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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs

Is Pages worth anything? I currently have the latest version of Word, but it's a bit heavy and sluggish.

The next update/release of Word (we don't know which) is going to add support for Lion, which means the app is going to be 100% Cocoa finally, and it should be a little lighter because of that.
Add-on apps I use everyday:
Caffeine - keeps your Mac from dimming the screen/going to sleep for a specified interval
Soulver - calculator

Additionally I use for work and hobbies:
Personal Macs: Pages, Numbers, Aperture, Photoshop
Work Mac: Word, Excel, Acorn, Remote Desktop, Chicken of the VNC
Did iTunes Home Sharing get shittier? I used to add new music to an MBP, and then drag and drop new stuff from that library (accessed from an MBA) into the other laptop's collection. Everything would get copied over. It appears this no longer works, as I can't drag anything from the "shared" library. Am I doing something wrong?

I'm not sure what happened, because dragging music over always used to work until tonight. My computer informed me that my MBA was not authorized to do Home Sharing all of a sudden, and I had to re-enable it on the MBP. Now shit's all wrong.

I hope that made sense.


So, now that Napster and Rhapsody have merged I can't use Rhapsody on the MBP. Does anyone know of any other music service that's similar that wil sync with iTunes? I ask because I need to be able to use the Airplay feature and I don't really want to buy individual songs/albums. I would much rather just pay a monthly subscription for unlimited downloads.


So, now that Napster and Rhapsody have merged I can't use Rhapsody on the MBP. Does anyone know of any other music service that's similar that wil sync with iTunes? I ask because I need to be able to use the Airplay feature and I don't really want to buy individual songs/albums. I would much rather just pay a monthly subscription for unlimited downloads.

I don’t know all the details but you might benefit from Airfoil which streams audio from any Mac app wirelessly


25 bucks for full license. there’s a downloadable demo.


How do I rename folders on this? In Windows I would just go to My Computer and do it, not sure where that shit is on this though...
How do I rename folders on this? In Windows I would just go to My Computer and do it, not sure where that shit is on this though...
Just select the folder, then do a single click on its title. Then you can rename it. Alternatively you can right click on a folder, select "Get Info", and rename it from there.


I just got a 13" MacBook Pro with i5 and 8GB of ram. Amazing machine!

I'm just completely lost with the OS though. It's my first time using a Mac and am still trying to find my way around. I'd consider my self a seasoned advanced user of Windows.

Is there anywhere I can get a comprehensive breakdown on advanced functions and which applications to download for the basics (best browser/torrent app/resource monitor and manager/defragementer/registry cleaner)?

The OP of this thread really isn't set up for this and I was hoping it would have a compilation of common apps and tweaks one can make as a newcomer.

What's the quickest method to clone a mac unto another?

I recommend Carbon Copy Cloner. It's a beautiful product. I'm sure Super Duper is fine too, but CCC I've actually used to transition from my 2010 to my 2011 as well as to save my ass a few times. Thus, my recommendation comes from really good experiences.
The two macs have thunderbolt ports and a cable is available. Can they be connected directly and then cloned with CCC?

Not sure about that, but you can give it a try. If CCC can see the other computer's HDD as the "target drive", then sure...I guess?

Ehhhh...I have no idea, bro. lol.


I just got a 13" MacBook Pro with i5 and 8GB of ram. Amazing machine!

I'm just completely lost with the OS though. It's my first time using a Mac and am still trying to find my way around. I'd consider my self a seasoned advanced user of Windows.

Is there anywhere I can get a comprehensive breakdown on advanced functions and which applications to download for the basics (best browser/torrent app/resource monitor and manager/defragementer/registry cleaner)?

The OP of this thread really isn't set up for this and I was hoping it would have a compilation of common apps and tweaks one can make as a newcomer.

registry cleaner?

You weren't kidding. For browser people switch between Safari, Chrome and Firefox (some people used to use Camino, Mac version of Firefox, I haven't used that in years and I am not sure if anyone still uses it). I don't use torrents so I can't help you there. Resource monitor one comes with the computer, if you go into applications and utilities you can see it there. That same app can be placed on your dashboard if you are so inclined (just hit the plus sign when you bring it up and find the apps you want to add/delete).

As for defraging most people say that is not necessary on Macs. Some people use some apps for that though. I never needed it. My 5 year old MBP still runs perfectly. Definitely don't need a registry cleaner. You may want to get something like AppZapper to clean up the hidden shit when you delete a program (otherwise just drag to the garbage icon).

The thing you really want to familiarize yourself with are the different swipes and expose functions. There is also a built in dictionary that I find really useful. Finder in the top right corner is very useful as well.

Also make sure to dedicate a portable HD for time machine. You want to make sure your shit is backed up.
I just got a 13" MacBook Pro with i5 and 8GB of ram. Amazing machine!

I'm just completely lost with the OS though. It's my first time using a Mac and am still trying to find my way around. I'd consider my self a seasoned advanced user of Windows.

Is there anywhere I can get a comprehensive breakdown on advanced functions and which applications to download for the basics (best browser/torrent app/resource monitor and manager/defragementer/registry cleaner)?

The OP of this thread really isn't set up for this and I was hoping it would have a compilation of common apps and tweaks one can make as a newcomer.

For apps: This thread should help. Specifically, for torrents, Transmission is by far the best. OS X doesn't have a registry.
What is a registry cleaner, anyway? I don't really use Windows that much so I don't really know what this registry thing it has on it is.

The Registry is a huge monstrosity that stores key/value pairs. Used for software registrations, comprehensive system & app settings, etc. There is no equivalent on the Mac or Linux.


It also gets corrupted all the time and is the cause of so many Windows problems, but Microsoft doesn't have the balls to "Pull an Apple" and rebuild the OS from a much more stable ground up because they don't want to cause so many problems for legacy users, even though Apple made a HUGE transition THREE TIMES (68k to Power PC, Classic Mac OS to Mac OS X and PowerPC to Intel) and was able to make it smoother than butter for the users. Ballmer should just be called Mer because he doesn't have any balls.
The Registry is a huge monstrosity that stores key/value pairs. Used for software registrations, comprehensive system & app settings, etc. There is no equivalent on the Mac or Linux.
So it would be kinda like if you put all the plists and package receipts in the system into one single giant thing?


So it would be kinda like if you put all the plists and package receipts in the system into one single giant thing?

Yep. One giant huge easily corruptable database file that becomes full of no longer needed keys and corrupt data. Misplace one 1 or 0 and you can cause all sorts of hell. Whatever Microsoft employee thought it was a smart idea way back in 1991 should be fired if he wasn't already.


See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_point_of_failure


thanks for the help. That direct clone took half the time of a previous clone via usb to an external harddrive. So what exactly doesn't CCC transfer over? I've changed the desktop wallpaper and reconfigured my trackpad settings. But something still feels off...


CCC transfers everything you tell it to. And only copies changed or new files. So if you clone to a blank drive it'll copy everything if you tell it to copy everything. Including cache files. The ONLY stuff it doesn't copy are specialized Unix files that don't need to be present to boot because the OS will recreate them. Including the SleepImage and Virtual Memory page files.

The next time you clone, it'll only copy what changed. If you just use the computer and browse the web, it'll copy your browser cache and settings. If you upgrade the OS, it'll copy all the new and changed files.

It's how Rsync works. All these cloning tools use Rsync as a backend. It's powerful and CCC gives it a very easy to use frontend.

It looks at every single file, checks its date (And if you choose the option, it'll actually check the CheckSum of every single file) and copies a new version over the old version if it's been changed. Or if it doesn't exist, it copies it there too. It is smart.


Hey Gaf, quick question.

When iPhoto is open, the media control buttons on my keyboard open up iTunes. Pretty annoying when I want to skip or pause a song in Spotify.

Can you think of where to look to turn off this annoying ass shortcut?

Related: is iPhoto the only way to get my iCloud pictures on OS X?



I'm really digging this Airplay thing with iTunes, it just works! I just knew that my Denon was there and I had to do nothing to get it to play. I do have a question though, and I'm not sure if this is even possible but I thought someone here might know if it is. Can I play other sources through the Airplay system? Things like Grooveshark (RIP soon?) or Pandora? Youtube and Vimeo still just play sound through the MBP's speakers....


Still Alive
Hey Gaf, quick question.

When iPhoto is open, the media control buttons on my keyboard open up iTunes. Pretty annoying when I want to skip or pause a song in Spotify.
Weird, didn't think many people actually used those shortcuts. They're like my backup shortcuts, I use cmd*left or right key to skip tracks and alt+space bar to pause/play. Easier to reach.

Though yeah, that would be annoying. If there's nothing in the settings for iPhoto there's probably no way around it.


Maturity, bitches.
Hey Gaf, quick question.

When iPhoto is open, the media control buttons on my keyboard open up iTunes. Pretty annoying when I want to skip or pause a song in Spotify.

Can you think of where to look to turn off this annoying ass shortcut?

Googling lead me to this:

Also a Apple forum discussion on the problem


I'm really digging this Airplay thing with iTunes, it just works! I just knew that my Denon was there and I had to do nothing to get it to play. I do have a question though, and I'm not sure if this is even possible but I thought someone here might know if it is. Can I play other sources through the Airplay system? Things like Grooveshark (RIP soon?) or Pandora? Youtube and Vimeo still just play sound through the MBP's speakers....
I think you asked this earlier and got several responses too.


I recommend Airfoil too. You can have it send any and all audio from your computer to another computer's speakers and it even works natively as an Airplay audio receiver so you can send iTunes audio directly to it without needing the Airfoil transmitter app oppened. Just remember that there's a delay. About a second or so. So if you play a video, the audio will be off.


Wow, that's exactly what I needed. Thanks! The 1 sec delay is a little bothersome, but I never actually watch videos on the laptop with the audio running through the stereo so no biggie.

Sorry for asking twice, so much info on this damn thing I forget what people have told me. lol


I have a weird problem here. I have a Mac mini Server which I'm trying to connect to in Finder with an admin account. All the share points show up, but the "Macintosh HD" root folder doesn't appear any more. Anyone know how to fix this?

The dumb thing is that if I log in using SSH and stop the AFP server using sudo serveradmin stop afp and then connect again, it'll show up, but I must do that every time the machine is booted. What.


What do you guys recommend for RSS feeds in terms of a reader?

I was using Brief for Firefox but it even the developmental version doesn't seem to be installing properly for me.
Logic Pro 9 is up on the Mac App Store. Anyone get it yet? I'll be interested to see if the pro community backlash is as big for this as it was for Final Cut X.

Ya no

Just got brand new macbook pro to replace my old one which was stolen a few weeks ago. Fired it up for the first time today and turns out I have a dead/stuck pixel...I got the jscreenfixer app but I didn't really get what it did and I wasn't about to pay for the license for it. I'm not sure how to tell if it's dead or just stuck, it doesn't look black but it also doesn't have a distinct color. Are there any free apps/programs that could potentially fix this? And if they don't will apple replace the screen?


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
And now it's available on the App Store for less than half the price it used to sell for. OK, so it isn't quite the big update Final Cut X was, but you never know, people get pissed off over all sorts of things.

I don't think after 2.5 years anyone is really going to care that the price has gone down. No one was up in arms when Aperture was reduced in price.
Currently I have lots of trouble with iTunes on my Snow Leopard.
It gets shut down by "Audioscrobbler" (I use Last.fm) and everytime I restart iTunes, I get the notification asking me if iTunes may access the Internet.

What to do now? Does removing and reinstalling iTunes help? What's the best way to remove it?

Edit: Did remove it, reinstalled it and now it works like a charm.
Guys, see this combination to switch between tabs in Safari:


What button is the ^ arrow? Only one that seems to be it is SHIFT+6 but it's not the one.....
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