Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Gentleman, you can't fight in here. This is the pretend wizard war room!
Just hit a nerve, is all. Not that your post is particularly hostile, it just reinforces the attitude that often disincentivises me to post in this thread, the lone Magic thread on the one forum I actively post on. I hate feeling like I'm threadjacking whenever I want to contribute something just because custom cards, EDH and occasionally cube is the only way I interact with the game.
Just hit a nerve, is all. Not that your post is particularly hostile, it just reinforces the attitude that often disincentivises me to post in this thread, the lone Magic thread on the one forum I actively post on. I hate feeling like I'm threadjacking whenever I want to contribute something just because custom cards, EDH and occasionally cube is the only way I interact with the game.
Might be a decent fix. It'll be a tricky mechanic anyhow. That reminder text (which I think is pretty important to include) will really eat up the space on the card before any abilities are added.
I prefaced the post by saying I may be in the minority. I'm not telling anyone to do anything, all I'm doing is voicing my own opinion. If this is the only forum you post on you may want to expand your horizons as there are Magic forums that have subforums dedicated to making cards, but that's just a personal suggestion.
In regards to that fish leviathan, it kinda makes Balance feel weird to me, to just have it on a creature with P=T. I still think a blue thing getting menace is fine. Has that been pitched to Maro yet? He'd know if it was in-pie. And as far as aesthetics, the mana cost is 9, it's a 9/9, why not have it tap 9 creatures?
Cubing now, and I'm playing four GW lands, a GW signet and a Mox Pearl just to splash a single Ravages of War in an otherwise mono-G deck, because I just can't help myself. I'll probably lose horribly.
Mox Pearl just to splash a single Ravages of War in an otherwise mono-G deck
Mox Pearl just to splash a single Ravages of War
Mox Pearl just to splash
acheronxl asked: Would Menace on a Giant Blue Monster™ be a thing that's acceptable in rare occurrences?
Possibly. We stretched Intimidate to Blue on rare occasion.
And if you haven't had the chance to catch the rest of the Expeditions from Oath of the Gatewatch these last few weeks, here they are in all of their glory
I'm friends with a guy who used to work there in a fairly high position, and I can confirm that this is the case. No one really knows what they're doing, least of all the Magic Online team. I don't remember any specific stories, but his tone was always one of extreme frustration and bewilderment when talking about the company's ineptitude
So I'm trying to figure out the color pie in this.
Why is this B/U and not mono Black?
So I'm trying to figure out the color pie in this.
Why is this B/U and not mono Black? Too powerful for a single color casting cost? I would loved to have run this in a Golgari deck....
It can be mono black and have it.Extort is the U/B mechanic in the set.
They just Force it. It's Vintage, there's a ton of Turn 1 combos.
Or in the alternative, other bullshit that prevents that from happening like anything Shops does or Flusterstorm.
Well, obviously. I got it 1.3.
Well, there's that.
You could have the equipment get sacced at the beginning of the next upkeep.
The only one I see regularly on magic online is Grimace.![]()
It's less expensive than going to a store. Have to pay for parking everywhere here.
It's not like I open any money cards anyway.
It's actually funny because I seem to have more luck online. I've opened Ojutai, multiple Den Protectors and dozens of fetchlands.
Ashodin, one thing I'm wondering is if you've been putting a lot of work into making the commons of your set. The three big pieces of advice that MaRo has for creating a set are to keep organized, iterate playtesting and design constantly, and start at common. The act of having to create common cards, and having to playtest with just common cards, will show you just how well mechanics work out and what aspects should be emphasized. To be honest, I'm still not convinced that lightbringer and balance are mechanics that play well, and the earlier version of battleworn had obvious flaws that demonstrated that you hadn't actually tested it that much. Here's a link to the Nuts & Bolts articles again. These articles don't outright say it, but it's mentioned in other articles that early playtesting is done using sealed instead of draft.
I haven't done much testing yet, but I'm working off theory and tweaking things as I go. And yes, I'm going to get around to making the commons.
If your intention is to make a full blown set, with commons and uncommons, that can be drafted, and your goal isn't to just make fun one-off cards, then to be blunt, stop fiddling with your rares! Make a design skeleton, and then fill it with commons! Playtest your commons, and only after you are satisfied, start filling out the higher rarities, keeping in mind that uncommon is even more of a bottleneck than common.Then test with the whole set in mind. Using feedback from your testing with higher rarities, you'll then start modifying your commons as you feel best. And then keep testing and modifying.
If I wanted to draft with nothing on the line I'd just draft with friends instead of strangers.
Gotta second this. Remember most people won't open particular mythics and will likely opens rares once or twice (at most) depending on how often they draft the set.
the funny thing was the second ability didn't matter once because somehow he missed all my creatures in like eight turns.Ashiok is damn good in Cube. You don't have to protect him for very long to run away with the game. I love that guy a lot.