I just finished watching the latest episode. Goddamn that was a badass hour of television.
From Don Draper's story to Peggy stabbing Abe to the lesbian scene to Two-Cups pulling G maneuvers to rrrahheverything.
I did feel they may have overdone the Chaough/Don dynamic a little bit, but it makes sense, considering it's the heart of so much of what's going on right now. It was a little weird seeing Chaough so much over his crush with Peggy at the end, but I guess it would stem from his need to keep his life in order. Still, it might be a little too convenient for him to "get over it" (to some degree) right when Peggy breaks up with Abe. Like, it seems like it would be pretty clear what Peggy was alluding to when she showed up disheveled talking about her relationship ending and you would then expect Chaough to at least be more understanding. I understand the point is to highlight Peggy's confusion and abandonment, but it was a little too close to "Twilight Zone oh my god everyone in the world is different" for me.
Still, phenomenal episode. They even gave Bobby lines