"God's Beard!"
Getting closer to the list I'll be taking to GP Oakland:

Dragonmaster ends games pretty quick. I'm just not a big fan of tapping out for Monastery Mentor and not playing Ojutai's Command in my deck. That card is the focal point of the whole strategy. I could see playing 4 Soulfires and some Roasts Team SCG-style, but the one-of creatures give my Commands a toolbox angle that I love. That said, I might need to go up to 3 Dragonmasters, which is a hard decision. It takes me a while to find them sometimes, but I also don't want to be stuck with them in hand early on.^That list looks like it will go to time every single round![]()
With 14 fetchlands and 24 spells it hasn't been a problem. Every once in a while I cast Dig on turn 3 lol5 delve spells is probably too many.
List seems fine otherwise.
You have enough removal I'd seriously consider just running Tasigur over additional removal if you really wanted Delve spells there.
As for PW, I've been running 3 Utter Ends in some of my decks. 4 mana is a lot, but Utter End is good against every deck and even rogue decks with weird wincons.
big scary mythic
Looking at your notes, it seems I have work to do understanding what to put at top end. Thanks a lot!* It's way overcosted. At 9 mana that guy wouldn't even see play in Limited because it has no real value other than winning the game if nobody has Doom Blade. But there are very few cards that cost 9 mana that don't win the game if unanswered.
* Related to the first point, both of the abilities you've put on this guy are conditional for no real reason other than using your ability word - at 9 mana, Menace and Trample should be base abilities, and there's no real reason why your ability word is stapled on to it since nothing the card inherently does affects it. There's no reason why the attack trigger would require you to turn off its damage dealing ability, really.
* Menace is out of color pie.
* It feels a lot like Lorthos, the Tidemaker stapled onto Tromokratis. It just doesn't really feel all that Mythic.
I may be in the minority here but I really wish there was a lot less card creation in this thread.
...when has this thread been dead?
It's the dead time of year. It's fine by me.I may be in the minority here but I really wish there was a lot less card creation in this thread.
It'd have to trigger at the Cleanup step like they had to change Armor of Thorns to do.If you sacrifice the blade at end of turn when quick drawing, the toughness boost will be irrelevant. When the equipment goes away, any damage the creature took will still be there, potentially causing it to die when it otherwise wouldn't have if the equipment had stayed on the field.
I don't know of a way to avoid this problem.
I think card creation for a custom set is fine while we're in Community, but it might be best to hold off on it during the time we're in Off Topic.
Concerning the damage issue, here's how the "instant aura" cards from Mirage are currently written.
So the equipment could be sacrificed during the cleanup step.
Anyway, Ashodin, since you're creating a full-blown set, have you been following the advice from MaRo's Nuts & Bolts series?
I can certainly stop, but it's really up to other people - I feel personally it brings more discussion to normally a dead thread outside of people talking about their decklists and such.
I think card creation for a custom set is fine while we're in Community, but it might be best to hold off on it during the time we're in Off Topic.
Concerning the damage issue, here's how the "instant aura" cards from Mirage are currently written.
So the equipment could be sacrificed during the cleanup step.
Anyway, Ashodin, since you're creating a full-blown set, have you been following the advice from MaRo's Nuts & Bolts series?
If you sacrifice the blade at end of turn when quick drawing, the toughness boost will be irrelevant. When the equipment goes away, any damage the creature took will still be there, potentially causing it to die when it otherwise wouldn't have if the equipment had stayed on the field.
I don't know of a way to avoid this problem.
I think the problem with that is the a lot of people would play that wrong either by letting the creature survive or, and this is worse, one player casting it to save their creature, and then at the end of turn their opponent goes "well actually..." for the ultimate feel bad. That feels like a thing that should be designed around.I actually think I like that tradeoff.
Add a FAQ that only contains the question "Where's Emrakul" and then don't answer it.
What about changing it to a bloodrush style ability rather than a quick-equip. It removes the interaction with artifact removal, but plays a lot better over all.Just post the Shadows Over Innistrad logo
re: feelbads - I removed the toughness.
If you have Flusterstorm, just counter Tendrils lmaoSomehow I won the first 2 vintage matches I've ever played today. I'll assume they were terrible players. I think one was storm and the other was dredge. Wasn't really sure what to counter and what to not bother with in the storm deck but I got it right.
* Menace is out of color pie.
I may be in the minority here but I really wish there was a lot less card creation in this thread.
Roberto getting a ban for this is the big issue here imo, assuming this is an accurate sequence of events.One of the guys who got banned for three years started talking about what happened on a podcast. It's summarized by a Redditor/judge here.
If this is how it really went down...ugh.
Lol the more I read the more I realize that mtgo is bad because wizards is just a hot mess at the top. The interview with Helene was almost cringeworthy at points.
I'm friends with a guy who used to work there in a fairly high position, and I can confirm that this is the case. No one really knows what they're doing, least of all the Magic Online team. I don't remember any specific stories, but his tone was always one of extreme frustration and bewilderment when talking about the company's ineptitude
R&D is literally the only team that has their shit together over there.
Just post the Shadows Over Innistrad logo
re: feelbads - I removed the toughness.
I'll dispute this. It's never been said, but I bet bleeding Menace onto giant monsters is totally defensible and in-pie.
Yeah, it's too bad that some of us like Magic, but don't necessarily give a shit about, or want to talk exclusively about sanctioned play. Maybe the OP should have in big bold letters "SERIOUS MAGIC DISCUSSION ONLY, PLEASE"
That post right there is why I find this thread to be a semi-hostile place.
Comparing my post to yours and you consider what I wrote as hostile?
You could have the equipment get sacced at the beginning of the next upkeep.