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Mafia |OT| When Death is on the Line

  • Thread starter Deleted member 231381
  • Start date


People do need to be more vocal. It's where half the fun is. Is there some rule where someone has to say something? Because people could be in silence the whole time. That's basically not participating.
I think we should give the cop until tomorrow to announce themselves, if they don't we should hold a fake vote and have everyone vote for the person they suspect the most to see where everyone is at.

People do need to be more vocal. It's where half the fun is. Is there some rule where someone has to say something? Because people could be in silence the whole time. That's basically not participating.

They have to say something during every day period to avoid getting prodded by Crab.

Agreed on that. Possibly because Barry should potential of organization to the rest of the group? It was all him who single-handedly staved off a no-lynch vote at the last second. Of course, it came to pass anyway, but it possibly showed the Mafia that Barry could potential lead the group in coming days and they didn't want any of that?

I was thinking (1) they were afraid of us looking back into this post or (2) you could be in the Mafia.


People do need to be more vocal. It's where half the fun is. Is there some rule where someone has to say something? Because people could be in silence the whole time. That's basically not participating.

Crab has some 72 hour rules in the first post, I think.

I was hoping the Mafia would kill one of the silent people. Killing Barry is probably a better move to win the game, but killing the quiet people makes it far more fun.


Also, the claim that they saw me a threat is complete speculation on our end. So this dialogue we're having about their intent and why they didn't kill me is based on an unknown premise to begin with (did they see me as a threat).


RIP Barry. I'm wondering if we can really only expect one death a night, or if we're missing something..

Here are the possibilities I can think of:

1) There is only going to be one kill a night, and Barry was the target. Whatever he said was enough to tick some Mafia off.

2) There is actually more than one kill a night, but multiple people somehow all picked Barry to die - which would look like one kill to us, and imply that whatever Barry said ticked a lot of people off.

3) There are multiple kills in a night, and a Doctor, and the Doctor successfully protected someone who was picked to die.


Agreed on that. Possibly because Barry should potential of organization to the rest of the group? It was all him who single-handedly staved off a no-lynch vote at the last second. Of course, it came to pass anyway, but it possibly showed the Mafia that Barry could potential lead the group in coming days and they didn't want any of that?

I believe it's a combination of this, and that nobody of us ever suspected him even though he was one of those who talked the most. It makes sense to kill the one that seems the most trustworthy, because it raises red flags among everybody else. Like for example, there's been some fingers pointed in my direction, so it's probably in the interest of the Mafia to let me live because it makes me seem a lot more suspicious as time passes.

RIP Barry. I'm wondering if we can really only expect one death a night, or if we're missing something..

Here are the possibilities I can think of:

1) There is only going to be one kill a night, and Barry was the target. Whatever he said was enough to tick some Mafia off.

2) There is actually more than one kill a night, but multiple people somehow all picked Barry to die - which would look like one kill to us, and imply that whatever Barry said ticked a lot of people off.

3) There are multiple kills in a night, and a Doctor, and the Doctor successfully protected someone who was picked to die.

Considering this is forum mafia with a lot of players, 2 is the most likely option. Hadn't even considered it before but it absolutely makes sense, especially because Barry was the most obvious target. But we'll see.

This shit reminds me of Danganronpa. The setting fits too.
And I feel a bit like Byakuya.
On the first day I was swinging back and forth on the longer posts, they all really seemed to be clutching at straws and I was feeling like you could basically have argued mafia or tourist for absolutely anyone that posted. I couldn't make up my mind if it was just more experienced people trying to encourage, basically any, dialogue and kind of show those with less experience how it should be playing out or if it was something a little more manipulative; an attempt to get some specific names up and being discussed.

Aside from his suspicions about Foshy, I did think there was some merit to what Barry pointed out about voting patterns. Particularly, that 7 minute cluster of No Lynch votes from the following, in order:


I would point out that, although the votes hit fast, myself, foshy, traube and kingkitty had all been posting in the prior 45mins or so and you can see the progress towards the no lynch votes. I think it's also safe to assume that it would be an incredibly dumb mafia move to all vote at the same time, but for a lurking mafioso or two it does make sense. so the above combined with his switch from wanting to lynch some at random to his reluctant
hmmm, I guess I gotta no lynch as well.

I feel that irfaanator is the most suspicious (since I'm obviously ignoring how my posting a long defence/accusation looks)
I pick #1. :)
I would like to hear why you think I'm suspicious apart from not being killed last night, though.

Also, the claim that they saw me a threat is complete speculation on our end. So this dialogue we're having about their intent and why they didn't kill me is based on an unknown premise to begin with (did they see me as a threat).

I do not suspect that you are with the Mafia, just listed it as a possiblity. And yes, all of it is speculation.


I was suspicious of Barry. For one he called out other people to post their suspicions before posting his own. Seemed like a way to gauge opposition, assuming he was mafia. I wondered if the time he needed to gather his thoughts was really time to scheme.

BarryLocke and Timeasis posted suspicions. Once you voice suspicions, it's easy to become a target if you call out the wrong people, unless...

Early on, Timeasis purported that those calling for a no lynch were mafia, which seems odd. A no lynch is the safest bet for villagers.

Palmer seems to have played a few games previously. Which is weird that he had to be convinced of a no-lynch by foshy who seems much less experienced. This was pointed out by Timeasis who went to the trouble to negate his own suspicion on Palmer in the same post.

Palmer's statement of I'm not mafia, I was the first to vote no-lynch seems flimsy. The mafia's point is to not seem like mafia. He stated the mafia would wait day 1 hoping to pile onto a lynch, but it's hard to dogpile first day as reasons are so scant and it would be hard to blend in if you gang up.

The fact that Timeasis accepted Palmer's reasoning so easily was strange.

I'm getting into a conspiracy theory, but was that exchange pre-planned?
alright I reread the thread, but yea in my opinion no lynch helps out the townsfolk the first day in the fact that we don't run the chance of killing one of our special folk. Hopefully the doctor if there is one, is saving himself and the cop hasn't died already. In terms of suspicions, I only get the shifty/trick knee acting up on nin1000. I echo timeasis earlier sentiment that there is something up with nin1000. I also got a slight shifty eye feel from palmer.

If we are dealing with inexperienced mafioso they'll single out the vocals every turn as mentioned earlier. That means that timeasis may die this night or foshy.

So my mafioso list right now is
amirox (maybe)
I believe the mafioso are going to kill someone that isnt a vocal person to keep us guessing. They may also get lucky with a special role kill. Whether to have a special role come out in a couple turns is up for debate though


RIP Barry. I'm wondering if we can really only expect one death a night, or if we're missing something..

Here are the possibilities I can think of:

1) There is only going to be one kill a night, and Barry was the target. Whatever he said was enough to tick some Mafia off.

2) There is actually more than one kill a night, but multiple people somehow all picked Barry to die - which would look like one kill to us, and imply that whatever Barry said ticked a lot of people off.

3) There are multiple kills in a night, and a Doctor, and the Doctor successfully protected someone who was picked to die.

I'm guessing the second. I was busy with school so I missed some stuff, but I noticed on the last page that people said he was pretty vocal. Maybe he named a mafiso and they didn't like that. I don't think the cop should reveal themselves just yet. we don't need to make anyone an easy target.


Early on, Timeasis purported that those calling for a no lynch were mafia, which seems odd. A no lynch is the safest bet for villagers.

I don't recall saying that at all...

Other than that, I was giving Palmer the benefit of the doubt, since we were still on day one and his reasons seemed sound.


Palmer seems to have played a few games previously. Which is weird that he had to be convinced of a no-lynch by foshy who seems much less experienced. This was pointed out by Timeasis who went to the trouble to negate his own suspicion on Palmer in the same post

The previous games I've played are always in person and never with this day start stuff. I'm used to having a lot more potential info for the first hanging/lynching. I honestly can't remember the last time we had no lynch first day amongst my friends. I'm typing from my phone right now but I'll post a bit more tomorrow from work. Sorry for any typos.


In terms of suspicions, I only get the shifty/trick knee acting up on nin1000. I echo timeasis earlier sentiment that there is something up with nin1000.

Well, like i said earlier , i was eager to play and wanted to speed up things a little bit.
After nearly everyone chimed in i made another post accusing several players, i made that in order for everyone to post their feelings or reasons on why they would go with the no lynch vote.

3) There are multiple kills in a night, and a Doctor, and the Doctor successfully protected someone who was picked to die.

I would go with 3 aswell as it would be very unlikely that there is only one kill for this amount of players.


I think it's worth being suspicious of people who wanted to lynch, I have some ideas, but nothing concrete enough for me to type it all out here. I dont really like making accusations without sound reasons (and I have none at the moment really, except the lynching thing for some people)


I've replaced one of the players who stepped out and I found out yesterday but I wasn't sure if I was allowed to post yet, but thought I better step in and say about it. I look forward to taking part and after lunch I'm going to go and read back, catch up and hopefully be able to help with anything.


I find the new players to be suspect. They might have replaced a hitman.

There's about as much chance of me being a hitman as there is for you to be one. I'm not entirely sure what's so suspect about me joining the game after being asked to.


I know you're joking, but if it worked with names I think Ward would be the next to die on the basis he'd be the Doctor role haha.

and jonnyquickknives or however he spells it, would have easily been our first lynch. He's pretty low on my list of possibilities though.


On the first day I was swinging back and forth on the longer posts, they all really seemed to be clutching at straws and I was feeling like you could basically have argued mafia or tourist for absolutely anyone that posted. I couldn't make up my mind if it was just more experienced people trying to encourage, basically any, dialogue and kind of show those with less experience how it should be playing out or if it was something a little more manipulative; an attempt to get some specific names up and being discussed.

I would point out that, although the votes hit fast, myself, foshy, traube and kingkitty had all been posting in the prior 45mins or so and you can see the progress towards the no lynch votes. I think it's also safe to assume that it would be an incredibly dumb mafia move to all vote at the same time, but for a lurking mafioso or two it does make sense. so the above combined with his switch from wanting to lynch some at random to his reluctant

I feel that irfaanator is the most suspicious (since I'm obviously ignoring how my posting a long defence/accusation looks)

This post is part of why I don't suspect johnny. The logic makes sense to me. I think Irfaanator is high on my suspect list, particularly with how defensive he got after his name got brought up.



Operative word being "maybe". Like everyone else here, I was speculating. I never claimed any of them were mafia, I merely mentioned the possibility that some of them were.

You're grasping at straws with this, to be honest.

I've replaced one of the players who stepped out and I found out yesterday but I wasn't sure if I was allowed to post yet, but thought I better step in and say about it. I look forward to taking part and after lunch I'm going to go and read back, catch up and hopefully be able to help with anything.

Welcome to the game! Like you said, you have about equal chance to be mafia or village, just like everyone else. A mafia player and a village player dropping from the game are equally likely. There's no reason to suspect new players at this point in time.


alright I reread the thread, but yea in my opinion no lynch helps out the townsfolk the first day in the fact that we don't run the chance of killing one of our special folk. Hopefully the doctor if there is one, is saving himself and the cop hasn't died already. In terms of suspicions, I only get the shifty/trick knee acting up on nin1000. I echo timeasis earlier sentiment that there is something up with nin1000. I also got a slight shifty eye feel from palmer.

If we are dealing with inexperienced mafioso they'll single out the vocals every turn as mentioned earlier. That means that timeasis may die this night or foshy.

So my mafioso list right now is
amirox (maybe)

I can see why you pick your first two, but do you have reasoning for amirox or ultron? If so, I'd like to hear it.

I've kind of moved on from palmer at this point. I know I pointed him out early on, but he hasn't done anything suspicious and responded to his accusation pretty evenly (i.e. he didn't remain silent or go on a multi-post defense).

I'm still on the fence with nin, but I guess he's still my prime suspect at this point, for the same reasons listed a few days ago.


Sad to hear that. As I stated many times before I wanted the game to start already but I understand that this won't change the fact that I sound suspicious :(


Sad to hear that. As I stated many times before I wanted the game to start already but I understand that this won't change the fact that I sound suspicious :(

I kind of took most of the day one stuff as people talking and stirring the pot just to make things entertaining. While it was logical to vote No Lynch, it also would have been kinda boring to do it immediately.

Anyway, welcome to the game new people!


Sad to hear that. As I stated many times before I wanted the game to start already but I understand that this won't change the fact that I sound suspicious :(

Eh, don't sweat it. I don't really have any reason to vote for a lynch on anyone at this point, including you. Need some more info and all that.


I'm really having trouble finding any real information to go on. All we really know right now is that there are 25 people remaining and some number of them are Mafia. We don't know what roles are possible for people to have or what the abilities that would be conferred by those roles are. We can make some educated guesses based on varying levels of past experience, but that doesn't help that much. I've never played a Mafia game before that started out with such a lack of info, but maybe that is just how it goes for forum mafia.

The big one we know is who they killed, but I really just see that as them knocking out someone that had shown they were willing to really think things through.

After the first kill I feel like we need to hang someone, but I think that is mostly just my past Mafia experience speaking. In those in person games we always played that you had to kill someone each day. And those killings in the first round were usually wrong and always happened for reasons like "Oh, she's talking more than she usually does in games", "you're being awfully quiet", or stuff like facial tells. And a lot of that was based on playing with friends who I've played games with before. If some new person was playing they'd inevitably last till later on the game because we didn't have past behavior to use to base suspicions on. And in this case you're all new people to me and, since this is text based, all communication is significantly more considered. Also, someone being quiet could just as easily be someone being busy at work or having a test to study for as them trying to stay out of the limelight because they are mafia.

So all that said, when I think on it rationally with the current info available I'm currently in the camp that we shouldn't hang anyone again. Assuming there are something like 6 or 7 Mafia (that seems about right?) we have a pretty low chance of actually spiking one on a vote that is, from my perspective, almost entirely random. Some of the roles might know something, but making themselves a target this early is really risky. I realize that at some point we need to start voting based on hunches and that there won't ever be concrete information, but I'm not feeling it yet.

I don't want to officially vote that yet, however since we still have quite a while before we really need to get down to it and figure out what we're doing. I'd love for someone with more experience in forum mafia to try and change my mind and for more people to chime in.


Crab, can you update the original post with the new players, etc.?


egruntz [1 prod]
El Topo
Lord of Castamere
tomakasatnav [1 prod]
ultron_87 [1 prod]

currently none

Xpike [replaced by]

I'm hoping the quiet people will speak up soon. My inclination is to Lynch someone who's not participating.
I'm really having trouble finding any real information to go on. All we really know right now is that there are 25 people remaining and some number of them are Mafia. We don't know what roles are possible for people to have or what the abilities that would be conferred by those roles are. We can make some educated guesses based on varying levels of past experience, but that doesn't help that much.

This is my first game as well and I was feeling pretty much the same on day one.
People are getting a bit more engaged now though so while I'm definitely not ready to lynch someone I think it will be worth taking longer over this day and let some accusations and responses play out.
I'm hoping the quiet people will speak up soon. My inclination is to Lynch someone who's not participating.

That doesn't really make much sense though, from a 'desire to win' standpoint. It only reduces the number of Tourists that the mafioso have to kill before THEY win. You are basically suggesting doing their job for them.
Are prod responses from everyone that hasnt posted in a day phase required before completing a night phase?

It seemed strange to me that the game was held up waiting for responses from Xpike, ultron_87, egruntz and tomakasatnav. If they were just ordinary tourists why would we need to wait on them? surely the game could have continued at its normal pace and none of us would have been any wiser.
That makes me think at least one of the players listed has a special role that Crab required some nighttime feedback from before the game could progress. I'm not saying it makes them mafia, the roles could be on either side (or possibly neutral).


That doesn't really make much sense though, from a 'desire to win' standpoint. It only reduces the number of Tourists that the mafioso have to kill before THEY win. You are basically suggesting doing their job for them.

They aren't guaranteed tourists, though. Not by a long shot. Just because they have been quiet and needed to be proded does not mean they aren't mafia. Lurking is a legitimate mafia strategy.

I think lynching one of them makes the most sense, to be honest. We have the least to loose and the most cause for suspicion. Everyone else we've pointed fingers at lot more speculative and psychological.

Here's the possibilities if we lynch one of the non-participators
1) If they are town, they haven't really participated much anyway, so we haven't lost a valuable teammate
2) If they are mafia, hooray
3) They were a power role, shit

1 of these is good. 1 is neutral. 1 is bad.

Compare that with lynching anyone else that has seemed suspicious. Take, for example, nin, who lots of people seem suspicious of right now. If we lynch nin, here's the possibilities:
1) He was town. We lost an ally and someone who would've helped us ID scum by, at the very least, process of elimination.
2) He was mafia, woo
3) He was a power role, shit

2 of these are bad news. 1 is not.

Here's the important thing about accidentally lynching a townie that has not been participating: they aren't being proactive in the game. They may be "town" but they haven't done anything pro-town since the game started. Essentially, we wouldn't be lynching a teammate, we'd be lynching a bystander.

I know some were saying we could no-lynch day 2, but that's usually a pretty bad plan. Sure, we don't have a helluva lot of information, but there's no guarantee we'll have any more day 3 either, seeing as how we haven't heard from our power roles at all yet. If we keep sitting on our hands, mafia will just pick off those of us who are trying to move the game forward, and try to force us into a stalemate each day, which is the worst thing we can possibly do.

tomakasatnav has a total of three posts. One of which is an interest in the game starting. The second is saying he slept through day 1, and the third is saying he agrees with the no-lynch day one. That's it.

I say if we vote for anyone, it's him.


Here are tomakasatnav's posts.

Let's do this GAF. I think the forum game I played had the 'days' lasting 2 days, so 7 should be interesting!


Apologies for sleeping through all of yesterday everyone, I think someone slipped something into my drink! Probably those darn mafia.

The no vote on the first day was the right thing to do - absolutely nothing to go on of course. Shame we've lost one of our power players and won't have much to go on again today.

Hopefully one of the tourists can spot something before they get killed off too.

Point about being vocal on forum games is really funny, someone might be in a meeting and not able to participate, while the forum can go on and create something massive in their heads.

It's a bad 9gag image, so I'll just post the link but this sums up how the thread can go down: http://img-9gag-ftw.9cache.com/photo/2104915_700b.jpg

I think they speak for themselves.


I don't have any reason to defend the people in question, but the argument that the people being prodded (and the subsequent replacement) are night-phasers, just because the game was held up by their inactivity, is meta-gaming and against the spirit of the game.

In other words, running with a "clue" because Crab may or may not have flubbed the administration a little bit is a red herring at best, and cheating the game at worst.

There should be enough info to go around without mentioning that kind of thing.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
The fact the night was held up didn't have anything to do with any roles people may or may not have; Day 1 simply lasted three days so the prod I have to wait on happened to be sent at the end of it and then I just waited for responses. If Day 1 had lasted longer, I'd have had to have extended Day 1 and not Night 1. I'm an old hand at this; you won't get clues that easily. :p

StayDead, sorry, you are allowed to post, yes.

Palmer_v1, I've updated the player list.
I argee. No lynching again is a mistake. The longer we sit on our heels and lull about, the more power we give the Mafia to pick away at our strongest.

Killing inactive players is not a bad thing, and scapegoating one should put fire under the asses of the others.

I fully believe Barry was murdered as a message. He was one of the few last week trying to argue for a day 1 lynch, and was also one of the most well spoken.
I believe they want us to stay passive while they try to pick us off one by one.

We need to act. As crappy as it might be to possibly kill a townie, we don't have many options left this week.
Here are tomakasatnav's posts.

I think they speak for themselves.

Not sure what they speak of, other than me not noticing the game had started after the delay in getting the last person!

What would be the point in first day lynching? I've never really understood it other than taking a risk and trying to get a mafia chap. I'd like to think most people are sly enough to not out themselves on the first day pushing through a vote.

Second day you probably do need to lynch someone, if only to not lose the game because you were overly passive.

If you want to lynch me to set an example to us who have been a bit quieter, feel free.


I argee. No lynching again is a mistake. The longer we sit on our heels and lull about, the more power we give the Mafia to pick away at our strongest.

I fully believe Barry was murdered as a message. He was one of the few last week trying to argue for a day 1 lynch, and was also one of the most well spoken.
I believe they want us to stay passive while they try to pick us off one by one.

I have to agree with you that we should lynch today. We didn't have much to go on for Day 1 but now we have a bit more.

I don't have any strong suspicions right now but I need to go read through D1 again.


I see the reasoning for picking an inactive player, as I did also on the first day.

But the day is still young. So there should be enough time for everyone to participate.


Not sure what they speak of, other than me not noticing the game had started after the delay in getting the last person!

What would be the point in first day lynching? I've never really understood it other than taking a risk and trying to get a mafia chap. I'd like to think most people are sly enough to not out themselves on the first day pushing through a vote.

Second day you probably do need to lynch someone, if only to not lose the game because you were overly passive.

If you want to lynch me to set an example to us who have been a bit quieter, feel free.

The fact that you pretty swiftly responded to my accusation leads me to believe you've been lurking this entire time. It's been almost 24 hours since your previous post. And now you come to post only to defend yourself.
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