The Real Abed
Keep both. Time Machine is great for version control while SD/CCC are great for actual usable backups that can be booted from in a pinch. Keep them both.
Trying to do a new Time Machine backup on my computer and it is taking forever. It gets to like 1TB done and then goes to a crawl. Like minutes to write a few MB. Any idea what the hell is going on?
Tried restarting the backup or resuming it, but it still hits that same point and just stops or crawls.
This file or folder is sitting on a bad section of hard disk media and is unrecoverable. Delete this item (i.e. in the Finder) and restore it from a known good backup, then try the backup task again.
Using CCC to clone my HD to my new SSD results in an error where it can't backup a "private/var/log/system.log" file and recommends I delete and restore from another backup, but I looked in Time Machine and it isn't there. It seems to only exist in the present. I did some research and it seems okay to delete as OSX will recreate it instantly anyway.
I get this message:
You may be able to tell CCC to ignore /private/var/log/
Hopefully your backup drive isn't bad. That's a bad error. Check the disk with Disk Utility.Using CCC to clone my HD to my new SSD results in an error where it can't backup a "private/var/log/system.log" file and recommends I delete and restore from another backup, but I looked in Time Machine and it isn't there. It seems to only exist in the present. I did some research and it seems okay to delete as OSX will recreate it instantly anyway.
I get this message:
Crude, just wanted to say I appreciate all the help you've given me lately!
Everything in that folder can be ignored without issue? I will check if I can omit that when I get home and try again if so.
Hopefully your backup drive isn't bad. That's a bad error. Check the disk with Disk Utility.
No problem! We all learn from somewhere.
Yes, it's just shit your Mac and its applications are recording in case anything goes awry and you want to read about it. All is not lost even if this fails, it just gets closer and closer to the Linux-based Happy Fun Disk Rescue Time™.
Your goal if this doesn't work is to get /Users backed up and not worry about everything else. Fresh install on the SSD, migrate to it from the /Users backup or Time Machine backup and you're done.
Probably on the source disk since that's what all the other errors are about. The destination is the new SSD.
I think you should. Just hold the fan so it'll not spin. I think I need to do this myself too. Caking dust is a no no.
Not that I know of, but you can use to check compatibility.I just updated my iMac to Mountain Lion. As I was setting up there was a button to click to see what applications wouldn't work on Mountain Lion that I didn't see until after I clicked the button to finish the install. Is there any way to get back to that page or to check what apps I have that aren't compatible?
You can buy SimCity 2000 off GOG. It runs in a DOSBox environment but is seamless for OS X usability. But it is indeed the DOS version so there's no widescreen or native resolution. It's stuck at 800x600 I believe.anyone know of a good Sim city clone for Mac? It seems there is not a single sim city game available on the app store for my macbook air.
Lost my iPhone yesterday, bought a replacement android phone for the time being. Now I can iMessage through my Mac but I'm not receiving SMS from the same friend who I'm chatting on iMessage with..
Ex) I'll SMS him with my phone, he replies back through iMessage and it goes straight to my Mac - I don't receive anything on the android phone.
I have a late 2008 MacBook pro connected to a Samsung S22B300HS via a VGA cable and VGA > Mini DisplayPort adaptor. Both the adaptor and VGA cable have been tested are fine.
As you can see from the picture the image is all squashed up in the middle, leaving black borders down the sides. The resolution is set at 1920x1080 (the monitors native res), but that's clearly not what I'm seeing.
Is the Mac's UI squished, or does it look normal?
VGA output from Macbooks are rubbish. Does your monitor accept DVI/HDMI?The UI is squished. The album art in iTunes is supposed to be square but if you look closely you can see they're all a bit squished. Adjusting the monitors controls don't go nearly far enough to fix the problem either.
VGA output from Macbooks are rubbish. Does your monitor accept DVI/HDMI?
If it's VGA, it's entirely possible that the display settings in the monitor could be to blame. Does the monitor have an 'Auto-Adjust' button or similar? That's always fixed my problems with VGA not aligning properly with screen edges.
VGA should do the job, and if you're happy with it then that's fine. HDMI/DVI will look much nicer though.
Yup, in my experience I have never been able to get a proper 1080p output from macbook pros over VGA, while you can get lower resolutions just fine. I just think Apple puts a shit RAMDAC on its laptops. If it has HDMI, might as well use that as the quality will be better and immune to signal degradation.It has HDMI. Do you recommend I ditch the VGA connection altogether then? It's not salvageable at all?
Yup, in my experience I have never been able to get a proper 1080p output from macbook pros over VGA, while you can get lower resolutions just fine. I just think Apple puts a shit RAMDAC on its laptops. If it has HDMI, might as well use that as the quality will be better and immune to signal degradation.
i have looked around extensively but can't find an answer. i've had a MBA for about 2 months now, and my indicator lights are just dim grey rectangles. everyone else seems to have blue orbs (older versions of ML) or blue glowing rectangles (current version of ML). what's wrong?
The blue orbs are from 10.5/6/7. Possibly they appear grey because of issues with your screen near the very edge? Try taking a screenshot (cmd+shift+3) and see if they appear blue there.
Personally, after about a decade of using both side by side, I find the user experience of OS X to be substantially more intuitive than that of Windows 7 and 8. There are some things that were confusing to me, but namely because I grew up on Windows. For example, if I wanted to change the name of a file I had open, I assumed I needed to Save As or close and rename in the file manager. Someone not familiar with this Windows-specific workflow might instead see the name of the file at the top of the window and double click on it to make it editable. That's how it works in OS X.
I was just reading this post at LifeHacker about pros and cons of PCs and Macs. There's a snippet wherein someone argues that OS X is more intuitive:
I have been using OS X for over five years and I had no idea you could do this. I guess it reinforces his point.
I have been using OS X for over five years and I had no idea you could do this. I guess it reinforces his point.
repaired permissions and it's still doing the same thing. Hmmm.
Does anyone know why some icons are stretched like Firefox and Text Wrangler?
I would have thought that it is because these apps have been downloaded from the Internet however Chrome doesn't have this issue.
Try changing your resolution to something else then change it back, from what I've read it can fix that bug. Another thing you can try is to drag those apps into the trash, then drag them back into the Applications folder, that might work. Lastly you can try resetting the Launchpad database. Seems to be a bug since Lion.Hi
Does anyone know why some icons are stretched like Firefox and Text Wrangler?
I would have thought that it is because these apps have been downloaded from the Internet however Chrome doesn't have this issue.
Why are you using launchpad? I need to know!
Maybe take a look at this:
It details a few reasons why this might be happening.= (namely losing permissions to your hime folder or trash directory).
Someone not familiar with this Windows-specific workflow might instead see the name of the file at the top of the window and double click on it to make it editable. That's how it works in OS X.