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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


Thanks for the tips Jasoco, just a littttle confused. All of the steps in the middle regarding using CCC, does that only apply if I have a current clone? I have zero backups right now. Should I just follow ur instructions in the second to last paragraph? Slim down my main HDD, clone to SSD, format HDD, copy media files back to HDD?

Was a little confused in the second paragraph, are you saying I should leave music and stuff on my SSD if space permits? I guess it would be best to have everything on the SSD, but does media and stuff really benefit from being on the SSD?


I recommend getting a backup drive no matter what. It'll make it easier in the long run. I would say they're cheap as dirt, but the stupid shortage makes it impossible for me to say that anymore so...

Music can be placed anywhere you want. As long as the iTunes folder (Which contains the Library file) is directly under Music folder in your Home, you can set the location of your music library to wherever you have them on the other drive if you decide to move the music off the SSD. Music won't really benefit from being on the SSD. Stuff like your Steam library, any Virtual Machines from Parallels or Fusion, cache files, applications and the OS will benefit from being on the SSD. Everything else can be on the HDD.

It all depends on how much space you are using right now. How much do you have on your HDD now? Give me an idea. Also, how do you have your Music located right now?


I have a question. I have an old MBP (Core Duo from 2006). I can't upgrade it to Lion and once I get my Air I will be using it less and less.

Any recommendations on how to use it as a file server (mainly to store a shit load of photos) that I would be able to access on my other computers? Would the software installed on OS X be sufficient or is there another program I should use?


I recommend getting a backup drive no matter what. It'll make it easier in the long run. I would say they're cheap as dirt, but the stupid shortage makes it impossible for me to say that anymore so...

Music can be placed anywhere you want. As long as the iTunes folder (Which contains the Library file) is directly under Music folder in your Home, you can set the location of your music library to wherever you have them on the other drive if you decide to move the music off the SSD. Music won't really benefit from being on the SSD. Stuff like your Steam library, any Virtual Machines from Parallels or Fusion, cache files, applications and the OS will benefit from being on the SSD. Everything else can be on the HDD.

It all depends on how much space you are using right now. How much do you have on your HDD now? Give me an idea. Also, how do you have your Music located right now?

Right now I have about 290gb or so dedicated to OSX. I have 70gb free, not really sure where the space went, but I think it is all movies and files and stuff that I can get rid of and or move.

Music wise, iTunes automatically makes a copy of all whatever I load into it, and I think copies it into the Music folder somewhere.


Wow. Yeah. Here's some tips...

For music, iTunes has a special folder for you. It's located in the location where your Music is sorted. It's called "Automatically Add to iTunes". Never just drag music or files into iTunes, not that it's bad, but the Automatic folder is so cool. When iTunes is running, any files added to this folder will be automatically moved into the music, apps, books, videos, etc folder it belongs in. It's better this way. You could even add this folder to the Dock and just drag your MP3's/Videos/Etc into it whenever you download them and not have to think about it. Also, important, make sure "Keep iTunes Media Folder Organized" in iTunes Preferences (Under Advanced) is turned on so all your stuff is logically sorted and categorized.

Now, you may have duplicates of stuff like you said, so download a program like Tidy Up! and use it to search for duplicate files. Use the "Advanced Mode" option under the Search menu and check the boxes that say "Total items size is the same" and the one under it "Compare contents..." then choose your drive on the left column turning off certain folders leaving only the User folder excluding Library. This will find all your duplicates. Sort the list that pops up by Group and figure out where all your duplicate music files are and delete the ones not in your iTunes Music folder for one thing.

Basically see how far you can get everything sorted out. Use a program like GrandPerspective to view your drive and see where any big files or clusters of unknown files are hiding. Turn on List View in your User folder and turn on "Show File Size" and see what folders are too big.

And get yourself an external drive of 300GB+ for backup. You never want to be caught off guard when you lose all that data. Ever!


Alternatively, I assume you have Lion. In which case you SHOULD be able to:

Reboot holding Option and choose the Recovery Disk.

Choose to fresh install onto the SSD if it lets you.

When install finishes and reboots, follow the Migration Assistant and pick and choose only your Applications, personal settings, music (If it fits), photos if you have an iPhoto Library, and other important stuff.

When that's done, do a little cleanup on the HDD by:

Manually deleting the old System, Library, Applications folders.

Explore the User folder and Move all important files you will be keeping, like Documents and other folders into a new temporary folder at the root of the drive. And make sure this folder is not deleted. Also remember that you can ignore the folders you recovered with Migration Assistant as these will now be duplicate.

Once you're 100% sure all important files are removed from Users, delete it.

Lastly you'll need to remove all the hidden system folders you can't see. Easiest way is to make hidden files visible and drag them to the trash. Or use the Terminal to zap them individually using Sudo if you can't.

Remember, your OS is now on the SSD, so it's okay to delete anything system related from the old HDD. So use brute force if you have to. As long as it's on the HDD.

Once all the mess is cleaned up, feel free to organize the files in the temporary folder however you see fit.



Do you have Lion?

Because apparently Embed Artwork does not work in Lion, and his new script, Re-Embed Artwork, replaces it.

The only difference I noticed is that with Embed Artwork, on Snow Leopard, I didn't have to actually run the script for it to work when I added artwork. When I added artwork, the script seemed to automatically run and embed it whereas with Re-Embed on Lion, that doesn't seem to be there. I have to run the script each time.

Not to mention it seems Re-Embed can only work on about 30 songs before it chokes up and dismisses itself.


Alternatively, I assume you have Lion. In which case you SHOULD be able to:

Reboot holding Option and choose the Recovery Disk.

Choose to fresh install onto the SSD if it lets you.

When install finishes and reboots, follow the Migration Assistant and pick and choose only your Applications, personal settings, music (If it fits), photos if you have an iPhoto Library, and other important stuff.

When that's done, do a little cleanup on the HDD by:

Manually deleting the old System, Library, Applications folders.

Explore the User folder and Move all important files you will be keeping, like Documents and other folders into a new temporary folder at the root of the drive. And make sure this folder is not deleted. Also remember that you can ignore the folders you recovered with Migration Assistant as these will now be duplicate.

Once you're 100% sure all important files are removed from Users, delete it.

Lastly you'll need to remove all the hidden system folders you can't see. Easiest way is to make hidden files visible and drag them to the trash. Or use the Terminal to zap them individually using Sudo if you can't.

Remember, your OS is now on the SSD, so it's okay to delete anything system related from the old HDD. So use brute force if you have to. As long as it's on the HDD.

Once all the mess is cleaned up, feel free to organize the files in the temporary folder however you see fit.

I backed up all of my media files and whatnot onto another external hdd and now only have 40gigs on my HDD. So I believe the easiest way to handle this now is to CCC my HDD onto my SSD correct? then format my HDD, then create Bootcamp onto my HDD (I hope I can do this, Bootcamp doesn't install only on the main drive right?) and then copy my media files back! Doesn't sound too bad...

edit: actually, I hope I can just format the OSX partition of my HDD and leave bootcamp untouched...


Yeah. You might be able to, but I didn't know you had BootCamp. I assume it can still be booted from since it's on an internal drive. Windows is picky about where it's installed, but OS X doesn't give a shit so it should work. Clone the OS X from the HDD to the SSD and when you're sure everything's safely stored on the backup, format the non BC partition of the older HDD. Then copy over everything from the backup that isn't going to be on the SSD.

Someone will have to clarify about the BootCamp thing. Is your SSD in the optical bay or the original HDD bay? Should it matter to Windows which drive it's on as long as it's internal?


I'm looking for some kind of file mirroring software for the Mac. I have a mac mini with an external HDD that contains all my media. I have a feeling this drive is going to die soon so i've purchased a 2nd external HDD to back it up.

I don't want to use something like time machine because once the initial drive goes i'd like to start using the new drive as the primary drive. Anyone have a good solution for this?


Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner.

I recommend it.
I just recently discovered Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes located here (link)

I downloaded about 15 of them, most which will save me tons of time.

Does anyone use these and have their favorites?

I've been evangelizing that stuff for years here on GAF, usually in the semmingly-quarterly "iTunes Sucks" threads that pop up here. People who don't use AppleScripts with iTunes are missing out.


Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner. Carbon Copy Cloner.

I recommend it.

Sweet! Thanks!

Edit: will this make copies of the files or will it create some large proprietary file like time machine?


Yeah. You might be able to, but I didn't know you had BootCamp. I assume it can still be booted from since it's on an internal drive. Windows is picky about where it's installed, but OS X doesn't give a shit so it should work. Clone the OS X from the HDD to the SSD and when you're sure everything's safely stored on the backup, format the non BC partition of the older HDD. Then copy over everything from the backup that isn't going to be on the SSD.

Someone will have to clarify about the BootCamp thing. Is your SSD in the optical bay or the original HDD bay? Should it matter to Windows which drive it's on as long as it's internal?
Alright I got it all backed up and ready to go as soon as my optibay adapter comes. Regarding the ssd location: my hdd does not have the shock sensor. How important is it? I can leave that in the primary bay, but then if osx is not in the primary hibernate doesn't work, and it comes in handy a lot so I would prefer to keep it. Is SMS isn't tooooooo important I will sacrifice it.

I will have to check about the bootcamp location..


This might be a really stupid question, but what version of Windows 7 is good for boot camp on a fall 2011 Macbook Pro? Home Premium is obviously just fine but I'm confused on the differences between the regular version, the upgrade version, and the 64-bit version. Any tips on which to get?


Fantastic router. I can't recommend it enough. The only problem is it doesn't support Universal Plug and Play, which is a problem (unless somebody can tell me otherwise?) as a gamer.

I'm assuming you mean as a PC Gamer? Because I don't really dive into that much. Other than old school X-Com, Simcity, Rollercoaster Tycoon, etc.


I got the Airport Extreme today. Was super simple to set up. My only question though. I know that with my old routers I would have to go and forward the ports for things like my Xbox and things in order to maximize their "connection." Do I have to do this with the Apple router? If so, how?
So yesterday I ran a few weeks worth of updates, and since then any time my MBP wakes up from sleep, I have to restart my modem to connect to wifi again. Any ideas?

Curious, what model of MBP? I have the mid 2010 and have had no problems with wifi, but my wife has the mid 2011 and has trouble staying connected to wifi consistently. I know it's just her as other devices stay connected just fine. It seems like sometimes she can just turn wifi off and back on and it'll work, while other times I seem to have to reboot my router before it'll work again.
I got the Airport Extreme today. Was super simple to set up. My only question though. I know that with my old routers I would have to go and forward the ports for things like my Xbox and things in order to maximize their "connection." Do I have to do this with the Apple router? If so, how?

I'm pretty sure the router does not contain a hardware Firewall. Could be completely wrong on this. It's actually somewhat of an advantage, speed-wise, I think (for Macs, obviously?) Take this paragraph with a grain of salt.

Also, it should be noted that when configuring your Airport Extreme, note how you can hold Option and then click a drop-down box and have more options to choose from. This is particularly useful for choosing what kind of 802.11 you want to broadcast and channels, etc.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I'm pretty sure the router does not contain a hardware Firewall. Could be completely wrong on this. It's actually somewhat of an advantage, speed-wise, I think (for Macs, obviously?) Take this paragraph with a grain of salt.

Also, it should be noted that when configuring your Airport Extreme, note how you can hold Option and then click a drop-down box and have more options to choose from. This is particularly useful for choosing what kind of 802.11 you want to broadcast and channels, etc.

This says it has a firewall:



I'm pretty sure the router does not contain a hardware Firewall.

It does (or at least it did), but it's pretty well hidden. I think it was under the Advanced pane, and you have to turn on one of the options to see the Firewall settings. Then you can forward/open ports and stuff like other routers.


...hate me...
Guys, I have a shitload of files that I need to rename after their respective folder name.

For example, I have the folder "mike" with the files "resume.doc" and "photo.jpg".

I want to rename the files as mike.doc and mike.jpg.

This x hundreds of folders.

Can you help me out on an AppleScript or automator workflow to do this?
So you know how there are jailbreak hacks on iOS to display certain info on the lockscreen? Are there any similar hacks on Mac to display info on the Mac's lockscreen? Like the currently playing track in iTunes for example.


Still Alive
Guys, I have a shitload of files that I need to rename after their respective folder name.

For example, I have the folder "mike" with the files "resume.doc" and "photo.jpg".

I want to rename the files as mike.doc and mike.jpg.

This x hundreds of folders.

Can you help me out on an AppleScript or automator workflow to do this?
Yeah, I have the perfect app for you; NameChanger. Just google it i'm sure you'll find it. It cn batch rename any group of files for you, including even the .extension, as well as specific characters.

because i give a shit, here's there website to DL; http://www.mrrsoftware.com/MRRSoftware/NameChanger.html

Learn how to use it properly a bit and you'll find your folders and shit so much more productive and organized. Definitely can't see myself going a month without it at this point.


What is the best solution for uploading pictures from my Android phone to my MBP?

I don't want to upload them via Picasa, etc. How do I directly transfer them?


Still Alive
What is the best solution for uploading pictures from my Android phone to my MBP?

I don't want to upload them via Picasa, etc. How do I directly transfer them?
The Image Capture app doesn't work with Android? [edit] Yeah, i'm pretty sure it'll work with Android, it's practically universal and works on everything i've tried. If you didn't know, it's a pre-installed OS X app;

Well, fuck. A dead (stuck?) pixel (blue) just appeared on my 3 month-old MBA, and I'm naturally pretty concerned. I have Apple Care, but is there any way for me to fix it myself? I remember I pushed on the screen of another monitor I had to make them go away, but I don't want to put the screen at risk.


...hate me...
Yeah, I have the perfect app for you; NameChanger. Just google it i'm sure you'll find it. It cn batch rename any group of files for you, including even the .extension, as well as specific characters.

because i give a shit, here's there website to DL; http://www.mrrsoftware.com/MRRSoftware/NameChanger.html

Learn how to use it properly a bit and you'll find your folders and shit so much more productive and organized. Definitely can't see myself going a month without it at this point.
Thank you man, but tbh I already have namechanger. Yes, it's great indeed but it doesn't really do what I needed :p
Anyway, that task is done.

In another subject, does anyone know of a file manager for Mac with a web interface?


Has waited diligently to think of something to say before making this post
Why do people just "hang out" at the Apple Store? So fucking annoying when people have actual work to get done and shit to buy. Every experience at an Apple Store (any Apple Store) over the holidays has been fucking awful.
So I've been having problems with applications being stupid. They'll try to find command-line commands that are obviously there, but they don't see them. For example, I'll get Console messages like "dirname not found" or "basename not found" or "/bin/sh: ps not found" even though all these commands are in the places you'd expect to find them. I check my /etc/paths file, but all the directories that are supposed to be in it are in it. I also added some extra ones, could that possibly have messed things up? Example applications that have been having these problems: Gedit, Steam, WINE, X11, XQuartz, Xcode, and some others. Also, some of them for some reason think that their application contents should be located at the top level directory of my hard drive instead of in their app bundle contents. Sometimes launching these applications from the command line fixes things, but I don't want to have to do that every time. Any idea what might be going on?


Why do people just "hang out" at the Apple Store? So fucking annoying when people have actual work to get done and shit to buy. Every experience at an Apple Store (any Apple Store) over the holidays has been fucking awful.
Usually they're the "Mac hopefuls". People who have Windows PC's, or possibly an older Mac, and want to upgrade, but can't or won't because of the price, but come in to gaze at the beauty of what they can't have.

It's window shopping.

I used to do it all the time at the MacOutfitters. They welcome browsers. In the hopes someone will buy either that day or sometime in the future.


I've been having a problem with bootcamp. I started installing Windows 7 using the assistant and it needed to reformat the bootcamp partition to ntfs. Now I'm kind of stuck in Windows 7. Whenever I reboot I don't get the option to choose which OS. How can I get back to OSX?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
I've been having a problem with bootcamp. I started installing Windows 7 using the assistant and it needed to reformat the bootcamp partition to ntfs. Now I'm kind of stuck in Windows 7. Whenever I reboot I don't get the option to choose which OS. How can I get back to OSX?

Have you installed the Apple drivers? I haven't had bootcamp on my mac in a while, but I could have sworn there was a bootcamp program installed into windows that allowed you to restart to OSX when needed.


...hate me...
So after neglecting my Mac mini HTPC setup for a while, I've been getting back to it. Upgraded the mini to Lion, installed the latest Plex (it seems like nine has matured a good bit, nice), ditched the FreeNAS as it was getting too cumbersome - the machine is huge, the software is hard to maintain, and the version I was using doesn't play well with Lion (although it seems like the latest does). Now I'm just rolling with a couple of USB hard drives - one for media and one for Time Machine.

I still want to get back to a NAS sometime in the future, because it's really better for a number of reasons - delocalizing the storage means no noise, a NAS can run a number of services (including Time Machine) that can relieve the load on mini, etc, etc. But when I do, I'll want a dedicated, simpler, more effective box for that. That means money so it'll have to wait.

Until then, and since this HTPC/server lives in my bedroom rather than in a living room, I've managed to conceal the externals in a closet thanks to long USB cables, which alleviates the noise matters to a degree, but doesn't completely solves them. I can still hear them when the load is heavy. I can also hear the mini's own hard drive working. It's not a loud or constant noise, but, yeah, it's those every-20 seconds small noises of a 2.5" hdd's moving parts.

So that brings me to the point of this post. I want solid state memory running that sucker. I've been looking and SSDs still cost a buck more than what I wanted. And I don't even need the performance of an SSD. I just want complete silence so it can work 24/7 without driving me crazy. Applying some troll logics here, since the boot disk on the mini only uses 30 or less GBs, what if instead of an expensive SSD, I simply use a bootable thumbdrive or memory card? Wouldn't that get the job done for a fraction of the cost? What do you guys reckon?


Considering moving to Safari instead of Chrome as my main browser. Are the various Chrome NeoGAF extensions not available on Safari?

And more broadly, what are the advantages (if any) of using Safari over Chrome?
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