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Major sites/news media give their verdicts on the main E3 Conferences

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The ExtremeTech article is bonkers. They bring MS down a few notches for showing multiplatform games, and then praise Sony for Destiny and No mans sky, which are mulitplatform games. My brain hurt. There were pretty even in the true exclusives in both conferences, with Sony's indy stuff probably pushing the edge in their favour, but it wasn't a tidal waves difference.

I think a lot of these reactions are okay though. The super leaks MS suffered lessened the impact of most of MS's reveals, and nothing can be done about that.

You can't put much weight on third party stuff when your console is the least powerful of the two leaders and you only have lame exclusives like early DLC.

I thought for example, having exclusive betas for Destiny and Hardline is a good example from Sony's side. Everytime i saw a third party non exclusive game on the MS conference i kept thinking, nice i will buy this for my PS4. I'm sure i wasn't alone.


What Bombs did Nintendo drop exactly?

Well they showed about the same amount of footage of Zelda as EA did of ME4, but apparently the former is a MEGATON.

Oh and a new SMash character that people seem excited about but not being a hardcore Ninty fan I haven't ever heard of :/


MS: Crackdown 3
SONY: Drake: Check, Jungle: Check, Yawns from Me: Check
Nintendo - Zelda automatically wins the show.

Sad and awesome! I love it!


Nintendo's robot chicken saved it. Being critical, it really wasn't that great. They showed Zelda, which we knew about already and just gave a teaser of what we already assumed to be the new direction (and the only logical one really). Show cased the Mii which is a controversial character to the Smash community, showed 2015 games we knew about already, gave X an actual name and revealed Palutena which from what I understand isn't a HUGE character reveal like Mega Man or Snake. I honestly just went back to my coding screen for most of it. The invitational and unrevealed games might be good though.

Edit: I did find it interesting that they had Robot chicken troll, the people who ask for anything but Mario games.

Boss Man

I'm most excited about what Nintendo showed.

If I were one of the three companies, I'd be most excited to be Sony.

Great E3 all around in my opinion.

Microsoft is bringing games.
They're in full fight mode and it's good for us.
Bloodborne/Souls makes my pee pee tingle.
Sony VR is exciting.
Open world Zelda wow.
A new IP that looks very fresh and good ...from a Nintendo conference??


Unconfirmed Member
Sony's conference felt as if it had more avenues. While some parts were poorly constructed (TV and movies), they nevertheless added content to the platform, in addition to improving the other services such as PS+, PSN, PS TV, Vita, Morpheus, etc., all of which are helping shape the ecosystem. They didn't have a shorthand of games compared to Microsoft, they had roughly the same amount of games shown (I think many more, actually, if I consider the indie games).

I don't see how people are saying Microsoft blew Sony out of the water with games when Sony not only showed a similar quantity of titles, but more specifically a number of exclusives as well. This part really is no better or worse because it all depends on a person's preference. Some will prefer Microsoft's exclusives, others will prefer Sony's, so maybe a lot of you should pre-tag your shit and say "[you] prefer" their games and not necessarily that one or the other had so many more or less, better or worse games.

So while Microsoft went all in with games, they showed little of anything else outside of that box. They recently dropped Kinect, so where do they stand? They are looking less like an all-in-one entertainment system. That title seems to be going to Sony, who seems to be doing a lot to integrate their many services while also introducing many new types of experiences. I feel like Microsoft is just stripping away their original image and as a result are paling in comparison to their competitor, who at the same price, to me, offers more value. And I think Sony's conference delivered on that front.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
.... Seriously..?

And this is coming from a huge Zelda fan.

But THAT was the "bomb"?

jesus christ what were you expecting

i mean i guess metroid prime wii u would have been pretty spectacular

either way it eclipsed anything from sony and MS's pressers


Zelda can't win the show. It's a trailer for a game years away. That's like saying the Wii U Zelda Spider trailer won E3 2011.
Why is no-one talking about Nintendo? Just because they didn't present. It still seems like, especially with a strong showing, it's worth talking about Nintendo as part of the overall games scene re E3.

Likely they made these articles before the direct and the proceeded to publish them afterwards

Nintendo not having a conference is likely another reason

Even though Nintendo showed some new material likely the press wanted to square of companies that where in the eyes of the mainstream press as console rivals... Also pleasing stock investors
All of the conferences were mediocre C-grade stuff, except for EA's...theirs was possibly the worst in recent memory.

We haven't had a genuinely great E3 conference from anybody in years, where everything came together properly (pacing, presenters, audio mixing, good balance between games and other announcements, focus on exclusives, gameplay demos and actual megaton-caliber AAA surprises that were successfully kept under wraps - with actual gameplay demos of those).


You can't put much weight on third party stuff when your console is the least powerful of the two leaders and you only have lame exclusives like early DLC.

I thought for example, having exclusive betas for Destiny and Hardline is a good example from Sony's side. Everytime i saw a third party non exclusive game on the MS conference i kept thinking, nice i will buy this for my PS4. I'm sure i wasn't alone.

By that logic, why didn't sony just give up if every Multplatform title looked/performed worse on PS3?


Why is no-one talking about Nintendo? Just because they didn't present. It still seems like, especially with a strong showing, it's worth talking about Nintendo as part of the overall games scene re E3.

The problem with Nintendo as an article piece is that it'll change nothing for the holiday whereas the stakes were higher for Microsoft to come out with something that can change the narrative.

Nintendo having the best exclusives is nothing new, hell you could make that case last year, but all the Mario 3DWorld pimping was but a fart in the wind compared to the usual annual titles unfortunately.
The conferences have been good for me. All of them showed or announced games that I'm looking forward to in the future and I'm feeling better about owning all the consoles than I did before.

In terms of exclusives announced or shown Microsoft and Nintendos were more interesting to me than Sonys and thats how I'm ranking the conferences. Sony gets credit for being the best console to play multiplatform games on but that doesn't automatically win E3 like I've seen a lot of people say. If I'm being honest I find most big name multiplatform games incredibly dull these days. Some of the indie games looked very cool but I'll be getting those on pc. So yeah, all about the exclusives for me and Sonys are the least interesting of the three.


Zelda looks really cool but i don't think 1 game = runaway e3 success. There was nothing else to get excited about. (maybe X)


jesus christ what were you expecting

i mean i guess metroid prime wii u would have been pretty spectacular

either way it eclipsed anything from sony and MS's pressers

Gameplay? Hell, a reveal on the level of the Twilight Princess reveal on 2014? We barely say anything this time around. Even if I'm a huge Zelda fan, I refuse to join the "ZOMG ZELDA AUTOMATIC WIN" bandwagon. It's ridiculous.
MS has a lot of ground to make up. What I liked about MS conference was the focus on games (of course). What I didn't like was a majority of them were 3rd party. Trying to use the 3rd party play book when your sitting in 2nd and your multi-plats are worse (for now? Or forever?) isn't going to work. Sony didn't comeback last gen advertising 3rd parties. They had amazing 1st party support so they can at least sell their system as a 1st party machine. I'm looking at the Xbox as a 2nd console but the first party lineup doesn't encourage me to do so yet. Still I'm encouraged. B

Sony came out the gate firing on all cylinders, like a young mike Tyson. Then Yawn Layden came out and did what u never should do. If you guys wanted to talk about that other shit, y'all easily could've announced it before hand. Still they had the most exclusives and don't seem to be letting up. But u have to get penalized for that middle tv segment and having BMB on stage, like idk but I like Phil more than Yawn already. Yawn came out to me like Mattrick, while Spencer gave me a Trenton like vibe B

Neither console gets an A cause of this stupid trend of showing a multi platform game and announcing exclusive DLC. FUCK EXCLUSIVE DLC. BOTH COMPANIES! FUCK EXCLUSIVE DLC! WE DONT GIVE A FUCK!

Nintendo surprised me the most, loved a majority of their announcements. But their games are looking dated and they have no 3rd party support. So yes they have bayonetta (yes) and smash and Zelda exclusive to the platform.... But that's all their entire library. I'm sure Nintendo fans are happy, but a lot of you have the console already. Wii U is past the point of saving but the fact that they're still supporting the console is great. Compared to what they've showed so far they get a B+

So Nintendo wins E3, by a slight margin, but I see sony's lead extending into the year. Let me just say his about the master chief collection. Idk why MS would charge 60 for this or even launch it this fall.You're going to pay 60$ for this when Destiny is going to be on the shelf for the same price? Halo 5 would have problems competing against Destiny, COD:AW & Battlefield: Hardline, so you put the MCC against it? IMO no one should release a shooter in the fall outside of EA & Activision. Too much competition.

Edit: looked at the Nintendo conference again... They get a B too. No one wins E3! Being a Zelda and Bayonetta fan I overrated it. After looking again, they did good by Nintendo standards.


1. Nintendo
2. Sony
3. Microsoft

Kudos to Nintendo for not throwing in the towel, they brought their A game and it showed. Wii U definitely has a bright future, even if it's just Nintendo developed/published games from here on out.

Sony and Microsoft were both pretty underwhelming for me, Microsoft slightly more. Too much showcase of mutliplatform games. Sony still ignoring the several features that should have been in the system at launch (DLNA, MP3, sleep mode, PS1/PS2 support).


Nintendo's completely disconnected from the market and relegated to niche. I gave their Direct today an E-, because the only highlight was Splatoon, which is coming in 2015. Also no presser is a big, big minus.

It's like some of you guys live on another planet. I understand saying "those games aren't for me" but this... smh

bob page

Nintendo: B+
Sony: B+
Microsoft: C+
EA: D-
Ubisoft: D+

I thought Sony & Nintendo stole the show with their game offerings. If it wasn't for the low points during the Sony keynote (cough... Shawn), it would have been the clear winner, but I was a big fan of Nintendo's format as well. Microsoft was vastly improved compared to last year but still didn't have many compelling reasons to sell their console apart from Sunset Overdrive this year (Halo and Crackdown for me next year). Most of their titles are still mutliplatform & will likely play better on the PS4. Wasn't a fan of all the CG trailers either.

I also found it kind of strange that Microsoft doesn't have anything exciting for its gamers the next month or so. Sony is offering betas for Destiny & BF Hardline but I feel kinda bad for Xbox One exclusive gamers- seem to be left out of the fun right now.

Biggest games for me were No Man's Sky, Grim Fandango, Zelda, Sunset Overdrive, & Little Big Planet 3.


uhhhh...open world legend of zelda?

Looks like Oblivion with rupees.

I had to do it.

Nintendo had the game I found most intriguing, Splatoon.
Sony had the most games I found interesting.
Microsoft didn't have anything.

Sony gets the win, Nintendo gets game of show, Microsoft gets a consolation prize for not managing to alienate almost every gamer out there two years in a row.
Funny how EA gets ragged on for showing developer interviews at their set piece while Nintendo is the best for doing the same. Smh.

I really don't care who "won" e3. It's just incites fanboi drivel, whether obvious or stealth. I am perfectly fine with my PS4 for the foreseeable future. MS hasn't won me over and I really doubt they will after this conference. I am nixing that future purchase since too many games overlap with the Sony console. I just prefer the Sony exclusive brand more. Nintendo is still on hold for me. Zelda did pique my interest. Maybe if I can find a good deal on the hardware.
Do you think they cut their losses, decided on the wiiU platform as a more reasonable development cost option? I wish they went back to the drawing board instead.

This might sound harsh, but i think nobody else wanted to pick it up. Seems like Team Ninja did more then he gave them credit for,
This E3 let me know who to ignore on GAF. The mental hoops people have to go through to come to some of their conclusions amazing. I see people look at one conference say that they shouldn't have done this then look at another conference and praise them for the exact same thing.

I feel like E3 just exposes people. I liked Nintendos conference and it was very entertaining and I liked their developer diaries more than I liked Electronic Arts developer diaries but they didn't show a whole lot of stuff. Zelda was only shown for like 5 seconds. Somehow that's a megaton even though we knew it was coming. And they seemed to spend like 20 minutes on smash and amiibo.

People seem to rate conferences differently. I mean if I look at it from an entertainment stand point Nintendo and then Ubisoft had the best conferences. But clearly they didn't have the best showing. Microsoft I thought had the best showing of games but they fell flat on actual gameplay. Sony had this loll in the middle of their conference which completely put me to sleep and it was 2 hours long with all of these third parties. I don't care about third parties in a first party conference. Mortal Kombat and Batman looked amazing The Witcher and the division looked amazing but Sony and Microsoft need to understand that for some of us we just don't care about third parties at first party conferences. I expect it and never see that go away because it doesn't make sense align yourself with popular third party intellectual property but personally it doesn't do anything for me.

The most important thing is exclusives and between MS and Sony when I look at their lineups for 2014 and 2015 I see MS on top. The Order looked so bad and Sunset looked great. Horizon 2 looks a lot better than Drive Club. The Halo Collection is the the best deal in gaming. In 2015 it's more about preference. I prefer Halo to Uncharted but others may feel differently.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Nintendo won by default because it showed gameplay, it's really hard for me to get excited for some teaser trailers(man seeing just some CG for Bloodborn when we already had some in game leaks was a huge disappointment).
I want to see gameplay, not just some futile CG.
I guess I am in the minority who genuinely liked all the press conferences this E3 overall? lol

Microsoft had a lot of exclusives I wanted to play, I loved the (official) announcements of Crackdown 3 and Platinum's new games and Phantom Dust was a pleasant surprise.

EA definitely had the worst conference, but I liked the updates on Battlefront 3 and Mirror's Edge 2. The sports stuff aren't really my thing, but I know it is a lot of people's thing, I expected them to talk about it.

Ubisoft's was well-paced, well-presented, and they had a lot of games that impressed me.

The middle part of Sony's conference was also probably the other low point of E3, I didn't care much for the Vita TV stuff and the Powers talk was boring, dragged on for too long, and had nothing to show for. But the beginning and end were pretty strong and the games they showed off looked cool (GRIM FANDANGO).

Nintendo had the best. Enough said.

Sure there were some downs and I understand if people weren't exactly happy with it, but overall I was very satisfied with this E3. Probably one of the better ones in recent years. 2014 and 2015 are gonna be great! :D
What Bombs did Nintendo drop exactly?

-ZeldaU looked amazing. Jaw dropping, open world, so much amazing- 2015
-X got a decent story trailer, confired to be called Xenoblade Chronicles X (Cross)- 2015
-NFP got detailed, the ideas they showed off were actually really really cool
-A shooter called Splatoon was shown, actually a really cool concept that looked really creative and nice
-Bayonetta+Bayonetta2 in October 2014. With Link and Samus Costumes
-a bunch of Robo Chicken skits that legitimately had me laughing loudly
-Captain Toad is getting his own puzzle platformer game that looks amazing
-Devil Third got confirmed to be exclusive at IGN, Itagaki but looks meh
-Mii and Palutena for smash. Both trailers were excellent, Mii actually look really cool
-Yarn Yoshi got a new title, details, forgot if they gave a date
-Hyrule Warriors got September 26 release date, Midna (+Wolf Link) and Zelda playable
-Mario Party 10 post DE
-MArio maker, NSMB and SMB modes

Also, throughout all of E3 there will be Treehouse @E3 streaming (right now even), which means more room for announcements

Smash Invitational to be streamed at 4 pm, will be a blast for sure with commentators and players

Miyamoto's 3 games were'nt shown, yet....
But StarFox was confirmed along with two other games

And the digital event had some great humor outside of all of that too
That's what they did for E3 as a whole
Treehouse has gone over Captain Toad already, going over Splatoon, which looks like crazy fun


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Neither console gets an A cause of this stupid trend of showing a multi platform game and announcing exclusive DLC. FUCK EXCLUSIVE DLC. BOTH COMPANIES! FUCK EXCLUSIVE DLC! WE DONT GIVE A FUCK!

Yeah I have never understood the appeal of this. Getting to pay for stuff that was withheld from the retail release before somebody else does... thanks? The more obvious it is that a game is going to be loaded with DLC, the more likely it is I either don't buy it or wait for a GOTY version.

Microsoft focusing so much on games that are going to run better on PS4 or PC was weird too.


All three conferences were fine, but I'd rank them Sony > Nintendo > Microsoft

Nintendo still needs that killer app for me (which will definitely end up being Zelda, we just didn't see enough of it) but I liked a good amount of the stuff on display. MS has a few cool games on Xbone too, but not nearly enough. When one of the most exciting titles is a collection of four old Halo games, something is off.

Sony's conference had the opposite problem of too much stuff to show. Consequently, it ended up running too long with a 20-30 minute midsection on TV content and other multimedia stuff that's probably important but ultimately not interesting to me. Plenty of great games, though, and the PS4 has me more intrigued about indie gaming than ever before (dat No Man's Sky). I've always been a fan of the idea of indie gaming but now I want to actually get in and play some of this stuff myself. Goddamn @ that "is it going to be Last Guardian?!?! oh, Naughty Dog..." tease though. Can't wait for Uncharted 4 just the same, but that was one hell of a troll.


I think that the Nintendo one was the best bit that's mainly for my love of Zelda.

Sony's was slightly better than Microsoft's (in my opinion) for having a little more diversity. That said, the Microsoft one I commend for focusing purely on games. Lot of new games for 2014 but I still think the Sony overall line up is stronger.

Whatever way you look at it, good time to be a gamer. Enough good stuff out there for everybody's tastes. No single machine will cover all the bases.

Sky Chief

Both were pretty good until you start looking at the games that are actually coming out in 2014. Talk about a barren wasteland.
I thought Sony and MS conferences were pretty close but Sony just had more games, more surprises and had more than games to talk about (White PS4, PS+) and multiplats that will look/run best on their console too.
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