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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs

OG Kush

Just got my macbook! Whats the best way to preserve battery life on this thing? Also I need recommendation for essential apps (especially since I'm coming from windows). I've also got £70 app store gift card (student perks!) so some good aps would be great as well!


This is bugging the living shit out of me. So I'm trying to connect my wiimote via bluetooth to my macbook. I had it connected once but had to restart the mac. But now when I try to connect it...it just stays at the screen "trying to connect". I do keep the lights on the wiimote on by continuing to click the buttons. Is there another way to connect or am I retarded. The mac after like five minutes doesn't respond to the wiimote and continues with the rotating walmart logo "trying to connect".

I did read online that I need to completely shut down the mac and turn off the wiimote. Then restart the process but I haven't tried that yet.

If anyone can help I would appreciate it.

What software are you using with the Wiimote. There's two that I know of, one captures motion input (DarwiinRemote) and the other doesn't (WiiJi) but I've had a lot more success with it.

WiiJi is still tricky to connect sometimes, I find that if you have trouble connecting it subsequently that it helps to go into the BlueTooth device list and remove the Wii remote logged there under recently connected devices. Sorry for not being too specific.

Oh, and you don't need to use the red sync button. Just press 1 & 2 simultaneously.


Hey I was wondering if anyone could help.

How do I increase the font size in Safari 6? I don't have the best vision and it's sometimes difficult for me to see the text.
Hey I was wondering if anyone could help.

How do I increase the font size in Safari 6? I don't have the best vision and it's sometimes difficult for me to see the text.

command and + to increase text size
command and - to decrease
command and 0 to revert to original size.


What software are you using with the Wiimote. There's two that I know of, one captures motion input (DarwiinRemote) and the other doesn't (WiiJi) but I've had a lot more success with it.

WiiJi is still tricky to connect sometimes, I find that if you have trouble connecting it subsequently that it helps to go into the BlueTooth device list and remove the Wii remote logged there under recently connected devices. Sorry for not being too specific.

Oh, and you don't need to use the red sync button. Just press 1 & 2 simultaneously.

Actually I got it to work. I was using it for dolphin basically just had to do a reboot. After reading more I forgot the xbox was usb so I just decided to use that instead. Thanks tho for your help.
Just got a Mac last week, and it seems I now have to recoup all the lost software after my transition from Windows.

Office is the most important, specifically Excel. Is there a free, reliable option for someone who doesn't want to shell out all that money for the Office suite? I need to do some complicated spreadsheets and import some of the ones I have.


Just got a Mac last week, and it seems I now have to recoup all the lost software after my transition from Windows.

Office is the most important, specifically Excel. Is there a free, reliable option for someone who doesn't want to shell out all that money for the Office suite? I need to do some complicated spreadsheets and import some of the ones I have.

You can try open office or libreoffice I believe. Pages, and Keynotes works really well for powerpoints/word files. But as for excel I think the only good version is the Office version.
You can try open office or libreoffice I believe. Pages, and Keynotes works really well for powerpoints/word files. But as for excel I think the only good version is the Office version.

Thanks, I'll check those out. Can I prevail upon you to recommend essential apps for the Mac? Software that everyone should have, including but not limited to those for finance and accounting?


command and + to increase text size
command and - to decrease
command and 0 to revert to original size.


Two more questions if it's not too much to ask... (sorry).

You guys are the best!

1. I have a color profile that I like for my MBA display, but I'd like to adjust the red values slightly. How can I do this?

2. Microsoft Word (2011) refuses to remember my window position upon closing. Is there a way to fix this?


Is there a way to reinstall mountain lion without deleting my data and having to reinstall my apps?

Having a lot of problems, finder crashing all the time.


Is there a way to reinstall mountain lion without deleting my data and having to reinstall my apps?

Having a lot of problems, finder crashing all the time.

Creating a Time Machine backup and pulling your data back in using Migration Assistent, I'd say. But I think your whole Library will be imported as-is too, so I suppose it wouldn't solve your problems if their source is some plugin in the Library. Do you have installed any, maybe Finder-related?


Creating a Time Machine backup and pulling your data back in using Migration Assistent, I'd say. But I think your whole Library will be imported as-is too, so I suppose it wouldn't solve your problems if their source is some plugin in the Library. Do you have installed any, maybe Finder-related?
My time machine backup was corrupted days ago, can't read or write to it. It was the first issue that happened. Thought it was no big deal, just formatted the drive after it had disk errors that Disk Utility could not fix, and started a new time machine backup.

However, time machine won't back up now. I only have 100 GB on my local - about 565,000 files to back up according to Time Machine. It only backs up 12 to 15 GB and then always quits at around this point - no error messages or anything, the little time machine window just goes away. If I re-start it, it says it is backing up the remaing 85 GB, but then the file count is back to 565,000 or higher, and will usually cause Finder to crash and then my machine locks up - the apple menu bar at the top dissapeers. I try to let it just complete but finder crashes and the machine locks ups.

I have almost nothing on my machine, I keep it clean and effiecent, store my music, photos, vids on an external. Haven't installed anything except Mountain Lion, and updated Time Machine Buddy widget after this mess because it won't give me any messages why it quits out.

The Real Abed

Creating a Time Machine backup and pulling your data back in using Migration Assistent, I'd say. But I think your whole Library will be imported as-is too, so I suppose it wouldn't solve your problems if their source is some plugin in the Library. Do you have installed any, maybe Finder-related?
You can uncheck the Library folder if you want, but remember that then it won't bring ANYTHING over including parts of apps that might need some files in there as well as all your Preferences. I prefer to dive into the Library myself and clean it out manually since I'm more technically inclined and anything I don't recognize I Google to make sure it's not required by something.

Edit: Oh, and BTW, CandyBar, the app you use to customize your icons is now FREE...

Cabel has made the app free because of the uncertainty of the future of customizing the system. The Dock's look is no longer customizable, i.e. it's frosty white metal and always will be, (Shame because I'd love to have it be the same but with black instead of white.) but icons can still be changed. The app is also now owned by Icon Factory instead of Panic and Panic will not support it anymore. You can get a refund if you purchased it recently.


Edit: Oh, and BTW, CandyBar, the app you use to customize your icons is now FREE...

Cabel has made the app free because of the uncertainty of the future of customizing the system. The Dock's look is no longer customizable, i.e. it's frosty white metal and always will be, (Shame because I'd love to have it be the same but with black instead of white.) but icons can still be changed. The app is also now owned by Icon Factory instead of Panic and Panic will not support it anymore. You can get a refund if you purchased it recently.

Each new OS X release makes it harder and harder to customize system graphics :?. I use Mirage for my dock mod (still waiting for a retina update) but CandyBar was my other reliable. Iconbox is still afloat (and even sells a crippled version in the MAS). Maybe I'll switch sometime down the line.


I love my job.

They've just authed my to get a Pro Retina today.

I just got last years 13" pro 6months ago.

How do I wipe it/and remove boot camp for a new user?

Is there a way to auto copy my data over or do I just use iCloud and reinstall stuff manually?


I love my job.

They've just authed my to get a Pro Retina today.

I just got last years 13" pro 6months ago.

How do I wipe it/and remove boot camp for a new user?

Is there a way to auto copy my data over or do I just use iCloud and reinstall stuff manually?

Use Migration Assistant to simply copy over everything to your new machine - it'll be as if your current machine is on the new retina. Get your new machine, connect them via a firewire or ethernet cable ( or you can do it wirelessly) and run migration assistant on your new macbook.


As for when you are done with the old one, just format the hard drive via Disk Utility by going to the recovery partition (Command R when booting up) and re-install the OS. You might want to check with your work, though, they might do this for you by simply re-installing the OS on top of what you have....


Daringfireball: Turning Off Ads in Parallels
Gruber said:
You can’t. Can we get Bertrand to do something about this?

Update: Apparently you can turn them off with this defaults command.

Despite earlier announcement, Parallels support for Retina display Macs still a work in progress
TheVerge said:
Last month, Parallels announced that its popular virtualization software Parallels Desktop 7 for Mac was updated to support the Retina display on the new MacBook Pro, but all wasn't nearly as it seemed. Inadvertently or not, Parallels had incorrectly led its customers (and the media) to believing that Windows, Ubuntu, and any other OS you could throw at the program would be able to use the 2880 x 1880 display on Apple's latest machine.

What owners of the application soon realized, however, is that virtualized operating systems like Windows 7 are completely unable to handle the Retina display in the app. It's not Windows 7's fault — it can handle the screen just fine in when running natively in Boot Camp — the problem is that Parallels wasn't written to exempt itself from OS X's built-in display scaling. With Windows running in fullscreen at 2880 x 1880, OS X currently scales down the image to 1440 x 900 (if you keep the Mac's settings at defaults) and then scales it back up to full resolution, resulting in a horribly pixelated experience...


The real problem is that everyone was led to believe that Parallels Desktop 7 would work perfectly well with the laptop's high-resolution screen. In a promo video the company says that the app "runs just great and takes full advantage of the new Retina display in the MacBook Pro." That video itself is limited to 360p in YouTube, and, ultimately, it appears that only the app's icon and its user interface have been updated to support the Retina display...

They're vile. Despite swearing off the company forever I was tempted to buy Parallels Desktop 7 precisely because of this proclaimed rMBP support. Glad now that I didn't bite and stuck with VMWare. (The other claimed feature that gives me Parallels-envy is the the mobile apps for iOS—do those actually work?)

The Real Abed

That's interesting. But I'm still going to stick with Parallels. Their app is still much better than Fusion.

And yes, the iOS apps do work. They let you run any VM from anywhere and even act as screen sharing apps to control your Macs themselves and not just the virtualized machines.

I'm sure the Retina thing will be fixed in time.


Ok so what's the deal with Java?

I understand Apple decided to stop releasing their own version after v6, and just leave it to Oracle with v7.

v7u6 has been....released?

What do I need to keep up to date? DO I have to download the JDK? Obviously I'm not a developer, but what did Apple essentially do?

I mean is it even important to move to v7?
Ok so what's the deal with Java?

I understand Apple decided to stop releasing their own version after v6, and just leave it to Oracle with v7.

v7u6 has been....released?

What do I need to keep up to date? DO I have to download the JDK? Obviously I'm not a developer, but what did Apple essentially do?

I mean is it even important to move to v7?
They just stopped including it in the OS and managing the updates. Just download SE 7 from the Java website. Then Oracle will provide you with updates.


They just stopped including it in the OS and managing the updates. Just download SE 7 from the Java website. Then Oracle will provide you with updates.

What's strange is, when I launched Minecraft for the first time in 10.8, it prompted me to download and install SE 6.

Regarding this issue I had:

netgear router
Powermac G4 with OS X.5 wired to router and printer, sharing printer
Macbook C2Duo w/ OS X.6 connected wirelessly, unable to setup shared printer, file sharing works fine, itunes sharing also works fine.

Anybody have any ideas? I'm really sorry, I should get the exact router details too. I'll have to add that later.

Turns out all I needed to do was reset the printing system on the machine that was sharing the printer. It removes all printers and any queue items, but re-adding, and sharing and printing from the laptop over wireless was up and running in about 15 seconds. It was a sneaky little option accessible by right clicking the printer list.


They just stopped including it in the OS and managing the updates. Just download SE 7 from the Java website. Then Oracle will provide you with updates.

I know that. I was just curious as to know whether I should get the JDK or just the runtime environment. What did Apple do?


If you're not a developer I don't see why you would need the JDK. :p

I also understand this. But i keep hearing that apple included the whole jdk with their release. If so why?

I just want to know what they did so I can keep following. I'm not a developer, but I clearly stated this above.

To be honest I just want to know if i need to bother at all. I,m guessing no.

What is java really used for? Apple must know if they aren't updating it themselves, then 95% of people won't do it.

I,m not a dev, as mentioned, but I still have Xcode installed, as I need the environment t compile a bunch of unix-y software.


Is there any (unofficial I guess) way to hide the top bar when not using it? Kinda silly that you can do it with the dock, but not the top bar. It can do it in fullscreen apps, why not in regular mode? ._.


Is there any (unofficial I guess) way to hide the top bar when not using it? Kinda silly that you can do it with the dock, but not the top bar. It can do it in fullscreen apps, why not in regular mode? ._.

Only applications can control the hiding of the menu bar. It is displayed by default and hiding it occurs on an app-by-app basis.
since installing mountain lion ive been getting this very frequently...

could it be that time machine has somehow been bugged?
never had this before and my external drive with the backup on it has always been almost filled up by the time machine backup...

any ideas about what I could do?


since installing mountain lion ive been getting this very frequently...

could it be that time machine has somehow been bugged?
never had this before and my external drive with the backup on it has always been almost filled up by the time machine backup...

any ideas about what I could do?

Find out what is being backed up and how much each time.

I've used time machine buddy and timetracker to help in the past, but not sure these work well under mountain lion.

Of course, it could simply be that your TM is simply full. Every time it backs up, it has to remove an older one to make space. This is normal on a full drive. You can always turn off the warning.

Edit: wait I just noticed your warning says unexpected. That might be slightly different from the warning I'm thinking of.

I know sometimes TM gets confused about how much to back up. Consider just watching how much time machine bucks up each time.
well I back up my whole HDD, and its full of research files so lots and lots of data.
my external harddrive only has the TM backup and its been practically full for months.
So its been replacing old backups with new ones for ages.
but I've never had that warning before installing ML...


well I back up my whole HDD, and its full of research files so lots and lots of data.
my external harddrive only has the TM backup and its been practically full for months.
So its been replacing old backups with new ones for ages.
but I've never had that warning before installing ML...

Maybe it's the new warning in ml. Did you get a warning before at all when old backups were erased? If not maybe you had the option to receive them checked off, and it defaulted to on when you installed ml.


Bit of a Safari question more than an OSX one, but my girlfriend has opened probably 30 (!) different job pages she'd like to apply for in Safari, I suggested with so many jobs out there, it'd be worth somehow making a note of which ones she has applied for...

In Chrome/Firefox this is really easy, you just bookmark the page and when you return the star is already there, or there are countless plugins you can use (ie Diigo/Delicious) with a similar effect... is there anyway I can do this in Safari? :( Thank you
Maybe it's the new warning in ml. Did you get a warning before at all when old backups were erased? If not maybe you had the option to receive them checked off, and it defaulted to on when you installed ml.

Ive never (as far as i can remember) had any messages from TM... and I cannot really find many settings in TM now either...


Further to my noob question above - how do you easily move things between spaces? Say you wanted to have Safari on one, and then you can switch across using the four finger swipe gesture to Excel...

At the moment I right click Excel and go 'Show on all desktops' and then swipe across, and then 'Show only on this desktop' - is that right? Just seems a bit unintuitive to me
as written above, the external drive has been full for months.
why is it not (as is usual) just replacing the oldest backups with new ones?

reseting surely cannot be the desired answer, as i do sometimes go back in time to get a file that has been deleted or changed.


as written above, the external drive has been full for months.
why is it not (as is usual) just replacing the oldest backups with new ones?

reseting surely cannot be the desired answer, as i do sometimes go back in time to get a file that has been deleted or changed.

Yeah, you're getting an 'unexpected' error, causing it to bail.

There could be something ML is finding that's not kosher.

Try Time MAchine Buddy- it's a widget that essentially just scans console log for TM activity and reports it. You might find some clues (or just look at your console).
Further to my noob question above - how do you easily move things between spaces? Say you wanted to have Safari on one, and then you can switch across using the four finger swipe gesture to Excel...

You in 10.5/6 or 10.7/8?

Assuming the latter, activate Mission Control and drag the windows to a new space. If the application supports Fullscreen, just activate that and it gets its own space.

Once you have multiple spaces created (see plus button in the upper corners in Mission Control— you may have to move the mouse there first), you can drag a window to the edge of a screen to move it to the space on that side.


Thank you! That's good to know, I think she's on 10.7 but I'll check later, not sure how to enable mission control though (will look it up!) thanks again:)
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