So, I went to my first midnight Prerelease last night. It was fun, but kinda overwhelming. I pulled some awesome cards, including a Gideon and a Consecrated Sphinx Invocation, so it was kinda difficult to build a single deck because of all the options.
I ended up with a WG deck focused on the Embalming Mechanic and generating 1/1 Soldiers from Oketra's Monument. Went 2 wins, 2 losses.
It was really fun overall, I might go again today or tomorrow.
Also, are the Invocations and some of the Mythics, especially Gideon, easier to pull now? There were twenty of us and four of us pulled Invocations, four Gideons, and 3 of the Gods. That seems a bit more common than during Kaladesh and Aether Revolt?
Also, even though I hate their design, the Invocations are kinda nice in person. Still gonna dump it the first chance I get.