8:12AM - Pliszka testified before the jury that Avery called AutoTrader on Oct. 31, 2005, to request the photographer who had been out to the property previously.
If he was trying to conceal who he was, then why would he reference 'the photographer who had been out here before' which clearly would have been giving away exactly who it was?
11:43AM (From Day 2 Transcripts from Dassey Trial)
"Hello. This is Teresa with AutoTrader Magazine. I'm the photographer, and just giving you a call to let you know that I could come out there today, urn, in the afternoon. It would will probably be around two o'clock or even a little later. But, urn, if you could please give me a call back and let me know if that will work for you, because I don't have your address or anything, so I can't stop by without getting the -- a call back from you. And my cell phone is 737-4731. Again, it's Teresa, 920-737-4731. Thank you."
It's unclear why Teresa wasn't aware at this point that this appointment was at the Avery property, but it would seem that, given her message, she requested a call back before she would be able to come to the property to confirm where she was going. That would certainly help explain Steve Averys 2:30-ish calls to her
2:27PM - Teresa makes a 5 minute call to AutoTrader. Teresa talks to a woman from AutoTrader, Pliszka, and says “I'm on my way. I'm on my way to the Steven Avery property.”
It seems at this point, it has been clarified to Teresa where her appointment is at, so she was in no way 'tricked' or 'fooled' into going to the Avery property. She knew exactly where she was going, and likely had cleared up the confusion after talking to Avery himself.