Can you (or anyone, for all that matters) list the top 5 things that are awesome and that you can do with Alfred?
I just recently got it, but I feel it has a lot of potential I'm not using. Actually, I just use it as a Spotlight replacement. And I discovered last weekend that it also works as a calculator! It's so handy.
BTW, power pack yes or no?
Yes to the power pack, you can make nice transparent themes like
Though tbh i'm not sure what features (extensions?) are limited to power pack or not, since I don't remember what i was/wasn't able to use before i got the power pack.
Some awesome things I do with my alfred extensions:
adding reminders to my iphone/ical straight from alfred (I type 'reminder [content]' and then press enter, simple)
music player to quickly find artists, play random tracks etc
connect to wolfram alpha using an extension so I can just type anything from currency conversions to metric conversions to distances between planets etc
tweeting/posting to facebook from alfred using an extension
word counter extension when writing essays in textedit
search my specific libraries of content (comics, tv shows, movies etc) without getting them all jumbled up
clipboard history, this is a huge one for me as it allows me to get rid of using a dedicated app to do this.
googling picturing things instantly (or just plain googling).
Those are basically some things off the top of my head. You need to get used to it and accustomed though, and it becomes awesome.
Also pick an intuitive hotkey that's right for you personally. I use double tap alt to bring it up personally.