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Magic: the Gathering |OT11| Amonkhet - Have you ever had decks with a Pharaoh?

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
No because saying Jacetice League is hurtful

not my words

Either Jacetice League or Superfriends are acceptable, but Jacetice League is the term that "stuck" because Rosewater made the incredibly stupid decision to bitch about that fan name. Seriously, MaRo's "you might not care about the story, but some people do" response was pure congratulationsyouplayedyourself.gif. Maro came off looking like his head was completely up his own ass, and everyone started using "Jacetice League" right after he did it (when I'd never even heard the term before that).
No because saying Jacetice League is hurtful

not my words

Either Jacetice League or Superfriends are acceptable, but Jacetice League is the term that "stuck" because Rosewater made the incredibly stupid decision to bitch about that fan name. Seriously, MaRo's "you might not care about the story, but some people do" response was pure congratulationsyouplayedyourself.gif. Maro came off looking like his head was completely up his own ass, and everyone started using "Jacetice League" right after he did it (when I'd never even heard the term before that).

Is there a link for this because it sounds hilarious.
Is there a link for this because it sounds hilarious.


He tried course correcting this in a more extensive blogatog later but that still included this tidbit
For example, if you are referring to the Gatewatch, please call them the Gatewatch. If you're referring to a character or mechanic or place, please use the actual name.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Mark Rosewater said:
rade-blunner asked: Could Tamiyo potentially join the Jacetice League?

Please don't be disrespectful of the story. You might not care but others do.

The obvious result of this was that "Jacetice League" stuck and everyone laughed at Maro being a weird little gremlin.

Dude absolutely played himself because he only has to answer questions he wants to answer and he admitted that he intentionally picked the least "offensive" question he could find on the topic of the story.


God I really want to make a quick RPG out of the Gatewatch arriving on Amonkhet. I can visually see them in the desert from FF6 and Sandworms and shit. Imma make a mockup image later.


Not Wario
Disrespectful of the story? People call it the Jacetice League as a criticism of the story- the way they're pretty transparently focusing the narrative on selling a face for the brand to be used later. The whole point is that the audience believes there is the potential for telling greater stories with a more varied cast of characters that WotC is missing out. It's not a lack of caring; it's an abundance of it. It's their story at the end of the day and they can do with it what they want, but don't ask people to refrain from criticizing it. That just looks pretty bad.
You know, when people invent their own words to talk about things you're doing, just be glad that people are talking about things you're doing often enough and with enough interest to be making up words. Even if you don't like the words.

Yes, this means even if someone calls your band "bitch-metal" you should just be glad that enough people are listening and thinking about your music to have come up with a new classification.


Sooo.... is there a reason i'm seeing Japanese Commander decks at Walmart of all places?


Sooo.... is there a reason i'm seeing Japanese Commander decks at Walmart of all places?

They've been selling them for a couple months. Presumably the English version is long sold out and their distributors are getting rid of the Japanese sets now. I bought the Atraxa and Breya decks and they were legit.



NEW LEGENDRULE! Stronghold Taskmaster gets an upgrade, plus some suggestions for building around it in Commander.
Catacomb sifter doesn't work if Stakhan is your commander, because his color identity is B and Sifter is BG. It's fine to still mention it, but it should be in the "In the 99" segment rather than the "As a Commander" segment.


Catacomb sifter doesn't work if Stakhan is your commander, because his color identity is B and Sifter is BG. It's fine to still mention it, but it should be in the "In the 99" segment rather than the "As a Commander" segment.

derp. You can tell I haven't made one in a while.

Anyway I finished my quickdraft image of Amonkhet

Heads up, the location of the Nationals got changed to Richmond.


Anyone have any idea why mist bind clique is spiking

Taking a wild guess but maybe people are thinking of metagaming against the horde of Shadow decks with Spellstutter Sprites.

Heads up, the location of the Nationals got changed to Richmond.

Yep buddy of mine who I stayed with for GP Richmond texted me about this. Can't pass up on hanging with him... and getting that sweet Inkmoth promo. :)


Unconfirmed Member
What's the consensus on sitting on invocations or selling immediately?
What's the consensus on sitting on invocations or selling immediately?
My first blush impression is that the primary value driver for Invocations is rarity, meaning that the longer you wait the more there are on the market the lower the price goes. All else being equal anyway. I doubt they'll see much play (since hey, why risk it) so meta value feels like it probably won't have much effect.

Pure guesswork tho.


Currently my build for my main deck:

I'm really liking it to play actually. It's not the best in the current meta, but I hardly play at tournament level and it's more designed to be able to be played against a wide range of slightly more casual, Modern oriented decks. The deck is just designed around cards that fit my playstyle, and as an added bonus I have to say that I really appreciate the art on many of them.

There's a heavy focus on removal rather than direct counterspells and a subtheme of life gain to be able to stall to the longer game. I don't really want to go all in with the Nahiri combo and that's what the Geists mainboard are for, they really keep the threat up and can hit the opponent quite hard when I gain total control of board state. In that way the deck's more flexible than a total control deck. Sideboard's not really decided on, that's just a cut of the 25 or so cards I have to try out different flavours of the deck.

Now looking to acquire the fourth Snapcaster and reworking the manabase a bit. Need some Scalding Tarns and Arid Mesas and a couple of Collonades, but I don't want to stray far away from the basic land total, I don't really like greedy manabases. I also have one Ancestral Visions, but it's too expensive to complete the playset and I don't know what to cut for a full playset.

Anyone having some suggestions from recent sets on what could be included? Maybe swap the Timely Reinforcements for Blessed Alliances? If Torrential Gearhulk didn't rise in price so much I could have used it as a replacement for the fourth Snapcaster to cast Cryptic Command, that's easier on the mana requirements and has a bigger hitting body.


What's the consensus on sitting on invocations or selling immediately?

Which ones do you have? If it's Gods, I'd sell ASAP because I don't see any of them becoming eternal all-stars. Anything else, should probably still sell some just because more packs = lower price.


Currently my build for my main deck:

I'm really liking it to play actually. It's not the best in the current meta, but I hardly play at tournament level and it's more designed to be able to be played against a wide range of slightly more casual, Modern oriented decks. The deck is just designed around cards that fit my playstyle, and as an added bonus I have to say that I really appreciate the art on many of them.

There's a heavy focus on removal rather than direct counterspells and a subtheme of life gain to be able to stall to the longer game. I don't really want to go all in with the Nahiri combo and that's what the Geists mainboard are for, they really keep the threat up and can hit the opponent quite hard when I gain total control of board state. In that way the deck's more flexible than a total control deck. Sideboard's not really decided on, that's just a cut of the 25 or so cards I have to try out different flavours of the deck.

Now looking to acquire the fourth Snapcaster and reworking the manabase a bit. Need some Scalding Tarns and Arid Mesas and a couple of Collonades, but I don't want to stray far away from the basic land total, I don't really like greedy manabases. I also have one Ancestral Visions, but it's too expensive to complete the playset and I don't know what to cut for a full playset.

Anyone having some suggestions from recent sets on what could be included? Maybe swap the Timely Reinforcements for Blessed Alliances? If Torrential Gearhulk didn't rise in price so much I could have used it as a replacement for the fourth Snapcaster to cast Cryptic Command, that's easier on the mana requirements and has a bigger hitting body.

Hey, it's my deck! I really prefer the full 4 Nahiri main, but since you don't want to do that, my suggestions would be (and this is just my preference):

Mainboard I would go -1 Helix, -1 Timely, -1 Anger, -1 Counterflux, -1 Wrath, -1 Electrolyze +2 Verdict +1 Ancestral +2 Spell Snare +1 Mana Leak. Verdict is very good against a lot of decks right now.

Sideboard, add Condemn. It's like a 50 cent card and really good against Death's Shadow. +1 Anger as well.

The Colonnades are IMO the biggest thing you should try to acquire, they're more important than Ancestral Vision.

Ancestral is the last thing I want for my deck, really hope I don't have to wait too long on a reprint.


Unconfirmed Member
Which ones do you have? If it's Gods, I'd sell ASAP because I don't see any of them becoming eternal all-stars. Anything else, should probably still sell some just because more packs = lower price.

Spell Pierce. Bought for 35 AUD which is about 25 USD
What are your guys' thoughts on the new Nissa, Steward of Elements? I really like the card but I don't have anything to do with it at the moment. I see copies for 9.99 USD and I am tempted but if the consensus is that it has nowhere to go but down, I would prefer to wait.

I just hate when stuff jumps. Not a ton of risk until the next set?


What are your guys' thoughts on the new Nissa, Steward of Elements? I really like the card but I don't have anything to do with it at the moment. I see copies for 9.99 USD and I am tempted but if the consensus is that it has nowhere to go but down, I would prefer to wait.

I just hate when stuff jumps. Not a ton of risk until the next set?

New Nissa doesn't really do anything. The fact that it can't protect itself or remove a threat makes her unplayable atm.

Went 3-1 with the stock Temur Marvel build, losing to the control Temur Marvel build. Still not sure which version is better, though the control version felt better in the mirror. Think I'm gonna switch to it for Gameday.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
What are your guys' thoughts on the new Nissa, Steward of Elements? I really like the card but I don't have anything to do with it at the moment. I see copies for 9.99 USD and I am tempted but if the consensus is that it has nowhere to go but down, I would prefer to wait.

I just hate when stuff jumps. Not a ton of risk until the next set?
It's not any good unless you reliably lead Sylvan Advocate into it.


So I got my fucking ASS handed to me tonight from two decks

GW Humans (which just went over the top of me) and

My fucking nemesis

UR Gearhulk

So I've decided to break ranks (somewhat) and reorganize my SB to better face them, the 2 BW Zombie decks, 2 UR Control, and anything in between.

Here's my list:


any suggestions?


Not Wario
The general approach I've had with UR control is just overloading their answers. In temur marvel, I cut out the puzzle knots weak removal and basically fill the deck with must counters/kill aside from attune. That means tireless tracker, glimmers, Chandra's, whirlers, gear hulks, marvels, ulamogs, and hydras. While these threats are outside your colors, the approach can transition over. Attack them from a ton of angles, play must answer threats on turn 4 and 5 when they'd rather be glimmering and just put them miles behind. The single card I've actually had the most success against the deck with, surprisingly, isn't a pw or ulamog- it's bristling hydra. A resolved hydra with a little bit of energy banked is nearly impossible for ur control to handle.


The general approach I've had with UR control is just overloading their answers. In temur marvel, I cut out the puzzle knots weak removal and basically fill the deck with must counters/kill aside from attune. That means tireless tracker, glimmers, Chandra's, whirlers, gear hulks, marvels, ulamogs, and hydras. While these threats are outside your colors, the approach can transition over. Attack them from a ton of angles, play must answer threats on turn 4 and 5 when they'd rather be glimmering and just put them miles behind. The single card I've actually had the most success against the deck with, surprisingly, isn't a pw or ulamog- it's bristling hydra. A resolved hydra with a little bit of energy banked is nearly impossible for ur control to handle.
Nice. I'm putting in dispel in place of negate to off tempo a counter early strat when I SB against it.
It'd need a BG build or Mardu build that can deal with Marvel. I would not be surprised to see a MarduU build resurface. The blue was always free to include with 8 5c lands and the fastlands.


GW Humans (which just went over the top of me

what's so great about GW humans compared to RW? They get Tracker and ... maybe Gearhulk. Renagade Rallier is meh. Red seems to have the much better tools for humans. Any sweeper is going to kill both decks anyway

RU control seems like a good choice in the Marvel/Zombie meta. I've played with both BW Zombies and RU before they became cool
Went 3-2-1 at Gameday just missing top 8. Drew with sultai marvel after getting all my wincons but fumarole beats removed and lost the mirror in the final round to dragonmaster outcast both games. The final match was so frustrating my opponent put down a Dragonmaster early in game 2 and 3 and was able to protect it both times making for almost instant losses. I even kept in removal specifically for the guy but my opponent drew perfect answers.

Only other loss has was to jund aggro where I got flooded game 1 and screwed game 2.

The marvel matchup isn't nearly as good as people think for UR control.

edit: still got a Glorybringer


These Vizier+Druid Abzan Coco decks seem really, really good on the scg stream.

EDIT: Ooh, Harsh Mentor seems like a great silver bullet for that mirror.
Haha, Daniel Fournier put a spinning top on Aetherworks Marvel. (in GP Montreal)

EDIT: Confusion about what happens with a Confiscation Coup'd exerted Glorybringer. When does it untap? It was determined that the exertion "don't untap" part refers to the original controller's next turn, so it does untap during the new controller's next turn.
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