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Magic: the GAFering |OT2|


I'm doing fairly well with my opens. I've done a prerelease, one release draft, and bought an intro pack for a foil Ruric Thar. Opened Blood Baron, Ral, Advent, Plasm Capture, Render Silent, and Dragonshift, Vorel, and Beck//Call, and one more card I can't remember (maybe a second Render Silent). I may stick to this "limited only" formula of pack-cracking.

@alternade, there are lists in the competitive forum on MTGS that look pretty intriguing. I plan on putting one together to the best of my ability (I don't have the playset of Breeding Pools, unfortunately) to play with some friends on Saturday.


So has anyone played any BUG decks recently? Deciding what I want to play this Friday. I plan to buy 2 boxes and will build something the day of if need be.

Here's the list I brewed up for FNM play to moderate success:
Lands (25)
3 Breeding Pool
3 Hinterland Harbor
2 Overgrown Tomb
2 Watery Grave
(plus some Forests, Islands and Swamps)

Creatures (18)
4 Arbor Elf
3 Shambleshark
1 Skylasher
1 Snapcaster Mage
3 Wolfir Avenger
1 Yeva, Nature's Herald
2 Wolfir Silverheart
3 Aetherling

Spells (17)
3 Farseek
3 Spell Rupture
2 Abrupt Decay
3 Putrefy
1 Liliana of the Veil
3 Far/Away
1 Plasm Capture
1 Gaze of Granite

2 Pithing Needle
1 Deathrite Shaman
3 Duress
1 Knight of Infamy
1 Abrupt Decay
2 Golgari Charm
2 Crypt Incursion
3 Vampire Nighthawk

After playing a bit, it seems the deck works well without performing particularily bad against any opposing deck, but it doesn't crush opponents easily, either. It's equally viable against both aggro and control decks.

I'm thinking about replacing the Needles and a Duress for Dispel (great for the control mirror). So far the Silverhearts have underperformed a bit, so I might end up replacing them for mor removal or some counters (they're still really strong and especially useful against decks which only run burn for removal, so I'm a bit reluctant to replace them, though). Spell Rupture's kinda weak as well since I tend to not play creatures until the end of turn 2 or maybe even later, so I guess I'll be swapping them out for either Syncopate or Dissipate.

It was really fun to play the control mirror, since my opponent played with lots of caution to avoid walking into Plasm Captures after I played one in the first game (he didn't know I only have a single copy, luckily for me). My other loss happened early on against a Gruul aggro deck, where I stopped drawing anything relevant after wrathing the board while my opponent managed to drop a Domri and Garruk back-to-back, ensuring my lone creature couldn't hit his PWs until they went ultimate.

I guess the deck would need a way to draw cards or something, but I'm already nearly out of open slots to swap out at will.

I'm also considering swapping the Nighthawks and Crypt Incursions out for other cheaper cards, like Tormod's Crypt/Grafdigger's Cage and something that specifically helps me against aggro while still being an instant or flash creature.


So has anyone played any BUG decks recently? Deciding what I want to play this Friday. I plan to buy 2 boxes and will build something the day of if need be.

I'm planning on putting together a standard deck for the first time in a few years and BUG is where I'm leaning too. Pretty set on an aggressive list with undying and regen creatures, rapid hybridization, spell ruptures, manglers, and duskmantle/evil twin topping it off at 4cmc. Sure, it's a lot slower than blitz but being able to untap after a sweeper and swing for a shit-ton is pretty appealing. Also has full access to cards like DRS and Cremate for Junk Rites and edicts for the various aura decks is a big plus.

You'll have to do a fair bit of trading to get the cards as they're spread over every or almost every standard legal set. Good news is besides the lands there's not much else worth money besides DRS, Duskmantle, and Abrupt Decay, with DRS not even being a must and the other two being below $10.
I tried a triple DGM draft on Magic Online. Went RGW to go 2-1. Format seems really slow. The wide beta seems to hate my computer so I don't think I'll play any more events during the Beta spotlight.


Opening any DGM sounds like a bad idea to me let alone all DGM. It's the reason that I'll be giving up drafting until M14 comes out since the prize support is 100% DGM packs at the local stores.


Opening any DGM sounds like a bad idea to me let alone all DGM. It's the reason that I'll be giving up drafting until M14 comes out since the prize support is 100% DGM packs at the local stores.

Doesn't your LGS let you trade in newer prize packs for older ones? At least mine does, and it's quite small and has from eight to twelve players per FNM on average.

I'm somewhat happy with the expansion, and I'm still chasing after some cards, and the uncommons aren't half bad; I'm happy I got my hands on a playset of Far/Away right away since it's been a great card so far, and I'm still looking for a playset of Unflinching Courages and some other assorted commons and uncommons.

It's weird how price-dependant card values are to being played in high-profile decks. Now everybody badmouths the expansion, but as soon as somebody realizes X, Y or Z cards from DGM are amazing (or even halfway decent) and wins with them, prices will skyrocket if there isn't enough supply of singles to satiate the demand for those specific cards.


Cracked a box with a friend last nignt. 24 packs in and I have my second Voice. Gonna trade for the two more I need for a full playset (good bye Ral, you'll be worth it).

Ended up picking up a couple spanish packs too. Love my spanish Sire of Insanity, or Señor de la locura as it reads lol
Looking at the Greg Staples Angels lithographs and I would have sworn Rebbeca Guay did the art for Baneslayer. Either way, they look great, but I'm holding out for either Chippy or Steve Argyle (and the Argyle ones would have to include Chandra and Bloodbraid Elf).


Neo Member
I went to a walmart today and saw a box of dragons maze for 148 dollars

Who would buy that?

Nobody. Thats why you saw it. Unless it was sold out statewide I guess. Walmarts a terrible place to buy form anyways.

Okay, so two questions:

One: I want to get into the modern scene and I like Black/Green, so I think I'd like to make a Jund deck. How do you start a project like this? I'd rather not just straight netdeck, but if its just the base, thats fine. Any tips?

Two: I have three Master of Cruelties, how to make him into a fun deck? Seriously, Wizards is telling me to do something with them.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
One: I want to get into the modern scene and I like Black/Green, so I think I'd like to make a Jund deck. How do you start a project like this? I'd rather not just straight netdeck, but if its just the base, thats fine. Any tips?
4 Tarmogoyfs - $500 $400
4 Verdant Catacombs - $100
4 Dark Confidants - $500 $250
4 Lilianna of the Veils - $200
4 (Alpha) Lightning Bolts - $100

This is the bare minimum to get started on a Jund deck.

Then you have stuff like:
Deathrite Shaman (up to four)
Overgrown Tombs (at least 2)
Huntmaster of the Fells (up to four depending on your build)
Abrupt Decay (two or three)
Maelstrom Pulse (two or tree)
Inquisition of Kozilek (up to four)
Thoughtsieze (up to four)

So what I'm saying is: Don't do it.


You can get Goyf for $100 on Ebay right now. I'm going to be trying to get a playset of MM ones for $300 or less. Confidant's 50-60. LOL @ the bolts.


Neo Member
4 Tarmogoyfs - $500
4 Verdant Catacombs - $100
4 Dark Confidants - $500
4 Lilianna of the Veils - $200
4 (Alpha) Lightning Bolts - $100

This is the bare minimum to get started on a Jund deck.

Then you have stuff like:
Deathrite Shaman (up to four)
Overgrown Tombs (at least 2)
Huntmaster of the Fells (up to four depending on your build)
Abrupt Decay (two or three)
Maelstrom Pulse (two or tree)
Inquisition of Kozilek (up to four)
Thoughtsieze (up to four)

So what I'm saying is: Don't do it.

I have Five Rites, A Liliana, Tomb, Three Decays, and I can try to gather more.

I dont want GOYF RIGHTS AND LILI THE DECK, I just want something that is playable. Is that not an option? Something like Golgari plus? I'm not blowing that much money on stupid Goyfs, Hell the only way I'll run them is if I can buy a pack or two of MM and I pull one.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You want to play Goyfless Jund?


What is this?

I need to go ly dow.

(If you're going that route then just find a new tempo beater to replace Goyf and Confidant in the 2 slot. You could also try Domri Rade for Domri-Jund in place of Liliana)


I have Five Rites, A Liliana, Tomb, Three Decays, and I can try to gather more.

I dont want GOYF RIGHTS AND LILI THE DECK, I just want something that is playable. Is that not an option? Something like Golgari plus? I'm not blowing that much money on stupid Goyfs, Hell the only way I'll run them is if I can buy a pack or two of MM and I pull one.
Oh, just play Junk. (GWB) Deathrite->Lily is one of the best openers in the format, no matter what shell you use. edit: errr scratch that - Junk's playing Goyf too. :p

Maybe something like this? http://sales.starcitygames.com//deckdatabase/displaydeck.php?DeckID=53702
4 Tarmogoyfs - $500 $400
4 Verdant Catacombs - $100
4 Dark Confidants - $500 $250
4 Lilianna of the Veils - $200
4 (Alpha) Lightning Bolts - $100

This is the bare minimum to get started on a Jund deck.

Then you have stuff like:
Deathrite Shaman (up to four)
Overgrown Tombs (at least 2)
Huntmaster of the Fells (up to four depending on your build)
Abrupt Decay (two or three)
Maelstrom Pulse (two or tree)
Inquisition of Kozilek (up to four)
Thoughtsieze (up to four)

So what I'm saying is: Don't do it.

Oh, c'mon you can get M10 Bolts for like, $1.50 a piece.


Neo Member
Oh, just play Junk. (GWB) Deathrite->Lily is one of the best openers in the format, no matter what shell you use.

You want to play Goyfless Jund?


What is this?

I need to go ly dow.

(If you're going that route then just find a new tempo beater to replace Goyf and Confidant in the 2 slot. You could also try Domri Rade for Domri-Jund in place of Liliana)

Does that make me a Johnny? I don't follow those names but whatever. I want to try to play with what I have, not to spend 400$ on four lousy cards. I'll just have to tweak it hard to find what works. Junk doesn't sound too bad, Orzhov is my second favorite guild, but it seems like the guilds don't work well together and I'm not much familiar with anything before RtR. I did pull a Domri from a pack though, I'll look into both.

I guess I was hoping for options beyond 4x goyf 4x bob 4x sieze. Like I said, I could net deck and just play whatever's popular, but I was hoping to do something more original, though that term is iffy to me. Thanks for the help guys.


Ouch, that looks pretty pricey. I like the look of it though, so I'll see what I have. Those Lili's and Snaps are scary though.


Does that make me a Johnny? I don't follow those names but whatever. I want to try to play with what I have, not to spend 400$ on four lousy cards. I'll just have to tweak it hard to find what works. Junk doesn't sound too bad, Orzhov is my second favorite guild, but it seems like the guilds don't work well together and I'm not much familiar with anything before RtR. I did pull a Domri from a pack though, I'll look into both.

I guess I was hoping for options beyond 4x goyf 4x bob 4x sieze. Like I said, I could net deck and just play whatever's popular, but I was hoping to do something more original, though that term is iffy to me. Thanks for the help guys.


Ouch, that looks pretty pricey. I like the look of it though, so I'll see what I have. Those Lili's and Snaps are scary though.
Keep in mind that they're about to rotate in 5 months. (I have to start ditching some cards right now, actually.)

Well sure, if you want to look like a poor person. :p
<-Prefers Modern Frames :p Desperately wants a non-foil Modern Frame Vindicate.


I have Five Rites, A Liliana, Tomb, Three Decays, and I can try to gather more.

I dont want GOYF RIGHTS AND LILI THE DECK, I just want something that is playable. Is that not an option? Something like Golgari plus? I'm not blowing that much money on stupid Goyfs, Hell the only way I'll run them is if I can buy a pack or two of MM and I pull one.

For FNM, yeah, it's perfectly reasonable to play goyfless jund.

I just... wouldn't recommend it. You need that beater to be able to stand a chance against the faster decks in the format -- you really don't have anything else that can efficiently punch through, say, wall of roots.

Losing BBE is already pretty rough. It was your main way to punch through the obnoxious stalling of kiki-pod early in the game and swing through for a kill. If you can't afford goyfs, then make sure you're packing --

4 thoughtseize. All main -- not inquisition of kozilek. You cannot get rid of a pod, a kiki, a resto, or really anything relevant against the format's best combo deck with inquisition.

4 deathrite shaman. Also probably all main. Persist creatures are obnoxious.

2-4 kitchen finks. I like 2 main 2 side here, but 1 and 3 would work just as well. At FNM level, you're going to be playing against annoyingly aggressive decks often. BR burn, Boros aggro, boros landfall, etc. The two life is insanely relevant, and it's difficult for this sort of deck to attack through a creature twice. (or burn you to death without dying to your 3/2 first.) Board out Liliana and Thoughtseize for these guys, because they're insanely relevant.

Hell, there was a point on MTGO -- a fairly developed metagame -- where these decks were common enough that I ran the full playset of finks in every deck that could support them. There's no real downside to it, you just have to scope out the meta first to get your free wins.

Terminate. At least one or two copies. You abso-fucking-lutely need instant speed removal in this format, especially if your best beater is absent -- and no, there isn't a valid creature replacement for goyf. If you want to get super cute you can try grove of the burnwillows and Kavu Predator -- grove should be in your deck anyway -- but that isn't anywhere near as good.

I don't know. You can obviously win games without goyf -- in fact, it's pretty easy -- but against certain matchups, an extremely large vanilla beater on turn 2 is exactly what you need to win.

If you really want to play jund, my recommendation is to wait until modern masters comes out, and IMMEDIATELY after release pick up your playset on ebay. You don't want to wait for speculators to jump in and buy everything out, because modern is getting more popular, and the number of goyfs entering circulation is very insignificant. This set will only cause Tarmogoyf to fall in price in the very short term, and then he's right back up to 120.

You could always just build BG pox. It's cheaper and way more fun.



Have you checked the price on Seize lately? :)

I see a set on tcgplayer for $48 each. Not awful compared to goyf's price, I guess, but he abso-fucking-lutely needs the playset if he doesn't want to scoop to every combo or control deck in the format.


Neo Member
Keep in mind that they're about to rotate in 5 months. (I have to start ditching some cards right now, actually.)

Damn, good point. Alright, I'll keep an eye out.

For FNM, yeah, it's perfectly reasonable to play goyfless jund.

If you really want to play jund, my recommendation is to wait until modern masters comes out, and IMMEDIATELY after release pick up your playset on ebay. You don't want to wait for speculators to jump in and buy everything out, because modern is getting more popular, and the number of goyfs entering circulation is very insignificant. This set will only cause Tarmogoyf to fall in price in the very short term, and then he's right back up to 120.

You could always just build BG pox. It's cheaper and way more fun.


I just want something that can withstand against more than one or two decks, and Jund seems like colors I like. Is there basically no way to play anything green without running Goyf? Because that's bullshit and probably going to turn me off of modern. I realize I'm just complaining about the same thing as everyone else, but I just want to be able to not lose every single match unless I drop a hundred dollars on a card multiple times. Maybe I should just stick to Standard and EDH.

Edit: Damn, that BG pox seems much better, and it looks pretty fun too. Maybe I'[ll have to try to get a hold of some of those Siezes after all.


I see a set on tcgplayer for $48 each. Not awful compared to goyf's price, I guess, but he abso-fucking-lutely needs the playset if he doesn't want to scoop to every combo or control deck in the format.
Ha, Medina. Yeah, he's trying to move inventory pre-Modern Masters.

Really hope Thoughtseize isn't a mythic in Modern Masters
Zero chance. Goyf's a Mythic because of Future Sight's tiny print run and their desire to not crash him overnight.
I'm going to my first ever FNM tonight with some friends. I know how to play/draft (from a mix of watching streams and duels of the planeswalker) butI'm nervous because iI know nothing about DGM (since it just came out on mtgo last night). I'm going to keep a lookout for some money cards so if I ever get into constructed I'll have stuff to sell and trade but for the most part I'm going in blind.
LGS in my area are doing $200 pre-orders for MM boxes.

I'm going to my first ever FNM tonight with some friends. I know how to play/draft (from a mix of watching streams and duels of the planeswalker) butI'm nervous because iI know nothing about DGM (since it just came out on mtgo last night). I'm going to keep a lookout for some money cards so if I ever get into constructed I'll have stuff to sell and trade but for the most part I'm going in blind.

Good luck! Don't be too nervous, FNMs are the perfect place to step up your skills and get some experience under your belt.


So my little brother (15) just got into MTG after free comic book day and has attended 2 or 3 gatherings at a local comic shop since. Some of the guys there are helping him build a usable deck and he's even coming home with lists and some spare cards from the guys at the weeklies. Should I buy him an event deck? I really don't know much about MTG. Currently the other players have him borrow their decks for the night since he only has intro decks.

I was also considering picking him up Android: Netrunner since its a "living" card game which I assume will save him cash, is this as good as magic?


Yeah, I'm pushing the store I work at to focus on using the product for events and drafts, but other stores in the area are pushing preorders fairly heavy.
You make more using them for events. (They're charging $50 for the GPT entries :p)

So my little brother (15) just got into MTG after free comic book day and has attended 2 or 3 gatherings at a local comic shop since. Some of the guys there are helping him build a usable deck and he's even coming home with lists and some spare cards from the guys at the weeklies. Should I buy him an event deck? I really don't know much about MTG. Currently the other players have him borrow their decks for the night since he only has intro decks.

I was also considering picking him up Android: Netrunner since its a "living" card game which I assume will save him cash, is this as good as magic?
Event decks are a good place to start. "Boxed" CCG sets are more like Board Games- you need a playgoup for those.
Well sure, if you want to look like a poor person. :p
I was going to suggest the textless player rewards, but those are starting to rival the Alpha Bolts in price. I should have jumped on those sooner. :(
So my little brother (15) just got into MTG after free comic book day and has attended 2 or 3 gatherings at a local comic shop since. Some of the guys there are helping him build a usable deck and he's even coming home with lists and some spare cards from the guys at the weeklies. Should I buy him an event deck? I really don't know much about MTG. Currently the other players have him borrow their decks for the night since he only has intro decks.

I was also considering picking him up Android: Netrunner since its a "living" card game which I assume will save him cash, is this as good as magic?

Event decks are usually pretty solid, and you can almost always score at least a couple of the highly-played rares. The downside is, they can get kinda pricey especially for the goods ones, so don't always expect to pay MSRP.

As for Netrunner, I've heard good things about it from some of the other gamers at my store, but I haven't played it myself.


So my little brother (15) just got into MTG after free comic book day and has attended 2 or 3 gatherings at a local comic shop since. Some of the guys there are helping him build a usable deck and he's even coming home with lists and some spare cards from the guys at the weeklies. Should I buy him an event deck? I really don't know much about MTG. Currently the other players have him borrow their decks for the night since he only has intro decks.

I was also considering picking him up Android: Netrunner since its a "living" card game which I assume will save him cash, is this as good as magic?

Yeah, event decks tend to be relatively good for FNM play and even come with a sideboard. I'd consider buying him whichever one is more in the colors he likes, but you should watch out, since most event decks have several Innistrad and Magic 2013 cards, which are going to rotate out of standard in about five months (altough he could trade them for newer stuff if he wants).

The Selesnya event deck from Dragon's Maze (which I think comes out soon) is a good option, as it provides good value and several interesting cards; the only downside is it somewhat relies on Lingering Souls and Intangible Virtue, which are both Innistrad cards (so they'll rotate out upon Theros' release).


Doesn't your LGS let you trade in newer prize packs for older ones? At least mine does, and it's quite small and has from eight to twelve players per FNM on average.

I'm somewhat happy with the expansion, and I'm still chasing after some cards, and the uncommons aren't half bad; I'm happy I got my hands on a playset of Far/Away right away since it's been a great card so far, and I'm still looking for a playset of Unflinching Courages and some other assorted commons and uncommons.

It's weird how price-dependant card values are to being played in high-profile decks. Now everybody badmouths the expansion, but as soon as somebody realizes X, Y or Z cards from DGM are amazing (or even halfway decent) and wins with them, prices will skyrocket if there isn't enough supply of singles to satiate the demand for those specific cards.

Well, I barely play standard so most of my draft winnings end up getting pitched off for edh or legacy cards. This set just doesn't have any obvious tradeables like a snapcaster, restoration angel, thragtusk, deathrite shaman, or (common enough to count) shockland.

If my store allowed me to get any standard packs or at least any from this block then I'd happily draft.


Well, I barely play standard so most of my draft winnings end up getting pitched off for edh or legacy cards. This set just doesn't have any obvious tradeables like a snapcaster, restoration angel, thragtusk, deathrite shaman, or (common enough to count) shockland.

If my store allowed me to get any standard packs or at least any from this block then I'd happily draft.
This set's completely absurd, but a lot of the cards need specific strategies to go alongside them, instead of being "throw 4 of me in everything!" types.


Jacob van Lunen just shared this: http://www.womenofgrace.com/blog/?p=15420

I sometimes miss the days of having my hobbies linked to occult practices.

My and some friends were playing at lunch one day back in high school, and the Vice Principal came up and asked what we were doing. Without skipping a beat, my friend said "it's a game of chicken sacrifices and pig's blood". The VP just backed away slowly and left us alone, clearly confused.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Two: I have three Master of Cruelties, how to make him into a fun deck? Seriously, Wizards is telling me to do something with them.


Both are available on the cheap.
So everyone reports their pack pulls as just rainfall of Rals and Voices... I opened two boxes and not a single copy of either card. I think I did not pull a Master of Cruelties, either.

What I DID pull was 3 progenitor mimics, 2 Savageborn Hydra, 3 Deadbridge Chants, 2 Reap Intellects, 1 Legion's Initiave, 1 Council of the Absolute, and 1 Baron.


I was also considering picking him up Android: Netrunner since its a "living" card game which I assume will save him cash, is this as good as magic?

I'd be wary about this - it is a good game, but is generally a lot less popular than Magic. The best part of playing card games like MTG and Netrunner is facing a variety of different opponents, so unless Netrunner is also popular where you live, Magic will be more fun in the long run.

The Adder

So before Innistrad and M13 cycle out I want to try building this incredibly gimmicky BWG deck I've been thinking of.

Basically the idea is to turbo fog until I get as much land on the field as possible then play Bountiful Harvest after triggering Vizkopa Guildmage twice.

It's not going to be a particularly good deck, at all, I know, but it'll be fun to play.

Land: 24 (12G, 6B, 6W)

Abundant Growth x4 (Card Draw and mana fixing)
Bountiful Harvest x4 (Win condition part 1)
Farseek x4 (Mana on the field)
Ranger's Path x4 (Ditto)
Fog x4
Safe Passage x4
Druid's Deliverance x4
Vizkopa Guildmage x4 (Win condition part 2)
Gatecreeper Vine (has to be something better than this)

Suggestions to make this deck better at doing this would be appreciated. I need, I think, more ways to draw cards or, better yet, seek out a specific creature (that creature being Vizkopa Guildmage).


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
You can't do turbofog without a TON of card draw and graveyard recycling. That means you want at the very least 4 otherworld atlases and 4 elixers of immortality. You probably want some blue as well so you can play things like Urban Evolution and (assuming you have some) sphinx's revelation. Also there is a new fog effect in DM that is reasonably decent:


The Adder

You can't do turbofog without a TON of card draw and graveyard recycling. That means you want at the very least 4 otherworld atlases and 4 elixers of immortality. You probably want some blue as well so you can play things like Urban Evolution and (assuming you have some) sphinx's revelation. Also there is a new fog effect in DM that is reasonably decent:


Forgot Riot control. I have a playset and it works better for this than Safe Passage does (since I only care about one creature in this deck's survival).

Boundless Realms. Worth it?
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