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Malaysia Airlines flight en route from Amsterdam shot down over Ukraine; no survivors

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Lots of news sources wanting to pin this on Russian separatists without outright saying they did it. Is this more than a narrative? What proof do we have but supposition?


I'm not a fan of playing devil's advocate anyway, but now's really not the time.

I'm sorry but with everyone here saying it was shot down, I think one voice who is entertaining a different possibility is reasonable. I have not made any conclusions about this. If it turns out it was shot down, then the perpetrators should be dealt with appropriately. Until then, I think we need more information.
The first thought that crossed my mind when I read the headline was "hope the military tensions over there didn't result in this getting shot down".


United States has shot down an airliner before. They did not admit it.

Chances that someone will admit their mistake this time = 0.


They shot a commercial airline out of the air? This is how it starts? Horrific and my deep condolences to all affected for this terrible act.
Reuters said:
Dozens of bodies were scattered around the smouldering wreckage of a passenger jet that crashed in eastern Ukraine on Thursday, a Reuters reporter said.

An emergency services rescue worker said at least 100 bodies had so far been found at the scene, near the village of Grabovo, and that debris from the wreckage was scattered across an area up to about 15km (nine miles) in diameter.

Broken pieces of the wings were marked with blue and red paint – the same colours as the emblem of the Malaysian airline which lost track of a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur that was carrying almost 300 people.



There is of course no proof, but this far the separatist side has been the only one shooting down planes.

The separatists posted this today.

Сообщение от ополчения.

"В районе Тореза только что сбили самолет Ан-26, валяется где-то за шахтой "Прогресс".
Предупреждали же - не летать в "нашем небе".
А вот и видео-подтверждение очередного "птичкопада".
Птичка упала за террикон, жилой сектор не зацепила. Мирные люди не пострадали.

А также еще есть информация о втором сбитом самолете, вроде бы Су."

(warning, terrible google translate)

"In the area Torrez just downed plane An-26, lying somewhere in the mine" Progress. "
Also warned - do not fly in "our sky."
And here is the confirmation of the next video "ptichkopada."
Bird fell for waste heap, the residential sector is not caught. Civilians are not injured. "

AN-26 would be a military transport which might look like a passenger plane.
There's still a possibility that there was something that happened on the plane.

Bomb on the plane, catastrophic failure, etc.

There's no conformation it was shot down.



Yeah someone posted a translation here, though I can't attest to the veracity:

Wow, they thought it was an AN-26 and shot it down.

This is what they had to say about it (the vid was originally uploaded as AN-26 shot down but changed to the Boeing with the addendum in the post)
As was declared in numerous times due to constant crimes committed by fascist Ukrainian aviation all territory of Donetsk and Luganks Peoples Repulbics are declared by local government as no-fly zone. Looks like this Boeing was see as military Ukrainan An-26 and thus was downed.

P.S. this video was updated as at the beginning was expected that this is a video of fascist Ukrainain An-26. Condolences to relatives of all passengers. But everyone should know, that violent crimes against humanity committed by Ukrainian government give full right to declare territory of Donetsk and Lugansk Peoples Republics as no fly zone.


Those poor people. :( I feel so sorry for their families.

And eyewitnesses are already putting photos of the mutilated corpses onto social media... :/
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