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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


What is the underlying system behind some documents being "locked" and requiring me to duplicate them before I can save a version? It's really annoying. I open an old Word Doc I created, and it's locked. I get a random email with PDF attachment, it's locked... Can I turn off this system entirely?


What is the underlying system behind some documents being "locked" and requiring me to duplicate them before I can save a version? It's really annoying. I open an old Word Doc I created, and it's locked. I get a random email with PDF attachment, it's locked... Can I turn off this system entirely?

Files that have not been open after a set period of time are automatically locked to prevent accidental editing. You should be able to unlock them without duplicating them, however it is also possible to turn off the feature completely.

I don't know what the things are labeled in English, but it should be in System Preferences:Time Machine:Options, down at the bottom of the sheet.

Patrick Bateman: I like it, it does require a bit more ram, and it does use some different terms and conventions; but as a whole if you aren't afraid of a little bit of change, it has some excellent refinements, and is quite enjoyable to use.
So, what's the general opinion about Lion, months after the release?
I stuck with Snow Leopard because I was a little worried about all those negatives comments at first.


So, what's the general opinion about Lion, months after the release?

It's not as good as Snow Leopard, IMO. It's my first major disappointment with an Apple product. I seem to have lots of ongoing issues. It was completely broken at first, and now it's just buggy. This is on a 2011 Macbook Pro that ran perfectly on SL.
So, what's the general opinion about Lion, months after the release?
I stuck with Snow Leopard because I was a little worried about all those negatives comments at first.
Quite a bit has been fixed since it came out. I would definitely recommend updating to Lion now.

Also anyone here actually using Launchpad? It's grown on me. Very quick access to all my apps.

nel e nel

Hey guys, I need the advice of GAFers who know more than me about Macbooks and computers in general, ie. most all of you. My 2009 13" Macbook's battery is gone deadski, and the REPLACE NOW MAN tag pops up when I click the battery icon. Rightly so, as not plugged in the sucker will last like 45 minutes.

So I need a new one, and the Apple Store version costs $160, more than I thought. I found this one on Amazon, and I was wondering, legit?

Can a TP battery damage my Macbook in any way? Does anyone have any experience in this regard?


Are you sure?


So, what's the general opinion about Lion, months after the release?
I stuck with Snow Leopard because I was a little worried about all those negatives comments at first.

I've really come to love the ability to shut down and restart and have everything back to the way it was. It's nice to not have to think about closing an app and then realizing I just lost something important.

I'm still not hot on Mission Control, but it isn't quite as bad as I was expecting. It still does dumb things in comparison to how awesome the old world of Spaces was, but so far I'm getting by with 6~7 desktops versus the 12 Spaces I used to run.

Fullscreen apps are dumb. Never use them, never have a desire to.

The new method for saving files is odd. It never really seems to work the way that you'd expect, so sometimes things are great, other times it just feels like the OS is doing something you don't want/expect it to. You really have to retrain yourself in some ways, but once you do, it's probably a nice option to have.

Finder still isn't great, but the new sort/display options for browsing files are pretty nice.

I thought the idea of Launchpad was pretty silly at first, but now, I honestly like it. I can now have apps just all going into my Applications folder, but then do actual sorting and organization in Launchpad.

I waited to upgrade to Lion, but now overall, I'm glad I did. The OS overall feels like it has a far more polish than previous versions did, which is what I most appreciate.
Fullscreen apps are dumb. Never use them, never have a desire to.

I only ever use Aperture full screen on my Mac Pro. Occasionally I will use them on the Air, though I run into the wall of Mail being modal in full-screen mode— so fullscreen Mail is only as powerful as Mail on my iPhone.

The new method for saving files is odd.

I only hit it once every few weeks but it never fails to make me sit up and say 'huh?' whenever I get the 'this file is locked' message or if I'm told I need to make a duplicate.
I only hit it once every few weeks but it never fails to make me sit up and say 'huh?' whenever I get the 'this file is locked' message or if I'm told I need to make a duplicate.
It's actually surprisingly simple once you get to know how it works. I was confused for a while as well until I read this which explains it all very well. Locked files especially confused me at first until I found out Lion by default locks files that have been untouched for 2 weeks.


Fullscreen apps are dumb. Never use them, never have a desire to.

They're fine by me. Apps that I keep open all the time (iTunes, Safari) are Full screened all the way to the right of Mission Control. I wish Xcode's Full Screen mode didn't suck, though.

I just wish Mission Control would stop crashing.


Still Alive
They're fine by me. Apps that I keep open all the time (iTunes, Safari) are Full screened all the way to the right of Mission Control. I wish Xcode's Full Screen mode didn't suck, though.

I just wish Mission Control would stop crashing.
Pretty much this, it's an awesome way to have dedicated spaces, feels very proprietary in that sense. MC never crashes with me though, thankfully.

I also have a tweak/hack 'maximizer' that lets me put any app int FS mode, for those apps that don't support it yet. Works great on some apps, shitty on others, but it's a workaround to using FS better.


Love it, couldn't live without it tbh. But that's just me.
No, it's me too. I can't remember how I used to have to use Snow Leopard. I can't picture myself going back.

MC never crashes with me either. I have had LaunchPad crash occasionally. But I have noticed SOME Apple apps have a really buggy Fullscreen mode. One in maybe a few dozen activations for some reason, iTunes or Safari will fuck up. iTunes likes to take over the desktop while giving its window a space, but covering the desktop in the "fabric" texture. Safari also occasionally places its WebKit view on the desktop and its toolbar on the fullscreen space. Fucking hell, Apple. These are your flagship apps! Have a little decency! They're not even in Beta anymore! iTunes also sometimes likes to place itself in the center of the screen with a huge bordering area around it. Easy fix though. Either quit the app or exit Fullscreen. Fortunately it's not as common as it could be.

I do agree that some FS apps have shitty FS. Like iPhoto. I'd much rather iPhoto's FS mode be iPhoto, not some watered down older-style fullscreen UI that cuts out features I want to use but would rather have the app in fullscreen. Like iTunes. Fullscreen iTunes is just iTunes taking up the whole screen. Chrome, Safari, iMovie, Mail, all the same. But iPhoto. Fucking hell what is that shit, Apple? This isn't Lightroom or Aperture. I want the FULL INTERFACE in FULLSCREEN. Thankfully I rarely use iPhoto for more than a few minutes while I import photos occasionally. PhotoBooth is an exception to the rule in that FS PB still works exactly the same just with a nicer UI.

Also, fucking hell. How is it that LaunchPad can't remember the positions I place my icons in? Every time I reboot, a few icons have moved around. FUCKING HELL. It's not Rocket Science! I'll accept the fact I can't remove icons, but at least REMEMBER WHERE I PUT THEM!


Still Alive
No, it's me too. I can't remember how I used to have to use Snow Leopard. I can't picture myself going back.
I knew you would be in here to back me up soon enough. :p

And yeah, iTunes is pretty fucking shitty in comparison to how awesome it could be, tis a shame.

I feel your frustration with the app launcher bullshit, I rarely use it anymore because it can't fucking remember where I put my shit last time. And it's not totally jumped either, just certain apps randomly switched places and stuff, it makes no fucking sense or based on any type of reason (i.e. alphabetically or whatever).

If they don't fix that shit with the next update I don't know what the fuck they're doing over there, it's not that complicated.


It uses a database. I assume SQL or some sort. Which is why all the editor tools are able to modify it with SQL commands. But those tools never work for too long before LP forgets everything, throws up and adds all the apps back into itself. I got around having a bunch of useless apps by moving them into an alternate "Applications (Other)" folder at the root of the drive. The rest I throw in folders. I keep wondering if deleting the database and starting all over again one more time might fix it. But probably not.


This is how I have it set up and how I want it to stay. But after rebooting most of the time I'll find my Steam has shifted up to the next row or PhotoShop has jumped two to the right. It's usually maybe 2 or 3 apps at most. Sometimes I can lock them in place by launching them from LP and quitting them which somehow tells LP that's where you want it. I don't know or get it. Fix this, Apple!


I knew you would be in here to back me up soon enough. :p

And yeah, iTunes is pretty fucking shitty in comparison to how awesome it could be, tis a shame.

I feel your frustration with the app launcher bullshit, I rarely use it anymore because it can't fucking remember where I put my shit last time. And it's not totally jumped either, just certain apps randomly switched places and stuff, it makes no fucking sense or based on any type of reason (i.e. alphabetically or whatever).

If they don't fix that shit with the next update I don't know what the fuck they're doing over there, it's not that complicated.

To be fair, iTunes has been shitty for years now. It's almost like a tradition.


Still Alive
It uses a database. I assume SQL or some sort. Which is why all the editor tools are able to modify it with SQL commands. But those tools never work for too long before LP forgets everything, throws up and adds all the apps back into itself. I got around having a bunch of useless apps by moving them into an alternate "Applications (Other)" folder at the root of the drive. The rest I throw in folders. I keep wondering if deleting the database and starting all over again one more time might fix it. But probably not.


This is how I have it set up and how I want it to stay. But after rebooting most of the time I'll find my Steam has shifted up to the next row or PhotoShop has jumped two to the right. It's usually maybe 2 or 3 apps at most. Sometimes I can lock them in place by launching them from LP and quitting them which somehow tells LP that's where you want it. I don't know or get it. Fix this, Apple!
This is how I want it to stay;


How it is now;


I used to fix this shit every time I log-in, but I eventually just gave up. To be honest, the comparison there is not so bad, only a few out of order stuff, but sometimes it can be much worse.


I would give up too if I didn't have everything categorized. My games are the bottom row and I want them to stay there. I have it all on one page to make it easier because I hate swiping between the screens. (I'd do it on my iPad if I could but settle for one page for apps and one for games) So it's frustrating when my Steam icon jumps up to join the Terminal.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
You know... I was not a fan of natural scrolling until I bought a Magic Mouse the other day. At first, I turned it off and used it like a regular mouse but just a few minutes ago I caught myself flicking along the mouse like I would my phone while in a Numbers spreadsheet. Apple just trolled me hard. Looks like I'm going to go ahead and turn it on.


formerly cjelly
Using iCloud, why are iOS bookmarks hidden under the Bookmarks button on Mac, and on iOS, the Mac bookmarks are hidden in Bookmarks Menu folder?

Really annoying. :-/

Chris R

Was it stupid of me to order a MacBook Pro today with MacWorld being later this January?

Nah, They wouldn't announce anything there (because Ivy Bridge won't be ready for another couple of months). Buying one this year before they refreshed the series with Ivy Bridge wasn't a good move though.


Nah, They wouldn't announce anything there (because Ivy Bridge won't be ready for another couple of months). Buying one this year before they refreshed the series with Ivy Bridge wasn't a good move though.
Are the new models likely to be a lot more expensive?
Any good lists of "must have" apps for Mac? I just recently got my first MacBook, and I tried googling some stuff, but couldn't find anything recent. Thanks.
So my iMac has been running significantly slower lately than usual... Is there any easy things I could be doing to fix this? Or a way to identify issues? Haven't had to deal with this kind of thing since moving from Windows.
So my iMac has been running significantly slower lately than usual... Is there any easy things I could be doing to fix this? Or a way to identify issues? Haven't had to deal with this kind of thing since moving from Windows.
Have you tried iBoostUp? It's the #2 free app on the app store. Their website:
www.iboostup.com said:
Has your Mac become slow and unresponsive? Has it lost some of the zing it used to have? Are you getting unexpected crashes and error messages? Is your Macbook getting hot and the fan running constantly?

If so, you need to download iBoostUp!

iBoostUp tunes up and optimizes your Mac by purging unneeded files, fixing your hard disk, giving you performance recommendations, protecting your privacy by removing cookies, showing you easily accessible system information, and much more!
So my iMac has been running significantly slower lately than usual... Is there any easy things I could be doing to fix this? Or a way to identify issues?

1. Make sure your computer still lists all the RAM it's supposed to have (very unlikely, but you'd notice this).

2. Console in /Applications/Utlities/ lists notices, warnings and errors from various software running on your system.

3. Use Activity Monitor to see what's eating RAM/CPU and if you have any page-outs.


Junior Butler
Ok guys, I'm stumped.

I recently purchased and installed iPhoto and imported a few pics to get a feel for the app. Pictures aren't displaying properly. I see the thumbnails without a problem, but when trying to view a pic in the main body of the window I just see all black. At first I thought the picture wasn't loading at all but I found that if I move the zoom slider, a very tiny version of the picture shows up, but does't fill the picture area.

I've tried repairing the library and reinstalling iPhoto but I'm still having the same issue.
I think.... you know the answer to that question.

Though if you don't care for a thinner design and no disc drive, you're probably alright. Either way, a wait would've saved you money.

Do you think they are going to remove the drive from new MacBook pros?

I've sent my MacBook in to service as it's been shitting the bed lately. It's a mid 2010 model and I read online there's issues with the motherboard!! I'm in Korea so we'll see what they do with it? Anybody know the general protocol for repairs? How long? Do they replace the mac I'd it's a hardware issue?

Also, I think I can get away with saying this here, I've been using windows 7 since I sent my mac in and anyone who says this is like osx either has never used osx or doesn't use it properly.
Hmmmmm… anyone else's Mac (Both iMac and MacBook Pro) really really crappy at USB transfer?
I'm on Lion 10.7.2 on both, my MacBookPro is new (quad Core i7 with 8GB RAM, and my iMac is late 2009 3.06GHZ with 8GB RAM), but when i try to transfer to USB stick or Android phone, finder hangs for the first 100MB or so, and then the transfer takes forever and a day.
Finder calls on no additional resource in the activity monitor though... which is strange.
As well as which if i charge my MacBook to 100% then close the lid and come back 3 days later the battery is dead...!


Ok I need some help because this shit is starting to bug me now...


Mac Mini 2010 model
22" monitor connected via HDMI running at 1080p
24" monitor connected via displayport>vga adaptor to vga input

My 24" monitor is capable of 1920x1200 but I just can't get it to run. It is topping out at 1920x1080 but because it's a 16:10 monitor it looks bad. 1680x1050 looks better because it's the correct ratio but it looks a little blurry. This is a short-term fix for now

All of the literature I've read says that VGA output on the Mac should work up to 1920x1200.

It isn't because of dual output because the same thing happens if I only use that one monitor

So, things I've tried:

Windows 7 laptop connected to the 24" monitor by VGA gives me 1920x1200 and it looks glorious! So that rules out the cable and monitor as the potential problem. Any ideas? I've ordered a female HDMI>DVI adaptor and I will try HDMI from the Mac to DVI input. Again this should work as the HDMI connection supports up to 1920x1200


Haha, I was going to do it since I have a few days off! Need to find more info on it first though ;)

All you need is the invite image, a quote from the WSJ article/leak, a quote from the Ars article/speculation, and a few links to any liveblogs. Don't forget the catchy thread title: Apple to 'destroy digital textbooks' would attract a lot of trolls posters.

Edit: actually I'd like to take a stab at making the OP, if you don't mind.

Edit: made a thread for the Jan 19 event


Still Alive
Do you think they are going to remove the drive from new MacBook pros?

I've sent my MacBook in to service as it's been shitting the bed lately. It's a mid 2010 model and I read online there's issues with the motherboard!! I'm in Korea so we'll see what they do with it? Anybody know the general protocol for repairs? How long? Do they replace the mac I'd it's a hardware issue?

Also, I think I can get away with saying this here, I've been using windows 7 since I sent my mac in and anyone who says this is like osx either has never used osx or doesn't use it properly.
It seems highly likely. They will probably remove the disc drive, and use space to have an extra hard drive slot while still making it thinner as a whole.

What i'm most afraid of is them switching to SDD's as default, which would suck imo. I mean, I need minimum 500GB internal storage, which i'm not sure is possible with 2 SDD's or feasible.


Random question. I have a new MBP and new copy of MS Office installed. My boss has an old as PC, and always says she can't open Word documents I send. She said she can open documents sent by other employees at my company on Macs, just not mine.

Im' using Sparrow as my mail client. Is there a way to tell it to always send Windows-friendly attachments?
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