It wouldn't be overpowered in the rare slot.
i bet the main thing they learn from this set is overcompensating for the complexity budget at mythic doesn't work well
It wouldn't be overpowered in the rare slot.
why hello there future set plant
Maybe, but I guarantee it's mostly intended for morphs. Also, this is yet another crap rare. I mean, it's decent, but wow, how boring.
The Eldrazi should be back within a year, it's a really good card.Maybe, but I guarantee it's mostly intended for morphs. Also, this is yet another crap rare. I mean, it's decent, but wow, how boring.
Have you played with Bonesplitter in Limited?
The Eldrazi should be back within a year, it's a really good card.
Yes. It was also a common.
Just another simple, boring, but playable Khans rare. The world's best Vulshok Morningstar is still a Vulshok Morningstar.
Trusty Machete was fine at uncommon (unless you had a Nighthawk).
This may be playable in a near mono brown standard deck with ornithopters and phyrexian invokers. Just need a few more cheap artifact creatures and/or good morphs. The rares spoiled so far have been overwhelming though. Where are my efficient bears and one-drops?
It's a conditional 5cmc 6/8 flier with a conditional lifelink trigger. At 5cmc, it gets played only after a boardwipe (assuming we do get a 4cmc wipe in KTK) can get played which renders both of its abilities pretty useless.
The red one needs to be a 2/1 for R
a.k.a, Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting
they won't do this but i hope they actually name it this or at the very least put a cute reference in the flavor text
Exalted Angel was miserable. I very much like this approach.From Marshall's article:
"No morph, when turned face up, will outright trump another face-down morph in combat for anything under five mana, across all rarities.
That's right, if you block a morph with your morph, and your opponent has less than five mana available, the other morph is not going to kill your morph and survive whether it's turned face up or not. If your opponent has five or more mana available, then all bets are off. This is something that will be very useful to you in the early stages of your first Khans of Tarkir Limited matches.
Usually, the morph cost is some amount of mana or another form of payment. With the cycle we have today, getting them turned face up costs no mana at all."
I can understand commons and uncommons but applying this to rares and mythics? Good job knee-capping this mechanic WOTC :/ RIP Exalted Angel 2.0 hopes
As an aside, how many morphs have seen T2 or older format play? I can think of Exalted Angel, Vesuvan Shapeshifter, Brine Elemental, Blistering Firecat (I think) and Thelonite Hermit. Any others?
Do your creatures have to be flying when you declare your attackers or can you use the instant and switch them to flying before blockers are declared? I was always confused on that with the blue paragon in m15.
Do your creatures have to be flying when you declare your attackers or can you use the instant and switch them to flying before blockers are declared? I was always confused on that with the blue paragon in m15.
Wonder if they're going to reprint Ghostfire sometime over the block given that it's kind of overcosted for its effect today.
Sure, its limited playable.
Can't. Justify. Flavor. *collapses*
I remember when the "upkeep" phase involved actually paying to upkeep your creatures and such. Now it's just "phase where your opponent fucks you before you can draw anything."
Vendillion Clique was a terrible design.I remember when the "upkeep" phase involved actually paying to upkeep your creatures and such. Now it's just "phase where your opponent fucks you before you can draw anything."