Iron branches are the best item in the game! Stats build redeemed! I had no TP nor money for a TP so not sure how a misskill impacted that team fight one way or another.
If I had really been committed to the stats build from the jump though I would've skipped bonds at level 2 and done it at 5 (or fuck bonds altogether!) Get out of your box and live a little. If I could've leveled W four times in a row obviously I would've done that. Linking three creeps, one ioned, was actually doing a good job keeping the creep equilibrium at a manageable place for Brent.
Q is only his best ability if we can actually do damage to their heroes. 20% of nothing is the same amount of damage on 3 heroes as it is on 5.
I didn't ignore my ult, just didn't realize that was six, thought it was five. Someday you'll make a mistake and know how much it hurts.