Perhaps it was just a cover for them actually renaming the Gatewatch as the Jacetice League.
No because saying Jacetice League is hurtful
not my words
Perhaps it was just a cover for them actually renaming the Gatewatch as the Jacetice League.
I mean, I don't think Maro would have said "less Gatewatch starting in Hour" if it was actually Jace in it.
No because saying Jacetice League is hurtful
not my words
No because saying Jacetice League is hurtful
not my words
Either Jacetice League or Superfriends are acceptable, but Jacetice League is the term that "stuck" because Rosewater made the incredibly stupid decision to bitch about that fan name. Seriously, MaRo's "you might not care about the story, but some people do" response was pure congratulationsyouplayedyourself.gif. Maro came off looking like his head was completely up his own ass, and everyone started using "Jacetice League" right after he did it (when I'd never even heard the term before that).
Is there a link for this because it sounds hilarious.
http://markrosewater.tumblr.com/post/141666848858/your-response-to-the-question-about-tamiyo-joiningFor example, if you are referring to the Gatewatch, please call them the Gatewatch. If you're referring to a character or mechanic or place, please use the actual name.
Mark Rosewater said:rade-blunner asked: Could Tamiyo potentially join the Jacetice League?
Please don't be disrespectful of the story. You might not care but others do.
Sooo.... is there a reason i'm seeing Japanese Commander decks at Walmart of all places?
Sooo.... is there a reason i'm seeing Japanese Commander decks at Walmart of all places?
Catacomb sifter doesn't work if Stakhan is your commander, because his color identity is B and Sifter is BG. It's fine to still mention it, but it should be in the "In the 99" segment rather than the "As a Commander" segment.
Catacomb sifter doesn't work if Stakhan is your commander, because his color identity is B and Sifter is BG. It's fine to still mention it, but it should be in the "In the 99" segment rather than the "As a Commander" segment.
derp. You can tell I haven't made one in a while.
Anyway I finished my quickdraft image of Amonkhet
Heads up, the location of the Nationals got changed to Richmond.
Anyone have any idea why mist bind clique is spiking
Heads up, the location of the Nationals got changed to Richmond.
My first blush impression is that the primary value driver for Invocations is rarity, meaning that the longer you wait the more there are on the market the lower the price goes. All else being equal anyway. I doubt they'll see much play (since hey, why risk it) so meta value feels like it probably won't have much effect.What's the consensus on sitting on invocations or selling immediately?
What's the consensus on sitting on invocations or selling immediately?
Maybe I'm nuts, but I don't see why the deck doesn't run Metallic Mimic. It's the thing (with Thalia's lieutenant) that makes the go wide be a valid approach.4 Colour (5 if you include the sideboard) Humans made 5-0 yesterday in Modern! I love when brews like those get winnings.
Maybe I'm nuts, but I don't see why the deck doesn't run Metallic Mimic. It's the thing (with Thalia's lieutenant) that makes the go wide be a valid approach.
Currently my build for my main deck:
I'm really liking it to play actually. It's not the best in the current meta, but I hardly play at tournament level and it's more designed to be able to be played against a wide range of slightly more casual, Modern oriented decks. The deck is just designed around cards that fit my playstyle, and as an added bonus I have to say that I really appreciate the art on many of them.
There's a heavy focus on removal rather than direct counterspells and a subtheme of life gain to be able to stall to the longer game. I don't really want to go all in with the Nahiri combo and that's what the Geists mainboard are for, they really keep the threat up and can hit the opponent quite hard when I gain total control of board state. In that way the deck's more flexible than a total control deck. Sideboard's not really decided on, that's just a cut of the 25 or so cards I have to try out different flavours of the deck.
Now looking to acquire the fourth Snapcaster and reworking the manabase a bit. Need some Scalding Tarns and Arid Mesas and a couple of Collonades, but I don't want to stray far away from the basic land total, I don't really like greedy manabases. I also have one Ancestral Visions, but it's too expensive to complete the playset and I don't know what to cut for a full playset.
Anyone having some suggestions from recent sets on what could be included? Maybe swap the Timely Reinforcements for Blessed Alliances? If Torrential Gearhulk didn't rise in price so much I could have used it as a replacement for the fourth Snapcaster to cast Cryptic Command, that's easier on the mana requirements and has a bigger hitting body.
Which ones do you have? If it's Gods, I'd sell ASAP because I don't see any of them becoming eternal all-stars. Anything else, should probably still sell some just because more packs = lower price.
What are your guys' thoughts on the new Nissa, Steward of Elements? I really like the card but I don't have anything to do with it at the moment. I see copies for 9.99 USD and I am tempted but if the consensus is that it has nowhere to go but down, I would prefer to wait.
I just hate when stuff jumps. Not a ton of risk until the next set?
It's not any good unless you reliably lead Sylvan Advocate into it.What are your guys' thoughts on the new Nissa, Steward of Elements? I really like the card but I don't have anything to do with it at the moment. I see copies for 9.99 USD and I am tempted but if the consensus is that it has nowhere to go but down, I would prefer to wait.
I just hate when stuff jumps. Not a ton of risk until the next set?
Nice. I'm putting in dispel in place of negate to off tempo a counter early strat when I SB against it.The general approach I've had with UR control is just overloading their answers. In temur marvel, I cut out the puzzle knots weak removal and basically fill the deck with must counters/kill aside from attune. That means tireless tracker, glimmers, Chandra's, whirlers, gear hulks, marvels, ulamogs, and hydras. While these threats are outside your colors, the approach can transition over. Attack them from a ton of angles, play must answer threats on turn 4 and 5 when they'd rather be glimmering and just put them miles behind. The single card I've actually had the most success against the deck with, surprisingly, isn't a pw or ulamog- it's bristling hydra. A resolved hydra with a little bit of energy banked is nearly impossible for ur control to handle.
It's not any good unless you reliably lead Sylvan Advocate into it.
Went with UR control to gameday. Really like the deck, if the meta ever shifts to midrange I'll shift back to grixis.
GW Humans (which just went over the top of me
wanna trade?edit: still got a Glorybringer