Wouldn't call Modern totally healthy though, it's hard for control to get a foothold which sucks if you like to play control like me. There hasn't also been a good control card for ages too, although they did give us Nahiri to save the day. Unban JTMS please.
Wouldn't call Modern totally healthy though, it's hard for control to get a foothold which sucks if you like to play control like me. There hasn't also been a good control card for ages too, although they did give us Nahiri to save the day. Unban JTMS please.
"Grixis Control"Grixis Control is a solid tier 2, RUG Scapeshift as well. Jace is never getting unbanned.
The fundamental issue with Jace is that he does fuck all to help Control's weakpoint(The Early Game) while making the late game(Cryptic, Colonnade, Sphinx's Rev, etc) even better.Grixis Control is a solid tier 2, RUG Scapeshift as well. Jace is never getting unbanned.
"Grixis Control"
If it doesn't run Ultimatum or Nicol Bolas it isn't control.
There is no place for fairly played colored 8 mana cards in modern. The deck plays 8 ish counterspells, 8 ish draw spells, 8-10 removal spells. It's a control deck.
the the deck plays turn 2 4/5, a bunch of burn and a negate with shock to the face stapled on. It's a tempo deck, the only real control card in it is Ancestral Vision.
The deck plays 4x Cryptic Command iirc. Cryptic Command/Ancestral Visions together in a deck makes it Control.the the deck plays turn 2 4/5, a bunch of burn and a negate with shock to the face stapled on. It's a not a control deck, the only real control card in it is Ancestral Vision.
I wrongly used tempo, since that's not an actual archetype.You have tempo variants, usually with Delver and sometimes Young Pyro, but the versions playing ancestral vision, cryptic commands, etc are definitely control decks.
I disagree on it being control because it not only runs more than a couple win conditions with burn and snapcasters but that it can go on the beatdown as early as turn 2.The deck plays 4x Cryptic Command iirc. Cryptic Command/Ancestral Visions together in a deck makes it Control.
I wrongly used tempo, since that's not an actual archetype.
I disagree on it being control because it not only runs more than a couple win conditions with burn and snapcasters but that it can go on the beatdown as early as turn 2.
I wrongly used tempo, since that's not an actual archetype.
I disagree on it being control because it not only runs more than a couple win conditions with burn and snapcasters but that it can go on the beatdown as early as turn 2.
Grixis Control is a solid tier 2, RUG Scapeshift as well. Jace is never getting unbanned.
JTMS does nothing to save control from aggro or the unfair decks while also allowing them to beat up the fair midrange decks. And inflating the price of Jace another 75 bucks.
Your definition of a control is dumb as hell. It wins through countering or removing everything the opponent does while using snap, k command, crytic and Tasigur to create an overwhelming value loop.
My control decks are only complete with 34 points of burn.
Maro specifically says "no" to Tribal, but he said things like that about Madness too.
Pretty sure Maro answered a question recently that said it was more likely that we get a new Fairytale plane than we get a return to Lorwyn
What rule requires Tribal supertype? Like to me it seems that with only a few small changes they could get rid of tribal super type and still have creature subtypes on noncreatures.
I think you're very wrong, this is a control deck in every way possible.
Ah but Grixis Haterator was a legit control deck in the wild wild west Extended and that format had Dark Depths, Bloodbraid Elf, Sword of the Meek, JTMS, Seething Song, Chrome Mox. Chrome Mox adds more to control decks than Simian Spirit Guide because it adds mana over multiple turns. Grixis even sometimes played a singleton Nicol Bolas because it could add three colours with Mox.There is no place for fairly played colored 8 mana cards in modern. The deck plays 8 ish counterspells, 8 ish draw spells, 8-10 removal spells. It's a control deck.
Ah but Grixis Haterator was a legit control deck in the wild wild west Extended and that format had Dark Depths, Bloodbraid Elf, Sword of the Meek, JTMS, Seething Song, Chrome Mox. Chrome Mox adds more to control decks than Simian Spirit Guide because it adds mana over multiple turns. Grixis even sometimes played a singleton Nicol Bolas because it could add three colours with Mox.
Maybe a good compromise would be to ban Simian Spirit Guide and unban Chrome Mox?
Let's just compare it to Death's Shadow Jund. The deck runs a bunch of removal, a bunch of cycling, disruption through discard and a very limited amount of creatures. By those metrics it's a control deck.
DSJ does run either or both 3 cmc Lilianas, either of which does just what you're saying. They are Card Advantage engines that grind the opponent out and Last Hope even ends the game on her own.DSJ runs no card advantage engines and has its spell count focused primarily on 1-for-1 disruption and burst damage stuff like Temur Battle Rage. It isn't a control deck because its victory scenarios don't involve clearing the opponent's hand and board and then moving through with a protected threat; they're based around 1-for-1 trades that put you up on mana (i.e. tempo plays) and then winning with quick burst damage before your opponent can re-stabilize.
Even just look at the matchup these two decks have -- DSJ's strategy here is to get in underneath with big damage, because if it takes long enough to get rolling Grixis can just nuke its limited set of threats and then own the board.
So 4c Copycat takes both GPs, I wonder if the cat survives tomorrow (I doubt it).
I hope so because its a cool card. Saheeli should be the one banned.
DSJ does run either or both 3 cmc Lilianas
Standard seems healthy
Look at those standard numbers and then look at top 32 of the SCG Open:
There's everything in there.
Neither does adding draw threes. Within the constraints of modern Grixis Control might be the closest to actual control but it's not far removed from decks that would be considered aggro.Including a Planeswalker does not a control deck make. I mean, yes, you're looking at decks in Modern, a fast format that tends toward hybridization, so none of these are going to be the most cut-and-dry possible. There's still a huge gap between DSJ (which is a tempo deck that leverages PWs to shore up its lousy late game) and Grixis (which is a control deck that creates massive card advantage and leverages stuff like Tasigur to shore up its crappy early game.)
Nah, Saheeli at least can copy the Gearhulks/Artifacts. That's useful for.. Something? Maybe Grixis Improvise?True. Saheeli is useless outside the combo, and the card loses all monetary value regardless of which of the two gets banned.
Neither does adding draw threes.
Neither does adding draw threes. Within the constraints of modern Grixis Control might be the closest to actual control but it's not far removed from decks that would be considered aggro.Or whatever DSJ is
Well, the Probe ban is a part of the decrease of Infect. Probe gave you information, fueled Become Immense, and drew a card for 2 life. Push being a card now definitely hurts Infect, but Infect now lacking the ability to see if the coast is clear hurts it just as much.
I do think Infect will bounce back, it's just I don't know in what form. Become Immense is probably out (and I could see something else leaving with it, maybe a less painful manabase now that BI is gone)
You can equate, while not wholly accurate, card selection cantrips with playing worldly tutor and discard with counterspells, they are running the same and/or similar toolbox destruction cards and a similar amount of threats.Yes, it's adding draw threes and card selection cantrips and AOE damage and counterspells and flexible toolbox destruction cards, mostly in the place of threats, that does it.
Meanwhile they've now fixed the color pie by making sure the best card draw is in green, where it belongs!
And I'm not kidding.
If somebody told you a planeswalker had "+1: Draw a card", what color do you think it'd be? The answer, of course, is mono-green: it's Nissa, Sage Animist.
If somebody told you that a card very close to Ponder had been printed? What color do you think it'd be? Green, of course! It's Oath of Nissa.
Want a repeatable Ponder effect? Look no further than Duskwatch Recruiter, because card selection is green now.
If somebody told you there was a card that had repeatable card draw and rewarded you for making land drops and leaving mana up, what color would you expect? Why, Tireless Tracker is green, the color of draw-go!
How about a planeswalker who lets you draw cards for playing lands? Yup, Nissa, Vital Force is here to reinforce that card draw is squarely green now. And once you've got her emblem, why not tick up a Nissa, Voice of Zendikar to draw more cards?
How about a big flashy blowout card-drawing effect that also gives you a free spell? Rishkar's Expertise shows that this is absolutely a green effect.
Heck, even the planeswalker-deck version of Nissa has a repeatable draw-two effect stapled on.
If they were still taking mailbag questions I'd just ask: when did card selection and card draw become primary in green and quarternary in blue?
Probe hurts but the deck was already losing ground with the printing of EDM. Collective Brutality, Liliana tLH, and Blessed Alliance all shaved​ points from your active win percentage and newer cards like Fatal Push just makes the field actively more hostile. The combined effect of all the new cards outweighs Probe by a good bit. Don't take this as me saying the card shouldn't have been banned, it deserved it, but coverage laying it all at the feet of the ban is being overly reductive about the real factors keeping Infect from Tier 1.
Look at those standard numbers and then look at top 32 of the SCG Open:
There's everything in there.
but it didn't hurt infect since those decks (Bant Eldrazi/Jund/Abzan) were generally not super great vs Dredge.
If Gideon is banned, which I'm favoring more after seeing the top 8 results for both GPs, do you think Reflector Mage should be unbanned?
They missed CopyCat, so it's not like the thought "they have any idea what they're doing" would be a new idea.What is the purpose of unbanning a card 6 weeks after you banned it initially? I can't think of a better way to show someone that WOTC has no fucking clue what they are doing
Surprised this isn't played more in EDH
If Gideon is banned, which I'm favoring more after seeing the top 8 results for both GPs, do you think Reflector Mage should be unbanned?