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Magic: the Gathering |OT11| Amonkhet - Have you ever had decks with a Pharaoh?

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Felix bro, if you had raised the issue when he brought the Dread Wanderer back from the graveyard maybe this wouldn't be absurd, but seriously: let it go.
I mean, it was super clear on camera, anyway. He targeted the Dread Wanderer

I mean, if he was like, "Wait, why is that coming back from the graveyard? Oh shit, I meant to kill the Lord of the Accursed!" I'd be annoyed, but I'd walk it back.

But if you just sit there and let me spend mana to recur the Dread Wanderer, you really don't have any right to complain after that point.


I mean, if he was like, "Wait, why is that coming back from the graveyard? Oh shit, I meant to kill the Lord of the Accursed!" I'd be annoyed, but I'd walk it back.

I'm pretty sure that most people I played with (in drafts) wouldn't even allow this. I guess the question here is if he 'said' he wants to remove the lord, and if that counts more than pointing to the wrong card
I'm pretty sure that most people I played with (in drafts) wouldn't even allow this. I guess the question here is if he 'said' he wants to remove the lord, and if that counts more than pointing to the wrong card

It doesn't, especially in events where there are likely to be international players (and thus ESL players who may use different names for cards or be harder to understand). I'm just a softie.


Lost in the finals of the Game Day today. (Marvel

Round 1: BG Energy. Ulamog in game 1, stole their Rhonas in game 2
Round 2: Mechanized production. Didn't realize what was going on game 1 and quickly finished my opponent off. Game 2 I drew a billion lands and tried to hardcast an Ulamog exiling two clues, my opponent plays the 5 mana counter, untaps, plays Part the Waterveil, untaps, plays Part the Waterveil again. GG. Game 3 was not even close, 2-0.
Round 3: An unintentional draw against BW zombies. I lost game 1, spinning 5 times into nothing. Game 2 my opponent mulls to 4 and I win, but it took me ages. I had more than a dozen lands in play and almost nothing going on. Not enough time for game 3.
Round 4: BW Zombies again and win both games fair and square (if Marvel into Chandra and Ulamog can be considered fair)
Round 5: ID

QF: BG Energy again. Game 1 I mull to 5 and get flooded. Game 2 I keep a 7 with two Ulamogs, and win by hardcasting one of them. God bless Tireless Tracker. Game 3 my opponent doesn't have a turn 2 play, Disposeses me, but I slowly take over the game with Thopter tokens.

Semis: Mono Black Zombies. I win game 1 with the help of Chandra. What an incredible card in that matchup. Game 2 I mull to 5 containing 4 lands and a Harnessed Lightning and end up drawing stone nothing. My opponent was even stuck on one land and a billion one drops for most of the game, but I saw like 9 lands and an Ulamog. Note to self: Play a singleton Shrine of the Forsaken Gods. Game 3 Chandra was the MVP again. She wiped the board and drew me 6 cards. Good stuff.

Finals: Marvel mirror.


tl;dr: This deck basically loses to itself and sometimes UR when your draws don't allign.


My opponent stole my Marvel with Coup in the finals and got an Ulamog with it. Then I have enough energy to steal his Ulamog and he manages to Marvel into Negate using the stolen Aetherworks. Super frustrating.
Crazy battle here. Let me try to get this straight:
1. Casting Aetherworks Marvel
2. Aetherworks Marvel -> Negate
3. Dispel on the Negate
4. Harnessed Lightning for more energy
5. Another Aetherworks Marvel -> Ulamog
6. Aetherworks Marvel resolves, and spins -> whiff


Not Wario

Overload Magic (U)

Counter target spell. If you do, it's controller may add X mana in any combination of colors to their mana pool, where X is the cmc of the spell countered this way.


Would something like this be too strong to print? Keep trying to figure out counterspells they could print for modern to help deal with key early game plays.
yes, absolutely.

If your whole deck is about trading 1 for 1 then drowning the opponent in card advantage and against a bunch of decks that are all about finding a few key cards and resolving those a 1 Mana hard counter is ridiculous.
Forgot my best pickup of the day. I was delighted to find out my LGS has a box of foil lands and charges 50c per (modern bordered) regardless of set.
So I rifled through the whole box and found 2 esper basics (for Zur); a full set of Kamigawa plains and islands as well as 3/4ths of the mountains (for Narset); 1 of every land but forests from Mirrodin of which I selected 1 each (for Akiri + Silas); and 2 Lorwyn Swamps because I like them a lot.


Lost out on top 8 thanks to tiebreakers. I traded for the promo afterwards, so all is good.

I played UR Emerge. Dunked on a couple of control decks, got dunked on by RW Humans, and narrowly lost to my friend's BW Tokens feat. Bontu. Game three he got Bontu, three Hidden Stockpiles, and an Anointed Procession out, with two Westvale Abbeys in the back. I'm surprised I managed to last as long as I did against that.

It's a fun deck, but prone to occasionally doing nothing and getting run over by aggressive decks (no castable creatures below 4 mana, and the recursive creatures all come in tapped). Against RW Humans, Kozilek's Return wasn't even good because his guys grew out of range pretty fast (and he didn't even see Always Watching).
Speaking of counterspells for modern.

counter two target spells you don't control

would be interesting design. Hard to imagine this being broken in anything but in tempo against control. With the limitations you might even go crazy and make it just U/R hybrid but then that's a red counterspell.


Speaking of counterspells for modern.

counter two target spells you don't control

would be interesting design. Hard to imagine this being broken in anything but in tempo against control. With the limitations you might even go crazy and make it just U/R hybrid but then that's a red counterspell.

This is probably unplayable? You need 2 of their spells on the stack for this to even be cast!

I'd probably cost it at U/R hybrid
Now that I've built Doomsday Zur I kinda want to build Dakkon Blackblade to have a more straightforward Esper Control list again.
This is probably unplayable? You need 2 of their spells on the stack for this to even be cast!

I'd probably cost it at U/R hybrid
Yeah and it's supposed to be nigh unplayable, it'd be busted in any MU where you could expect to fight a counter war though.


I'm not sure what they are aware of anymore. Also maybe they should lay off the "look at a shit ton of cards off the top and put shit into play" designs for a while despite my love of coco.

I mean we're one set away from "marvel out bolas"


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Marvel isn't getting banned. At least not until after fall rotation and we find out "oh yeah this card is fucking broken even without ulamog and big chandra."
I'm just glad there's no good Brainstorm effects in Standard to let people load Ulamog out of their hand onto the top of their deck for Marvel.


Here's a shot as a Modern counterspell:

Counteract UU
Counter target spell with converted mana cost 3 or less.
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