Would a baseline mini with 8GB of RAM be OK for Illustrator and dev work?
Looking for a cheap 'in' to iOS development. Was thinking about a entry level iMac, but not sure I like the display setup and it doesn't seem like it would be a powerhouse for gaming either (the only other potential usecase for me)...
edit - going by the CS6 requirements, I think it would be OK - but the 8GB upgrade is a must, to get the necessary 512MB of VRAM for the Intel 3000.
Optimizations for older hardware is the last thing I would expect to see in Mountain Lion. Best case it will run the same as Lion.
Take a look in here. I'm sure I've seen a few comments from people who have the dev preview saying it does seem to run a bit snappier than Lion.
Wait for Mountain Lion. I had the same issue you did with Lion, and Mountain Lion - I'm on the 3rd dev preview - does bring things back to just about Snow Leopard levels, if not completely. Lion never got there.
Progressively happier as I read each of these in order, haha. Awesome. I shall wait.
I love Snow Leopard way too much.
yea under activity monitor.Force quit it under activity monitor? If it doesn't start working you're going to just have to reboot.. or log out/log back in.
Erica Sadun said:As I write this, I just got off the phone with a colleague. He just now is realizing that [as far as the Mac App Store is concerned Ed.] Apple may be end-of-life-ing all those great little hotkey shortcuts that used to let us bring an app to the forefront and do something.
Apps use hotkeys to let you jump to what you want to do while you work on what you must do. Apps can set a system-wide hotkey to trigger an action or event, even when the app itself is not foremost (or is resident in the menu bar). They're on the way out of the Mac App Store as Apple paves the path to safer, more consumer-oriented computing.
Apparently, Apple will allow hotkey apps that are already in the Mac App Store before June to offer only bug fixes after that. New sandboxed apps and any apps that add features (i.e. non-bugfix releases) will not be allowed to support hotkeys.
TUAW has been told that Apple will be rejecting all MAS apps with hotkey functionality starting June 1, regardless of whether the new features are hotkey related or not. Basically, if you're developing one of those apps, an app that assumes you can still add hotkeys, don't bother submitting it to the Mac App Store. [Note that as far as we know this only means systemwide hotkeys, not isolated-to-your-app keyboard commands -- the latter would obviously kneecap OS X and the Mac App Store rather dramatically. Ed.]
It's not just press-to-switch apps that are feeling the pressure of the future. Many cross-app scripting utilities and macro programs already can't step foot in the App Store and will have to fight for a space on your computer under Mountain Lion's GateKeeper. The Quickeys macro program I've depended on for decades is still limping along for the moment in its creaky 4.0 build, but I don't expect it to last more than a year or so.
OS X 10.9 or OS Xi, whichever comes after Mountain Lion, isn't about to let an app completely redefine the user keyboard. Those macros that let me use Emacs keys regardless of app, and that let me launch all my most-used apps with one combination...I know they're next to die.
I've seen the future and it is iOS. Apple is moving solidly and confidently towards consumer computing and away from mollycoddling the power users. The company knows where its profits come from and power users ain't it. The iPad -- with its simple interface, strong security, and dependability -- has set the standard for what's next.
For all the moments when I want to rage against the coming of the Nanny OS, I know it's on its way. I've lived in iOS now for 5 years. I've played in the sandbox, I've grown to know the sandbox, I've come to accept the sandbox.
I'm not super thrilled by it, but you can't deny the reality. While there's no indication Apple intends to prevent the sale of apps with [systemwide] hotkey functionality outside the App Store, it is clear Apple is working to simplify the user experience within the Mac App Store, and that means "power user" utilities are at risk.
Goodbye hotkeys, macro programs, end-user customization, and all the detritus of operating systems that were full of holes to crawl into and dumpsters wherein to dive. The new, clean way of computing is on its way. It may be a lot less fun but it's gonna sell a hell of a lot of Macs.
Nanny Computing" and the future of OS X
Alfred would be crippled by this move. It's one of the most popular apps in the Mac AppStore and has been featured prominently there Noteworthy and Staff Favorites categories among others. Why would Apple take this step?
Nanny Computing" and the future of OS X
Alfred would be crippled by this move. It's one of the most popular apps in the Mac AppStore and has been featured prominently there Noteworthy and Staff Favorites categories among others. Why would Apple take this step?
does anyone know why my magic mouse has never worked in lion? (scrolling)
it is just recognized as a regular mouse, rather than a magic mouse, so there is no check-box for scrolling in the mouse settings. i don't have any trackpad/mouse apps other than bettertouchtool and nothing inside the app is disabling it. i mean, even if it were, the computer would still recognize my mouse as a magic mouse right??
i've even tried this:
1. Open Terminal
Copy and Paste the following script into terminal and you will have your Library folder back where it was in Leopard.
chflags nohidden /users/**username**/library
2. Find the now visible Library folder in your user folder - go to the Preferences folder.
3. Rename com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.mouse.plist or delete it. Then restart you computer.
nothing seems to work. any ideas??
nope! i also don't have usb overdrive installed. [downloaded an uninstaller just to be sure]You say you have no other mouse tool installed, but as it isn't limited to mice: May you have USB Overdrive installed? According to some Google results, uninstalling it should solve that problem.
nope! i also don't have usb overdrive installed. [downloaded an uninstaller just to be sure]
I had the same problem with the mighty mouse. Had to uninstall the magic mouse and somehow it started working automatically. idk how it worked.
How do I make my Macbook go to sleep when I shut the lid with an external monitor?!
This is madness...I'm too tired to be fucking around witht his Apple
Put it to sleep, then close the lid. It used to be the other way around but there were a lot of people bitching that the computer would go to sleep when they closed the lid. Damned if you do and damned if you don't right?
that's what that setting does. If you have the lid open and are connected to a secondary display, closing it will sleep the computer.Thanks Giga, but it's the wrong thing. Basically if I don't use an external display I can just shut the lid and the laptop will sleep. With an external display the whole laptop stays on, there is no option to change. You have to sleep it first.
How do I make my Macbook go to sleep when I shut the lid with an external monitor?!
This is madness...I'm too tired to be fucking around witht his Apple
Anybody got a link to that thread with the recommended games list for the mac?
How the hell can I hardcode subs into an mp4 video? Subtitles always give me major problems on a Mac. QuickTime X sucks major balls.
Any freeware that can do this? I have an srt file and want to hardcode it into my mp4. I'm trying handbrake right now because it has a spot that says to add an external srt and it's encoding now but I doubt it's going to work because I heard handbrake doesn't hardcode or something.
It's for watching on an apple tv. I use vlc or perian/QuickTime on my computer and subs work fine but when I tried to convert to use home sharing on apple tv the subs disappear. I don't really understand how this shit works. I gave up anyways. It was too much hassle and nothing I tried worked.why not just use VLC for video playback?
and sorry no idea how to hardcode the subs...
How the hell can I hardcode subs into an mp4 video? Subtitles always give me major problems on a Mac. QuickTime X sucks major balls.
Any freeware that can do this? I have an srt file and want to hardcode it into my mp4. I'm trying handbrake right now because it has a spot that says to add an external srt and it's encoding now but I doubt it's going to work because I heard handbrake doesn't hardcode or something.
It's for watching on an apple tv. I use vlc or perian/QuickTime on my computer and subs work fine but when I tried to convert to use home sharing on apple tv the subs disappear. I don't really understand how this shit works. I gave up anyways. It was too much hassle and nothing I tried worked.![]()
Hey guys, I'm trading in my MBP and am restoring it back to factory settings. I've erased the 'Macintosh HD' partition, reinstalled Lion and it is currently 'Welcome' registration screen. I didn't really have any sensitive information on the HDD but was wondering if it's good to go now.
Great, thanks for the advice. I'll give it another go.Yes, though if you haven't zero'd the HDD as part of the erase all your stuff is still there, you just made the partition table forget about it. Can be recovered with a number of utilities.
I always zero out a disk when I sell; usually a 7-way pass overnight (you can do 1, 7, and 30-odd passes).
Great, thanks for the advice. I'll give it another go.