Well X-Chat is also available for OS X, but I prefer Colloquy.Guys can you recommend me good IRC software? I use X-chat on Win and Linux for the record
Well X-Chat is also available for OS X, but I prefer Colloquy.Guys can you recommend me good IRC software? I use X-chat on Win and Linux for the record
Guys can you recommend me good IRC software? I use X-chat on Win and Linux for the record
YouTube's native HTML5 player is sucking donkeyballs for me in Safari. Seems to be loading that more and more over the perfect QuickTime widget that the YouTube5 extrnsion used to provide 100% of the time.
So, no ideas but I har noticed it too. Might be worth checking out a Webkit Nightly if it this problem was created by the most recent version of Safari.
Linkinus 2, By far the prettiestGuys can you recommend me good IRC software? I use X-chat on Win and Linux for the record
Guys can you recommend me good IRC software? I use X-chat on Win and Linux for the record
I would be considered a noob on what exactly checking Webkit Nightly means...
but I still like to use Safari. guys, quick question about thunderbolt.
lacie 6tb thunderbolt raid hdd setup
it says it has thunderbolt ports on the back for daisy chaining. i currently have my thunderbolt on my mbp used up by a display port cable plugged into my external monitor. would i be able to plug the display port cable into the back of this external hdd and have it work?? sorry if this is stupid. i would need to be sure.
Thunderbolt technology is also mini-DisplayPort compatible. For example, you can connect a display and a 2big to your Mac via a single Thunderbolt cable. (Thunderbolt cables can be purchased separately from
You should add a 'Location' for work (call it 'work') and enter the wi-fi settings there. When you go home, switch the location back to automatic (and make sure they're on automatic the first time). If you currently have the default 'automatic' set for your work, you can duplicate it.
You can quickly switch Locations from the Apple menu.
Fellow GAFfers, I would like to know if there is any way to play all of my Windows Steam games on the Mac side.
Fellow GAFfers, I would like to know if there is any way to play all of my Windows Steam games on the Mac side.
I have bootcamp, but I would like to play all the game in the Mac side. Is this possible? The games are mostly light/indie/small games so I'm not looking for performance, more comfort.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Is it normal that, when the screen is off (sleeping, turned off), that I can see the Apple logo that is on the back, through the screen?? I can hover my finger behind the screen and see it ON the screen. Is this normal?
Webkit is Apple's open-source rendering engine that powers Safari, Chrome, and other browsers (the Steam client, IIRC).
You can download nightly builds (Webkit Nightly) that run the latest rendering engine inside Safari on your Mac. If the problems you and I are seeing are Webkit problems, they may be fixed already. Certainly worth a shot, it doesn't hurt anything, as it installs and is run seperatelu from Safari.
hey guys, what's going on with my colours? my mac all of a sudden has weird graphic effects happening.
Those are supposed to be shadows I believe, but not sure what happened to cause that.
That option doesn't exist in my display preferences.Go into the Display preferences and set it to millions of colors and the default colour profile.
Looks like thousands of colors to me instead of millions.
That option doesn't exist in my display preferences.
I also noticed that only my MacBook Pro's display is doing this. I have an external monitor that has always been plugged in, and it shows everything normally.
Ok so I've been enjoying my iMac since january, and I'm absolutely loving the machine.
But I have some small issues I don't know how to fix:
1. The first being that every time I start my Mac upon booting I get a prompt where I have give allowance to iTunes for incoming connections. It also says something about Firewall settings blabla. I get this message every single time after choosing my user account when booting. Is there anyway to disable it? I've checked Firewall settings in the Preference panel, and also iTunes settings itself, am I missing something here?
2. Is it normal for Safari that when you switch between tabs I sometimes get a blank screen instead of the page that just loaded/was open for a while (doesn't seem time constraint)? Sometimes the page comes up again after a few seconds, sometimes I have to do a manual refresh. Mind you I have 12GB of RAM in the Mac, so I don't think that's the cause of this. Anyone have an idea/similar issue?
3. (Logic Pro 9 related) When I have this program open and I minimize the main window (with all the tracks) I can't seem to get the screen back again no matter how hard I try. I have to quit the app completely and then boot it again, or I can also create a new project. But when I have Logic Pro running in the background and I right click on its icon in the dock, then 'show all windows', when I then select the main window it just doesn't come up, ever. Lion or Logic related issue? And how to fix this?
Any help's appreciated.
Hey guys, I have an issue with Apple's customer care, where they basically screwed me out of a replacement battery, and want to complain so they will notice and do the right thing. I obviously can't email Steve anymore...who can I complain to? I tried calling Apple Care but no luck.
Also, does anybody know if a mid-2009 MBP 13" shares the memory ram with the graphics?
Depends what you mean by 'screwed' you. In my experience, being honest and up front gets you places with apple, and being confrontational does not.
Anyone know of an app that can put my MBP to sleep automatically once the charge has reached a certain level? I tend to keep mine on all night to download whatever I have queue, but the trouble is the electricity tends to cut out in the morning for several hours and I hate waking up to find my computer shut down. Restoring is a bitch and I lose a lot. So I would rather have it just auto-sleep if the battery doesn't last the outtage period.
Anyway I could do that?
About a year ago, my battery said "service required" so I took it in. Dude at the Store replaced my cable and did a power reset, I think it was called SMC or something. The warning message went away, but would come back every once in a while. I didn't think anything of it because it was kind of uncommon and doing that reset just fixed it. Plus my warranty was over (I have a 2009 MBP).
The message has been on for a month or so now and wont go away. I finally schedule an appointment and took it in again. They said that the battery was now 15 cycles over the limit, and they wouldn't replace it. It was at 415 instead of 400. I of course was very polite, because like you, I found that Apple has great service and always ready to help. I explained what I had gone through a year ago and he said to contact Apple Care, because he couldn't do anything.
I contacted Apple Care and they said that there was no notes from my appointment a year ago, and because my battery is over the cycle limit now, they couldn't help me either. Could I have been a little smarter about it and just taken it back to Apple a year ago? Probably. But I still feel like they could replace a simple battery for me. I am not too upset about it, and will buy if I have to, but I want to at least try and get it corrected.
If the power cuts out, then the computer goes on battery mode right? Can't you just set the computer to go to sleep after a few minutes when idling on the battery?
bleh. I need illustrator to work! you know for work!
I think time machine is fucking with the installer. Gonna try disabling it and installing...
Is there any way to make time machine not do hourly backups? I think daily would be fine.
perhaps move away from Time Machine and use BackupList+ instead?
i've used it for years to clone 3 drive partitions every week or so with nary a complaint - main system/app drive, media drive with music and movies and the last with my RAW pics. documents are backed up regularly through Dropbox.
thank you! this actually worked!!
just installed an ssd into my early 2011 mbp. it had a 5200-5400rpm (i forget) 750gb hdd but now has a 256gb ssd with my media and stuff all on a thunderbolt external. holy crap this thing is fast now. it's like a whole new computer.
Bah, shut up. I've been so tempted to switch to an SSD on my 2009 MBP but I keep holding off because I might want to update in the next year or so since it's getting old and your post isn't helping. ;(
well, if you're buying a new computer in the next year, it's probably not worth buying a new hdd now. i'm keeping mine for the next couple years at least, so that's why i felt the need to upgrade. i also think the faster drive may solve the song-caching issue i've had in ableton when mixing live (i have 8gb of ram and a fast processor, so i'm not sure it could be either of those).
is there a reason why reading mail in the apple mail app ios/mac doesn't sync with the respective app on the other platform? i don't understand this. when i read an email on my gmail account in the ios email app, it marks it as read in my google account online, but it doesn't mark it as read in my mac mail application. what's with that? my ipad/iphone will mark them as read in both apps, so they obviously know how to do this across devices.
I don't think hotmail has free IMAP support. Hence this is normal. Pop downloads emails and only deletes from your server if you set this. IMAP would synchronize back to the server so all of your devices are on the same page.
If you'd like IMAP I suggest getting something like a gmail account. You can then 'tell' gmail to retrieve your hotmail emails and can even send them in a way that it looks like they come from your hotmail account. Pretty seamless...
sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ StartInterval -int 3600
//replace 3600 with how many seconds you want
is there a reason why reading mail in the apple mail app ios/mac doesn't sync with the respective app on the other platform? i don't understand this. when i read an email on my gmail account in the ios email app, it marks it as read in my google account online, but it doesn't mark it as read in my mac mail application. what's with that? my ipad/iphone will mark them as read in both apps, so they obviously know how to do this across devices.