butt-load of ram. I was hoping Lion might try and decrease our dependance on swap, but unfortunately I think we will have to wait till the next OS.

PS: we need a new word instead of disk, I noticed that iOS refers to the device's storage as disk also, I busted up laughing when I first saw that message.


I have 8GB of RAM. I already disabled my Swap file too. It was 8GB of data that was being created and deleted every time I rebooted. I never let my computer battery run down to 0 anyway, so it's actually useless for me. I just turned off my sleep file. I've also never noticed any page outs either. I literally never run out of RAM.

I should have mentioned that.

Wolfmat you're correct. You should be selective with what cache goes to RAM. But if I wanted to keep the cache, I wouldn't be moving it to RAM. Browsers have no problems recreating all its files when you reboot so I don't care. It means I'll never see 500MB of Chrome cache sitting on my SSD again.

The methods used now are designed for the olden days. It's time things changed.


Jasoco said:
I have 8GB of RAM. I already disabled my Swap file too. It was 8GB of data that was being created and deleted every time I rebooted. I never let my computer battery run down to 0 anyway, so it's actually useless for me. I just turned off my sleep file. I've also never noticed any page outs either. I literally never run out of RAM.

I should have mentioned that.

Wolfmat you're correct. You should be selective with what cache goes to RAM. But if I wanted to keep the cache, I wouldn't be moving it to RAM. Browsers have no problems recreating all its files when you reboot so I don't care. It means I'll never see 500MB of Chrome cache sitting on my SSD again.

The methods used now are designed for the olden days. It's time things changed.

Ah, you're fine then. Good work.


I seem to have run into a problem however.

I put my laptop to sleep and woke it up. The RAMDisk gets unmounted when the computer wakes up. I don't understand why that would happen. Unless it's directly related to the missing sleep image? Which doesn't make any sense since it's in RAM and the rest of the RAM doesn't get erased when you put it to sleep and wake it up.

What gives? Is there another command I can use to create a RAM Disk that won't disappear?

The weird thing is, and it shouldn't be, that Chrome continues to work fine, and doesn't complain that the Cache folder it is trying to write to is unavailable. Right now there are a bunch of dead Symlinks in my Cache folder because the RAM Disk is gone, but it isn't trying to recreate the folder in /Volumes/ like it did the last time I attempted this. Safari also had no problem. But Firefox complains that my Profile is missing or broken. iTunes also seemed to have no problem. Nor did Mail. So it was only Firefox that complained when it couldn't write to the Cache folder.

Any ideas? If anything, is there a way to recreate or run a shell script or something when coming out of sleep just so it can be recreated?

The weird thing is, if the disk is unmounted while Chrome or Firefox are running, they continue without problems. But don't seem to be writing their cache anywhere. I can't tell if they're putting files on the SSD or not, either way they're not going in the places I would expect. If I remount the disk, Chrome continues to write its files into "limbo" until I restart it at which point it does use the RAM Disk again.

I will continue testing until I discover any horrible problems and figure out what is going on.

Also, unmounting disks at random when waking up seems to be a well known bug:


Jasoco said:
I seem to have run into a problem however.

I put my laptop to sleep and woke it up. The RAMDisk gets unmounted when the computer wakes up. I don't understand why that would happen. Unless it's directly related to the missing sleep image? Which doesn't make any sense since it's in RAM and the rest of the RAM doesn't get erased when you put it to sleep and wake it up.

What gives? Is there another command I can use to create a RAM Disk that won't disappear?

The weird thing is, and it shouldn't be, that Chrome continues to work fine, and doesn't complain that the Cache folder it is trying to write to is unavailable. Right now there are a bunch of dead Symlinks in my Cache folder because the RAM Disk is gone, but it isn't trying to recreate the folder in /Volumes/ like it did the last time I attempted this. Safari also had no problem. But Firefox complains that my Profile is missing or broken. iTunes also seemed to have no problem. Nor did Mail. So it was only Firefox that complained when it couldn't write to the Cache folder.

Any ideas? If anything, is there a way to recreate or run a shell script or something when coming out of sleep just so it can be recreated?

The weird thing is, if the disk is unmounted while Chrome or Firefox are running, they continue without problems. But don't seem to be writing their cache anywhere. I can't tell if they're putting files on the SSD or not, either way they're not going in the places I would expect.

I'd have to sit down and read mount's man, but if I was to guess, I'd say that the OS is designed as such that it umounts disks when going to sleep. My suggestion is, hmm, well I was going to say modify the rc.d for the sleep level but I don't know if OS X even uses rc, I think states are done with launchd as of Tiger. You'll probably have to read how to set up launchd to run a script on sleep to save the state of your ramdisk to a file and reload it on wake. I'd help right now, but I'm going to bed soon. Best of luck.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:

cheers. I remember vaguely airfoil could stream to airport expresses, but didn't know they had an iphone client.

hopefully my ipod touch first gen will be compatible

edit: ok, not perfect. Seems to have problems with firefox and internet explorer due to different processes being self contained, so it doesn't know which process to take the audio from. Seems to only work with safari for windows, firefox 3.6.x and IE7.

For now that'll do - I downloaded safari for windows. but seems a bit limiting


ivedoneyourmom said:
I'd have to sit down and read mount's man, but if I was to guess, I'd say that the OS is designed as such that it umounts disks when going to sleep. My suggestion is, hmm, well I was going to say modify the rc.d for the sleep level but I don't know if OS X even uses rc, I think states are done with launchd as of Tiger. You'll probably have to read how to set up launchd to run a script on sleep to save the state of your ramdisk to a file and reload it on wake. I'd help right now, but I'm going to bed soon. Best of luck.
So am I. We'll deal with it in the morning. I just wish I knew where the cache was going when the disk is unmounted and why Chrome doesn't complain. It just bothers me that it's not at least crying about it.


Posted this in the laptop thread, but thought there could be more response here, too:

Anyone here using a 2011 Macbook Pro for any gaming?

I have the 'high end' 15" model with the specs below:

Sandy Bridge i7 @ 2.2GHz
8gb DDR3
500gb 7200 RPM drive
6750 1gb GPU

Games run great in OS X (WoW, Source games, etc), and games run pretty well in BootCamp (BC2, COD4, etc), but I'm looking to max it out.

Would it benefit me to go with an SSD + a 7200rpm secondary in the optibay?

Anyone else have a similar setup?


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
So it's been a year since I got my macbook pro and the power cord has just shit the bed. Is this a common issue with mac power cords? Because it's aggravating as hell considering I don't abuse it or handle it roughly and they cost a fortune to replace.


siddx said:
So it's been a year since I got my macbook pro and the power cord has just shit the bed. Is this a common issue with mac power cords? Because it's aggravating as hell considering I don't abuse it or handle it roughly and they cost a fortune to replace.
ive had mine for over 3 years and it's totally fine. i plug it in at school during semesters too so it certainly gets moved around a lot.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
btkadams said:
ive had mine for over 3 years and it's totally fine. i plug it in at school during semesters too so it certainly gets moved around a lot.

Damnit. I could get it to work by fiddling with the cord near the part that plugs into the computer (moving it around until the light turned on and then trying to hold it at that position), but that solution has ceased working as well. Looks like I have to make a trip to best buy.


lbcyalater said:
I did and any more info? is it just the grid spacing? and how do you get it to affect all folders?

Go to a window, open up Show View Options in View, and change the grid spacing, then select Use as Defaults. Depending on the length of your file names, it may not be possible to see the entire name at all times.
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