Madden NFL '17 |OT| It's Madden Season

Imo as a long time madden player who stopped buying the games towards the end of last gen, Madden 16 and 17 are worth picking up.

They have made big strides in almost every area and after the patch the 2 biggest issues with the game (coach cam glitch and too many fumbles forced from behind) have been fixed.

The gameplay is so good that ive found minor slider tweaks allow me to play fun/realistic games against the AI on All-Madden difficulty which has never happened before for me.

Tough choice compared to Deus Ex tho which has killer gameplay and atmosphere from what ive heard but a pretty disappointing story.
Does the roster update come out today? I always start my franchise when the release the first roster update


Looks like roster update is Sept 9th

Wow why is EA so slow, user created rosters can get done in a day, but it takes Madden almost a week after the final cuts come in

Historically, they always tie the roster to the start of week 1 of the NFL. They used to drop the roster the last business day before the start of the season, so the Friday before the first Sunday of NFL, but when the NFL switched the start of the season to Thursday night one or two years ago, Madden kept the same date... The first Friday before the beginning of the season.

But, practically, if EA fucks up a roster or makes a mistake, they will get roasted by every forum, reddit, and YouTuber, but if XxRosterFre4kxX fucks up his custom roster, nobody's going to really hold him accountable or care.

Imo as a long time madden player who stopped buying the games towards the end of last gen, Madden 16 and 17 are worth picking up.

They have made big strides in almost every area and after the patch the 2 biggest issues with the game (coach cam glitch and too many fumbles forced from behind) have been fixed.

The gameplay is so good that ive found minor slider tweaks allow me to play fun/realistic games against the AI on All-Madden difficulty which has never happened before for me.

Tough choice compared to Deus Ex tho which has killer gameplay and atmosphere from what ive heard but a pretty disappointing story.

Mind sharing your settings/sliders, or which ones you've changed? My friend and I are looking to start an All Madden franchise, but I'm always hesitant to go into All Madden without tweaks because it's historically played so imbalanced.

This is a question I've been asking myself as well. I mostly play the offline franchise mode and the career mode. How improved are both of those? I really love the scouting/drafting/developing aspect of franchise mode more than anything. The biggest gripe I had was the menu being slow, sim stats being really wonky and career mode feeling kind of empty.

Player/Career mode is still empty, it didn't get the overhaul that Fifa's career mode or the NBA 2K games has. I don't think there's as much of a motivation for the player mode in Madden as there is on other games.

The Franchise mode is good, it's still similar to what its always been, but it's been tweaked and tooled this year and it's always been a great mode. This years got a lot of improvements, with focuses on contracts, "big decisions," managing injuries, revamped strategy/pregame practice, tweaked scouting. For what it's worth, Madden also has the only working multi-player franchise mode in sports games. PastaPadre mentioned this in his review but I think it's somethign that EA doesn't get credit for... Every other online franchise is complete crap, and Madden's online franchise is virtually identical to the offline franchise. But EA's been doing it for years now so it doesn't get as much attention.

One huge improvement in franchise mode is the in game overlays and announcing updates. They're small additions, but when the announce team shows key injuries, the playoff battle, last weeks performance to this weeks, QB play in the first half vs. the second half, and a bunch of other things like that, it really makes it feel like you're part of a season, not just playing an isolated game that gets "reported back" to the server at the end. Same with the live score ticker at the bottom of your games. I've lost a few games in my first season, so I'm 9 - 3 or something, and in a heated playoff race with 3 or 4 other teams, so those updates at the bottom really get me connected to the rest of the league. I really wish they had the ability to do what NCAA was doing in 2014, with live updates from the booth and half-time show, but otherwise, the additions are great.

Player progression and scouting seems to be solid this year as well.

My favorite career modes will always be the NCAA series, especially NCAA '13 and '14, but this is the best Madden career mode I've played in many years. I have a fondness for Madden 2000's (PSX) career mode, and then Madden 06's (PS2/Xbox) career mode, but this one is also really good.

Some things still aren't great:

- Draft logic is weak for the CPU, though that may have been patched... Basically, a CPU team would have a need at QB, say, be a C overall or something, and so in 2018, they'll draft a round 1 QB who is.. .say.. a 77 overall. But then, they continue to draft QBs because "77" is still seen as a weakness, and so they end up with 3 QBs at 77, 76, and 72 all within a couple years, and they let other positions of need go undrafted. In real life this would never happen unless you're the Cleveland Browns.

So, really, the CPU is a good Cleveland Browns simulator.

- The UI is still clunky, but less clunky than in the past. They've brought more stuff up to the forefront so you're diving into menus a lot less, but it's still weak.

- There can still be a "great levelling off" in Franchise mode over time, but I'm not sure if that's really been proved. A few people simulated seasons at chunks and reported back, and while you do see a few stars popup (one Reddit post showed the Cowboys drafted this QB who immediately shot up to 99ovr within a couple seasons), the majority of teams levelled off into a "84 - 86 overall" realm. This is fine and it's kind off realistic especially if you believe the NFL is all parity today, but it can have bad effects on the final standings. If every team in a division is within a game of first place, it makes for a lot of mediocrity. But, to EA's credit, that happens every year in the real NFL (NFC South 2 years ago, AFC South last year, NFC West 4 years ago, AFC East likely this year etc).
Mind sharing your settings/sliders, or which ones you've changed? My friend and I are looking to start an All Madden franchise, but I'm always hesitant to go into All Madden without tweaks because it's historically played so imbalanced.

Im using Jarrod21's from Operation Sports green set found here:

Played about 10 games on them so far on 9 minute quarters and they are some of the best madden games ive ever played.

The CPU doesnt seem to know my play most of the time. You can get decent pass rush so they dont sit back there all day and pick you apart. The QBs are occasionally inaccurate so they arent always throwing 21/22 or some ridiculous completion %. Your passes and reads need to be on point or you get punished for bad decisions.

The only areas that might need work are the cpu run blocking seems extra effective at opening holes, but im not sure they would be able to gain much on the ground without this happening. Penalties might also need to be tweaked to happen more frequently as well, especially offensive holding.


I gave in and ponied up on ps4. Mostly played draft champions but I played a game of franchise with the play the moments feature and it was pretty cool.
Madden 17 has added a ton of great in season layovers and I've tried to capture them but not all have been uploaded... This is one that did upload correctly for me:


Love shit like this because it's stuff you see in a real game. So, Gronk was out for a couple weeks for me and then I made the decision to start him at the end o fthe season early, and I got this layover in the next game.

There's a lot more like this like when you resign a player when you make a play to him in the next game it will layover with the contract details.

It's nice touches like this that really add a lot to the game


Madden 17 has added a ton of great in season layovers and I've tried to capture them but not all have been uploaded... This is one that did upload correctly for me:


Love shit like this because it's stuff you see in a real game. So, Gronk was out for a couple weeks for me and then I made the decision to start him at the end o fthe season early, and I got this layover in the next game.

There's a lot more like this like when you resign a player when you make a play to him in the next game it will layover with the contract details.

It's nice touches like this that really add a lot to the game

Thats pretty cool, Madden presentation finally getting up there with 2K


I think I'm just now realizing you can't use injured players in online matcheds. :/

making my 9ers even worse against these top teams. fuuuuuk.
Just bought this, first Madden since '12. I'm still relatively new to the game though.. I hope I can pick it up and be at least decent again.

Also, I'm from North-Western Europe (GMT +1:00).. if anyone else in this time zone would like to play some exhibition games that would be great. I'd rather play against GAF'ers against strangers online.
Am I doing something wrong or am I just fumbling the ball like crazy?

Fumbles are up this year, but there's a few major contributing factors:
1) Carry ability.
2) Juking in crowded areas. Consider running out of bounds instead of juking to the middle of the field to get more yardage.
3) Not using "Cover ball" (RB / R1)


4) Stamina.

Stamina greatly affects a backs ability to hold onto the ball. It also affects WR catching ability and virtually everything else.

For QBs, there are way more fumbles when you try to throw the ball right when you're getting sacked. This is anathema to Madden's past where there were no penalties for trying to throw the ball when taking a sack. now, you will fumble. And you will fumble bad.

I lost a game to the CPU (49ers vs. Seattle) basically because I tried to pass while getting sacked, up 17 - 6, with a few mins left, gave up oa strip sack touchdown, lost the game 20 - 17.


Loving this year's game so much. Only played 15 and 16 on EA Access and haven't bought one since '11 I think. The franchise mode and commentary, along with the updates each week, are terrific.
Never seen this roughing the passer penalty before:

Trying to get around the outside defender with a swim, I hit "X" but that caused my LB to dive at Carson Palmer, taking him out below the legs. Palmer went down in one of those knee shot tackles, and despite shooting back up, I got penalized for roughing the passer. Never seen Madden properly implement that! Very cool!

OF course it came on 3rd and 13 which sucked... but w/e.
Never seen this roughing the passer penalty before:

Trying to get around the outside defender with a swim, I hit "X" but that caused my LB to dive at Carson Palmer, taking him out below the legs. Palmer went down in one of those knee shot tackles, and despite shooting back up, I got penalized for roughing the passer. Never seen Madden properly implement that! Very cool!

OF course it came on 3rd and 13 which sucked... but w/e.

Wow didnt know that was in the game. Thanks for sharing


Never seen this roughing the passer penalty before:

Trying to get around the outside defender with a swim, I hit "X" but that caused my LB to dive at Carson Palmer, taking him out below the legs. Palmer went down in one of those knee shot tackles, and despite shooting back up, I got penalized for roughing the passer. Never seen Madden properly implement that! Very cool!

OF course it came on 3rd and 13 which sucked... but w/e.

I think there is alot of gameplay changes that are taken out of Online matches. I don't think I've seen this or will see this. Just like other penalties in the game.

it's cool though that they have hit zones.


WTF That Roughing the Passer thing just happened to me online... it was Fourth and like 20, and I dove at Wilson from far... and then next thing you know first down.. couldn't believe it.

EA must've stealth added it on the Color Rush Uniforms patch. :/

I mean it's good because it'll deter folks from trying to dive from hella far from a nano blitz sack. But I hope it is consistent.

edit- I also lost that match with a missed field goal to end the game from like the 3 yard line. :mad:
Hey guys, just had a weird online CFM glitch. I advanced my league to week 5 and got off my xbox. I get back on a few hours later and it's back to week 1. It's weird because it's not like it jumped back to the beginning of the league. It's currently my second season so idk what happened. Anybody else have this issue and/or know how to fix it? Thanks
New patch out today, and some great new additions. Tons of fixes all around but the ones I'm happy about...

- Kick-Meter Accuracy Range increased on All-Pro & All-Madden (Nice, I've been struggling)

- Added ability to save/resume solo Cloud Franchise games (YES! This is huge for me)
- Adjusted fatigue during Play the Moments (Need this, much needed for years)
- Strategy suggestions in play call will now track multiple concepts (Much needed. The Strategy play call screen has been borked with the same plays)

Lot of other fixes/changes, but the save/resume for solo cloud franchise games is a major addition for me. I don't even care that there's uissues with that, like losing some stats here and there, it just makes the game way more playable for me long term. I also wonder if a game craps out from a random disconnect or freeze, whether it'll back up to the last quarter like the offline franchise does if that happens.
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