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Magic: the Gathering - Oath o/t Gatewatch |OT| Look again, the mana is now diamonds!

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Maybe it's because I'm on mobile, but where are her legs? o_0

She either A) has three legs, B) is weirdly curved with one leg straight down and one leg off to the right, or C) the thing the off to the right is just a billow of her cape and her right leg is bent and under her cape (you can see the knee poking through). I think it is C but can't be sure.

Card for new page reference:



The deck is legit and plays 2-3x Eye of Ugin. That's why the buy-in is important, even now, the 2 printings are WWK and MM15. Both of them are sets with supply constraints.


Spellskite (NPH) is the 5th most commonly played card in Modern and Fulminator Mage (SHM) is 9th. Both saw reprints in MM2015 and should be approximately on par supply-wise to EoU. Unless those Eldrazi decks become tier one monsters they're not pushing past the prices of those two cards, especially before Modern season has even kicked into full gear. If you were interested in the deck you should have bought in a week or two ago when guys like Frank Lepore and Ali Aintrazi were talking about it instead of now when everyone is hyping the shit out of it. Regardless of situational success it's a better practice to buy around the frenzy period, not in the middle.

Teeg is a weird spike. What's he even in?

Two of in Naya Zoo sideboard. Like Kirblar said, the single printing 8+ years ago has meant any inclusion will drain the rest of any existing supply. He'll probaly settle back down around $30-40 for bit. Any reprint will absolutely destroy the price of the card though so this Modern season will probably be a good time to get out of your extra copies if you have any.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
My bigger problem is that Linvala's legs are at super random angles and are like 6 feet long.



Spellskite (NPH) is the 5th most commonly played card in Modern and Fulminator Mage (SHM) is 9th. Both saw reprints in MM2015 and should be approximately on par supply-wise to EoU. Unless those Eldrazi decks become tier one monsters they're not pushing past the prices of those two cards, especially before Modern season has even kicked into full gear. If you were interested in the deck you should have bought in a week or two ago when guys like Frank Lepore and Ali Aintrazi were talking about it instead of now when everyone is hyping the shit out of it. Regardless of situational success it's a better practice to buy around the frenzy period, not in the middle.
a) I hadn't seen the B/x Eldrazi stuff pop up until yesterday. I don't care what I "should" have done- what you do going forward matters.

b) Spellskite has more copies in print than Eye, is played in less volume overall than Eye, and is a non-essential SB card

c) Eye has additional demand. EDH/Casual play and Tron already wanted it as a 1x.

d) Eye is the fulcrum of the deck price-wise because the rest of the deck is dirt-cheap. It is the supply constraint because without it/Temple, the deck just doesn't work. Because the deck is dirt-cheap, players can easily pick up most of the deck, which then pressures the part of the deck most limited- hence, Eye skyrocketing.

e) The deck is not going anywhere. It's doing a LOT of bullshit in a format where that type of bullshit (Mono-Brown Ancient Tomb decks) hasn't existed until now. It's clearly competitive- where it falls on the "tier list" remains to be seen.

f) Both Spellskite and Fulminator Mage are $20+ cards.


I still think Ugin is evil. All of these Ugin lands only help you cast more Eldrazi, not less.

Teeg is a weird spike. What's he even in?

I don't know if Ugin is evil. I believe he's working on his own agenda, and I don't know if it's "good", but I don't think he's "evil".


Yeah, they really hammed her up for this version. They missed the mark on flavor in a few spots in this return trip, and angels were not spared from the list.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yeah, they really hammed her up for this version. They missed the mark on flavor in a few spots in this return trip, and angels were not spared from the list.

I can only assume someone at Hasbro handed down a directive that every piece of art with an angel in it has to look like a Molly Hatchet album cover.

The card's not *great* even if its not horrible. It's a really good example of a Timmy card though because even newbies can probably see what the problem is: the floor of the card is a 5/5 flier and you have no real control over the other abilities of the card. I think this card could have been way more pushed by getting a few more keywords or beefier stats, even. A 5/5 Flier for 6 is completely on-curve. I mean, compare this to Dragonlord Dromoka, which sees fringe play.

"These sure are some Star Wars."
That flavor text sounds like it came straight from one of NeoGAF's "We really are the Last of Us" topics.

Anyway, Uncharted Realms - Retaliation of Ob Nixilis, once again written by Kimberly J. Kreines, though Nik Davidson may improve the quality.
* With Ulamog trapped, Jace proposes his plan to kill it with more hedrons, but Nissa rushes in to attack Ulamog directly. Before she can reach it, Ob Nixilis ruins everyone's day by releasing it and calling Kozilek.
* Enraged, and knowing in the back of her mind that she can't actually do anything to the Eldrazi titans, Nissa tries to attack Nixilis but is slowed down by Kozilek's reality distortions.
* Kozilek destroys the Sea Gate.
* Nissa starts fighting Nixilis, but due to Kozilek's distortions, her attempt to attack Nixilis with earth results in it tumbling back at her. Ashaya the elemental comes to help, but it's getting corrupted by Kozilek, so Nissa sends it and Zendikar's soul away.
* Perspective then switches to old Bobby Nixon, presumably why there are two authors.
* Kozilek's scions are following Nixilis' commands, surrounding Nissa and forming a spacetime cage cut off from the rest of Zendikar. These commands are dangerous for Nixilis, since he risks madness (hint hint) if he does something that Kozilek is opposed to.
* Jace tries to feed Nixilis the thought that he should immediately leave Zendikar and never return, which is contrary to his own thought that he should kill everyone at Sea Gate and then leave and never return. Nixilis has enough experience to know that someone's trying to alter his mind and is able to track down Jace.
* Jace creates illusion copies of himself. Nixilis casts a spell that causes pain to everyone in the area, including himself, but he's used to the spell and thus doesn't react strongly. Nixilis is able to find the real Jace, and Jace drops all subtlety and goes for an all-out mind attack, but this just prevents Nixilis' punch from being lethal. Jace is knocked out.
* Gideon comes to the rescue, tearing one of Nixilis' wings with his sural. Nixilis notes that he could have done a follow-up attack, but Gideon didn't want to actually win the fight with attacks from behind.
* Nixilis realizes that Gideon is the one who organized the defense of the Sea Gate and is interested in a battle between armies some other time on another plane. Gideon doesn't want to do that, and Nixilis says that planeswalkers used to be more obliging.
* Nixilis attacks Gideon, but he uses his invulnerability. Gideon attacks, using invulnerability to block energy attacks and keeping his distance so Nixilis can't grapple him.
* Gideon asks Nixilis to leave everyone alone, and in response, Nixilis disintegrates some random people. Gideon is upset, but he remains between Jace and Nixilis. Nixilis suggests to Gideon that Jace is controlling his mind to protect him, and Gideon has just a moment of doubt, which is enough to leave an opening for Nixilis to get in closer.
* Gideon and Nixilis start fighting hand-to-hand. While wrestling, Gideon breaks Nixilis' leg, thinking that will end the fight, but the latter is used to pain. Nixilis is able to pin Gideon in a 3-inch pool of water and Gideon starts drowning.

The Nissa part was decent, and I thought the Nixilis part was actually pretty good.
It's too bad OGW marketing has removed any sense of tension from the story. It's also too bad Bobby Nixon isn't going to get to actually kill anybody
It's too bad OGW marketing has removed any sense of tension from the story. It's also too bad Bobby Nixon isn't going to get to actually kill anybody

I think it's overall a good thing that we can actually see the resolution of the story in the cards themselves, even if it does mean that we get an overview of the story well before we see it written out.


I think it's overall a good thing that we can actually see the resolution of the story in the cards themselves, even if it does mean that we get an overview of the story well before we see it written out.

No one is upset the story is in the cards. I think the playmat they showed did more to spoil the story than the cards themselves, especially since we haven't seen the whole set yet.
It's too bad OGW marketing has removed any sense of tension from the story.

I dunno, the thing I'm most interested in is how zendikar ends up (and therefore where ulamog and kozilek are) and I don't feel like that's really clear yet.

It's also too bad Bobby Nixon isn't going to get to actually kill anybody

Characters getting killed randomly just to show that some bad guy is OMG SO OSSUM kinda sucks. I'd rather they at least try to give everyone actual arcs.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I mean, nobody interesting is going to die. The only real option is Ob Nixilis himself.


I think that would be an interesting end to his arc. Spending the last bunch of appearances trying desperately to get his spark back, getting back, then dying. Especially since Tibalt is likely going to take the BR role that Maro seems to think Ob fills, and that we already have Liliana and Sorin as regulars/semi-regulars in that color-sphere as well. There just might not be room for him to continue.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I think that would be an interesting end to his arc. Spending the last bunch of appearances trying desperately to get his spark back, getting back, then dying. Especially since Tibalt is likely going to take the BR role that Maro seems to think Ob fills, and that we already have Liliana and Sorin as regulars/semi-regulars in that color-sphere as well. There just might not be room for him to continue.

It would be pretty funny if Ob Nix is like "I spent centuries to get my spark back and then managed to die after I got it back without actually Planeswalking anywhere"


Just how integral is Grove of the Burnwillows in a GR Tron deck? Can it be replaced with something else similar with little to no effect?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Just how integral is Grove of the Burnwillows in a GR Tron deck? Can it be replaced with something else similar with little to no effect?

I mean, like all land choices, its incremental. You do not want to take damage from your own stuff in Tron because you're likely not doing anything to effect the board from Turns 1 and 2. Tron wins in big ways that don't really care about their opponents life totals, which ends up making Grove basically just a free, untapped G/R dual.

If you super duper don't want to pay that price, just toss Stomping Grounds in. Often, the deck can tolerate it coming in tapped.

The problem is that the Burn matchup is bad enough that you really don't want to be taking 2 life when you need that Pyroclasm on the draw looking down 2 Goblin Guides because you could just get burned out. Your opponent's life total is basically meaningless when you are the Tron player, which is why Grove is played. I'd imagine that Fire-Lit Thicket is probably better than Stomping Ground, really.

The reason Grove is so expensive is dumb shit like Punishing Fire in Legacy Jund though, its not like its so much superior or essential to Tron's existence.


... I'd imagine that Fire-Lit Thicket is probably better than Stomping Ground, really.

The reason Grove is so expensive is dumb shit like Punishing Fire in Legacy Jund though, its not like its so much superior or essential to Tron's existence.

Hm... I may try that. It's really the only card in the list that I don't own any of.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Hm... I may try that. It's really the only card in the list that I don't own any of.

Actually I forgot that you need G/R in the first place to get any colored mana out of the Filterlands. (I thought it was "♦, T: add GG, G/R or RR", but actually the card is "(G/R): Add GG, G/R or RR" - because I was confusing it with a Gruul Signet lol)

So I would take that back and say that Karplusian Forest is probably the next best alternative since you can also tap it for free colorless. Karplusian Forest is also like 2 bucks.


Actually I forgot that you need G/R in the first place to get any colored mana out of the Filterlands. (I thought it was "♦, T: add GG, G/R or RR", but actually the card is "(G/R): Add GG, G/R or RR" - because I was confusing it with a Gruul Signet lol)

So I would take that back and say that Karplusian Forest is probably the next best alternative since you can also tap it for free colorless. Karplusian Forest is also like 2 bucks.

Hah dang. OK. Back to my Ice Age roots I go.
Even if there is a simple explanation (Relic of Progenitus, etc.), it's still so weird that the BFZ Eldrazi are seeing more success in Modern than Standard.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Even if there is a simple explanation (Relic of Progenitus, etc.), it's still so weird that the BFZ Eldrazi are seeing more success in Modern than Standard.

Eye of Ugin is kind of dumb with Eldrazi that don't cost 10.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Well I'm pretty sure you don't want the filterland since you need r/g to even get r/g mana.

I think you missed the part of the conversation where I realized I was thinking of the way the Signets work instead of filterlands (since make colored mana on ♦, not (R/G)), which is why I changed the recommendation to Karplusian Forest. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=190812144&postcount=426

Karplusian Forest is probably the best alternative since most of the time you don't need colored mana and it never comes in tapped. But Grove of the Burnwillows is basically just Taiga in the deck, which is why its the best option.


Are you kidding? She looks totally different from Keeper of Silence. The only thing that ties the two together is the shield which has the balance scales on it.

edit: looking over that eldrazi modern build, all I need are the lands and an extra Ulamog. sick. Gonna buy out Eye of Ugins and Eldrazi Temples


Are you kidding? She looks totally different from Keeper of Silence. The only thing that ties the two together is the shield which has the balance scales on it.

edit: looking over that eldrazi modern build, all I need are the lands and an extra Ulamog. sick. Gonna buy out Eye of Ugins and Eldrazi Temples
Do this now. (Unless you mean "market-warping buyout" in which case you're probably LTTP)


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Finished my playset of Cryptic Commands. Butttt I had started them when I was still trying to force UWR Geist. Now I don't have a deck for them. Maybe I'll jam them into a fish deck for shits and giggles.


She either A) has three legs, B) is weirdly curved with one leg straight down and one leg off to the right, or C) the thing the off to the right is just a billow of her cape and her right leg is bent and under her cape (you can see the knee poking through). I think it is C but can't be sure.

Card for new page reference:


Oh I get it now. She crosses her legs thightly together and what looks like a leg is actually a samely coloured part of her skirts. Doesn't help that she wears armor on one leg.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Oh I get it now. She crosses her legs thightly together and what looks like a leg is actually a samely coloured part of her skirts. Doesn't help that she wears armor on one leg.


Are we LOLing at the guy who Black Lotus'd to get 8 goblins on the board or the guy who's about to win?

The fact that the picture by itself tells the entire story of 2 broken limited decks resulting in a Turn 2 kill because Guy A's completely broken Turn 1 enabled Guy B's completely broken Turn 2.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";190823249]It's not much of a Battle for Zendikar if the Eldrazi just kind of show up, instantly wipe out a city without effort then leave.[/QUOTE]

But see the Planeswalkers decided they have a duty to be good guys now because reasons

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I need to get my wife on this: (she just started knitting and crocheting)



Well the Eldrazi have been wiping out all the other continents, Bala Ged is nothing but dust, Oran-Rief is fucked as you saw on the land reveal, etc.
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