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Mac OSX Noob thread of OSX noobs


Is anyone else experiencing this issue? In Snow Leopard, if I start dragging an item, and while dragging, activate expose, then navigate to a finder window that is set on column view, it will activate and bring it to the front - but when I try to continue the drag, it no longer responds when I hover over a folder i.e. it no longer springloads.

Basically, dragging through expose to a finder using columns breaks the springloading. What is the issue here? Does anyone else experience this? When the finder is on icon view, it seems fine.


Neo Member
mrkgoo said:
Is anyone else experiencing this issue? In Snow Leopard, if I start dragging an item, and while dragging, activate expose, then navigate to a finder window that is set on column view, it will activate and bring it to the front - but when I try to continue the drag, it no longer responds when I hover over a folder i.e. it no longer springloads.

Basically, dragging through expose to a finder using columns breaks the springloading. What is the issue here? Does anyone else experience this? When the finder is on icon view, it seems fine.

Just tried and have the same issue! If I try with space it opens the folder above the currently selected :-s


indeed, also experiencing this issue. however it only seems to be an issue when dragging the item from like the desktop or something. i can drag something from one finder window, expose into another window, and still springload folders


mrkgoo said:
Is anyone else experiencing this issue? In Snow Leopard, if I start dragging an item, and while dragging, activate expose, then navigate to a finder window that is set on column view, it will activate and bring it to the front - but when I try to continue the drag, it no longer responds when I hover over a folder i.e. it no longer springloads.

Basically, dragging through expose to a finder using columns breaks the springloading. What is the issue here? Does anyone else experience this? When the finder is on icon view, it seems fine.

Yep, same issue here. It was driving me crazy.

I get around it by dragging the item onto the dock, then when it pops up with the expose thing I hover the item over it and press the space bar. That brings it into focus and I can drop the item.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Mr. Wonderful said:
I'm surprised we haven't heard anything about 10.6.2 yet, honestly. The many many spaces/expose bugs really are getting annoying.
What bugs? I haven't noticed any.


I get a lot of bugs with windows not remembering their order. I'll switch spaces and the windows will be randomly ordered, or the active window will be beneath all the inactive ones. It's a pain in the ass.

Also, when I use expose, all minimized windows will collect in the expose'd space. So when I go to restore a window from its original space, it'll pop up in the space in which I last used expose. I don't minimize windows at all anymore. :(


You think so? Care to back that up with a link? These issues happen with almost all of my applications, even with Finder.
Oh, I misunderstood you. I thought it was something like what MS Office does in expose, but after reading again that's not the case.

Still though I can't see how that's happening. It's never happened to me. Are you sure it's not something you're doing?


Mar_ said:
Yep, same issue here. It was driving me crazy.

I get around it by dragging the item onto the dock, then when it pops up with the expose thing I hover the item over it and press the space bar. That brings it into focus and I can drop the item.
Ashhong said:
indeed, also experiencing this issue. however it only seems to be an issue when dragging the item from like the desktop or something. i can drag something from one finder window, expose into another window, and still springload folders

gentlemanfinn said:
Just tried and have the same issue! If I try with space it opens the folder above the currently selected :-s

OMG, you have no idea how much I love you guys.

It's infuriating to have a bug, but find it hard to do research on (yeah, try googling Snow Leopard, expose, finder spring loaded etc...). I wasn't sure if I had abad install or if I was the only one. By having others with the issue it's kind of comforting - like in the way that Apple will eventually find it and crush it.

Thanks again.


Maturity, bitches.
VGChampion said:
but on my friends, he can't burn cd's or anything. Wish I waited awhile.
I'm also having problems burning CD/DVDs and I'm still on Leopard. I thought it was a hardware error, but when I took it into Apple they used their own software on my iMac and a CD burnt just fine so they insist its a software problem. They've suggested I install SL to see if that helps but hearing this I'm having my doubts. Kind of wish they'd have just taken it off my hands and slapped a new DVD drive instead of beating round the bush, even if it meant I was Macless for a while.


i'm having a big problem with iTunes.

just over a month ago (before I even updated to the new iTunes), I started having a problem. i downloaded 12 tracks and put them into iTunes and it did its regular "Determining Gapless Playback Information". however, every time i started up iTunes it does the same process again... for the same tracks. i deleted the tracks off my hard drive and started iTunes again and it started redoing it for other tracks. every time i start iTunes it slows down the program to Determining Gapless Playback Information on songs it has already done this for. what could be causing this? the original song files that this began with could not have been corrupted because I downloaded them for free off of the artist's website. i also updated to iTunes 9 and the problem persists. thanks for any help you guys!

the problem is also getting worse and worse and it literally locks up my computer for a good 60 seconds.


BGBW said:
I'm also having problems burning CD/DVDs and I'm still on Leopard. I thought it was a hardware error, but when I took it into Apple they used their own software on my iMac and a CD burnt just fine so they insist its a software problem. They've suggested I install SL to see if that helps but hearing this I'm having my doubts. Kind of wish they'd have just taken it off my hands and slapped a new DVD drive instead of beating round the bush, even if it meant I was Macless for a while.

Except of course, if it were a software problem a new drive probably wouldn't have done anything except waste time and resources.

What is the exact error? What software are you using? Is to both CD and DVDs? HAve you tried different brands of discs?


Maturity, bitches.
mrkgoo said:
Except of course, if it were a software problem a new drive probably wouldn't have done anything except waste time and resources.

What is the exact error? What software are you using? Is to both CD and DVDs? HAve you tried different brands of discs?
The software I've encountered the problem with are iPhoto, Toast10 and the standard folder burning and each time they all report a hardware error. I've used this batch of discs before on this Mac many times and it would be rather peculiar that my blank CDs and blank DVD would both suddenly go kaput, but just encase they are the culprit I plan on taking a few with me next time I make an appointment with Apple.


Anyone using Chrome?

I feel like I don't really have too much of an allegiance to Safari and Chrome feels nice and snappy and I prefer its look to Safari so I'm using it as my main browser now.

Only real issue I've found is when going into full screen video mode on flash videos, the title bar up top remains visible, and you can't hit "esc" to exit full screen, you have to click the X button.

The only thing I miss from Safari is having 12 Top Site thumbnails, Chrome only has 8.


BGBW said:
The software I've encountered the problem with are iPhoto, Toast10 and the standard folder burning and each time they all report a hardware error. I've used this batch of discs before on this Mac many times and it would be rather peculiar that my blank CDs and blank DVD would both suddenly go kaput, but just encase they are the culprit I plan on taking a few with me next time I make an appointment with Apple.

If it's happening with multiple pieces of software, and they all report hardware, I 'd go with hardware issue.

My MBP had in issue writing to certain discs, sometimes owl spit them out, other times would try to burn, but fail. Sometimes it was just fine. I brought it in, and had the Apple repair people take a look, and luckily it packed a fit during that time and spit it out. So they replaced the drive.

Regarding my earlier mentioned bug with expose and springloaded folders in finder - apparently one of my friends doesn't experience this. I hope it's a bug that gets quashed and not something rogue with my machine, because I'll never find out myself otherwise.


I'm just in love with Quicktime X. If Safari went the same way I'd switch in a heartbeat (I'm so desperate I even tried Plainview a while back). I hope this is the Mac OS X UI design change long rumored and that we get it for 10.7...

oh yeah, is there a way to autohide the menubar like you can do for the dock?


No. Not through normal means. There have been utilities to make it fade out and in, but don't expect to be able to use that space up there for anything. I say just keep it up there. It's one of the only things left from the old Mac legacy days.


hey guys quick question. yesterday night a fuse blew and the power went out in 2 rooms in my house. my macbook pro was plugged in and on during this and went into sleep mode when the power died. i unplugged the comp and turned the fuse back on. i was just wondering could the sudden poweroutage cause any damage, i know that when the power goes out the breaker or watever sends out a test voltage and im just wondering if there is anything to worry about.

It seemed totally fine the battery life was at 100 percent, havent used it today, probably just paranoid, but im pretty sure i have nothing to worry about..


Futureman said:
Anyone using Chrome?

I feel like I don't really have too much of an allegiance to Safari and Chrome feels nice and snappy and I prefer its look to Safari so I'm using it as my main browser now.

Only real issue I've found is when going into full screen video mode on flash videos, the title bar up top remains visible, and you can't hit "esc" to exit full screen, you have to click the X button.

The only thing I miss from Safari is having 12 Top Site thumbnails, Chrome only has 8.
Chrome for mac is out?


scorcho said:
Your computer is destroyed. Throw it into an open fire.

way ahead of you, already ran it over with my car, after throwing it out the window, dug a hole in the ground, doused it in flammable liquids and burned that mofucka haha.

im pretty sure my im just being a paranoid goon!
Growl (http://growl.info) version 1.2 released!!!

Highlights from the release notes

1.2 ([92538cb0e5f0])


Requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later
Much behind-the-scenes modernization, especially in our Xcode projects
Installer packages are now Leopard-only flat packages
Updated copyright years ([2d6a42405815], [d5c59f2bfcc3])


Now 64-bit clean, so you no longer need to relaunch System Preferences into 32-bit mode
Now warns when you try to install a plug-in that won't work under the current architecture, such as a 32-bit-only plug-in on a 64-bit Mac running Snow Leopard ([051a29104de7], [18f28b64e39d])
Fixed autorelease-pool messages piling up in the Console ([1e9e11a7092f])
Adding Growl and the menu-bar status item to your Login Items list may be more reliable now ([5c1d8f5e64c2], [b846a7b597a6])
Now code-signed, to make updating less of a hassle for Prowl users ([323aadb577b1])
Prefpane should no longer crash when it's missing GrowlHelperApp and GrowlMenu ([21845064880c], [0e19238de90f])
Fixed a crash when the computer has no explicitly-set name ([88e9c44bbbdc]), ([b000509c2696]), ([82f50f3678bb])
Fixed various leaks, most only under garbage-collection, detected by the Clang Static Analyzer ([0e9b6b0b1e25], [680abae744d7], [48b7c994f6c8], [1e66707c1402])
Fixed various other bugs found by the Clang Static Analyzer ([8e5827d639dc], [e4bc764cf865], [e6763de09830])
Fixed Installer package only opening System Preferences, not the Growl preference pane ([939a07eddf5e])
Removed ability to install to the Home folder, because that's broken in current versions of Installer ([66804e7ecfe3]; Installer bug filed as #7215243)


Now 64-bit clean
Compatible with Snow Leopard (through 10.6.1)
Added an uninstaller, based off the one for Growl ([6e6d39bbec43])
Changed how the Installer package installs to your Home folder, because the proper way is broken in current versions of Installer ([6328e4c4dd23]; Installer bug filed as #7215243
Simplified how we add GrowlMail's preference pane to Mail's Preferences window ([6b117acf2fe9])


Completely rewritten; it's an application now, using mach_inject
Now 64-bit clean
Works on both Leopard and Snow Leopard
Now works with the WebKit nightly-build launcher ([24c2a3482ec3], [fc7016ea4fc2])


Now 64-bit clean
The Carbon-based API is now deprecated; please switch to the Cocoa-based API
Should be GC-compatible now; please report any leaks
Now uses an open-document Apple Event, not Launch Services, to register the application with Growl, so that the user does not get yanked out of your application ([1df5769e87e1], [58720a0d2d1f], [0f739ceca8b4])
Fixed a crash when a delegate had not yet been set ([7560cff1ec16])
Fixed leaks of the prefpane bundle ([7560cff1ec16])
Removed a redundant method declaration from the Cocoa GAB header ([83d7e0469e8a])


Runs in 64-bit when possible
No longer re-notifies every few seconds when you're listening to a Live365 stream ([5f22e70ed081])


New icon! ([ee0e8e006f21], [1a3bcae8696a])


Should no longer ask where GrowlHelperApp and GrowlMenu are if they aren't installed ([e4b6562e6d73])
Now a Universal Binary, so it works even if you don't have Rosetta installed ([bed9dc7f9bd5])
Added a success message ([4dbf452eb86f])

The big deal is that Growl itself as well as the included Growl apps (mail, safari, tunes) are all 64-bit clean which should make the whole thing a lot friendlier to the Snow Leopard environment. The fact that GrowlSafari has been totally re-written and is no longer an Input Manager hack is nice. It gives me hope that my other Input Manager haxies will be catching up soon, specifically Inquisitor.

My DVD Drive isn't reading anything, it just takes the CD in and spits it back out.

Is there a way to put the CD in another computer (a Mac) and access it on my computer? Disk sharing hasn't worked for me in the past.



Why the hell does Growl not use Sparkle? Seriously. And why does it disable the "Check Now" button when the "Check automatically" box is enabled? Who are the UI designers for this program?

Also, I love Growl. So yay for it being 64-bit now! Whoo! And a new Hardware Growler version. Nice. Much better icon.

Jet Grind Radio! said:
Is there an application that supports video chat for Google Talk? I hate having to use the iGoogle window. Adium supports Google Talk, but not video chat.
This bugs the heck out of me. Adium can't do anything not textual.

I hate HATE running Skype because I ALWAYS get spam messages from unknown people, but you can't even disable IMming in Skype. I wish Skype, Google Talk video and AIM video chatting were available in Adium so I didn't have to launch another app whenever I want to talk to the one person who likes using audio or video chats.

Come on, Adium people! Is it really that locked down? Can't Skype stuff be implemented? I don't use 19 of the 20 or so IM features Adium supports. But would kiss some feet if they implemented video chatting in AIM and Skype audio/video chatting so I didn't have to use any other program ever again.
Jasoco said:
Why the hell does Growl not use Sparkle? Seriously. And why does it disable the "Check Now" button when the "Check automatically" box is enabled? Who are the UI designers for this program?

Also, I love Growl. So yay for it being 64-bit now! Whoo! And a new Hardware Growler version. Nice. Much better icon.

I didn't know that anybody actually kept Hardware Growler in their dock. It makes no sense for this app to run in the dock. Growl Safari, Growl Mail, and Growl Tunes all keep themselves from showing up in the dock. These are background processes. Yet Hardware Growler stays in the dock, and doesn't even have an easy option to keep it out. You have to go in and edit the plist file to keep it out.


StrikerObi said:
I didn't know that anybody actually kept Hardware Growler in their dock. It makes no sense for this app to run in the dock. Growl Safari, Growl Mail, and Growl Tunes all keep themselves from showing up in the dock. These are background processes. Yet Hardware Growler stays in the dock, and doesn't even have an easy option to keep it out. You have to go in and edit the plist file to keep it out.
Yeah, I wouldn't use it if I was stuck with a dock icon for it. Can't believe they never changed that.


corpserot said:
Beta, but it's stable enough to use as your main browser.


Gave it a try for a few days. I'm back to Firefox though.

The no 'reload all tabs' thing was the first game changer but it I kept going regardless. But then last night I opened the 'pics that make you laugh for no reason' thread and walked off to get a drink from the kitchen. Came back and my fans were running at almost full speed. It confused me for a while wondering what the hell I might have loaded. But it was just that thread that sent it into overdrive mode.

Closed it down and went back to Firefox. Problem, solved.
Fuck yes, Camino is bomb!

Finally figured out how to navigate tabs. Only thing that's missing is drag & drop tabs. Also, is there a Speed Dial-like feature available for it, yet?

Finally no laggy ass browser due to GIFs!!! :lol :lol :lol


Another odd issue I've found since installing Snow leopard:

Previously, when connecting a camera to Mac OSX, Image capture and colorsync utility allowed you to choose what color profile you want embedded to the file on import. YOu'd open Colorsync, and choose the color profile for the device, and it would remember it for the next time you plugged it in.

Since SL, however, even after changing it to something like sRGB, after unplugging and replugging, it reverts back to camera RGB. Incidentally this seems to coincide with a new Image Capture that looks nicer, but has no preference settings anymore. Does any one know if this is a bug, or what plist is associated with these programs that stores the information for each camera? I notice there are two image capture plists now, one which has info for several camera models, but this plist hasn't been accessed since I installed SL.

I hope they haven't dumbed all this down, because this is important for color management - if stuff like this is screwed up, this makes MAcs less useful in the design space. For example, even if I shoot in Adobe RGB, it meeds the camera RGB, which is actually based on the sRGB spec. Not good.

I open up old images in the adobe RGB (no profile attached) doesn't recognise it as adobe RGB (I thought it did it automatically, but I guess not).


Mar_ said:
Gave it a try for a few days. I'm back to Firefox though.

The no 'reload all tabs' thing was the first game changer but it I kept going regardless. But then last night I opened the 'pics that make you laugh for no reason' thread and walked off to get a drink from the kitchen. Came back and my fans were running at almost full speed. It confused me for a while wondering what the hell I might have loaded. But it was just that thread that sent it into overdrive mode.

Closed it down and went back to Firefox. Problem, solved.
Haven't had that issue, only problem I've had a couple of times is when I open a new tab, do a search/type an address and the tab will just close. It's infrequent, so it's not a very big issue for me.


corpserot said:
Haven't had that issue, only problem I've had a couple of times is when I open a new tab, do a search/type an address and the tab will just close. It's infrequent, so it's not a very big issue for me.

I'm using a Macbook Air. That could be a big difference to most other people. I don't know if chrome is taking up more CPU in order to make the browser faster or whatever, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But either way, I don't like my fans going nuts even for a speed increase.

Firefox is fast enough for me, I'm just tired of the interface more than anything. Which is why I was interested in chrome.
Jasoco said:
This bugs the heck out of me. Adium can't do anything not textual.

I hate HATE running Skype because I ALWAYS get spam messages from unknown people, but you can't even disable IMming in Skype. I wish Skype, Google Talk video and AIM video chatting were available in Adium so I didn't have to launch another app whenever I want to talk to the one person who likes using audio or video chats.

Come on, Adium people! Is it really that locked down? Can't Skype stuff be implemented? I don't use 19 of the 20 or so IM features Adium supports. But would kiss some feet if they implemented video chatting in AIM and Skype audio/video chatting so I didn't have to use any other program ever again.
I got to messing around with Adium last night and it has a lot of neat features, but video would be awesome.


Oh crap. I need a quick info from the more experienced Mac itunes users here.

Anyone know if there's an innocent-looking way to delete music files from the iTunes folder while keeping the Library entries intact?
...because exactly that must have happened in the last few weeks. iTunes still lists the songs, but can't play them, since they're simply not there anymore. Not all of them are gone either. Just a random assortment of songs.
I have no clue when it happened (I'm guessing around the recent iTunes update).

ITunes manages my library and is set to import anything I play with it, and the library is stored on an external drive. That worked quite well ...up until now, apparently. Disk Utility claims the drive is A-OK, and I have very little reason to doubt that, it's rather recent and sat in a perfectly safe, well-ventilated and vibration-free spot all the time.

I am most certain that I didn't go into my iTunes library folder and started to delete random files in Finder, and none of my friends that have access to the Mac would willingly do that either. I think. So before I start throwing accusations and/or curses around I better make damn sure I didn't activate some housekeeping function by accident or something like that. I'm an iTunes newb, after all.

There is no recognisable pattern in which files were deleted. Some CDs lost half their songs, others none, most are entirely untouched.

...plus, what can I do now? Rebuild the entire thing from scratch? Aiiigh. Kill me now.

Are there any good tutorials on iTunes scripting? I may be able to save a lot of time if I can somehow build a list of missing files.
RJNavarrete said:
Fuck yes, Camino is bomb!

Finally figured out how to navigate tabs. Only thing that's missing is drag & drop tabs. Also, is there a Speed Dial-like feature available for it, yet?

Finally no laggy ass browser due to GIFs!!! :lol :lol :lol

Pretty much. The only negative factor in Camino is how buggy it is.

Example: Go to Bing.com, do a video search, and hold your cursor over the videos to preview them (I'm not big on add-ons).

Charred Greyface said:

Christ, what would I do without this thread?

EDIT - :( @ some gifs go at like Safari speed?
Sorry for the dp. But my Mac is currently freaking out on me. My trackpad is all messed up as it randomly drags files and folders with the clicks not working most of the time (it isn't now). Also it seems to randomly highlight things. Not only that but Spaces doesn't seem to be working a lot nor my dock (my Mac just freezes).

I downloaded ClamXav to see if there's a virus.

I guess this started when I downloaded some freeware software, but the thing is they were trusting.

FLV Crunch which I got from CNET and MPEG Streamclip in which I can download from Apple's main site.

EDIT - WTF...everything just stopped...the weirdness is gone. :/
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