I was thinking about 2 different ideas for the next game we could try to employ at work today; would anyone be interested in employing either idea/both of them?
One is the "Traveler" variant of Werewolf. In it, there are 2 concurrent games running simultaneously in 2 different rooms (Well, it'd be threads here). After every night phase, one player (The Traveler) in each game takes another player from the same game, and they both "travel" into the other game. The other player keeps his/her role regardless of which game (s)he is in. So, for example, if the person that moved with the Traveler was Mafia/Wolf, (s)he would join the new game's Mafia/Wolves. The transplanted player could be a Doctor, a Cop/Seer, or even just a Vanilla player instead, which admittedly may affect the games' balances, but definitely makes them more exciting!
And, of course, there'd be a Vampiric character on the "Scum" team in each game, who picks another player and turns him/her into a Mafia/Wolf player on the first night phase, so the Traveler isn't necessarily a safe, pro-Town role. It was hard to manage 2 games at once when we did this in real life, but it was a blast to play! We'd need at least 2 GM's working in tandem, so if need be, I can take one of the roles.
There's also the "Train" variant. I've never played it, but players who are killed go into an "afterlife" game (It's called "Train Mafia" because it was developed for use on 2 different trains in the NYC Subway System; here, we'd just have a second thread for our "afterlife" game). Upon death, players are randomly designated to be one of 3-4 different spiritual factions, and instead of voting to kill one another, the dead vote to give a different player a point during each day phase (Night phases are irrelevant when playing in-person). That player's point goes to his/her faction instead of the player, and whichever spiritual faction has the most points at the end of the secondary game wins. It sounds somewhat confusing, and unlike the Traveler variant, I've never played it. We've had people who could do nothing but comb the Dead Thread for a few weeks now, though, so at least that's a way to give those players something to do! I have a link for this one, if anyone's curious.