-Her disappearance right after visiting his home is a pretty big coincidence.
-The fact that there was someone calling her and harassing her from a blocked number which was mentioned in the movie, I cant see where I found it, but Avery had also been calling her from a blocked number at times (not mentioned in the movie).
Jodi mentions he constantly mentioned he'd threaten to kill her and get away with it. She mentions him saying that all women owe him for what the first one did to him.
-The coincidence of the bonfire.
-Burned his pet cat alive at a young age because he thought it was fun (a psychotic act that tends to show his state of mind at a young age, even before years of false imprisonment).
A few other things that I'm failing to remember right now. I also found a few things suspicious from the police department (finding the car within 10 minutes, inquiring about her license plate two days before it had been found, no bloodstains/struggling found in the room, etc).
But like I said, my gut is leaning more towards him having done it. If I was in the jury though, with the evidence provided, I would have to rule not guilty. But I do think he did it.