Right, my mistake. I also got
a white instant, may or may not be called 'securing the wasteland'
a blue creature, Jeskai Infiltrator
a black legendary creature, Kothoped the soul collector
a golden spell, Power of Abzan
Hopefully these names are close.
Out of those, the first, Secure the Wastes, is considered the most powerful.
As I mention in the OP, deck building can be extremely complicated. I recommend playing the F2P game Magic Duels to understand the game, and then if you're willing to spend more money, buying a pre-made deck and modifying it with the cards you have.
Also, it's safe to say that most of your cards won't be legal in the Standard format. If you're just playing casually with friends, this is fine, but you shouldn't bring your deck to a tournament using the Standard format. You could take it to a Modern tournament, but those tend to have stronger and more expensive decks.
(Added a new note to the OP's Getting Started section about playing casually.)
Latest Developments on the state of Standard after Eldritch moon.
Sam Stoddard admits that he was patting himself on the back too early regarding Shadows over Innistrad Standard. He thinks Eldritch Moon Standard is more diverse than people think, but that doesn't matter if everyone runs into three Collected Company decks in every seven-round tournament. The format is much more complex than they intended, especially with having to make calculations for delirium and emerge and playing around Emrakul, as demonstrated by so many matches going to time. The biggest piece of feedback from pros is that they think Standard is very hard to play right now. One attempted solution for this is they're cutting back on the number of keywords, which had gotten out of hand in the past few blocks, and they already noticed this problem by the time they started working on Kaladesh. Development tries to push some cards using every keyword, so this would result in sets being pushed in less directions.
Like everyone else, he'll be glad when Collected Company rotates out of Standard soon. Since this was written before the World Championship, he says he doesn't think everyone will play Collected Company. (No, others played Emrakul instead)